To give everyone a clue how the medical mafia rolls in Australia.. Sudden Unexplained Death in Children(SUDC), there’s an acronym to cover any ‘injectable poison’ murder & has been for decades…(coughSIDScough)

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I was so sure once the deaths began to mount over the days, weeks, months n years the community uproar will overtake the airwaves. Little did I know that Bill Gates n his cronies included an anti-rage and anti-uproar nano in the mix to ensure the jabbed stay mellow and accept their fate while the yet-to-be-affected continue to deny the reality of what's unfolding globally.

We don't have to accept this nonsense any longer. How can a few lord it over a vast group of humanity. Lord teach our hands to do battle and our fingers to war aright. We need you now more than ever, Jesus.

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