Older generations can more easily recognize this as not normal. Could you imagine going back to grade school or high school or college and kids you know randomly dying in their sleep or during sports practice? It's now common enough that people shrug it off as a random tragedy. "It happens."

This must be having a psychological impact on the younger generations. Imagine growing up thinking it's normal for young people to randomly die like this. Will kids become more wary of sports or going outside when it's hot out?

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plus, all their teachers dying suddenly must have an effect on the kids.

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Yes. Middle aged parents and teachers randomly dying like this also has an impact.

The media's "new normal" brought to you by Pfizer!

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What an enormous amount of work to compile these Mark! It would seem that the number of people died is going up while the average age is going down! None of these would have believed that the way the world ends for them is by murder! Yet those who did this have much more to fear..."And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell!" Matthew 10:28 And take note, the "him" Jesus is referring to is Satan. God is love and compassion, Satan however is none of the kind so yes, they who did this have much to fear!

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Amen, brother, amen.

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The Evils have no fear and embrace Satan and destruction for all.

They must be neurologically deranged from years of inbreeding, toxin intake etc. and whatever else possesses these barely human to accept Satan and not Jesus, God and all that is good.

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They 'think' they are siding with Satan against God by through Initiation to Secret Societies. Everyone who participated or even just complied got initiated, they just didn't all realize it! They will find out who Satan really is, and he's not their buddy that is for sure! They need to repent and cry out to Jesus - NOW would be a good time.

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The loss of many people who are huge contributors to society is apparent. Why aren't any politicians or their family members dying suddenly. Oh, I forgot. They didn't take the "safe and effective" vaccines because they were exempt.

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They are dying, many did take it. And yes, they were exempt. The latest bigger name in the US is Rep. Thomas Massie's wife died in June. He is 53, she would be near that cause they went to school together. Senator Lujan had a stroke but is fine and back. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has had cancer from August 2023 and he had treatment in early 2024. Of course, Sen. Fetterman and Sen. Feinstein had shingles. I'm sure they took the things. And at the state political level, there have been some deaths, some health issues. They may just be spread out enough over the whole country people don't notice them. I had started a list somewhere but life has gotten crazy lately.

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This latest report of the casualties of medicine make clear the steady pace of the losses we are incurring. The report documents that if anything the losses are accelerating.

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The list gets longer every week that you toil over compiling it, Mark. Your spirit must be so weighed down by your connection to each and every death announcement. I hope you know how much you are appreciated by those of us who are following your work. <3

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Thanks Mark, so many young people going to the slaughter and no outcry from families? Are they stupid,blind and bought off

Or cowards.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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Thank you for letting us know.

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Trust me, I wish the genocide would stop.

To make matters worse, the VA is recommending the covid DeathVax to pregnant "people" and those who are nursing. The VA totally obliterated the concept of being a woman in their most recent "guidance" on taking the covid DeathVax.

Here is a link to their 4 September 2024 website page. Scroll down to about the middle, and you will see their recommendation.

The VA learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES that was given to pregnant women in the past.


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Or more likely they did learn from this and are striving to achieve even worse now for the population.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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I see in a number of cases the descriptions have changed in the cause of death from died suddenly to died unexpectedly. I really appreciate the new format. Thanks for this labor of love.

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A close relative has a baby in the nicu -she is finally up to 5 lbs but still on oxygen and tube feeding- the head doctor approached them and told the parents she wanted to give their daughter 6 (SIX) 'vaccines' including Covid, rsv, and the flu shot!!! Thankfully they were taken aback and refused. She (doc) told them to think about it as this could affect when she was allowed to be released!!! They still refused but that sounded like a threat to them and it does to me too!! God have mercy, on all of us, and these people who have died!

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They may very well sneak it into the baby when the parents are not around. These people, some Drs and some nurses included are possessed.

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People need to be checking, if they can, your local communities and who is dying right there at home. Outrage that they have eliminated the ability to SEE it at all, see this escalation in deaths or any member of their community just disappearing because newspapers have all been bought should be yelled from the rooftops.

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So many young people cut down in the prime of their life. Thanks yet again for putting this on the public record.

Back in my sports watching days I spent a lot of time watching Jumbo Mutombo play center. What a shock to see he died of cancer at age 59.

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