I realized the temporary downplaying of COVID for the midterms was already coming to an end when I saw that “study” come out and the subsequent propaganda blast:


I guess the Russians are too far away and aren’t generating enough unifying hatred, so they have to pivot back to the domestic enemy.

Speaking of Kristallnacht, thank you for being a Badass German, Mark 😎 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass).

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Moderna SEC Filing: We May Be Delayed or Prevented From Receiving Full Regulatory approval. Unexpected Safety Issues Could Significantly Damage Our Reputation and That of Our mRNA Platform


BioNTech 2022 SEC Filing: We May Not Be Able To Demonstrate Sufficient Efficacy or Safety of Our COVID-19 Vaccine. Significant Adverse Events Could Delay or Prevent Regulatory Approval


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Sure, standard disclaimer for this kind of filing. Not a smoking gun.

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Of course not. That's why nobody is talking about it t and experimental GENE THERAPY with " implications for mRNA-based therapies are unknown" is marketed, mandated as Safe and Effective vaccines. Majority of people have no idea that these documents exists. No smoking gun? of course not, just a company that NEVER produced a product before the plandemic with "strategic alliances " with Government, DARPA and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation bragging about hacking the software of life. Don't you think people need to know these things?

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Interestingly in the USA the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers cannot market their vaccines as “safe and effective” because they can only do that with a license from the FDA. Everything is still distributed under “emergency use” authorization. All marketing is done by government parties. Pfizer and Moderna actually do both have licenses for their adult doses (not boosters or for under 16) but do not take advantage of them. My latest guess for why they don’t is that if they did they could be sued for false advertising.

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I am sure that Dr FUELLMICH, Dr Judy MIKOVITS, Dr Meryl NASS, Dr R FLEMING and other Leaders, who spoke on yesterdays Childrens Health Defence Interviews on the "Friday Round Table" and also Prof., Mark Crispin MILLER Interview y'day with Dr FUELLMICH.

PLEASE research and print out ALL CITIES in USA being visited for the above SEMINARS and CIRCULATE this INFORMATION to ALL sites, friends etc.,

THIS is an invaluable effort to have the calibre of people speaking at these face-to-face Seminars.

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The niceties must be observed. There are rules (laws) to this game.

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The list of causes for blood clots also now includes eating eggs and shaking the duvet. It boggles the mind what the presstitutes can get away with in this era of mass psychosis.

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Eating my eggs. I trust my chickens more than I trust the government.

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I think the “shaking the duvet” thing was humor. But there are many serious ridiculous ones.

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May 2, 2022
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At times like these, Monty Python once again comes to mind:

"Oh! Mrs. Nickervader's exploded!"

"Mother, things explode every day."

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Thanks! Full of good information. May we put it to good use! That phrase that the vaccinated are in danger hanging out with the unvaccinated is do absurd when if anything it’s the direct opposite. In our experience truly grounded healthy individuals understand this. Hopefully the population as a whole will become healed.

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I wish I knew more unvaccinated to hang out with.

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Ha! The real dilemma - finding those real, wild, anarchist, still-natural humans to hang out with. Tricky.

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Great comment. If you're ever in Indianapolis, In. USA give us a shout.

My partner and I never had a single encounter with Sars Covid until the end of 2021, after people close to us got vaccinated, as they started to coerce more and more people to be vaccinated for thelivelihood.

Then we both got it. Never experienced anything like it. My partner was hospitalized and came close to dying of pneumonia.. I got different symptoms and rode it out at home with the pups. I still have little sense of smell 5 months later.

As the joke goes, I never had much taste, but what I had was , and still is dulled. Some chronic fatigue for several months. No doubt in my mind this pathogen was tweaked in a lab.

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Thanks that is nice of you. Same for you if you’re in the bay area california.

Sorry you had such a rough time. I don’t think I have been exposed to Covid at all, but I don’t know. Some of my friends in New York got it in the beginning and them Omicron but no one got very sick.

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Thank you. It wasn't as bad for me, although I can still tell something happened, because as I said, I can hardly smell or really taste anything, and seem to be more easily fatigued.

That was five and a half months ago. That's never happened to me or anyone I've known in my life. So I have many unanswered questions.

I felt just as some on different threads I have talked with do, at that time. I questioned that there existed any sickness at all, outside of the ordinary flu and cold season, which always hits older people with weakened immune systems, and people with serious co-morbidities harder, and oft times can cause hospitalization and-or death. I thought it was a flim flam for more authoritarian control, and still do think that is a motivating factor, but have changed my mind about the reality of what I can only describe in layman terms as illness X.

Then when the jabs became more wide spread in mid December 2021, mostly because they were forced by media pressure, and moreso by threats to their livelihoods, it blind sided us.

I was still not convinced the first couple of days that it was anything different than flu or a cold. But my roommate began to get very sick, and I got more chills and extreme fatigue, although my fever wasn't that high, maybe one degree high or less, and I was shaking with chills like it was abnormally high. Then I began to be in an almost delirious state, in my thinking and perception, and was so fatigued I could barely get off the couch or bed, where I literally stayed with a heating blanket on, except when the dogs needed fed or let outside. Then back to the heating blanket in bed or on the couch for several hours until something needed immediate attention.

My roommate was coughing and began having a harder time breathing, but as I said my perception and thinking seemed off, and I thought it was an overreaction to a severe cold or flu, and said as much, to my now regret over the way I reacted, but as I said and repeat, I was not thinking normally. I don't know if there is such a thing as semi-delirium, but that's the only way I know to describe it.

Then my roommate got worse and told me she could not breathe well and felt like she needed to get to the hospital or she would die. That was the moment I realized something was really wrong, but wasn't sure what to do about it. I was in no condition to drive and wait through an emergency room triage for hours. Not to mention, that after nearly two years of lies, propaganda, and uncertainty I had no intention of trusting a medical system that had become so compromised by suppression of early treatments. I talked to someone in the medical community and asked about ivermectin and hydroxychloraquin and was told they wouldn't, or couldn't, be prescribed.

So she called an ambulance that took her to the hospital. Not in any caring way either. From what she related to me they were surly and cold.

Long story, longer, she was there 6 days and would have died in their opinion if she hadn't come that day. Their diagnosis was pneumonia, bacterial and Covid with the "shattered glass" effect that has been talked about as is related to Sars covid. Her oxygen level was extremely low, and she still has the oxygen in her bedroom, even though she doesn't have to use it anymore. But, when she first came home she could barely make it to the bathroom with oxygen on. It would drop to levels in the 80s, as far as blood oxygen levels, just walking 10 feet. She's much better, but it took about 3 months for things to progress to the point where she didn't need the oxygen. I was still feeling awful when I picked her up from the hospital, but we came home and made it through the ordeal.

Thank you for responding, and for your patience if you made it through this recounting of the illness. I didn't mean to ramble, but went into this detail to describe it because it may help someone else to understand what's happening if it starts. I don't know what "it" is, and don't trust an obviously flawed Healthcare system,(or government) , because it has become such a racket for pharma , corporations, and bureaucrats on the take; and though it is filled with many dedicated and wonderful people who are doing their best to save lives, as with anything corrupted by greed and lust for power, those who do care are subordinated by the power of these bureaucrats to take their livelihood by revoking their license or blacklisting them.

"Strange days indeed" as John Lennon said.

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Of course....the shots are ineffective and dangerous but it's the unvaccinated who are STILL making you sick....I guess children dying is not enough from these shots and FACTS don't cross the blood-brain barrier....this is a clear attempt to divert attention away from the May 1st Pfizer dump of documents and sell more "vaccines" and COVID treatments on the market......how low can they go......spinning their wheels but unfortunately the sheeple, I mean people, will comply....it makes more sense and feels better to blame the non-vaxxed over the deadly shots than the fact that you were duped.....because $cience.....

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Facts and logic never really mattered for the audience they’re addressing. People form their opinion based on the official “conclusion” of the message regardless of any contradictory facts they know full well. The only relevant factors are “what is this message telling me to believe” and “is the person delivering the message approved of by my reference group.” Nothing else matters.

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Nuremberg 2.0 can’t come fast enough. Many must die before that I believe.

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Fallout has already begun in MA...Someone in my artist's building just read the Forbes' piece on this "study". I have never felt so feared/despised/disheartened. Open Studios was no longer possible for me - we share a vestibule and she was too toxic. She was scornfully fearful of me and declared that the "unvaccinated" spread germs. When I mentioned the fully jabbed artists who've recently had COVID, she spat back that they only survived because they were vaxxed and boosted. Then she shut the door in my face. This, from someone who "forgot" her mask a year or so ago, and apologized (I didn't care). What the hell is wrong with these "artists"? They're in hook, line and sinker. Think I'd better get a speedboat and get out of Dodge fast... Vera Sharav's warnings ring in my ears...

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Galleries while we were locked out here in NZ (until a few weeks ago) were amongst the worst at putting the 'stay out unless you are vaccinated' signs up. I spoke to a couple of the workers in some, they were more in agreement with me than the upper middle class painters, potters and sculptors who exhibited and demanded those rules because they were 'immune compromised'.

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Glad you're not locked out anymore!

Yes, sadly the tenants in this studio building all have some "immune compromised" person in their lives, or just believe all the BS. I was hoping they would wake up. One recently went to Italy and spoke of the cooperative spirit in all of the places she went - everyone wore masks and no one complained, seemed angry, or were "disobedient" about it. Truly! I'm sure she didn't see those who lost their jobs in Italy because they didn't want jabs. They can't afford museums or cafes!

Anyway, I thought artists were rebels allergic to top-down control. Guess I'm just in the wrong studio.

On a positive note, the workers in our building are also awake, thank goodness! Lovely people - keeps hope alive!

Great to hear from NZ!

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I thought so too, but I've seen most of them go south over the last 10 years what with 33 flavors of gender and race matters. I still do art, but it is 'outsider art' or demeaned as 'crafts'. F them. Kudos to any artist who can see this and walk away.

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Now the challenge for me is to stay the course, keep speaking up, and try very hard not to go down the divisive road aimed at separating us. I have to say though that I have faced prejudice in various ways before, but this was so poisonous that WWII Germany immediately flashed through my mind. Thankfully, so did my courageous ancestors who fought in the American Revolution and WWI and II. They are my inspiration!

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Oh lord....I'm a creative type living in MA too. Lifelong resident near Boston. It's really bad here. Yesterday on the most gorgeous spring day, not a cloud in the sky, flowers blooming everywhere I counted lots of people wearing KN95's outside. I've been considering NH as an escape plan. Yikes.

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Me too! Was in NH yesterday. Phew! Sanity! People even shake hands! Two relatives lost jobs last winter in MA because of the mandates.

I'm thinking of starting a group for creative types. Unmasked in Maskachusetts though...Maybe I'll try MeWe...Meanwhile, my studio won an "inclusivity" award last year from the state... guess there's lots of fodder for creative solutions :-)

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Would love to hear about your group! There are not too many of us here, I have maybe 6 people total I can talk to freely about my life as a creative conspiracy theorist. ;-)

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Read article on the model for the study and share its key flaw with your colleague - the study does not adjust for waning vaccine efficacy which of course is the key problem with the “reward” for taking the jab. It provides only a short term reprieve!

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Thank you Joan,

I was hoping not to have to get into the weeds and don't think it will make a difference, but no harm in trying!

Jessica Rose also wrote about it: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/call-for-retraction-of-paper-entitled?s=r

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Thanks for the link.

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Geert Vanden Bossche explains how the vaccination program is aiding infection: https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/videos-and-interviews/international-vaccine-expert-geert-vanden-bossche-speaks-up-again My wife and I just got COVID because we had dinner with someone who lives in a large building where everyone is vaccinated. We traveled, never stayed home the last couple of years and never got COVID before. The building I mentioned has many cases of COVID sickness and everyone is "vaccinated."

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What boggles the mind are single or double boosted people I know who have recently caught Covid (presumably from their vaccinated and boosted friends and family) and who are now on their first course of Paxlovid (I shudder!). But they steadfast refuse to even consider safe, effective and cheap alternatives such as ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine much less examine the mountain of supporting data, clinical experience and first hand testimonials for themselves. Ever hear someone extolling how Remdesivir saved their life? Such is the extent of our mass psychosis.

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"caught covid"

Reacted to the poisons in their vaccines more like.

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Since Paxlovid doesn’t work so well, they will need a few doses of Paxlovid boosters!

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It does work, just not in keeping you healthy.

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I played hockey with a bunch of guys, pretty much all of them vaccinated. I would suffer from upper-respiratory issues after every game or practice. The issues ended when the season ended. Coincidence possibly, but ... .

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Apr 30, 2022
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Sure. Jabbed. Injected. Pricked. Stuck. Poisoned. All good.

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"Pricked" is an outstanding double entendre that captures the essence of the entire enterprise. "Pricked" it shall be going forward.

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I don't want to be around those arseholes either. It was a vaxxed person that gave my wife and I covid1984 last September. Maskholes are now demanding refunds on airline tickets because the mandate has been voided by a FL federal judge. No question in my mind that covid1984 is a bioweapon.

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Yes it’s a bio weapon that seems to affect their minds as well as their bodies.

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Using CDC and WA state data as well as teaching people how to find info on open VAERS, this article, which does include my commentary, got me kicked off of Twitter for 24 hours. Nothing was a lie! That's what we are facing- A bunch of ninnies and boot lickers. https://turningpointnews.org/corona-virus-reports/the-effects-of-mass-vaccination-in-washington-state

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The strongest opponents of the Covid vaccines could not have come up with a better conclusion than Fisman's study did: the vaccines don't work at all. People take the vaccines to be defended against the virus, correct? But according to Fisman, healthy, unvaccinated people pose an immediate threat to the vaccinated (even the triple vaccinated!). What is it all about? The internet is now filled with praise for a study that targets the unvaccinated, and that is obviously meant to usher in vaccine passports for everyone. And many are happy to find a scapegoat for a disease that's now mainly attacking those who got the jab. The Spanish flu was over in two years. But this pandemic will be artificially prolonged, unless there is resistance.

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Demon Squad + Dark Triad + Useful Idiots = the team pushing endless insanity on humanity.

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Most people can look back in time and acknowledge that past Western power structures like Holy Mother Church and Crown controlled the thought and the behavior of the mass populations they ruled over through the use of completely mythic propaganda systems. The infallibility of the Pope and the divine right of kings trumped any attempts to bring reason into the discussion. Any thought or behavior that dared veer away from those myth system's tenants was labelled "heresy" and often punished by death. It took 500 years for that earlier "great reset" called the Holy Inquisition to run its course.

Given this sordid multi-millennial history of the abuse of institutional power and myth to control populations - it seems utterly amazing that many people in the West today act as if those in charge of managing today's myth systems of control must be some kind of benevolent saintly figures only concerned with "stamping out heresy" least it lead any of the righteous astray. That those "in charge" could be as vile, morally corrupt, and as disconnected from "reality" as any past corrupt oligarchy seems too frightening to even contemplate for many. This position is of course not borne of an act of "reason," but an act of "faith." And a rather child-like "faith" indeed. The new social media and MSM censorship campaign today is the equivalent of Holy Mother Church's index of banned books - a rather ham-handed attempt to control thought, questioning and dissent.

We the "unvaxxed" are simply the new "heretics" and "witches" of the day. This is an old old game used by the powerful to control the many. I remain hopeful, that unlike some of our ancestors, I trust that many of us today do not plan to go quietly into that good night.

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I also noted how appalled everyone was when the Taliban pulled down those Buddhist statues in Afghanistan and blamed that on religious intolerance. Fast forward a few years and BLM etc. are pulling down statues in the States and Gorky's statue comes down in Ukraine. Different words - but the same psychological forces working to the same ends.

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I still trust engineers since they can't fake it- cars either work or they don't. But I've lost faith in all scientists, not just virologists and public health officials. If you have s*** for brains and your name isn't Biden, then I recommend becoming a public health official. You can make stuff up all day and get a lot of money and power for it.

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Flawed implies poorly designed, but with no malice of forethought. The studies against ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and now the not vaccinated were designed with malicious intent to deceive and support a patently false narrative. The result has been tens of thousands of excess deaths and innocent lives ruined. In each case the propagandists (to call them researchers is an affront to science) know exactly what they are doing and so should be ready to suffer the consequences when the blades of justice inevitably fall.

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