What an inspiring way to start the new year, Mark! Few things would make me giddier than to see Trudeau humiliated, deposed, and tried.

To add to the inspiration, I recommend everyone take 4 minutes to watch Mike Yeadon's riveting reading of "Mistakes Were NOT Made," which I just published to commemorate the one-year anniversary of my poem:


When I published Tess Lawrie's poignant reading (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a) last March, "Mistakes Were NOT Made" trended on Twitter for 3 days. I am hoping we can beat that record if enough people share and retweet:


Too many mainstream straddlers (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler) in the movement are afraid to acknowledge intentionality, so my hope is spreading the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made will help spark more people to muster the courage to say it aloud.

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This is my lucky, lucky morning; two of my most admired intellectuals (whose compassion is palpable, and crucial as well) are giving this day a much, much deeper meaning. "Thank you" hardly begins to cover it...

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I'm with you on this: "Few things would make me giddier than to see Trudeau humiliated, deposed, and tried." When he is finally ousted there should be a day of mourning for the good that has been lost under his reign and then a national day of celebration. The amount of money he has earned while in office (his personal wealth has increased ten times!) should give every Canadian pause, except for other wealthy elites of course.

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his wealth was stolen and MUST BE RETRIEVED!

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I can't disagree with you there. While he gets more and more wealthy he has been wrecking the general economy and the wealth of many. He is a picture boy for the notion of leaders who govern only for personal gain...while pretending otherwise. Or as predicted in the Vedas: "...political leaders will virtually consume the citizens..."

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Just watched the "Mistakes were not made" video. In the end, anyone who leans into the whole story can only come to the conclusion that this is indeed the truth. And it is part of the reason many journalists who still have some integrity left are so afraid of unpacking the story. I am hoping however, that once the plutocrats are on the run a bit that will change more widely.

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Given the totality of the evidence, being labeled an anti-vaxxer seems wholly logical and appropriate in my case (though the blood flow to my brain has yet to clot so I may have a distinct advantage in the clarity department and besides it's nobody's freaking business). I embrace it right along with "conspiracy theorist," however the superfluous baggage of the term has convinced me to ditch anything with the word "conspiracy" in it. I've started using the term "Informed Contrarian." Most punch drunk Covidians and vaccine chest thumpers are at a loss for what it even means. That in itself is glorious. Incidentally, isn't Trudeau classified as "fake meat?"...though he is a real dick. What a conundrum.

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"Informed Contrarians" is fabulous!

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One year ago my pediatrician tried pushing Gardasil/HPV vaccine on my 13 yo son. I said hell no. For those who don't know, this has been one of the deadliest vaccines ever put on the market killing many young women. It started 30 years ago. Now they've expanded it to male teenagers, because capitalism. For one thing, it's useless for boys and 2nd it doesn't prevent ovarian cancer from HPV as it claims. Please steer your children away from this ( and most others) They can lose their life or have a life altering injury - naturally, with no repercussions for big pharma. We should all start wondering why the AMA's logo has serpents wound around a scepter.

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Twenty years ago when it was new, my pediatrician pushed it for my daughter. Something in my gut told me no. It was a 3 series shot- I’m so glad I refused. I wish I had known about all the others ☹️.

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Same with my, mom! I feel the same about other vaccines now. We did the best we could. :) now we're smarter.

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The classic 'Solution" looking for a "Problem"

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This fake meat thing is really dumb. I have been a vegetarian for more than 40 years. There are lots and lots of fantastic foods and ways of cooking that they could easily promote to people and win people over by the price and the taste and the nutrition, and thus lower overall meat consumption. But no, they want to turn everybody into eaters of fake food that is manufactured in facilities owned by them. Clearly, these plutocrats are posers.

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they'll embrace anything synthetic, manipulated, manufactured. let's get back to common sense, naturally grown food, paying cash and, ultimately, live life with love, friendship and all that's good and beautiful.

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The opposite of what 'they' promote is true. Eat real food, including responsibly bred (grass/pasture fed and finished) meats and mostly organic veg and fruits and nuts. A little more 'work' maybe to prepare...but the outcomes are so much better, in all degrees.

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Well said, on all counts.

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let's do it :-))

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I am ;-}

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Just curious. Why is "overall lower meat consumption" necessarily a good thing?

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They want to monopolize meat production and distribution for population control, profit, power and to keep most of it for themselves. They tell us it is "for the children" to prevent "climate change". Their "experts" are just opportunistic posers and well paid liars.

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they have invented a great number of factors, all true (see the other comments), but at the basis lies industrial over-production and the manipulation of markets (on the demand-side, or 'mass consumption'). the problem is the massive scale of non-natural, non-organic mode of meat and food production. I've been on a ship transporting live cattle from Australia to other countries in SEAsia, it was absolutely horrendous - but somewhere someone earns a lot of money on it :-((

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"The problem is the massive scale of non-natural (non-regenerative), non-organic mode of meat and food production."

Exactly. I'd suggest that it's not that 'eating meat' is inherently bad, it's the CAFO system and high-scale, processing that is the problem.

Find a local/regional supplier of sustainably raised and harvested beeves, pork, chicken etc. Eat well.

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The global elites want it all for themsleves while feeding the masses with fake food which may or may not have poison in them as well as vaccine ingredients. As for meat consumption there are more arguments about what the global elites produce with their lifestyles, being the biggest contributors to CO2 levels (and pollution). I don't eat meat personally and I would never eat any packaged "vegan" food, I gave up even tofu and tempeh because it is better to eat the unprocessed beans. Unprocessed is what everyone needs to go back to, because processed foods are keeping the global elites racking the money in. Not too mention the 1000s of products people buy that they really don't need.

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I would avoid consuming soy if at all possible. There's a laundry list of problems with it but suffice to say, it's not fit for any animal to consume it. Tempeh and Miso are actually the two ways that soy is consumable(in small amounts) as the fermentation makes it safer. There is no evidence that CO2 is the cause of any climate change. CO2 is beneficial to all plants.

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Yes I do not consume any soy, most of it is GMO grown now too. I agree the myth that CO2 is the cause of climate change is so wrong. Now they are talking about carbon capture etc. I am starting to think it is another way for them to money launder (not too mention bring in more laws to control the masses).

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I think that the idea is that meat consumption world-wide has become excessive - water use, factory farming, poor health of cattle dependent on drugs and rendered feed, massive amounts of manure contaminating waterways, deforestation for cattle farming in the rain forest, etc.

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Big Meat. Big Poultry.

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It may also be the inefficeincy to cut costs for maximum profits. Pushing meat consumption in countries that never before ate as much as they do now. Pushing insects consumption is also not a healthy substitute. Unless those insects are living in a natural environment then they will be mass produced in artificial environments, think about the energy it will need to keep those factories going.

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Absolutely agree about large scale CAFO organization and their 'product'. It does no one any good, environment or health wise.

But, what about, those local/regional farmers using regenerative practices (like it used to be before say the mid/late 1960's) to produce naturally fed, humanely raised and slaughtered meat products?

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I think everyone would be in favour of that, except for the people who seem to think their food is already manufactured in a lab or are unwilling to adjust their habits a little. Gluttony is a thing.

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Agreed. I am nutritarian and would never trust a fake meat product. I would rather eat real meat if forced to choose. Well said!

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Thanks, Mark, for your inspirational, undaunted spirit!! These rays of hope listed above shine their lights in a very, very dark world. Wishing you and your family well on this New Year's Day!

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I second that Amy!

Thank you Mark ❤️

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Thirded! Thank you Mark for the excellent reports and Happy New Year! ✨🎈🎉🙏🏾

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Agree with the other posters - - very positive developments. I'm typing this right now from sunny Alberta. At least they're standing up.

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About Canada. We just handed the Order of Canada to a couple of individuals who used their megaphones to promote the government narrative and propaganda. Timothy Caulfield ( a lawyer inside the government organs who pumps out a lot of disinformation and debates no one) and Andre Picard a 'health' writer at the Globe & Mail. Both spewed screeds in support of unethical and unscientific measures with no empirical evidence to back them up including vaccine passports. And were fricken zealous about it.

To me, this signals the government is doubling down and is in no mood to get at the truth choosing instead to reward lackeys with Scooby-snacks.

If the testimonies from NCI had any impact, these two would not be given the highest award in the land. It's obnoxious but it's where Canada 'officially' stands.

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Caulfield, with zero medical education/experience went after Dr. Makis!?!

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Probably. Wouldn't surprise me. He goes after everyone. He's a government stooge and a coward. Tim went after Dr. Bridle - someone who knows what he's talking about and Bridle offered to debate him. But Tim being a coward, never responded. This is how they play.

And his antics have been rubber-stamped by an award.

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seems like the fireworks lighted up more than just the night sky ! Hope OMG there is hope. Let us all be grateful that we found each other here on Substack and that the world is waking up from this nightmare. May be I might go get a little fireworks myself LOL

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I think it is FAR too late for humanity.

That said, I am tickled pink that folks are waking up. It is better to die with eyes wide open. The alternative is hideous...

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I think not. It is called realism.

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Swell. When do arrests and charges begin?

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Calling for a halt now is like shutting the barn door after the horses have fled but better late than never I guess.

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Thank you! So much good news starting 2024! Sad the U.S. is not moving as quickly as Italy!

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Great to have some good news for a change, glad to see we have some people in the world who declare they won't take it anymore.

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Six months ago or so I think Denis Rancourt estimated 20 million dead worldwide from the frankenshots. That number must be going up at a rate thats greater than linear, so I would guess its, I don't know, maybe 30 or 40 million or more now.

There should be enough data now to make a counter of a decent running estimate, that can be embedded in the corners of web pages. Complete with slideshows of family pictures.

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his latest analysis came out in September. At that time his estimate was 17 million. I think that's too low, partly based on my own anecdotal numbers: Out of approx 200 people I know who took the jabs, 3 died and 9 had serious life changing injuries, some of which will take years off their lives.

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Thank you for this

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David Blackall, PhD MA BSc Dip Ed <dblackal88@gmail.com>


Though I have shared this before, I send it again with this brief precis to improve clarity.

I was following Dr. Mike Yeadon et al in 2020 on Facebook, and while I was reading I realized I had my own story to tell, with my data, made available to me from a pathology lab in the USA.

In Sydney, in 2019, I was 'volunteered' for a medical study. This was a unique study, because of the thorough lab testing, in trialing a new respiratory tract protection drug, against respiratory diseases like pneumonia. But over time, the research determined, the little red pill gave no significant improvement.

In 2020 with the pandemic on the march, I found the research, therefore, gave reason for me to look into this whole phenomenon more closely, including the notion of viral load - meaning a cold virus for

instance can kill an older person, depending on their health (state of immunity) and the severity of the numbers in the millions of virus particles, a driver of the viral load in the infection - a product of an individual's immune system health and the pathogenicity of the virus.

Throughout the early months of 2020, I found that recent medical research (links below) with US military personnel, was showing that flu shots can open the pathway to SARS-like infections, the opposite of what we might expect when our doctor says our resistance will improve after taking the flu shot. I quote from the paper on the military study: "Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference."

How I came to have a virus lab test analysis in 2019, was because I was a subject in medical research, testing a tablet that was thought to protect us from respiratory infection. It didn't work and the

research was abandoned. When I was still quite sick with what the doctors said was the 'flu', a test on my nasal sample was conducted, and the sample couriered to the US, where the research data was

tabulated and stored.

My point here is multifaceted: the test was available only in the US for this research project. This was because the research was based in the US, with big studies commissioned in NZ and Australia. According to my test results printout, with very accurate data (electronmicroscope), not the superficial false positive PCR test, I had an infection from Coronavirus 229E. This was determined by two scans of the swab.

My test was no doubt expensive (in the US). I felt this 2019 flu infection could have gone very badly, with hospitalization, even death - it felt unusually dangerous. Had my immune system been severely

compromised, as a 68-year-old, though reasonably fit, I could have succumbed, and given my medical history of having pneumonia as a child, I was very worried once COVID-19 turned up in 2020.

My point again: the tests found I had a Coronavirus 229E infection. This was from a virus closely related to Cov SARS 2, but according to research papers, this virus originated from bats in Ghana. Coronavirus 229E, according to the literature, can cause SARS and can be severe.

It was identical to the CoV SARS 19 virus, yet I overcame theinf ection with the sun, vitamin C, etc.

If the CoV SARS 19 virus and Coronavirus 229E were almost identical, we had nothing to worry about, as these viruses have been evolving and being defeated for over two million years of human life. Effectively, such viruses cause us to evolve our immunity to beat them away with a trained and

superior natural immunity. Theoretically, data has shown that we can overcome, so have no fear, except for the social disorder and bankruptcy for so many after Lockdowns, with more to come on food supplies and jobs.

There are papers below that discuss the particular cousin of the COVID-19-causing virus, my one, 229E. A search on Google Scholar reveals many papers on the Coronavirus 229E and also many papers on the prevalence of COV SARS 2 in blood serum in France, Italy, and Brazil, and California - six months earlier than the Wuhan outbreak in 2919.

All the best in the rough ride.






Italy: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33176598/



Spain: https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.13.20129627v1…

Brazil: https://medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.26.20140731v1…

USA: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1785/6012472…

France: Evidence of early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in France:

findings from the population-based “CONSTA...

'Using serum samples routinely collected in 9144 adults from a French

general population-based cohort, we identified 353 participants with a

positive anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG test, among whom 13 were ...'

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Sorry, I don't buy it. You took a sample of snot and from that, you say you have an isolated virus. Nope. You have a random sample of mixed DNA. Taking a pretty electron microscope picture of that random DNA doesn't prove the existence of any SARs, Covid, etc. It shows random bits of DNA that someone then points to a few particles and says, "see, there it is", with no isolation. All isolation tests are cultures with mixed DNA from monkey cells, bovine serum, antibiotics, not filtered, isolated viruses. When you trace all the alleged proofs of covid back to the original papers, you find the original guy made it up and all sequences found point back to the original wild guess. No country has any sample of isolated covid. None. So all tests and all declaration of variants are fraudulent. You can't have a test, vaccine or variant when you never had the original thing.

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That's correct, as I wrote, I never had the COVID, I didn't write that, rather I simply had a very bad flu in 2019, yet as they are supposedly close natural immunity is likely to have been initiated.

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