LOL all those 'developing countries' told Gates and the WHO to fuck right off -- thanks to their recent experience with Billy Boy.

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I’m assuming your ‘Billy Boy’ comment refers to Billy Gates? But lest we forget the other ‘Billy’ and his Sidekick Wife, the Notorious& Evil Hilly C!

The Clinton Foundation has done it’s fair share of pushing the international Vaxx agenda as well as has daughter Chels!

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I like to call her "Hitlery" ... 😘

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I call her The Beast.

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I call her when I need someone dealt with.

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She has the resume, that is for sure.

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Wonder if she has "666" tattooed in a special place only her special friends get to see .. 🤔

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Nah - that's King Charles. Seriously interesting interview here.


See what you think. Tim Cohen and Janie Duvall interview. They discuss the 666 calculation from his name and the symbolism in both his coats of arms (his heraldic achievements). Gotta say - compelling.

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Good one

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also Shillary

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Yeah, like the African leaders that were murdered. We have to go back and take another look at that timeframe. I remember watching the President of one of those countries laughing about the Paw-Paw fruit testing positive with the pcr test. They tested a goat. And then he's dead a couple weeks later. There were a few of those stories.

This is heinous.

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Democrats have always been quite happy to murder a few slaves on their plantation and they regard Africa as their plantation now.

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That was from 2021, probably the peak mass insanity injection brainwash year. Wonder if they'd still push for "helping the poor" today.

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Are they still getting paid for it?

See: Pink, John Legend, etc

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John Legend's commercials were flat out nauseating. I always got this somewhat creepy vibe from him, like kind of a "musician Obama." This only reinforces it.

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His wife is even worse. Talk about two peas in a pod! What’s even more disturbing is the fact that they’ve procreated together. 🤢

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Couldn't agree more. She "steam cleans" her dirty box and makes a show of it. How do these talentless, vapid twats end up rich and privileged (on this plane, anyway; not sure how she'll fare when she gets "home"--she might have to reincarnate as a literal douche bag)? https://www.marieclaire.com/beauty/a21614167/chrissy-teigen-vaginal-steaming-instagram/

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That’s pretty funny. Her “dirty box” and “vapid twats” in the same sentence. I’m sure subconsciously done but funny nonetheless 😄

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Vapid Twats! 💀😂🤣 That would be an awesome name for a band! 😄

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The chances that any of those cretins has evolved at all is probably the same as Covids actual IFR.

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"Ya can't fix Stupid."

-- John Wayne

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The world "leaders" are inking WHO mandatory murder protocals for all, so I think its likely to be yes. Saldy.

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Maybe people like Jaimie Foxx will start suing these influencers who put undue pressure on them to get vaxxed.

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I don’t know kind of pressure he was under, but if he didn’t want it, I feel the need to ask why didn’t Jamie refuse just like Ice Cube did? He’s a top celebrity and is an influential entertainment personality. His refusal would have really put a spotlight on this issue and maybe more would have followed suit. Sad either way.

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Remember tom cruise going ape shit on the crew of his film for all not being vaxxed? Bet you any amount he's not and lives by "for thee but not for me."

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I remember this story about him yelling about following social distancing guidelines, but not about the vax. He’s a Scientologist so probably not vexxed. If it was his own film production the vax mandate rules would be up to him.


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Yup that’s what I think too.

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No, sorry it was about wearing masks not being jabbed. It was before the mandates and it was pretty new. I’m not sticking up for him just point out the facts. I personally don’t think he’s vaxxed. He can get himself a fake pass if necessary, just my opinion.

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Mandatory poisen.

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Remember that Mr. Cruise is a Scientologist...they, as was L Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, are Super Down on Pharmaceuticals, and psychiatric/psychotropic drugs in particular.

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That SOB & his despicable antics towards his movie crews….

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Unfortunately, the moment someone publicly refuses, his influence dies along with his career.

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Maybe I should have said “wanes” or something less severe!

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I don’t understand why you’d comprise your life/health without informed consent especially having a pretty decent existence. So many said No who had everything to lose. Very sad.

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There’s a picture of Foxx with Peter McCullough, and PM’s caption says, Praying for you @iamjamiefoxx Hoping you held strong the whole time--you know what I am talking about. #courageousdiscourse

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Cause some people are nuts and need more and more money...

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Same w/a politician.

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I thought Justin Beiber might stand up at the time, but obviously he and other injured have somehow committed to acquiescence. Also, its probably not beneficial to stay angry, it sucks energy out of one is my experience. Only the fairly healthy can be properly angry, channel it well.

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I figured him and his wife Hailey were probably together when they got the jab so got from the same batch, but different adverse effects...hers a brain clot. Very interesting.

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They're all bad batches, really.

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They got a Bad batch

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howbad.info: It's where the jabbed can check their shot batch numbers to see what the side effects are of the respective lots, etc.

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They’re both Canadian, there’s you’re answer as to why they’re sheepishly silent

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Relax, I’m Canadian too

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Holy crap, Fast Eddy, I think we might be related. I'm pretty sure not only my twin brother but all my cousins were switched at birth.

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What is wrong with these people??

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They’re drowning in their necessary tribal virtue signaling; it’ll never happen.

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It might if enough of their friends did it!....badda bing badda boom...

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If he does, he shouldn't get a goddamned penny! He could well afford to have flipped the bird to whoever was responsible for the dictate and lived comfortably and well on his money. Everyone who refused should be getting money for the bullshit we've had to put up with.

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Not sure Mr. Foxx knows what is going on, depending on how bad the stroke was, and I doubt his family will do anything. Lots of these people leave speculation as whether they are paid to remain silent.

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I've had to take care of my mother for 30 years after her stroke in the 90's. Disability from stroke is forever. Foxx may be disabled for life, but thank God he didn't get the common cold, that would have been MUCH worse.

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Or.....Maybe people just need to grow a pair and not cave to pressure. If more people would have been more courageous we would be in a much different world today.

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I hope so but doubtful.

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I am doubtful also, however I keep hoping somebody will kick open that door, after which their might be a cascade.

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Speaking of "influencers," they've been very busy recently, framing the narrative that DeSantis is a fraud and a Neo-con globalist, etc.

Some of us suspect, the Powers that Be detect a serious threat to the Status Quo.


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Not likely, since there’s a narrative to maintain, as evidenced by a bunch of Hollywood has-beens signing that letter to vax the 3rd world

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In the 1988 John Carpenter film released as a sci-fi/horror/action/thriller (now actually has become a documentary): “ They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us feeling it. They control our lives without us realizing it. They live.”

If only everyone had the special glasses to see the bandwagon they all got on was actually a boxcar. Grateful for discernment from God the Father/Son Jesus Christ/Holy Ghost.

Pray for healing and recovery.

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The hollyweird asshats control only those who get sucked into the mind numbing the te-lie-vision. Since I don’t watch it I cannot be brainwashed. And who in their freaking right mind takes medical advice from “actors” or the gubment?

I don’t have any sympathy for any of them, they were paid handsomely, which is why they will never admit it is the Genocide jab that killing them.

Play stupid games, win deadly prizes.

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From the Apostles Creed:

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.

To me this means that judgement is way above my rank. I can petition to Christ in prayers for his justice. You are correct in your assessment.

FAFO (f..! around and find out)

I simply can’t get in the way.

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My “science teacher” sister, that’s who. Wont speak to me about it because her views are “based on science”

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My family cancelled Thanksgiving because I wasn’t jabbed. Then my sister and her family went to EPCOT. Clown world!

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My clown family invited us last Thanksgiving finally. I asked why, because the CDC (corrupt, Dumbass clowns) now say it’s safe? I told them that I can’t dine and chuckle with people that will have my family rounded up into camps when the next Scamdemic ia released. Oops. Guess I won’t be getting any more invites.

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I admire you for sticking with your principles.

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Great response!

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Right here is another form of abuse/suffering the #Purebloods are subject to. WE should be compensated, NOT those who willingly offered their shoulder. I hope none of your sister's students actually believe her.

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“ If only everyone had the special glasses to see the bandwagon they all got on was actually a boxcar.”

Quote of the day!

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THEY LIVE - BRILLIANT! Best film John Carpenter ever made and I've seen most of his output.

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Turfseer - I can't see the video - it says 'video unavailable'. ( maybe just where I am in Italy ??)

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Yes probably. The clip is from the movie: They Live (1988) - Seeing the Truth Scene (2/10) | Movieclips. Try searching for it elsewhere (maybe not Youtube).

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Thank you - I've heard lots of others talk about this film - it's a must see 🤗

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That link was just a youtube clip of the 1988 movie so perhaps yt is crackin' down (per usual) more now re: analyses of what's really going on today.

But look here - full movie here - "enjoy". If you can enjoy dystopian times?

I used to love good scary science fiction novels & films, but now it's all just too sad, predictive & much too close to the truth & reality of today's world. :/

"THEY LIVE" - A 1988 John Carpenter Film. Full Version (past fiction/current reality?) - Jim Crenshaw


> A politically incorrect blend of truth, of horror and science reality/fiction, They Live is an underrated genre film from John Carpenter who was trying to send a message with this move. Can you handle the truth?

So, Nada (Roddy Piper), a wanderer without meaning in his life, discovers a pair of sunglasses capable of showing the world the way it truly is (use your real eyes to realize). As he walks the streets of Los Angeles, Nada notices that the media is comprised of subliminal messages meant to keep the population subdued, and that most of the social elite are skull-faced aliens bent on world domination.

Agencies of the government (police, media etc) are used to track down and stop by any means possible any dissenters The main power of this controlling ability is done through the media on Television ((Tell Lie Vision (Programming)). This is done with the bribe and payoff of the elite human class which have sold out their fellow humans. With this shocking discovery, Nada fights to free humanity from the mind-controlling aliens.

Sound familiar? Watch the movie and you will be surprised. Maybe even creeped out a little.

See FAIR USE COPYRIGHT NOTICE for showing films for criticism, etc.

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From the looks of it we don't even need special glasses to see that Nancy Pelosi is a skull faced alien.

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Trifecta: The Thing, Prince of Darkness & They Live. Each one had a deeper message

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You could never get away with an ambiguous ending like the Thing's these days.

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Agree with you.

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I was in my intern year of neurosurgery residency at the Cleveland clinic when it came out. Wish I would have seen it, but no free time back then.

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'No, the Senator cannot take your call. She's at home with a very bad case of karma.'

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Actually the only reason she hasn't retired is that she's trying to tab her own successor, and if she can wait/lives to her '24 term end, Gov Newsom wouldn't be able to name her replacement. He's vowed to choose a black woman which would put her man, Adam Schiff in a far more difficult pos. in an eventual election.

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She's Ginsberging herself. Pride. Always leads to disaster.

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and choking on her just desserts

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Mark -- I’ve read all of your posts like this and j have to say the cumulative effect is kicking in for me. These deaths and illnesses are so unnecessary but happening. Thank you for making this public.

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Amen! I found Mark via former ABC, CNN reporter Greg Hunter, who directs people to this Substack in most of his broadcasts on USAWatchdog.com. #Grateful

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Well said.

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No other substack consistently proves the tremendous success of the vaccines. This is what a carbon compound like GO will do to the human body, and they still haven't been pulled, and they're still pushing it on infants and children, and they're adding GO to all others—flu shots, dental injections, even insulin and anti coagulants. D I A B O L I C A L. Anyway, is American Idol on tonight?

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They are putting it in the food supply. So all the happy purebloods need to become pure eaters.

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They are really trying.

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They are all so suck-cessful, and they were used to conforming and doing what they were told.. and now they are all dying? I have never been very suck-cessful but least I not dying because I let some moron tell me I needed to be injected with a fucking poison because it was “the right thing to do”.

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"The jab will cut through Hollywood like a scythe." ~Clif High

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Yup.... the field of Hollywood wheat will soon lie on ground ready for the Grimm Reaper to gather up and take with him.

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Thanks for always telling it straight and helping people connect the dots. Compliance is a death wish.

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Breaks my heart the vaccine is hurting and killing so many people. And that so many are still oblivious. I still have friends who fight with me about it.

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Brenda, everyone has a Choice. And there’s not much we can do anymore. The information is out there for all to see.

I recall a verse in Revelations that said many will be blinded. I believe we are witnessing that today.

Yes, we can pray for them, yet the blindness is vast and the brainwashing is deep!

God bless you🌷

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They are not your friends.

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Do they even bother to ask you where did you hear that? Got links? Tell me more. Anything?

That is what pisses me off the most about these people, they have zero curiosity. WTF is wrong w/them?

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Yup. ZERO. My sister refuses to “learn any more about Covid”. Because deep down she knows the truth is beyond horrific and she can’t face the reality of what she has done to herself and her family.

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What happens when Jaimie Fox realizes he wasn't important enough to get the saline jab?

Sobering truths. And these useful idiots are all collaborators.

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That's exactly why TPTB overlords were so hot and bothered at the unwashed lepers who refused the bioweapon shots. There is no way they wanted a subclass of losers who were like them - important enough to be healthy and continue to live. If you didn't take the shots, you were like them, and TPTB overlords don't like that one bit.

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Good one! Not. Important. Enough.

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And as for donating these Genocide jabs to the less fortunate, they all can to go to Hell! Fortunately the third world countries are onto to the genocide scam and I hope they tell these asshats directly to their faces they don’t appreciate being wiped out, just so these losers can feel good about themselves!

I am beyond sick of this virtue signaling. The good news is that they will all be gone shortly. Hope they got stock in ice, cause they are going to need it where they are going.

Yet, there is hope for them if they repent for their evil and wicked ways and get the Real truth out there, that this was no vaccine, it’s a bio-weapon who’s sole purpose is to maim and kill! Not going to hold my breath on that one.

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This is one case where IMO repentance won’t be good enough. The damage is done. They were so nasty, so vengeful, if you remember. “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” We heard it over and over again. Some of these famous people snarled that we shouldn’t get medical treatment or we should be forced into camps. Some said that we shouldn’t be able to get food and if we died it would be a blessing. How do you repent for that behavior? IMO those people are receiving Karma. Some just went along to get along and some were just ignorant. I have no hatred towards them.

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"Eva Longoria, Anne Hathaway, Debbie Allen, Peter Dinklage, Richard Gere, Connie Britton and other Hollywood notables have signed an open letter urging world leaders to make COVID-19 vaccines widely available in developing countries." ?! 😱

At the very least -- failing something more suitably Medieval -- all of these imbeciles should be put in front of a wall, and shot.

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They didn't know what we know. All they knew was what the media told them (the media that they were part of). If we were where they were, we might well have done the same.

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I'm sorry, but how can they not know? Their denial must be on Warp Drive...

At this point, Prof. Miller, you have far more charity in your heart towards these people than I do.

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You yourself have never fallen for a propaganda narrative? If not, you're a lot smarter than I am. _Everybody_ is susceptible, at one time or another.

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Spot on! MCM!

Building 7 always bothered me, but I could not allow myself , at that time, to go where I knew it would lead me. Which of course is the truth. I was in my late 20’s, had no idea the level of corruption involved, believed the false dichotomy that ‘the other side is worse’ and I wanted to be a loyal ‘patriot’ to my ‘team’.

Basically I believed in Mr. Limbaugh et al, and became a fanboy instead of a critical thinker. People who know me would never imagine I would ever utter these words but I can do no other because it is the truth.

Covid changed my life in a good way because it forced me to engage the lies head on and that is instant vantage ground when searching for the truth.

The rub is that your curated little world is gone for good and it is painfully evident that many people cannot stomach that.

It does get much easier over time though.

Thanks for your hard work Dr. Miller.

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My suspicious nature proves correct every time, and I'm no genius and certainly not as smart as you are.

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All the frigging time..🙄 And no, I don't imagine for a minute I'm smarter than you are. 😥


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The immediate silencing of dissenting voices was the third big clue. The hysteria and "gov knows all-do as they say" was 1 and 2.

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It is quite likely they only used tech tyrant social media. Everything was censored there, and unless they were on Gab or Poast or some other dissident site, they likely got the propaganda alone, with no dissenting voices to counteract it.

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Some time later... I noticed the date of that post... September 21, 2021? Oops! Should have been more careful... ? ...

Except, I think of Jummai Nache, and what had happened to her by February 2021.. 8 months before you made that post -- I'm about as "joe-blow-average" kinda guy as you can get -- and I was already aware how deadly dangerous these injections are.

No excuses.

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The shot manufacturers told you all you needed to know in the EUA applications. If Hollyweird STARS can't read, then they are idiots. It was all there in front of our eyes before even one shot was pumped into arms. If people refuse to read side effects from drugs before taking them, then it's their fault, and only their fault.

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You are perhaps too forgiving. Celebs have the same access to the internet for performing due diligence and are privy to information that the everyday schmuck is not. Yes, they are generally vapid and insubstantial creatures, but that's no excuse.

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They know now & are still doing it. Surely they must be wondering why so many of their peers are falling ill or dying?

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Long Covid of course

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