Movie exec Jim Tauber (C), producer Yolanda Halley, agent Scott Pang; playwright Joel Paley (Ruthless!); broadcaster Elizabeth Nissen; Big Pharma exec Eric Berman; rapper DJ Unk (43); & more
Dear God. How much longer is it going to take before the mainstream population, officials and media notice the massive uptick in infant mortality in this country?
I haven't finsihed reading this week's record, but I just can't stop thinking about all the babies dying. What is going on? My son and his partner are due to have a baby in March and they are both vaxxed - my son with J&J and his partner with Pfizer. It would be so unbearable if their baby dies. What is happening? I don't know whether she is still taking injections while pregnant. They are both injecting their other children even though I keep imploring them to stop.
I don't think so. I see Moderna is going full-speed ahead with new mRNA factories. Now they're claiming they can use the tech to cure cancer. I still think the plan is "the internet of people". Larry Ellison and Sam Altman are bad men.
Our thanks to MCM for continuing this enormous ongoing task.
This is more that an English major, professor of propaganda should ever have to endure. I make a point of forwarding it to my large list of awake resisters. For the newbies to my list, who are still trying to wrap their heads around the magnitude of what we are up against.... This is a priceless resource. Thanks Mark!
If the dying suddenly phenomenon continues, for it to be recognized by the general public as a serious concern, the dying would have to be overwhelmingly obvious, and the media would have to link the phenomenon to the vaccine. I don't think either one of those will ever take place. As it is, no one sees anyone dying other than the weekly announcements in Apple News of another celebrity death or cancer diagnosis. And most people don't have the stomach for what these lists expose, plus those who are vaccinated are in an ongoing battle against the jab's lipid nanoparticles anyway, mitigating its effects as best they can, whether they know it or not, or so it seems. Will there come a day when we will hear of the longest surviving person who received the jab, much like those who survived the concentration camps in Germany? Not likely. So what can we expect? I expect there to be a sobering up from the Covid-era, with a small minority committed to never forgetting, a small minority committed to their masks, and everyone else losing interest, moving on to the next genocide to blithely ignore and paper over as best they can.
In 2020, when there were two people sick in Seattle I think, we were told there was a PANDEMIC, and we should all panic! My manager came around and told us all to grab our things and to work from home until further notice! I just shook my head. How can you declare a pandemic based on illness of only two people? I told everyone: "I will know it's a pandemic when we must step over bodies on the sidewalk."
Fast-forward to 2025, and bodies on the sidewalk. OK, not the full extent yet, but all the people being found dead here, there, and everywhere. Are we at the peak? Or are the calamari clots growing in everyone, whether injected or shed upon? It is all so sad, especially the little ones and the young kids.
I am getting up there in age. On the positive side, many people listed here are still older than I, and if I make it as far as many of them, it will be a blessing from the Lord. I do always like the reports from Italy because they feel more personal. Life is short. All of us must come to an end someday. I couldn't help thinking: "If I have to die, what better place to give up my spirit than in my family's ravioli factory?" I want to share with young people that now is the time to think about the Creator and his right hand in our world, on whom we all depend. Don't wait! Think it over!
Ecclesiastes 12:1-5 NLT
[1] Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore." [2] Remember him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky. [3] Remember him before your legs-the guards of your house-start to tremble; and before your shoulders-the strong men-stoop. Remember him before your teeth-your few remaining servants-stop grinding; and before your eyes-the women looking through the windows-see dimly. [4] Remember him before the door to life's opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will grow faint. [5] Remember him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom, and you drag along without energy like a dying grasshopper, and the caperberry no longer inspires sexual desire. Remember him before you near the grave, your everlasting home, when the mourners will weep at your funeral.
Dear God. How much longer is it going to take before the mainstream population, officials and media notice the massive uptick in infant mortality in this country?
So many young people and children dying, its insane and criminal what was done to them.
This list never gets smaller it seems and I get the feeling that we are watching society hit the iceberg in slow motion while the band plays on. 💔
Yes. Perfect description. And the heartbreak continues.
I haven't finsihed reading this week's record, but I just can't stop thinking about all the babies dying. What is going on? My son and his partner are due to have a baby in March and they are both vaxxed - my son with J&J and his partner with Pfizer. It would be so unbearable if their baby dies. What is happening? I don't know whether she is still taking injections while pregnant. They are both injecting their other children even though I keep imploring them to stop.
If RFK gets confirmed, Maybe This Well Be The Begining Of The End Of This Murder?
I don't think so. I see Moderna is going full-speed ahead with new mRNA factories. Now they're claiming they can use the tech to cure cancer. I still think the plan is "the internet of people". Larry Ellison and Sam Altman are bad men.
Our thanks to MCM for continuing this enormous ongoing task.
This is more that an English major, professor of propaganda should ever have to endure. I make a point of forwarding it to my large list of awake resisters. For the newbies to my list, who are still trying to wrap their heads around the magnitude of what we are up against.... This is a priceless resource. Thanks Mark!
The increase in deaths in the last 6 months in UK and Ireland is huge
Carol would know about the huge spike in deaths in the UK/ Ireland. She's one of MCM's key researchers for these "died suddenly " compilations.
This cannot be possible. Is there anyone out there anymore besides us?
If the dying suddenly phenomenon continues, for it to be recognized by the general public as a serious concern, the dying would have to be overwhelmingly obvious, and the media would have to link the phenomenon to the vaccine. I don't think either one of those will ever take place. As it is, no one sees anyone dying other than the weekly announcements in Apple News of another celebrity death or cancer diagnosis. And most people don't have the stomach for what these lists expose, plus those who are vaccinated are in an ongoing battle against the jab's lipid nanoparticles anyway, mitigating its effects as best they can, whether they know it or not, or so it seems. Will there come a day when we will hear of the longest surviving person who received the jab, much like those who survived the concentration camps in Germany? Not likely. So what can we expect? I expect there to be a sobering up from the Covid-era, with a small minority committed to never forgetting, a small minority committed to their masks, and everyone else losing interest, moving on to the next genocide to blithely ignore and paper over as best they can.
Bleak assessment and probably right. But there are tipping points if enough become aware. It's one reason why I contribute to these compilations.
Thanks for what you're doing!
In 2020, when there were two people sick in Seattle I think, we were told there was a PANDEMIC, and we should all panic! My manager came around and told us all to grab our things and to work from home until further notice! I just shook my head. How can you declare a pandemic based on illness of only two people? I told everyone: "I will know it's a pandemic when we must step over bodies on the sidewalk."
Fast-forward to 2025, and bodies on the sidewalk. OK, not the full extent yet, but all the people being found dead here, there, and everywhere. Are we at the peak? Or are the calamari clots growing in everyone, whether injected or shed upon? It is all so sad, especially the little ones and the young kids.
I am getting up there in age. On the positive side, many people listed here are still older than I, and if I make it as far as many of them, it will be a blessing from the Lord. I do always like the reports from Italy because they feel more personal. Life is short. All of us must come to an end someday. I couldn't help thinking: "If I have to die, what better place to give up my spirit than in my family's ravioli factory?" I want to share with young people that now is the time to think about the Creator and his right hand in our world, on whom we all depend. Don't wait! Think it over!
Ecclesiastes 12:1-5 NLT
[1] Don't let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, "Life is not pleasant anymore." [2] Remember him before the light of the sun, moon, and stars is dim to your old eyes, and rain clouds continually darken your sky. [3] Remember him before your legs-the guards of your house-start to tremble; and before your shoulders-the strong men-stoop. Remember him before your teeth-your few remaining servants-stop grinding; and before your eyes-the women looking through the windows-see dimly. [4] Remember him before the door to life's opportunities is closed and the sound of work fades. Now you rise at the first chirping of the birds, but then all their sounds will grow faint. [5] Remember him before you become fearful of falling and worry about danger in the streets; before your hair turns white like an almond tree in bloom, and you drag along without energy like a dying grasshopper, and the caperberry no longer inspires sexual desire. Remember him before you near the grave, your everlasting home, when the mourners will weep at your funeral.
These infant mortalities are reminiscent of the 1800's
DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song.