Thank-you once again for this week's posting for Canada. I keep waiting for the majority of people to connect the dots, particularly for the younger people dying suddenly and unexpectedly. It seems most people are completely oblivious and don't even question these deaths.

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They are afraid to think about it. It's more psychologically comfortable to pretend everything is fine.

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They are afraid to think about it. It's more psychologically comfortable to pretend everything is fine.

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I just found out that a Canadian acquaintance who I saw last weekend, died suddenly in his sleep. I'll make sure his obit is passed along.

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Can you drop a link here if you find it? Thanks!

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Some of the people reading this blog might be interested to know that Mark Crispin Miller has denied that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax. In this post, he claims that Brent Wery died as a result of the vaccine, when he clearly died when his vehicle hit a train. He is the one who should "question these deaths" by at least doing a bit of research before jumping to the conclusion that they were caused by the vaccine.

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Mark Crispin Miller, what is your response to the 100% actual fact that Brent Wery died when his vehicle collided with a train? You owe an apology to his family and you need to retract this false information about his cause of death. Please read the truth: https://steinbachonline.com/articles/richer-man-killed-in-train-crash and https://www.steinbachonline.com/articles/community-mourns-the-loss-of-respected-councillor-firefighter-and-volunteer

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Brent Wery's vehicle collided with a train. Shame on you for using his tragic death to promote your theories. How horrible for his family who not only has to deal with this tragedy, but then have to read lies like this. How many of the others also died for reasons other than what you claim?!

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How awful, especially the people under 40, great sadness.

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There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the number of sudden deaths are higher than usual. But I have no way to make any kind of comparison. Does anyone know where I can find statistics that show the "normal" rate of sudden deaths in pre-pandemic years.

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I don't even think there were stats for SADS pre-pandemic. That's how rare it is. I could be wrong.

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