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Most people can look back in time and acknowledge that past Western power structures like Holy Mother Church and Crown controlled the thought and the behavior of the mass populations they ruled over through the use of completely mythic propaganda systems. The infallibility of the Pope and the divine right of kings trumped any attempts to bring reason into the discussion. Any thought or behavior that dared veer away from those myth system's tenants was labelled "heresy" and often punished by death. It took 500 years for that earlier "great reset" called the Holy Inquisition to run its course.

Given this sordid multi-millennial history of the abuse of institutional power and myth to control populations - it seems utterly amazing that many people in the West today act as if those in charge of managing today's myth systems of control must be some kind of benevolent saintly figures only concerned with "stamping out heresy" least it lead any of the righteous astray. That those "in charge" could be as vile, morally corrupt, and as disconnected from "reality" as any past corrupt oligarchy seems too frightening to even contemplate for many. This position is of course not borne of an act of "reason," but an act of "faith." And a rather child-like "faith" indeed. The new social media and MSM censorship campaign today is the equivalent of Holy Mother Church's index of banned books - a rather ham-handed attempt to control thought, questioning and dissent.

We the "unvaxxed" are simply the new "heretics" and "witches" of the day. This is an old old game used by the powerful to control the many. I remain hopeful, that unlike some of our ancestors, I trust that many of us today do not plan to go quietly into that good night.

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I also noted how appalled everyone was when the Taliban pulled down those Buddhist statues in Afghanistan and blamed that on religious intolerance. Fast forward a few years and BLM etc. are pulling down statues in the States and Gorky's statue comes down in Ukraine. Different words - but the same psychological forces working to the same ends.

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