Thank you Mark for continuing to collate these reports.

For anyone wondering what can be done for fast growing cancers .. please research Dr William Makis on protocols using fenbendazole and Ivermectin.

The main reason why cancers are rapid in onset is mostly due to the lack of P53 (the guardian of the genome.) this cancer sentry is in all of us.. but to anyone who de used to take multiple vaccinations.. this gene gets switched off.. and the quickest way to switch it back on.. is to use ivermectin and fenbendazole.. synergistically this combination switches back on the P53 and toll like receptors 7 and 8 which also part of the immune response that dampens down those early cancer cells.. we all have minute cancer cells and for the most part our immune system will take care of these.. until we impair our immune cells with manmade vaccines…do your research .. stay well.

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That 31 year old brother of the UK celebrity that died "for no reason". If it wasn't a vax inspired heart attack or stroke, I would bet it was the white fibrous clots. Brought to you by Pfizer!

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