We have a global humanitarian crisis happening in real-time and it’s being ignored by the legacy lying lamestream media and major health systems. It’s disgusting and it’s criminal.

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All true!

But it's worse, much worse than that — "the legacy lying lamestream media and major health systems" are furthering it, to this day, by actively pushing the poisons and lies..

If we weren't here to witness it, who would believe it? It's unbelievable!

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Meanwhile, we see a genuine pandemic for cases of “Coinciditis”:

Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Guillain-Barre and Sudden Death that coincidentally and consistently affects the jabbed.

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We're having daily code blues (cardiac arrests) at the hospital, when I ask the staff why do they think we're having so many, most responses are, "I don't know"...

Of-course it's the jabs!

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The cowardice is astonishing. Never ever have so many medical professionals claimed "I don't know" as an excuse for anything.

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There is a fear factor, where the vaccinated don't want to admit because of what that could mean...

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Good point. Many may be at a psychological impasse - fear of knowing and fear of not knowing with result being stasis.

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Some have decided not to have any more shots and then closed their minds to the subject.

Too painful for them to contemplate.

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Read the book, What the Nurses Saw" for a real eye opening. The MDs were often absent in the hospitals and would not go into rooms of people with alleged covid. They followed dangerous and often lethal protocols rather than rock the boat. They did know but in states like NY, the governor gave the MDs and hospitals complete liability protections so they just didn't care what they did to the patients. It was really more about protecting their own skin and for the hospitals, getting them on ventilators for that nice gov't payout.

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So any physician or healthcare staff that says they “don’t know” needs to review the recent Nakahara study which concluded that ALL jabbed patients have heart damage. More specifically, “Focal myocardial 18F-FDG uptake seen on oncologic PET/CT indicates a significantly increased risk for multiple myocardial abnormalities.”

Here’s a link to the study:


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Interesting because the first study which this page links to says this: "Conclusion: This study found no imaging, biochemical or ECG evidence of myocardial injury or inflammation post COVID-19 vaccination, thus providing some reassurance that COVID-19 vaccinations do not typically cause subclinical myocarditis." That study was done with a much smaller group and they were only tested 14 days after the vax. One of the takeaways needs to be, 'do you know what mid to long term safety risk even means Mr. Health Authority?' Initially, for instance, their idea of side-effects was basically, do they keel over within a half hour, or maybe they have a sore arm or mild headache. Where I live there are even so-called medical groups claiming to be investigating side-effects when in fact they are investigating side-effects like sore arms and mild fatigue or headache after being shot up to see if they can adjust the dosage to eliminate that problem which they see as inhibiting product uptake. These rats all need to be corralled, in my opinion, and put on a list that can be used when it come time time for public hearings.

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Has the term 'covincidence' been coined yet?

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I fully believe the definition of "unbelievable!" will soon be changed to "nothing to see here folks."

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I believe it ..

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The 🐑'll ain't gonna awaken! 😑

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The Sheeptards are why I've been living like a hermit, avoiding human interaction as much as possible over the last 3 years... 🙄

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I interact constantly.

Am a habitual offender of touching things and then my face/eyes.

Strengthens the immune system.

I call myself Typhoid Mary because I rarely get sick and I take no precautions.

Eat healthy. Take vitamins as I'm getting old. Live life responsibly as God ordained.

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Oh, yeah.

Forgot to mention I got C*** twice.

Once in Seattle a week before the country closed.

Flew home, went straight to work, then slept it off. Thought at the time I was just jet-lagged.

Second time was when Omicron came out.

Basically, got the sniffles.

Never tested. Never jabbed. Totally immune.

Bragging? No. Just have no sympathy for fools who wanted to crucify me for not bowing to their delusions.

But I do have compassion for those who have awaken to their ongoing nightmare.

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Sorry Joe: You had the flu, or a cold. "Covid" doesn't exist. I know this for among other reasons, when Patrick King was arrested in Alberta for non-compliance, he subpoenaed Chief Provincial Health Officer Deena Hinshaw to provide proof of the Sars-Cov-2 Virus' existence. She didn't show up to his trial -- but the Province's lawyers admitted they had no proof.

Ergo this whole thing was a scam: No government nor private lab on the planet has a sample of the Sars-Cov-2 Virus. All they have are computer models.

That should have ended this fraud right then and there, world-wide. But two weeks later the Alberta Government were right back to their lies.

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💯% correct my friend!!! That is why they had to develop and use the 100% false positive PCR test and MAKE EVERYONE USE IT to FALSELY PROVE that everyone had Covid!!! I have told people over and over and over again that Covid is not real for the reasons you sighted but the magic is strong and people cannot see otherwise!!!

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You are correct: the fraud should have ended right there and then.

But, for the past 50 years, the globalists have been slowly (and recently, quickly) gaining in power and influence.

The Covid "pandemic" was manufactured and marketed broadly.

With massive financial backing.

Money talks.

Big money talks loudly.

Unfortunately, toooooooo many we have discovered, can be purchased and the rest nod in agreement whichever way the wind blows.

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At my sports club, first I was considered a deluded conspiracy theorist and now my presence is a form of embarrassment. No one is willing to talk about it, no one has any humility and no one says any more than a hello then quickly moves on. They look depressed and fatigued.

In my activists groups the exact opposite happens with warm reciprocity: genuine smiles, interest in how I’m travelling and lots of hand shakes and what I like most of all are the hugs and kisses from all the ladies. We are all motivated and energised.

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Me too. I just can’t stand the utter stupidity of most people. A fixed smile can only take me so far. Masked morons, so many masked morons, even if, nowadays, for most of them the mask is only a vague memory.

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Cause it's safe & effective

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Yes, but it just doesn't matter how many papers, studies, books, videos are put out pointing out the damage of all of the gov't and MCM covid reactions (lock downs, mandated injections, toxic treatment like remdesivir and ventilators, isolations, "social distancing"), they continue to ignore it and act as if nothing bad ever happened. They continue to push the jabs, continue the fear porn and have never admitted any harm. They will do it again with the next fake pandemic.

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Proof you can’t fix stupid and indoctrination is mighty powerful. Disease X will be an absolute $hit Show.

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Part of me thinks this whole "Disease X" will just be another cover (like long covid) for when vaxxed immune systems really start to deteriorate...

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When the immune systems really start to deteriorate healthcare personnel will be baffled EN MASSE!

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Dee Dee said they have daily cardio events at the hospital. she said that was unusual so the immune system probably has collapsed now. But it sounds like are med. system does not have a clue.

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"Anything But the Vaccine"

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Excellent point. The story is far from over.

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They will move to forced jabbings.

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And provide cover for more deadly "cures." I really think the great majority of official COVID deaths were iatrogenic, high-pressure vents that blew out lungs, bacterial pneumonia from being vented too long, and remdesivir. Seasonal flu magically disappeared from the statistics, replaced by an equal number of COVID cases...who really knows what disease they even had originally. Probably just flu.

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I hope this is the case!

Unfortunately if you look at the population trends, we are not yet on the desired trajectory. So I am afraid that X will be real and deadly (directly or via jabs). Something like 10% mortality per year (after jab) is not out of the question.

The question is what can we do?

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Edward Dowd just said, "If the sudden deaths we're seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it's not."

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i hope we hear from him soon

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The vaccine program shall be protected, the vaccines declared safe and effective, and the clinical trial data deemed unnecessary, that is, until Taylor keels over mid-performance. Then all hell will break loose. Those billionaires are no match against a mob of disgruntled, heartbroken Swifties.

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Wouldn't be surprised if they have three Taylor decoys waiting in the greenroom for such an event.

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Unfortunately, since Swift is a bit of psyops by the looks of it, that might be true.

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The vaccine program is no longer protected. They have sacrificed their golden cow, to pivot into new gen cancer therapies, their new golden goose.😉 They have already prepped by re-separating mRNA technology from vaccines. The shots will become, "oh no, these were 1st gen mRNA gene therapies, that's why sudden bads."

Then the new mRNA cancer therapies and new gen mononucleotide therapies will be released, just in time for the cancer explosion. And it will be, "oh no, these are latest gen technology, same, same but different. More expensive but "life saving, safe and effective, blah, blah, BS, BS."😤🙄😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#pivotprogram #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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It's all around us. A friend just told me this morning of someone she knows who died suddenly and was not ill and had no history of heart disease. The wife of the man who died is utterly baffled, of course.

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And then they invent self assembling mRNA technology.. what buffoons... leave the immune system alone .. it evolved over thousand of years... mRNA is still a baby... I do not let babies decide how my body should work.

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4.5 billion (4,500,000,000) years in fact. Our immune systems cannot be improved upon by 'scientists'. Such breathtaking hubris.

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I ask once again and will continue to ask ad nauseam: why are the fuckers who perpetrated these global crimes against humanity still breathing?

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A bunch of those vampires are congregating in Davos this week.

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I pray for an asteroid to drop right on top of them... problemo solved 😉

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If only we could find a way to exterminate all those cockroaches, the world would be an infinitely better place.

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why? because the medical-pharma complex wagons are all protecting each other in tight multiple rings. the media and fact-checker sharpshooter are stationed in a panopticon tower in the center, ready to fire. the perpetrators are very protected.

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The only tactic we can employ is massive non-compliance.

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The NiNe nought club are controlled by the Twelve noughts

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Real Estate

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Because those who are poisoned cannot admit it. Until the masses stand up, nothing will happen.

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Unfortunately I think you are probably correct. We are outgunned so a revolution is probably out of the question. But we must not comply with anything else they come up with.

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How do you suggest that we take on the US military? Because that’s who is running this shitshow from the beginning. And it has forced lots of soldiers out because they refused to go along with the scam.

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There is no way to take on the U.S. military or mercs. We are outgunned. The ONLY thing we can do as I see it is mass non-compliance.

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Agreed. But if it’s much bigger than this? What if “they” have gone full bore nano-particle-tech with their endless sky spraying, and we are all, to some degree, “contaminated?” If this is the case, without an appeal to supernatural evil, I struggle to understand fear is occurring.

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The globalists have to be careful not to put out a kill technology that could accidentally harm themselves.

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Then they won’t be able to clean up on all that real estate.

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like on Maui

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This isn't "an "unprecedented" crisis in the history of medicine". Those of us who know what this really is, know it has nothing to do with medicine. I think words need to be chosen that are more accurate or confusion with surface.

"unexplained cardiovascular deaths in the vaccinated with no prior antecedent disease are likely caused by vaccination" - These are people with how many degrees that can not or will not look at the obvious. Those of us lay people can see right through the veil of ev11. How hard is this?

Now, people need to be made aware that they need to detox and heal their cells if they still can. The question is how do we get through to these people? Even those that aren't vaxxed do not want to believe that they are vulnerable because of shedding.

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Anthony Williams the medical medium heavy metal detox.

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We are bearing witness to the global democide as it unfolds in real time.

I propose a group hug in the underworld...

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I just send the excellent articles to two of my sheeptard sister beg them to lesson. My other sibling zero hope for her and husband. Oh, is not family wonderful!

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Best to continue to try. I have the same issues with certain family members. All liberals. I wonder why that is? I guess they worship big Pharma.

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They assasinated the Japanese PM Abe as he did not approve of the Jabs!!!

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Samuri vs. Soros.....epic.

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Ninja vs. Fausti the Showman

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Sadly, a sizable number of professionals who had been warning us about "vaccines" now are pushing pretty hard for amnesty and for moving on. So much for holding these people accountable, which, I've said from the beginning, will never happen.

"Dr. Drew Pinsky has joined the kumbaya club of RFK Jr., McCullough, Malone, Malhotra, Makary, Kulldorf, Bhattacharya, and Atlas in apparently directing us away from investigating or punishing anyone for deaths and injury associated with Covid shots, masks, and lockdowns."


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Malone invented the mRNA death squirt then instead of warning everybody he started giving long lectures about 5GW and how upset he is about everyone beating up on him. Then he locked his substack comment section down as it was getting way too toxic for his liking.

It's no wonder he's pushing for an amnesty. The raised pitchforks are almost at his underpants

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Thin skinned, it seems. Can dish it out, particularly to the Breggins, but can't take it.

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in poker this is folding to EARLY

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Any thoughts on taking this world genocide to the International Court of Justice, seems well past time to address it.

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I am in favor, but the court is most likely globalist controlled ie depop is a wonderful thing! A-holes

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They have several cases going on now. They also have a substack. IOJ. Substack.com

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Thank you, I thought some were proposed, but none had been accepted.

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Jan 15, 2024
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And now the mentally injured by vaccines can apply for euthanasia in Canada. It is unfathomably evil


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