One of the things that fascinated me w/all this is when they started offering cash, discounts, free pizza and prizes to incentivize people to get the shot. How did people not see or realize that was a sign of desperation by the Big P? How come that didn't send off alarm bells something was askew that people had to be bribed to get the vaxx? It only convinced me even more that I was correct w/my decision to say no.

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We can never un-see NYC mayor de Blasio stuffing his face with Shake Shack burger and fries, talking with his mouth full while pushing the vaccine bribe.

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Bingo. Once the coercion started I knew there was something not quite right about the jabs.

I only waited to see if they were safe, but never in my wildest did I think they would be this deadly. And then the injuries and deaths covered up.

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I know! Isn't that the oldest trick in the book for bad guys? Here kid, want some candy type of tactic?

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Agree 💯. I hope that donut or bonus was worth it. I cannot imagine dealing everyday knowing I and mine were vaxxed. Way too much stress.

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Yup, like walking on eggshells. CVS had $5.00 off coupons of anything in the store. That one really ticked me off.

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Why doesn't anyone, except us, care? I just don't understand. Dr. Miller, I suggest you send every single issue of "In Memory of those who died suddenly in the U.S. " to every congressperson and U.S. Senator. Perhaps you could ask your readers to do so, in their respective states? I'd be happy to take on the task of forwarding the link to Senators Markey and Warren, and to my Congressman - no words or anything, just the link. I think this is a project all your readers could get behind very easily. Let's see if this comment gets any traction

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Not only not care but are clueless as to why these sudden and unexpected things happen. I am floored that anyone under the age of 55 has a "cause of death = unknown." Seriously. 🤯🤔

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Or “natural causes”???

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I support this action and will report on my efforts to send as suggested.

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There are many more that have awakened than when I first began reading about those who have “died suddenly” but the words below still resonate with me.

“Sometimes it is a curse to be 'awake'. While awakening is the most liberating, empowering and far-reaching journey, it is also the loneliest and most confusing journey of all.

No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the grief that comes with it. You mourn not only the life and illusions you once had, but also the realization that almost everything you once thought you knew is a lie. The beliefs you held onto, the people you learned to trust, the principles you were taught.

You mourn the loss of many relationships with people who simply won't and can't "see" it. You feel alone, ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of us by your own family and friends. You feel like you no longer have much in common with the people around you.

It is difficult to have useless and superficial conversations that lack substance with those who are still in deep sleep. Some even mourn the loss of their ignorance, because ignorance makes many things easier.

There is no way to sugarcoat it: waking from twilight sleep is brutal. You will go through the full range of human emotions. You will dive down the darkest rabbit hole, processing information only to emerge and cope with daily life. You will feel more and more disconnected from family and friends, as if you were living in another world.

If you recognize yourself, know that you are not alone. Not only are you not alone, there are many of us. We may be separated by distance, but we are deeply connected.”


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Perfect. You speak for me and so many who did not get the shot, and realized the sinister motive behind it. Most people are not ready for that much truth. (cue Jack Nicholson) It's like the world has gone insane, but it has always been so. We were sleepwalking. It was nice.Can't go back to sleep. Dear Lord, please protect and guide those who lift the veil and shine the light of truth upon the world to expose the evil doers. May hearts and minds be open to the truth. So Be it. Amen.

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Thanks Tink. Your message means a lot to me. I agree, it was nice. Your prayer is beautiful. Amen.

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Yes! And you find so many great articles and podcast that you want to share and either you don’t because they won’t listen or they don’t care. I find some comfort being here on substack-at least I’m not totally alone. The future is hard to imagine. Hard to plan for anything or find joy in things.

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Well, well said, Patrick!

It IS lonely.

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Thanks Mckeekitty. May your day be filled with blessings.

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So many kids. I just can’t imagine the pain. Just heartbreaking.

And still our representatives are silent on this mass murder. Including Ron Johnson! Hey Ron, how is your 4 year investigation coming?

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Not a death but Vancouver Canucks lost their superstar Brock Boesser for a game 7 loss against Edmonton due to ‘blood clots’. Clots, as in plural. The Canucks said ‘blood clots are very normal in hockey players and many injuries are caused by blood clots’. They added ‘it isn’t life threatening’. I am 73, been watching hockey since I was about 8. First I have heard about blood clots being a common injury in hockey. And….since when have hockey teams announced injuries and said things like ‘Bob Smith will miss Fridays game, out with an upper body injury. It isn’t life threatening’!! Never.

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And clots, plural. Severe bruising? Sure. Take a frozen puck at 100 mph to the thigh and you can have a bruise that won’t go away. Maybe you call the hat a clot. That is one spot. It isn’t multiple spots.

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My husband died November, 2020. He's missing this shit show...

Or watching it from a safe distance.

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I often think those taken (for whatever reason) are spared whatever horrors are next.

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So sorry for your loss.

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So hard to see this every week, but I look to honor all of them. Especially hard to see all the kids. Thank you for tracking and reporting this. Is still far above numbers pre jab?

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It’s true Trump WAS TOLD BY HIS PEOPLE OR DOD OR GATES to implement warp speed. HOWEVER the powers that stole the election carried it out and IS STILL CARRYING IT OUT. They also tried to demonize the population of people who did not want to take the kill shot and FORCED all companies to fire those who didn’t get the kill shot. So blame Trump if you feel you have Trump derangement problems but you have to try (which I doubt you can achieve) to understand that we don’t know what he would have done if he had achieved presidency in 2020.

It’s some people’s beliefs that Trump is to blame for Covid vax is like saying Roosevelt was responsible for dropping the atomic bomb on TWO Japanese cities even though Truman executed that horrific plan.

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RIP to all victims of Big pHarma. Except for Calvin Junior Boyd, that guy deserved to die.

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Yes! Piece of scum

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So many young ones!

As for the inmate sodomite, good riddance. Should have gotten the death penalty. Better yet tortured slowly

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It is all so unfathomable. Our own government is responsible for killing all these beautiful people. There will be a reckoning God willing.

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Are the numbers of these tragic deaths going up, down, or staying the same as a year or two years ago? Are we seeing the worst or is it going to become even worse?

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According to Geert Vanden Bossche, it’ll soon be worse.

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I'm not sure whether to believe Geert or not. A little sensationalistic I'm afraid. I haven't followed him closely enough to know if predictions he's made before have come true or not.

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Sadly, I think it’s going to progressively get worse.

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CNN lady was avid exerciser and had photos of herself taking both the original COVID jabs and boosters on Instagram.

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Van Baak Odoms, what a heart breaker of a photo.

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Agree. That was hard to read. 😪

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I just wonder how folks would react to posts like these of MCM, if the vax were not in the picture. Would they not assume some OTHER outside interference would be involved? Heart attacks of the young and healthy, babies and children dropping suddenly dead as never before, athletes' dropping in play, and the relatively young getting turbo cancer suddenly. I know I would never assume it to be coincidental, or global warming, excess stress, etc....


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And whaty'do now, my blue-eye son?

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