I just spoke with the lady today who is going to sit with my dog. She said her niece (27 years old) and just had her 2nd child 6 months ago was recently having trouble breathing. She went to the doctor... stage 4 lung cancer.... never smoked... she is in hospice care dying. This lady is vaccinated and clueless. Her final comment was "It seems like a lot of young people are getting cancer anymore" I said.... "yes it does seem like that doesn't it?"
I guess or the direct deposits into their bank accounts are blinding them from making the “obvious” connections? Do no harm to your career? It’s ALL about the money.
O M G ….So hard to have a real conversation, so hard feeling like a phony when there’s so much to say. So much else one might do with their breath. So so sad … Awful… DX: Vaccinated and clueless
I am just like… where to I start with this woman? I know “a lot” about this poison and what it does. She would think I was nuts if I said something like “Yup the bacterial plasmid DNA floating around in the Pfizer shots can easily enter the cells nucleus by riding on the spike proteins. Which will cause DNA mutations that will many times lead to cancer.” So I just nod my head and say as little as possible. It is just horrible to know the truth and not be able to tell these people anything. I don’t want to be “the one” who scares them about their own health and what may happen to them. I can’t fix them now. I can’t get the poison out of them. It’s all horrible.
“How we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.”
I have no idea how to tell anyone who is poisoned about what has happened to them. Where do you start? How do you explain something that seems like it “couldn’t” possibly be true? How many details do you give? What do you say about them and their chances for survival into the future. I would need an hour to explain this. They would have to believe I was telling the truth and I was not a raving lunatic. I can’t help them. I think it is best for them not to know the truth. Ignorance is bliss.
Thank you for putting the horrible reality of our silence to words. Where to start is tricky. I usually start off with, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things aren’t going well.”
“... I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things aren’t going well.”
I think I'll steal your line to use as an opener for the same sort of discussion with my family and my friends about the many died suddenlies, died unexpectedlies, and dieds following a SHORT battle with (turbo) cancer.
I might even LOL at your wonderfully understated opening line, but the subject is sooo serious. My apology for my inappropriate laughter. I just can't take the silence of the corrupt mendacious media, so I cannot watch the programming. There is, of course, no such thing as "news" anymore -- only "media" which are agents (of our controllers) which tell us only propaganda disguised as news.
Last week, I did send out to a few people the article on the ex-NIH director saying that the 6ft distancing was pretty much made up. I added above it, 'If they could lie about this, what else could they have lied about?'
Unfortunately, we should all consider that we have a really big problem and imho the only solution is Jesus. This problem is something we can't ignore. It' doesn't matter if you've been jabbed or not and they know it. That's why they don't care what we find out. Read the article below to understand.
C19 Uninjected Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks
What I find horrifying is all the people that were Murdered in the hospitals via lack of antibiotics, too much oxygen ( 60 Liters vs the recommended 5 liters), no nutrition or water, end of life drugs, and on and on. The pandemic would never have progressed if it was not for these murders. The Leslie Batts case of Oklahoma exemplifies this. The people of Scotland are realizing the same happened to them. It’s disgusting that the so called “leaders” of the freedom movement never address the Murders.
Yes, Louis the 15th He built palace of versailles and then the deluge meaning the revolution and guillotine. Hey Capt. maybe we get to use the guillotine again, yes?
thanks; I was testing Google and translating from French.
You provided two options, after us and with us and, as I see it, either humanity will extinct and a cleansing deluge will disinfect the planet, or this will happen simultaneously, right?
PS If you want to get a grip on what was done with "Covid-19" get Robert F. Kennedy Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci"; it's like a medical "Gulag Archipelago"; the corruption and criminality of the people responsible for this is almost incomprehensible. Every paragraph is another horror story.
And about 2/3rds of the book are annotations, so there is no doubt whatsoever about its integrity.
"Apres nous le deluge" was the cynical comment of Louis XV and his court in anticipation of what was coming to France as result of his/the aristocracy's utter moral dissolution... When I wrote "Avec nous le deluge" I meant we are now living through the cataclysm that is upon us.. I don't expect humanity will be rendered extinct, although it may come close.
Astrazenca came out with a tiny mea culpa today, seems they are worried and are pulling the covid shots, damage already done but maybe the geniuses at Moderna and Pfizer well follow.
I don't give a damn: All I want is to be in the crowd watching their public executions, preferably by the Guilloine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.
It's almost impossible for the average person to get a grip, to truly understand the nature of the evil we're facing.. but when you do...
The creatures responsible for the "Covid-19" Fraudemic want to achieve a population worldwide reduction of 6 - 7 billion people, the eradication of the White Race via things like uncontrolled migration and imposition of The Kalergi Plan, the destruction of Western Civilization and all its institutions -- including Christianity -- and enslavement of the remnant with digital IDs and a central bank digital currency. Risible antisemitic nonsense? I wish it were. Here's a primer of what's in story for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LYD2OCageU&t=115s
How could untold millions just die by a vaccine-turned-bioweapon without affecting a moral response en masse? It must be a climate of fear which induces the conformity and lockstep, beyond the heartless, godless hubris, which has besotted our nations. I describe two respective (yet colluding) coups, the Radical Islamic agenda under Obama, and that of the secret usurpation of Britain through Nazism; both under Marxism. I try to give an eschatological account for the reasons behind this conformity, to bring us back to a place where we can recognize one another again, perhaps to even heal, and to gain a hold on the official narrative, if from the shadows. https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/the-co-infectious-coinciding-nazi?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Thanks, Dan. I hope you invoke the word of God for good. I fear Him, rightly (but not you). I don't advocate for violence, but resistance through knowledge. I'm not a subversive. And I've weighed these words heavily. I hope you don't confuse me with the political edge asserted by other TIs. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor advocating against Nazism during WWII, believes "Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act".
Yes, u r correct. One of the greatest evils we face is the slow-walking of the Truth. So said the Breggins. And they are correct.
So we, who read MCM's and other stacks in this honey pot of dissidents called Substack, were well aware in 2021 of critical life-or-death information that is just trickling out in 2024, but which may not become widespread knowledge until 2026 or years much later due to the pressitutes.
Matt Taibbi and so very many others took too long. I can't bring myself to call them "journalists" because journalism as we knew it DIED years ago, and IMO is still DEAD ... i must put the term "journalists" in quotes when describing these sorts of people.
These people should have spoken out years ago, but are now 3 years later just beginning to put their little baby toe in the water of Truth, so to speak. They are definitely guilty of slow-walking the Truth.
When i was younger I never could understand how an entire country didn't speak out in Germany in the 1930s. Now decades later I understand how it can happen again. And again.
Unfortunately, we should all consider that we have a really big problem and imho the only solution is Jesus. This problem is something we can't ignore. It' doesn't matter if you've been jabbed or not and they know it. That's why they don't care what we find out. Read the article below to understand.
C19 Uninjected Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks
Suddenly went severe most likely. Bet he was messed up straight after his first stroke poke then headed more downhill with each and every followup. Steve Albini (deceased) was a hardcore and very proud pfizer fanatic I think.
I just spoke with the lady today who is going to sit with my dog. She said her niece (27 years old) and just had her 2nd child 6 months ago was recently having trouble breathing. She went to the doctor... stage 4 lung cancer.... never smoked... she is in hospice care dying. This lady is vaccinated and clueless. Her final comment was "It seems like a lot of young people are getting cancer anymore" I said.... "yes it does seem like that doesn't it?"
My estranged sister just passed, 66 y.o. She didn’t know she had colon and liver cancer! and went into sepsis shock. Yes had shots. Not sure how many.
Another sister passed in Sept. had liver to bones cancer. Yes had shots. Unbelievable!
Terrible - many of them go to the doctor because of this or that and find out they have stage 4 cancer.
And, Doctors even refuse to make the connection to Vaxx, correct ?
I guess or the direct deposits into their bank accounts are blinding them from making the “obvious” connections? Do no harm to your career? It’s ALL about the money.
BMD's aka Baffled doctors are by far the highest paid in the business.
So sad, sorry for you and family. I think people are waking up.
I upliked this just to acknowledge that I have read it, not because I like what has happened. It's all so sad.
Instead of 'like' and 'dislike' it should really be 'promote' and 'demote'
Or simply upvote/downvote as it used to be
Yes. That would be an improvement.
O M G ….So hard to have a real conversation, so hard feeling like a phony when there’s so much to say. So much else one might do with their breath. So so sad … Awful… DX: Vaccinated and clueless
I am just like… where to I start with this woman? I know “a lot” about this poison and what it does. She would think I was nuts if I said something like “Yup the bacterial plasmid DNA floating around in the Pfizer shots can easily enter the cells nucleus by riding on the spike proteins. Which will cause DNA mutations that will many times lead to cancer.” So I just nod my head and say as little as possible. It is just horrible to know the truth and not be able to tell these people anything. I don’t want to be “the one” who scares them about their own health and what may happen to them. I can’t fix them now. I can’t get the poison out of them. It’s all horrible.
For in much wisdom is much grief, And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.
Ecclesiastes 1:18 KJV
I think this is going on my tombstone.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...
“How we live is so different from how we ought to live that he who studies what ought to be done rather than what is done will learn the way to his downfall rather than to his preservation.”
― Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
what on earth does that mean???
EXACTLY…so many people I love took the poison. We don’t talk about it.
Absolutely unbelievable. The whole mess we are being forced to live through.
I’m waiting for the best time to dump all the info in their laps, but have to keep putting it off, we will be estranged for sure
I have no idea how to tell anyone who is poisoned about what has happened to them. Where do you start? How do you explain something that seems like it “couldn’t” possibly be true? How many details do you give? What do you say about them and their chances for survival into the future. I would need an hour to explain this. They would have to believe I was telling the truth and I was not a raving lunatic. I can’t help them. I think it is best for them not to know the truth. Ignorance is bliss.
Thank you for putting the horrible reality of our silence to words. Where to start is tricky. I usually start off with, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things aren’t going well.”
“... I don’t know if you’ve noticed but things aren’t going well.”
I think I'll steal your line to use as an opener for the same sort of discussion with my family and my friends about the many died suddenlies, died unexpectedlies, and dieds following a SHORT battle with (turbo) cancer.
I might even LOL at your wonderfully understated opening line, but the subject is sooo serious. My apology for my inappropriate laughter. I just can't take the silence of the corrupt mendacious media, so I cannot watch the programming. There is, of course, no such thing as "news" anymore -- only "media" which are agents (of our controllers) which tell us only propaganda disguised as news.
Last week, I did send out to a few people the article on the ex-NIH director saying that the 6ft distancing was pretty much made up. I added above it, 'If they could lie about this, what else could they have lied about?'
Don't waste your time. They didn't listen; they won't listen...
Unfortunately, we should all consider that we have a really big problem and imho the only solution is Jesus. This problem is something we can't ignore. It' doesn't matter if you've been jabbed or not and they know it. That's why they don't care what we find out. Read the article below to understand.
C19 Uninjected Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks
Here is the article explaining this title:
What I find horrifying is all the people that were Murdered in the hospitals via lack of antibiotics, too much oxygen ( 60 Liters vs the recommended 5 liters), no nutrition or water, end of life drugs, and on and on. The pandemic would never have progressed if it was not for these murders. The Leslie Batts case of Oklahoma exemplifies this. The people of Scotland are realizing the same happened to them. It’s disgusting that the so called “leaders” of the freedom movement never address the Murders.
Millions have lost their young lives due to the mandates for unnecessary vaccines.
I suspect it is true.
Eventually it will be something along the lines of "Apres nous, le deluge"?
... Except it's really "Avec nous, le deluge"... 😳
i=It would helpful if you write it in English; I check the translations into languages I know and they are senseless,,,
"Apres nous, le deluge" = "After us, the deluge"
"Avec nous, le deluge" = "with us, the deluge"
It's French. Translations shouldn't be that hard.
Yes, Louis the 15th He built palace of versailles and then the deluge meaning the revolution and guillotine. Hey Capt. maybe we get to use the guillotine again, yes?
" 'tis a consummation, devoutly to be wish'd!"
-- Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Actually Louis XVth's grandfather, Louis XIVth, built Versailles.
Oh, yes you are right, what a gift to leave for your grandson/wife they did not see it coming like so many people today.
Asha Logos:
"The French Revolution: Blood in the Streets of Paris" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiZZRalHjHY
"The French Revolution: The Death of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Tradition (and the rise of modernity)" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wg2hC3qAeQ&t=271s
Wonder who were behind the French Revolution Movement ?
Wars, Revolutions, Pandemics .... do not start itself.
The Rothschild Crime Syndicate of course..
OOPS! 💩 please... PLEASE don't report me to the ADL! 😱
So, lately, it is becoming more common for obituaries to omit the age of the deceased, in addition to omitting the cause of death?
I'm seeing the cause listed....died of suddeness, unexpectedness, and stricken ill.
I've not read enough obituaries to say.
thanks; I was testing Google and translating from French.
You provided two options, after us and with us and, as I see it, either humanity will extinct and a cleansing deluge will disinfect the planet, or this will happen simultaneously, right?
PS If you want to get a grip on what was done with "Covid-19" get Robert F. Kennedy Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci"; it's like a medical "Gulag Archipelago"; the corruption and criminality of the people responsible for this is almost incomprehensible. Every paragraph is another horror story.
And about 2/3rds of the book are annotations, so there is no doubt whatsoever about its integrity.
Yup, I'm up to date. What about https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/astonishing-darkfield-live-blood?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=144052882&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1fi07j&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email ?
"Apres nous le deluge" was the cynical comment of Louis XV and his court in anticipation of what was coming to France as result of his/the aristocracy's utter moral dissolution... When I wrote "Avec nous le deluge" I meant we are now living through the cataclysm that is upon us.. I don't expect humanity will be rendered extinct, although it may come close.
Astrazenca came out with a tiny mea culpa today, seems they are worried and are pulling the covid shots, damage already done but maybe the geniuses at Moderna and Pfizer well follow.
I don't give a damn: All I want is to be in the crowd watching their public executions, preferably by the Guilloine: No ambiguity, no possibility of faking it.
That AZ dame woman should have hers done at Wimbledon
"AZ dame woman"? Please clarify for a poor sod living in The Colonies... 😘
This awful woman that everyone applauded at Wimbledon.
String her up by her tits and let her twist in the wind...
It's almost impossible for the average person to get a grip, to truly understand the nature of the evil we're facing.. but when you do...
The creatures responsible for the "Covid-19" Fraudemic want to achieve a population worldwide reduction of 6 - 7 billion people, the eradication of the White Race via things like uncontrolled migration and imposition of The Kalergi Plan, the destruction of Western Civilization and all its institutions -- including Christianity -- and enslavement of the remnant with digital IDs and a central bank digital currency. Risible antisemitic nonsense? I wish it were. Here's a primer of what's in story for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LYD2OCageU&t=115s
The tech is in everyone now. It doesn't matter what they do.
Steve Albini record producer Nirvana , Big Black etc.."heart attack" age 61
Thank you. I made reference to your site on my latest post.
Here's another that wreaks of 💉
How could untold millions just die by a vaccine-turned-bioweapon without affecting a moral response en masse? It must be a climate of fear which induces the conformity and lockstep, beyond the heartless, godless hubris, which has besotted our nations. I describe two respective (yet colluding) coups, the Radical Islamic agenda under Obama, and that of the secret usurpation of Britain through Nazism; both under Marxism. I try to give an eschatological account for the reasons behind this conformity, to bring us back to a place where we can recognize one another again, perhaps to even heal, and to gain a hold on the official narrative, if from the shadows. https://open.substack.com/pub/jlparker/p/the-co-infectious-coinciding-nazi?r=1hky4n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
2 Timothy 3
King James Version
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Thanks, Dan. I hope you invoke the word of God for good. I fear Him, rightly (but not you). I don't advocate for violence, but resistance through knowledge. I'm not a subversive. And I've weighed these words heavily. I hope you don't confuse me with the political edge asserted by other TIs. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor advocating against Nazism during WWII, believes "Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act".
We are in agreement I think
Ephesians 5:11
King James Version
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
The only valid link above is to the data that was put out last week (dated 1st May) with deaths up to 28th April?
If you care about data, look further. Dig deeper.
If you care about excess deaths, you’re in the right place.
If you don’t care about either, you are welcome to ignore us.
Matt Taibbi has released something from the New York Times, “Is Journalism Back? “ Wow, after all these years. ;-).
Yes, u r correct. One of the greatest evils we face is the slow-walking of the Truth. So said the Breggins. And they are correct.
So we, who read MCM's and other stacks in this honey pot of dissidents called Substack, were well aware in 2021 of critical life-or-death information that is just trickling out in 2024, but which may not become widespread knowledge until 2026 or years much later due to the pressitutes.
Matt Taibbi and so very many others took too long. I can't bring myself to call them "journalists" because journalism as we knew it DIED years ago, and IMO is still DEAD ... i must put the term "journalists" in quotes when describing these sorts of people.
These people should have spoken out years ago, but are now 3 years later just beginning to put their little baby toe in the water of Truth, so to speak. They are definitely guilty of slow-walking the Truth.
When i was younger I never could understand how an entire country didn't speak out in Germany in the 1930s. Now decades later I understand how it can happen again. And again.
Here's a resource, an info card, which includes a ref to this site. Feel free to use or alter my template, my fellow Covid/Vax Disaster dissidents: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/my-cv-19-vax-death-research-card
This is the list for April 22nd to April 29th. Not the most recent.
Going to get worse for all
Unfortunately, we should all consider that we have a really big problem and imho the only solution is Jesus. This problem is something we can't ignore. It' doesn't matter if you've been jabbed or not and they know it. That's why they don't care what we find out. Read the article below to understand.
C19 Uninjected Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Up To 4000x Magnification Shows Nanobots Self Assembly Of Polymer Networks
Here is the article explaining this title:
Steve Albini just died of heart attack. I am sure it is a severe case of suddenly
Suddenly went severe most likely. Bet he was messed up straight after his first stroke poke then headed more downhill with each and every followup. Steve Albini (deceased) was a hardcore and very proud pfizer fanatic I think.
Yep: https://twitter.com/electricalWSOP/status/1670120546057461761