Guns and ships cannot save us when the weapon is inside......the untimate trojan horse that fooled the world.

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Let’s not forget another BC suddenly. Union president passes suddenly from cranial hemorrhage. Was she another union prez that sacrificed their members who chose medical autonomy? No doubt. Here’s to Stephanie Smith’s deserved demise in the future.

“ Trail-blazing B.C. union leader Kim Novak dies with family at her side

Youngest and first female president of UFCW Local 1518 'made a positive difference in the lives of countless people“


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Sunday November 14, 2021 I was forced to walk away from my job rather than take a dose of an unlicensed, experimental drug I knew since February to be deadly dangerous. Monday November 15, 2021 I listened to the dulcet tones of Provincial Health Minister Adrian Dix on CFAX as he openly wished he had the power to forcibly vaccinate people like me, to arrest and indefinitely incarcerate us. Within about a week of jobsearching I discovered that, as a Pureblood, I was unemployable. In addition to being barred from all social gatherings, restaurants, theatres, concerts, sports events, I was also disqualified from Employment Insurance, from Social Assistance and from Emergency medical care. In British Columbia, Canada, supposedly one of the most humane countries on Earth, we were at Stage 5 of Genocide Progression thanks to the Scamdemic and accompanying orchestrated hysteria.

In all that time, did ONE leader of organised labour in British Columbia speak out against this atrocious, patently-obvious fraud; the most appalling crime in human history? Nope!!

I suppose I was one of the lucky ones: I only lost about $30,000 of pre-tax income before I got my job back in July 2022. Meanwhile BC Health Care has sent my account to a collection agency for non-payment of premiums. If those murderous bastards think they'll ever see a dime from me they can go suck a really filthy cock.

PS: "Where is Tiffany Dover?"

-- Gonzalo Lira (RIP)

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My wife was put on LWOP then terminated by BC gov around that time. May Stephanie Smith enjoy the ravages of her jabs and failed leadership, along with every other union manager that betrayed other union members

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“Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false... If in a year you didn’t practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that? You’re an idiot. And you’re a coward. And you don’t live, according to the truth..”

-- Br Alexis Bugnolo (https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/)

I think of that evil bitch "Butcher Bonnie" Henry who did everything in her power to fan panic and hysteria, who authorized children as young as 12 to take The Lethal Injection without their parent's or guardian's knowledge or consent; in addition authorized infants of 6 months to be given same... Even though according to the Official Narrative children are not at risk from "covid"... Those children will not survive to adulthood, the younger ones, not till puberty, and if by some chance they do? They've been rendered sterile. But short of being lynched? Bonnie Henry will never be held to account. She won't face face even the minimal consequence of Dismissal; she certainly won't be arrested, tried for "crimes against humanity" and duly executed. As for people like Stephanie Smith? I've lost all faith in all organizations and authorities; government, law, the justice system, medicine, the academy, the media, religion and now that you mention it, organised labour... Hopefully Robert Louis Stevenson's words of warning will fall due:

"Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences."

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And may the leadership of the PSAC union, representing dedicated federal government employees suffer a similar fate. They completely rolled over the rights of 230,000 members and allowed us to be either forcibly vaccinated or lose our livelihoods, with no chance of EI. No exemptions.

And to this day, they have the GALL to gaslight us into believing they are all about our rights.

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Homo sapiens, Latin: "wise man". Brutally depopulated by the luciferian zionists with a fake vaccine for the common cold. Endangered species. 2024 AD.

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