To quote Jimmy Kimmel to himself: "Rest in peace, wheezy."


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When Obamacare came out and my premium went to more than my mortgage, Jimmy called people like me, complaining and speaking out about the scam that it was/is, jerks who wanted to kill children. He has no self awareness and I hope he gets lots more injections.

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Oh, Kimm”ill” is injected alright - with wayyy too much arrogance or ignorance - pick your poison

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Remember those days when getting vaccinated meant you were protected from disease?

Is he feeling unwell or just testing positive?


Okay I am adding an edit:

I don't personally believe vaccines protect people from disease. (although I miss the days of people who wanted to get jabbed got jabbed and what I did was of no concern. As they were protected, in their mind)

I don't really believe in the theory of germs. Although clearly many others do.

I also don't see doctors or do drugs of any kind.

And I did want to know if Kimmel was feeling ill or just getting routinely tested.

I am amazed how many can speak to the insanity in such a steady way, it's great to see!!!!

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My sister was a district nurse for the last 10 years of her nursing career before she retired a couple of years back and funnily enough we were talking about vaccines just before I read your comment and she was saying that the only children she ever saw getting measles or mumps etc etc etc were those who had just taken the vaccine for those diseases. She knew this because she looked up their records at the medical practices she was attached to. She never saw an unhealthy unjabbed child which is why her grandchildren are all totally unjabbed. She also told me, again today, that she had been reported twice for telling parents that they should do their research before getting their children jabbed. On both occasions it was senior hospital consultants that reported her ....... for doing what they are supposed to be doing as well, getting informed consent. Clearly the medical "profession" has an extreme problem when it comes to vaccines and informed consent. Those two consultants sghould be barred for life from practicing medicine and their patient deaths investigated to see what other forms of criminality they have been involved in.

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Good for her!!!

Although I don't think it's enough to say do you're own research. No one should ever stand back and let children be vaccinated. Especially someone who has a good sound grasp of the truth and a perspective that would be hard to come by for most. And then deliver the shot.

And yes there is a lot of criminality here. And should be seen as such.

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If she had told them not to get the shots many of them would have gone straight to the local health board to complain that she was anti-vax and she would have been fired on the spot so better to say "do your own research" as they can't fire you for that and they can't stop you saying it either because that is what they are all supposed to say, ...... but never do. That is the reality and has been for decades now since the medical "profession" sold its soul to the people behind big pharma poisons.

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I understand the why of it. But it can leave many slipping through the cracks who don't know better and might be new to the thinking around it.

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Early on, I was mandated to get this for work, and ultimately lost my career, but asked for the insert to read the information.

It didn’t exist. I realized then it wasn’t something to take no matter how much I wanted to for my own livelihood.

My brother did, however, took two Pfizer jabs. He collapsed, and died Labor Day 2021. My father, took the J&J. He died 8 months after my brother.

Is it incorrect to say the correlation implies causation? I’ll leave that up to everyone’s own interpretation of that.

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Sorry to hear about your family and your career problems as well. In any truly honest risk assessment of a new drug it is better to assume correlation not only implies causation but is causation until proven otherwise. The only people I see pushing the correlation isn't causation line as regards the clot shots are those I regard to be guilty of crimes against humanity. Remember they were called clot shots by the general public long before anyone under 65 started being jabbed with these poisons so the thirteen families behind this knew exactly what they were doing.

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I don’t trust “consultants” of any sort.

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I was an engineering consultant for over thirty years and you can trust me.

The thing is the medical profession bury their mistakes and engineers have to live with theirs and so we learn to avoid those same mistakes whereas the medical "professional" learns how to most easily to conspire with others in their profession to cover it up. Prior to becoming a district nurse my sister also spent 20 odd years in a teaching hospital as a head nurse for most of that time and the criminal behaviour of hospital consultants has to be seen to be believed and as I say they protect one another to the detriment of the people they are supposed to be serving. On several occasions she and her staff had to physically prevent consultants killing people and in many cases it sounded more like malice than incompetence to me. There is something deeply wrong in the British NHS.

It is easy to hide a dead body in amongst a few thousand more but is difficult to hide a collapsed bridge or an electrical generator blowing up or a ship breaking its back in a light swell and so engineers are held to account and are far more professional than the medical "profession" as a result.

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I’d push back. There are true life savers in Dr. Pierre Kory, who wrote, “The War on Ivermectin” and his FLCCC protocol which had a amazing success rate on curing CV,

It was mainly suppressed, by the media, politicians, and the medical establishment. That’s why we are not talking about an 80% success rate in critical care cases today.

You’ve never heard of the Great Barrington declaration? Thousands of orthodox physicians with an army of lawyers to take on the false COVID narrative? No?

To compare, and contrast two entirely different fields to fit your argument, is a bit unfair to say, imo.

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Sorry Elezabeth, but there were no such days! 99% of these vaccines are unnecessary. They are just continuous profit generators. They cause more harm than they cure disease. Allopathic medicines business model is profit over people. They have the clout to prevent the truth from getting out to the people. Read the book by Eustice Mullins, Murder by injection and know the real story. In some ways the good old days were really good after all. I am 76 now and I remember getting the mumps, measles, chicken pox, and they did not kill me, it made my immune system stronger. I did not get the clot shot, got covid for several days, gone without any lingering effects. Fauci stated that natural immunity was best then he stated that the only way to become immune was by injection. He is a liar who has changed his story so many times, and yet he is the science! I think not. All it takes is a little research to find the truth, but you must look for yourself. If Fauci said the sun was coming up in the morning I would look for myself before I would believe him. Jack

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I understand this Jack. I don't buy into the need for vaccines. I don't know if I even buy into the theory of germs. I don't do drugs. Not in any way shape or form. Nor do I have any interest in allopathic medicine.

But people, not long ago (and some still do) believed that vaccines protected them from disease. They made their choice and didn't need anyone else to do the same.

And I'm awfully tired of walking around upside down.

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Testing stupid

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Testing testing 1 2 3.

Testing has no worth and is likely harmful.

But it is one of the big pieces this whole psyop rests on.

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Probably had symptoms and then tested. If he doesnt want to spread it, then likely he feels it's bad enough to not pass on.

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Well some routinely get tested with or without symptoms, since asymptomatic spread is a thing.

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Asymptomatic spread is NOT a thing. They lied to us.

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I know this. I'm suffering from a concealed bout of sarcasm today. I apologize.

I'm starting to feel like my arms are going to lift up and forward all on their own, my eyes will start to spin around uncontrollably, and I'll beg to get jabbed. (and I don't do drugs of any kind)

Maybe I've graduated from 'hesitant' to 'needing encouragement' to 'if it'll get you to shut up'!!! Although I know it won't.

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Your sarcasm and your writing reminds me of me… I think we may cut from the same piece of torn pajamas that blew out of the landfill and landed next to the gas station?

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Sorry, I'm being a pain in the ass.

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Many think that fake positives on those tests is most often what's happening when people with no symptoms test positive. I think the tests are known not to be accurate and give a lot of false positives.

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I tested a Cherry tomato grown on the porch and some dog drool at home, both were positive for Covid. Get the “ free” (tax payer funded )tests and try it , it’s amusing.

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that is hysterical. thanks for passing those results along! wasn't there a prime minister of an African country who did basically the same thing? if I remember correctly he is no longer among the living. thanks for the fun idea Rosalind.

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I wish I would find it amusing. Argh and double argh again.

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From what I've read the tests have no worth at all. And likely are causing harm.

And yet they're used to establish cases and convince the public we're in the middle of something. And we're all asymptomatic spreaders of disease to boot. Argh and double argh. . .

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The fact is the inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kerri Mullis, won the Nobel prize for this work, plainly stated that the test would not diagnose any illness or current disease, and yet this is exactly what they used. He also tried to debate Fauci at three universities and was not even acknowledged at all. Mullis stated that Fauci knows nothing and is just a tool. He also disagreed with Fauci about HIV causing AIDS, guess who was right, Mullis, not Fauci. Jack

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Up to 90 % False Positives on RT-PCR 'tests' - This IS because said 'Tests' were for Laboratory usage ONLY - NOT for stand alone Diagnosis of 'Disease' - Emphasized by inventor! [ Even in Lab Conditions, Cycles were Limited to 25-28 MAX- or else 'Test' will pick up Multiple 'Similar Junk', & NON Decisive results - AT LAB LEVEL Conditions!!! THE OZtopian Govts RAN 40-45 Cycles!!] This WAS PerpeTraitored for PsyOp #s Leverage on THE 'Sheep', - [ Who have lost, The Ability, of Independent Thought] ,Via Govt 'Programming' / Food- Water & Environmental 'Additive Deployments'[ Incl Geo Engineering 'Constituents' - Elemental,Electro Radio interfaces & Biological], & their Collective 'Sponsoring' of, & in League With, MS & Soc Media platforms!

NOTE ALL; RT-PCR Test Kits FOR DEDICATED COVID-19 [ Yr 2019 'Novel CoronaVirus'- NOT or otherwise],; Registered RT-PCR Kits By R. Rothschild [U.K.] Year 2015 - 4 YEARS early of 2019.

;Bulk Shipping of DEDICATED C-19 test Kits Tracked by W.I.T.S [ World Integrated Trade Solutions- a Div of World Bank] Bulk exports Globally incl Australia & N.Z. Dedicated product Tracking Code # 300215 - Year of Export 2017-2018 = 2-3 YEARS TOO early. [Must have been 'Future Health'- A 'SEER' - Maybe]. BE assured, the 'Fact Checkers', ruling this as a 'Scam OR Con Theory', ARE OWNED by the System - ABC/ BBC/ Poynter Institute/ The Atlantic Council Etc., this IS 'Clean Up of Oversight', & Public Awareness!' = Apologies! This was a 'Mistake' in Tracking Details, by a well Resourced, Multi Spectrum ALL Level Checking System - OF The World Bank. = YEAH RIGHT!


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these tests (like the shots) are just another way to launder money. they want to suck every penny possible out of the country before they leave us in their dust. blackrock is already on its way to 'greener' shores, which looks like a sign to the rest that they'd better move quickly.

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Tested for stupidity

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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I have neighbors, a young couple. The woman is an acupuncturist. The man gets routinely tested for his job. He told me he is or was having debilitating cluster headaches. They don't believe in getting jabbed.

I don't do drugs of any kind. This was all clear almost four years ago the whole insanity, all the pieces of it. Sorry, I didn't say I believed asymptomatic folks spread disease. I don't really believe in the idea of contagion much either.

I was being sarcastic and a pain in the ass and should stop reading anyone who continuously speaks to this. It's a torturous drip drip drip drip. And it is beyond mind numbing that people like Jimmy Kimmel believe this psyop. But I don't think I really care. And I'm sorry I upset you.

But see too, how easily you wished me dead and around and around we go.

People who bought the whole story hook line and sinker don't deserve harm. They're not all the same. None of us are.

And this is why none of us should reading or writing this endless drip drip. What's the point of it, exactly.

Is it, I'm mad and frustrated and I want you to be too? Is that it? Is it constructive?

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I have a friend who is a psychiatrist, and he had to take the jab because of his medical practice. This guy is a big six foot four, 270 lbs. weight training guy who has always been healthy until after the shot, now he is vaccine injured. He said he gets winded faster than before, and this just happened after the jab. He is one of the lucky ones as many have verry serious illnesses or death, but he is convinced it was the jab. My Dock at the V.A. said the same thing about the jab. Another said it was just a flu, and he was right. Did anyone notice the flu and common cold disappeared for three years? Where did they go?

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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He spreads stupidity

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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Yes! Never have I been so happy to see a name on this list than Jimmy Anti-Vax-Barbie Kimmel.

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Or as my favorite Warren Zevon always said, I'll sleep when I'm dead. His ex wife, wrote about Warren's life and times and entitled it with the quote.

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You make me think of this:

My Shit's Fucked Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbhYqV17CoQ

and for Yom Kippur, Leonard Cohen

Who By Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilGahIwQEQ0

Who by Vaccine?

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Truth MAA 🎯😎

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Yes! I was just going to post the same sentiment! I echo yours!

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Schadenfauci tastes so sweet :-)

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LoL 👍 A good one this MAA!

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Loved that video thanks to the "way back machine". Humble pie lol.

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Maybe that will be inscribed on his headstone...

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Jimmy Kimmel testing positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, forcing him to entirely cancel his upcoming "Strike Force Three" live event with Fallon and Colbert is simply priceless.

Perhaps they'll roll in a ventilator for him while Colbert and Fallon sing & dance around his bed dressed up as hypodermic needles.

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Will Jimmy wax poetic for his dear Dr. Fauci as his immune system slowly deteriorates?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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we can only hope.

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Yup. Karma is a bitch. Those three are loathsome.

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Don’t you mean vax poetic? Lol sorry, I can’t resist a pun. I’ll leave now!

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That's the most beautifyl thing I read all day.

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I want it to be as over-the-top as Colbert’s “vax scene” number.

Now that would be watchable.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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he was by far the best person to ever speak at the correspondents' dinner and his speech was incredible. the change in him since then is painful. I can't believe it's the same person. if you've never seen that speech, you should. no one before or since has 'spoken to power' the way he did that night. it was Ricky-Gervais-at-the-golden-globes amazing. but I can no longer bear to look at him let alone listen to him.

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Odd. I am 55 and got Covid and didnt miss a work out or day of work.


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I had it once in 2021, haven’t been sick since. Many I work with keep getting it every few months. Weird. I’ll say it was the worst flu I’ve even had though.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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It got rebranded similar to Xitter. It's now called covid (formerly known as flu)

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I hope so too...perhaps Jimmy would prefer the safe and effective REMDESIVIR over the "horse goo" paste that we horrible antivaxxers use for covid. I think Jimmy would definitely benefit from a couple weeks of daily remdesivir and mechanical ventilation with sedation.. He's such a sensitive caring human being he deserves the BEST treatment from his local hospital with the above protocol, just like our loved ones recieved

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Totally agree, it's only fair. Being such valuable member of the fauxci team he really deserves that no remdesivir is spared in achieving his full recovery, ventilator too, he should get the best of care there is.

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😂 most definitely!!! 👍

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Yes, but he is such a pharmaceutical shill that he will insist it would have been worse if he hadn’t injected lots of pfizers mRNA.

Same for Colbert; he does exactly what he’s told.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 27, 2023
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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Most young people don’t have mainstream tv, only Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. They don’t watch these shows or even most sports or news. The boomers and older do, but we’re all dying.

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What? There’s still late night TV shows? 😂

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I hope Jimmy took as many as possible. I really don't like being vindictive, but it's well deserved in this case. My father is an avid fan, and I'm sure Jimmy's comments caused my own father to say "I heard you won't take the vaccine, so don't bother calling me again, because you're just going to die" F Jimmy & all the other rabid crazy Covidians.

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If you haven't already, you probably need to face the reality your father too is a rabid crazy Covidian.

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Be nice. My mom is brainwashed and boosted. The vitriol is making what time I have left with her very challenging. She’s 81.

& She watches Colbert.

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I hear you! My father is a very sharp, independent 84 year old. It's heartbreaking that these issues have caused so much caustic behavior. I don't engage, it's all coming from him.

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87 (84 was a typo)

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Of course, and as a former republican, until Trump...he now has a severe case of Stage 4 TDS (TRUMP derangement syndrome)

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Did your father really say that to you? That is beyond awful. At least the jabbed in my family agree to disagree and haven’t tried to ostracize or even lecture the non vaxxed. I hope that isn’t an uncommon thing.

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Yes, he most certainly did...around 2 years ago though. We have a very strained relationship, but have spoken since. He's yet to say sorry, or "I was wrong" but deep inside, I think he must realize.

Mind you, after Trump lost (supposedly) in 2020, he sent 13 consecutive emails that started with "please don't kill yourself" with 13 different methods of suicide. He's not right in the head, but that doesn't make it any easier

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Sorry about your situation. My father had slow rolling dementia that took a sharp downturn right after a 4/22 booster. He did lose his grip on reality and could get angry in his fantasy world, but it never got personal. He died just over a year ago at 93.

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Thank you, Ernie. Sorry for yours, as well. 93 though, wow! I hope you were able to enjoy time with him, even under those circumstances.

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Yes I did enjoy being with him but of course people in that condition, and he is not the only one I have known, are but a shadow of their former selves.

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I hope he remembers that when he can no longer care for himself.

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Crazy enough, he is 87 and still lives independently. Drives, etc. Sharp as a tack. Just not "right" in the head. Cruel and more

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I’m sorry about the cruelness and it’s great he can care for himself. I hope that remains the case. It doesn’t sound like someone who’d be easy to care for.

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Thank you! Yes, you nailed it there ❤️

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Funny enough, literally just saw this posted on X


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Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply ❤️

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Mrna pusher Kimmel, get your 10th booster.

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Just one more booster Jimmy, just one more ....

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Jimmy Kimmel, aka Goebbels is a flaming turd who should be canceled. That was me being nice. This is what the New Yorker in me would say, "Jimmy Kimmel can go FUKC himself."

The time has past for niceties.

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The New Yorker in me would call him a punk ass bitch motherfucker.

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That Rat baststid ( bastard) .

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Let’s give Kimmel the Fauci protocol of remdisver and ventilation. Deny him any ivermectin. Interview him just before he passes so he can tell the world how evil Covid-19 is.

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Thecovidblog.com featured the case of Karen Croake (real second name) Heisler. She was hating on the unvaxxed on Twitter. Got a booster, hospitalized, and on her deathbed kept saying “god damn the unvaccinated”. She was 57.

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And then she went straight to Hell.

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Don't forget to lock him in a room so no family and friends can visit.

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Good point, he has the dreaded virus after all.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

Kimmel has suffered the worst fate that can befall a comedian. No, not Covid. The joke teller has become a joke.

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"Kimmel has suffered the worst fate that can befall a comedian. No, not Covid. The joke teller has become a joke." GREAT lines.

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On top of that, he is so intelligent, he doesn't have the capacity to realize it .....

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I thought the point of the Vax was to allow people to go to concerts and live a normal life. Remember, it was supposed to stop transmission and symptomatic infection. 95% effective they blasted; morons, the lot of them. I shouldn't feel so smug in my vaccine free bubble, but it's hard not to be when we were cast out from society.

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Dear Mr. Stevens: you're a very talented musician whom many with taste appreciate, your story is harrowing, and it is most gracious for you to say, to a certain set of doctors, that you "owe them your life." Just remember. If you vaxxed, then to another set of doctors, a very large and very corrupt set who for nearly four censorious years now have set most major policy and persecuted all docs who disagree with them, you very likely owe your illness.

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Yeah, Sufjan doesn’t get it, but he absolutely can at one point... 🥲 it’s especially sad when someone of his sensitivity gets injured, it just is.

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Kimmel sure wished a lot of ill will on the unjabbed.

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Well, at least he didn't seriously advocate, as Jim Cramer did (11/30/21--youtube), for the U.S. military to go around forcibly vaxxing the unwilling.

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He was probably thinking it...

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FAKE NEWS!!! Jimmy can't be sick - he's fully vaxxed, boosted and a fanboy of fauci. That means he's completely protected. Or wait, oh yeah, it's the other way around. Can't wait to hear about your myocarditis asshole. :)

Axl Rose - is he undergoing gender reassignment? Sure looks like a middle-aged woman. (?)

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Few look so desperate as a rock star refusing to grow old.

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I didn’t recognize Axl. Doesn’t look like the same person when compared to photos from decades ago. Some think he OD’d years ago--his current existence possibly ascribable to the Mandela effect. Maybe he did die but was replaced by this non-look-alike--as some allege happened to Paul McCartney. Speaking of Paul, can’t he help Denny? I guess Denny figured he could go back to UK for medical care if any issues developed--but that plan won’t work cuz now he can’t fly?

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Not only his face looking like a woman but he has boobs in that picture. My guess is it’s his club dues or he’s a ftm conversion. As these ftm or mtf conversions age, they start to revert back to their birth gender and need repeat plastic surgery to hide their secret.

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Jimmy…ya need that new boostah hurry hurry. And remember if you haven’t had all 6-7 shots you’re not officially vaxxed and no bed for you! Watch ya ticker ya don’t wanna be caught short of the recommended doses if your heart goes tic tock!

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AXL looks kinda bad, it's a red faced look I see on alot of people, guys especially, these days. As for Kimmel, may he enjoy his Kimmel karma.

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He appears to be in need of a manssière

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You mean the Bro!

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I noticed that too .

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Is Axl a tranny? He has impressive boobies!

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Whatever casting couch Kimmel passed through that got him from the Man Show to this platform must have been pretty influential. Why? Because he is a talentless zero and just a total ass kisser worse than Fallon. Colbert is a sociopath mental patient. It wasn't totally detectable during Comedy Centrals Colbert Report but his rise to late night and take on the jab shows that he is a scumbag collaborator and all around piece of sh_T. Live by and endorse the sword, die by the sword.

In addition, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar shamed NBA players who did not take the jab openly. He now has atrial fibralation / A-FIB. The jab gave him this condition. Kimmel, Colbert, Abdul-Jabber are satans ass clowns.

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"In addition, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar shamed NBA players who did not take the jab openly. He now has atrial fibralation / A-FIB. The jab gave him this condition."

LOL! I saw that commercial where he is shilling yet again for Big Harma. I laughed out loud at him and am glad he has reaped what he sowed. God will not be mocked.

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Other than his achievements in the game of Basketball, he has proven that he is not a smart man. Tuskegee should be a red flag that steers someone who has lived through the history of open eugenics in a different direction. Not an intelligent man and he is in good company. I imagine that this comment will be seen as racist. Why? Because their heads are up their backsides.

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The term CONSPIRACY THEORY is so misused and overused it’s risible. Idiots parroting idiots parroting CIA drivel...

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I know, you are so right. I was just thinking how I felt like that Three Stooges Niagra Falls Slowly I Turned sketch when I read that, or "right-wing". Always included in a cascade of ad hominem attacks in hit pieces, which are increasing instead of decreasing.

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