What is happening in our indigenous communities? I work with indigenous youth and the amount of deaths within these communities is especially worrying.

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I seem to recall that certain populations were given "special treatment" by being "eligible" to vaxxed earlier...

The government has been looking for ways to get rid of indigenous people since the dawn of colonization. Any further questions?

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Something to do with needles and what's in them ...💉💉💉 but not street drugs, the kind used in hospitals and clinics.

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Fentanyl and suicide are the main causes of people under 50 dying in the indigenous communities.

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Clot Shot! 💉💉💉💉

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I believe the fatal damage relates to electrical insult, and if 1st Nations communities esp. in isolated areas are more subject to this harm, there is an important follow-up to investigate. Now the e-insult post-mad-vax campaign has to do with radiation on the inside, activated by radiation on the outside. Shots' main intent has been to further this, how I shall I say, impregnation with radiative nano-devices. This applies to everyone, esp. since there are other sources of vax-like contents, ambient etc., now that "smart" meters, wireless networks and devices are ubiquitous; but of particular concern for communities isolated from the grid are power generators with spurious frequencies they put out, "dirty electricity". I get that there are barriers to studying such things in such communities, or can be. I tried a few times myself when intensely involved in advocacy anti-e-smog dangers from around 15 yr ago. One community Chief I spoke with was commiserating about the very high cancer rate in his community. I asked about e-infrastructure and sure enough, a major telecom tower was in their midst for a long time. It would've been simple to do as done elsewhere, albeit ignored by "health" "authority" stooges, and map cancers to exposures, plus other ill health. No. I can relate wo other such attempts by me, thinking maybe bringing in such voices might be harder to stifle from mainstream, given increasing openness to some rectification of past wrongs vis-a vis native peoples. Here is one during covidiana: someone close to us has an Ecuadorean partner. No vax for them, except one of them was not admissible to post-secondary study minus vax. So one suggested to the other with the Ecuadorean Quechua connexion, to obtain a traditional medical person's recommending against the shots on traditional basis. It worked! The person was let in, whereas mainstream-referent Canadian religious objections have not been....Shots or no, e-exposures from within and without must be curtailed in the name of traditional approaches and dissident other.

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Had a surprise on my bike trip home from watching the sunset this evening: on the waterside bike/pedestrian path, around a dozen or so paramedics working to revive a man flat on the ground.

I addressed the paramedic supervisor standing close by when I arrived: "Another case of myocarditis/heart failure?" He nodded yes. I told him (which I have now begun doing whenever I am able to speak to paramedics responding to a call): "You need to speak up about what's happening." Maybe if they hear this enough, it will eventually sink in and they will act.

A happy ending: they revived the man!

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