"Happens all the time" you confidently assert, but have the unprecedented instances we are witnessing now, been "Happening all the time?" Could it be possible many of these accidents and deaths be caused by adverse reactions to covid shots? Would it not be reasonable to assert that they are as much a viable explanation as any of the other causes you have identified? All the arrows are pointing in that direction!

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There is no mention of medical causes for these car accidents. Is it possible? Yes.

Could the accident cause be: impairment from old age or substance abuse, or speed, or inexperience, or distraction? Yes. Happens all the time…

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"Ryan was completely healthy. He would go to the gym every single day. He was 30 years old, a vegan, didn’t drink, didn’t smoke. Like he was the healthiest person I know. It’s confusing, there are so many questions, like how did this happen in the first place?”

Nothing to do with the coerced jab he had to have to keep his job then?

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