Thank you, MCM and your team, for all your hard work building a meticulous catalog of the countless victims of this global democide. Your work is already historic, though less know than it should be. In time, I believe it will be a well-known record of the carnage of our time.

On a personal note, when I read this every week - scrolling through the whole document to see names, faces, and ages - it keeps me angry enough to not even consider giving up on exposing the truth and staying in the fight. Thank you for the impact your work has made and will continue to make into the future.

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Wow, another tearjerker piece from the great MCM. Thank you for all your efforts to expose the hideous effects of the “”vaccine “”. It was really tough to read and I am sure extremely tough to write. Again, thank you Mark and I wish you Godspeed in your continuing efforts.

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Hat tips to Joe Surkiewicz, who manages the process, and Tom Kudla, who is growing our readership

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I feel for the children and even for the adults who believed the BS and took the shots.

Those who coerced others to get the shots, I have no sympathy for. Cecile Richards? If you told me it was slow and painful, I wouldn't care.

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Babylon Bee had a harsh meme on her - saying "clump of cells" dies at 68. Sadly appropriate.

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I'm surprised Professor Hamamoto hasn't discussed this death of David Lynch. Let the fake media pretend all they want that people aren't seeing what they are seeing but they ARE and they'll never hold back that rage and determination to bring justice for those loves they've lost. God help them all! God, good, divine is greater than people understand which is what the horrors perpetrating this hope they'll never understand. The light, the vision, the creative mind constructs the glory of who we were born to be and destroys anything standing in the way of it.

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Thanks again Mark and company. Amazing how many young people there were. I prayed for all of them and all the others who no one knows about.

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The babies.

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Dying of "natural causes" these days is about as accurate as labeling on food that uses the euphemism "natural flavors" to hide the MSG you are trying to avoid.

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may all the innocent victims RIP but it still boggles the mind that we are witnessin' (still!) the gob-smackin' intensity of the density, folks who will not, cannot, dare not see this as murder, a planned thinnin' of the herd. I hate ta say so but the thicker their heads the sooner they're DEAD...

At the recent loss of a mutual friend (age 51 formerly in great health) to a stage 4 cancer that "somehow" just sprouted up from no'whar like a beanstalk after her first booster (no connection 've course), one mama in our former parent group stated (quite emphatically):

"Such terrible luck -- SO unfair as she did everything RIGHT; "she had all her covid shots, got tested and distanced, was religious about taking multivitamins, staying out of the sun AND she even ate according to her microbiome "

GIANT fartin' elephant in the room...no no no, it's not the "bee-u-tee-full" clot shots, it's just "bad luck"--stage 4 cancer sudden onset is just bad luck for those that "did everything right." (Also many of the thick-headed have no clue that the SUN is what we need... tho given all them chemtrails precious little gits to us..) Anywhoo... all so sad...SOooo many little ones too...

To quotheth the late great Pete Seeger:

"When will they ever learn? When will they eeeeeever learn?"

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I will remember Cecile Richards as a mass murderer of unborn babies

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Saw someone I went to high school with. Had wondered what she was up to. I learned she became a nurse which may explain why she is gone prematurely…..😔

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What can a person do? Go down to the clinic with a VACCINES KILL sign? I'd probably be arrested. The vaccine zealots will never change their minds anyway. I still remember at the very first of this nightmare - people lined up for shots - a person is rolled past them on a stretcher having a seizure and not a single person got out of line. Zombies.

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Covid shill embezzled, too!

Why do we even have jobs such as "Public Health Director"? No one needs that useless garbage!

"WESTFIELD, MA — Joseph Rouse [56], Public Health Director who helped the City of Westfield navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, died unexpectedly on Friday, Jan. 10. Rouse worked for the city for 26 years, first as a health inspector from 1998 until 2013, when he was appointed as Director of Public Health. He retired in February 2024 in the wake of an agreement to pay $11,507 in restitution to settle a

***prosecution for embezzling funds from his union that he served as treasurer***,

after which the case was to be dismissed. During the COVID-19 emergency, Rouse was a constant presence at School Committee and City Council meetings, regularly updating both on the status of the pandemic and the city’s response, and answering all questions with a commitment to transparency."

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Larry Ellison is taking a page from Bill Gates' playbook. Bespoke jabs on demand with a turnaround time of 48 hours driven by AI? What could go wrong? Pretty soon we'll need activist groups not to protect the environment, but to protect mankind from these psycho killers. Homo sapiens, the last of the Hominids, will be on the endangered species list before you know it.

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The zombies will march cheerfully to their own demise. Terrible.

As an aside - Larry Ellison is 80 years old!!! What devil's elixir is he taking???

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BEFORE. A musical plunge from a relative utopia to dystopia, echoing the chaos of a world succumbing to lies, censorship, and a media controlled by global powers. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/before

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Mike (Menachem) Fox worked with young talent in the NYC Theater World so I'd like ta share with y'as a really lovely piece he composed, a "Regenbogen" (rainbow) fer us all

RIP Mike -


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