
We call them vaxxidents.

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You go Duch!!! 😅😅

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Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Convulsions & Seizures, Arrhythmia, Pulmonary Embolism, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Venous Thromboembolism, Neurological Impairment, Turbo Cancer, Transverse Myelitis, Thromboctopenia, Kawasaki disease, Guillain-Barre, Autoimmune disease and Sudden Death that coincidentally and consistently affects those jabbed with mRNA, lipid nanoparticles and other gene editing technologies.

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Coinciditis”? I love your neologism! 😘

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So good !

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Do not forget those infected through shedding because they came in contact with who had taken the "Vaxx"!

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I'd like to know more about shedding but no one seems to be talking about it.

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the midwestern doctor substack has written VERY long posts about it

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not sure I want to read those lol.

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Also, Dr. Pierre Kory

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I'm an RN and use to do botox and fillers, patients would proudly walk in saying how "safe" they were because they just got their covid vaccine. I finally quit because I realized I was being shed on, even though I'd make them wait 4-8 weeks after getting the fake jab. It's like they vaccinated the whole world, even the smart people that didn't take it. I'm convinced we can heal ourselves from this though, Peter McCoullah has a great spike protein detox, the FLCCC has a great protocol, I meditate every day and ask all the cells in my body to target bad cells and remove them, and heal my body from the toxins they put on us. I put my feet on the Earth everyday to ground myself, walk around for at least 5 minutes barefoot in nature, I think that is the most powerful detox you can do.

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Erica Khan and Jeff Rense talk about shedding frequently on Rense Radio 3 times weekly M-W-F. To find free podcasts, go to Rense dot com and scroll down the right column until you see the Jeff & Erica heading.

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My exlandlady (4 doses + and counting) had to gave her cat "Mischief" put down recently. Seems the poor creature developed an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs...🙄

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Those are the reported ones. Among the ones not reported: two days ago a lady drove her car into the building where I work. Everyone sees their incidents, be it a miscarriage, sudden death of their mother or spouse, or turbo cancer, as isolated--they were just the unlucky one in a million. No, it’s only 11:30 in the morning but you are the 600th victim today of a global, daily massacre--and you don’t see it the way TPTB knew you wouldn’t.

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It's a curious business. I read these stories all over substack.. Since The Lethal Injections became widespread I've kept a tally and so far I'm up to 27 peculiar stories, two of those are deaths -- if you count my former landlady having to put her cat down because the poor creature developed an inoperable blood clot in a major artery -- But nothing like what I'm reading online... yet... 🙄

In the words of Treebeard: "Root and twig. Very odd"... 🤔

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I’ve noticed a lot of issues with pets. Many seem to remain undiagnosed (the vet has no clue what’s going on) but involve weight loss, digestive issues, general malaise and sudden decline leading to death.

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YES!!!!! I have been saying the same thing. I've noticed over the past couple of years on instagram so many dogs have gotten heart issues, cancer, and have died. Other animals, too. A friend of mine just told me that her vaxxed co-worker's ferret, 3 years old, just died. I know of two dogs from one household that died a year or so apart and the wife is vaxxed. Just this past week, 2 more dogs I knew of died and they weren't that old. I can't even look anymore. These beautiful beings are innocent but the fearful people they live with have harmed them and caused so much suffering by choosing ignorance and fear.

We take zeolite powder and give it to our dog because he's occasionally around people (we're also detoxing him from the crap he was given when at the rescue and prior - prozac). We try not to let anyone touch him which is just sad because he likes people. Zeolite powder is safe for dogs, cats, and horses according to Dr. Howard Peiper. At this point, I'm not sure what the ____ is in the shots (it seems there are 3 different camps on that) but I do know that zeolite powder binds to positively charged toxins AND removes them from the body. zeolite dosing dot com (take out spaces) is how to dose properly according to Dr. Peiper (it's his website). Humic acid is another product that is safe for dogs and apparently it helps to dissolve the rubbery clots (idk) and removes toxins. I do know people who have been vaxxed and their symptoms have disappeared after taking zeolite powder.

Also, we give our dog systemic enzymes mainly for the scar tissue in his body from the ccl injury he had. It also breaks down any foreign proteins (spike proteins) that the body doesn't recognize. There are many systemic enzymes but nattokinase has become popular now because it helps break down normal blood clots (if one is on a blood thinner drug they should not take nattokinase). So, we give our dog a specific systemic enzyme from pet health and nutrition center dot com (no spaces). You can give other brands but just be sure to know how to dose for your dog or cat (I think it safe for cats - look that up). Systemic enzymes are also good for other issues separate from these shot related ones. They're quite amazing supplements. If you're allergic to soy, nattokinase might be an issue because it comes from natto which is fermented soy. There's also lumbrokinase and serrapeptase to look into, also.

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Thank you for your input! I love this conversation. If health issues are happening to our animals, maybe this whole “shedding” idea is not so crazy after all. I may try the zeolite—have always been curious.

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All those pet vaxxes the past few years might be depopulation … if humans need to be culled, animals do, too

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Anyone else remember how veterinarians were pushing Covid shots on dog owners a few years back? I was horrified and appalled at the time.

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Luckily, we didn't deal with the conventional vet much because we know how idiotic they are. They are so vaxxed themselves from so many vaccines that I'm surprised they are able to survive it. We believe the holistic vet we WENT to (no longer) probably got vaxxed too because she was always wearing a mask.

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My vet was/is so consumed with catching something that up until about 6 months ago they insisted you park your car, call them, they’d come out to the car and get the animal. Finally, they’ve relaxed enough to let people back in the office. I in the meantime found a new vet!

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Good for you. They should know better but wow are they ignorant. If they're vaxxed up the wazoo with all the shots they get (a previous conventional vet told us, they get all the vaxes and are up to date. This was in 2020 she said that. We no longer go to her. We also go to a holistic vet anyway.), in their own logic (which is illogical) how in the world could they catch anything?

I was searching for an email I had from over 10 years ago and found an email that I didn't even know I had from a vet that stated so many relevant things regarding any and all vaxes but so appropriate for these shots that I was floored when I read it. It was long but here's the gist: "that is the very essence of the diseased state directly a result of vaccination!... I have cases that prove, get a Lepto vaccine get Lepto pathology, get a Lyme vaccine, get Lyme Disease pathology, vaccines really are the root of all evil!" It just goes on an on. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Side note... our dog was a rescue. At the rescue they gave him the bordetella vax and sure enough he got kennel cough as did other dogs at the rescue. They were housed at a kennel. Thinking about it, as Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has stated that when one is given a shot in a muscle the components of that shot goes into the blood stream which create different antibodies then are needed for a respiratory infection so how would any bordetella vax even work since bordetella is a respiratory infection, right?!. And, as with the flu vax they never know what strain they are dealing with so how can you "protect" against something when they don't know what it is?

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I may have to pay attention to pet stories.

Will be uncomfortably amazing if there is a connection.

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People who are newly boosted affect me personally—and in a pretty big way. I’m more than 10 times the size of the average cat so I’m guessing there could be a correlation. I follow way too many cats on IG, so I’ve noticed. There. Now you know everything! 😂

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You have noticed that cats are getting sick with heart issues, cancer, and dying? I've noticed it with dogs as I mentioned in my comment above.

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I notice mostly weird digestive stuff with the cats, and I also notice that their vets often don’t seem to give a definitive diagnosis (notice this with humans too). When there is a diagnosis, there is a lot of CHF, now that you mention it. Not seeing as much extra cancer with the kitties. Also noticing a lot of dental surgery in the last two years with the poor little beasts getting all of their teeth taken out. It may or may not be related but the tooth stuff seems like a general inflammation thing.

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"Interesting" is not the word I'd use. How about "horrific" or "terrifying"? 🤔

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Right. It’s becoming more and more obvious that all living beings around the chronically boosted are negatively—even severely—affected.

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Since this is the first I've heard of this, I went with a more Vulcan reaction.

If the evidence begins to point to a connection, the reaction will move to terrifying and horrifying, along with other horrorifics to be named later.

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Dear Joe:

Ever since their release I have been aware that these injections are not approved, and certainly not licensed, but carry only an “Emergency Use Authorization” by the US Food and Drug Administration. Thus they are experimental drugs that come under the terms of the Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Accord: Administration cannot be given without “Informed Consent”, otherwise a crime against humanity has been committed which at one time carried the death penalty. Trouble is, “informed consent” cannot be given, because there is NO safety data: They were created with all safety protocols suspended.

According to www.cryptogon.com when The Lethal Injections were first released in the UK in November 2020, within 24 hours 2 people presented at Emergency with Anaphylactic shock; 4 more, Bell’s palsy. In America in February 2021 a woman named Jummai Nache living in Minnesota took The Lethal Injection as a condition of employment. Shortly thereafter she lost both her legs above the knee, and both her hands. (https://yandex.com/search/?text=Jummai+Nache&lr=21512&search_source=yacom_desktop_common).

Thus the evidence how dangerous these injections truly are Joe, was undeniable by summer of 2021 and has been gathering momentum ever since. I’ll leave you with these three videos that were released in 2021, altogether they’ll take you about 45 minutes to watch.. But with any luck they may convey to you the true horror of the atrocity that has been perpetrated: Without a word of exaggeration and without a doubt, the Covid Fraudemic and The Lethal Injections are the worst crime in human history! Nothing but a scam, designed to profit from premeditated mass murder:

💣 “If People Get Jabbed After Watching This They Are Beyond Saving” – https://www.bitchute.com/video/albkum3iam6a/

💣 “A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors” – https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

💣 “We are at the Great Separation” – https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

Best wishes,

Capt. Roy Harkness

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Purina pro plan foods are being linked... by pet owners.... to illnesses & death.

‘Mystery sickness’ in dogs in Midwest.... very rapid decline. Appears contagious to other pets.

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Want to work on second floor at least

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Having been a professional truck driver since 1990, with a spotless CDL since then, I can say that significant numbers of fatalities occur on highways because automobile drivers make the mistake of thinking that a 80,000 pound truck can stop as well as their two ton pocket rocket can.

Having been a broadcast engineer and telecom technician before a trucker, I have to wonder why a car that can tell you when your tires are low can't refuse your use of a cellphone in the driver's seat.

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Me neither, vonu. I have utmost respect for our truckers. I don't know how guys do it. 😎

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It can be a very enjoyable job if the employer isn't a Scrooge, as all of mine have been.

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Known a few myself

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While a substantial number of truck drivers are male chauvinist pigs that believe that the only woman who should get into a truck is a lot lizard, I know from personal observation that some of the best drivers are women

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There is a wonderful essay that you can find online titled, "Read it again dammit" by a trucker who describes what he has seen over the years and I highly recommend people read it. I read it once a year just to make sure that I’m paying attention on the road. His best advice is to not leave the road under more circumstances because things not in the road do not move out of the way. And the 2nd thing is to understand what 18 wheelers can and can’t do. Like you mentioned the stopping distance of them takes a lot of feet…

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I hope people will read this. It might even save your life some day. It has helped me become a better and more aware driver.

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It was an excellent article. Thank you for posting.

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Thanks for reading it. It really makes you think about your previous driving experiences doesn’t it? And I think it will be very helpful during this time of more distracted drivers and the increasing medical emergencies.

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The brats that caused it should spend the rest of their lives telling younger ones why not to do such things, when they are allowed out of their cells for life.

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The only thing that Google can find by that name obviously isn't the essay you are citing, so if you can give us a link, that would be most appreciated.

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Google finally found it.

I’d like to know your thoughts on it.


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I thought I'd already given them.

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Vaxxidents, sudden deaths, medical emergencies, turbo-cancers, etc. are popping.

I see these incidents that Mark reports as popcorn kernels in a hot skillet; these are the precursor pops. Depending on how high the heat goes, it may not be long before the whole lid blows off.

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One might be given to hope... But the stupidity of Humanity is truly a wondrous thing. 🙄💩

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So ironic...

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"Journalist" got cancelled by the "safe amd effective" medical intervention.

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very apropos!

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Great observation. Here in my bicycle crazy Netherlands there has been a major uptick in cycling accidents ever since the Covid vaccination drive began.

This is significant because for decades in a row the numbers of bicycle fatalities in the Netherlands have steadily decreased.

Another interesting point is that the increase of the Dutch cycle accidents were all attributed to the elderly - the exact demographic that is all vaxxed up.

We are 'fortunate' though that soon there will be no more excess deaths in the Netherlands. The official metrics will be adjusted to hide those deaths. https://www.maurice.nl/2024/01/02/zo-verdwijnt-de-oversterfte-uit-nederland/

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Demons going more and more CRAZY...Time is short and they're NOT hiding; there is no longer an occult as nothing is hidden. Going to become unbelievably crazier...And, how many will return to God in Intercession and Reparation for sin?

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The Veil is lifting quickly even for the normies.

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Agree...It's as though humanity is suddenly aware all is a BIG, FAT OOPS.

Humanity denied God and more and more know God released Hell

to challenge humanity to return. The fear of God is growing...

And, those not of God are also growing ever more restless, depressed, anxious.

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"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

— Arthur Koestler

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Good One...🤣😂🤔

Receiver isn't 'Off the Hook'...

When I go to our Lord in sincerity; my whole being fills with fire and I know God is within and all around...God is sad as humanity has denied him; those most blessed of all time having freedom to know, worship and praise him. He allows the Demons latitude to challenge humanity to return and they are raging the world prowling for the ruin of souls.

Going to become far worse; brutal and unimaginable...So bad that when God ends it all in a flash, ALL WILL KNOW ONLY GOD COULD END IT.

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I'm glad, BlazeCloude3, that the Lord is there for you. I just wish he was there for me: All my prayers have only ever been met with deafening silence.

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God wasn't always there to my knowledge...I went an extremely wrong direction in life and knew better because as a child I was granted and gifted with great faith and a devout family who loved I and my siblings unconditionally regardless of anything we ever did. Unlke many, my needs and many wants were met and I never knew poverty; although we also learned to work hard and nothing was for free.

It's required years for me pursuing God while cleaning-up my own life with full confession and much pain I chose and caused for myself. Much of 'me' had to die to reach what has so unimaginably and viscerally become.

There is a name for what this is; 'The Virtue of Recognition' and it's a gift from God...And, it's wise to remember God doesn't give gifts unless he plans to use those gifts within somebody for His good reasons. To this time, have no idea what the expectation or plan is. That which is now within and all around me is a bit frightening as I know God expects something and am not certain what it is.

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the only way it works is not to expect anything. we're not beggars (and He's prolly busy elsewhere).

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It's a lovely thought Mary-lou. I'll give you that.

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or in the great words of george michael

"I guess somewhere along the way

He must have let us all out to play

Turned his back and all God's children

Crept out the back door"

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More as "EXPLODED OUT THE BACK DOOR" in more ways then one.

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Revelation 14:6-12

2 Corinthians 6:2...behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation

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i think i've reached the numb stage...i barely raise an eyebrow anymore when i read of single vehicle accidents or died suddenly or unexpectedlys. i keep my wits about me when out driving and watch every oncoming vehicle with eagle eyes and absolutely avoid hopping into any car driven by the vaxxed.

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Yes it’s very hard….but on hearing yet another unnecessary tragedy I can separate and grieve again for them…….the victims may have been stubborn. stupid and deliberately ignorant but the sadness and deep loss is real and long term, for others in their lives…

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The uptick in car accidents are NOT linked to the covid jab as rumors swirl --Fact Checkers

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Yes. It is ANYTHING but the vaccine *ABV

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Gotta love the "fact" checkers.....

Meet Jeff: How Crimes Against Humanity are Perpetrated in Small "Fact Check" Increments


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Oh, Alice! That was brilliant...just brilliant!

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it's probably climate change

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One thing that should be mentioned here is that the cell phones absolutely ARE a key to these "medical emergencies", especially amongst the vaxxed, since the vaxxed have been injected with wireless nanotechnology that has turned them into walking wireless receivers and transmitters. Pulsed microwave signals from the phones, bluetooth devices in their vehicles, cell towers, etc. can easily and quickly trigger heart attacks, strokes, seizures, etc. -- and indeed that is what is happening all over the world and is now escalating due to increasing frequencies from 5G. The only way for the vaxxed to save themselves is to get away from wireless devices.

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What else do you all know about the mood swings and anger episodes by the vac’d…?? I’ve been thinking about this since months ago when I was watercoloring alone, in our social center, empty room, and a long time friend came up and started ranting at me, a real personal attack….in a loud voice could carry to the other end….I actually didn’t recognize her…..I was open mouthed, thought I would wait it out to hear what she said, but it was wounding and shocking….I m a recovering introvert so she caught me not in a fight mood anyway…..I would be prepared to pick up my stuff and walk out in the future, but I was glued to my chair….

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Prof. Miller had a recent stack on the insane things people are doing like at sporting events and more. Also, there was a fascinating interview on Rumble with Naomi Wolf, Dr. Bhakdi, and I think Dr. Peter Breggin talking about the personality changes happening in the vaxxed. Each of these 3 have talked many times about this aspect of the shots. I'll look for the interview. And I'm sorry for what you had to deal with concerning a friend from long ago.

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Liz thanks so much for your comments and your offer, yes I would like to see more on this. I do follow Naomi Wolf but have missed that interview. As with all of us, we can be buried by the many interviews and articles, and I don’t even have the contact list numbers that others have.~~~ Not only do we see infections, coronary and debilitating injuries but are shocked that even behaviors can be impacted….truly, the body, our individual minds and personalities are an amazing and miraculous thing….amen and amen

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Sharon, I just want to say how sorry I am. That kind of thing can be too deeply unsettling. I would have also been glued to the chair and mute. But afterwards, incapacitated. Be very kind to yourself.

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RADIATION – Human Rights Podcast

CHD – Children's Health Defense

January 20. 2024


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I live in the lower mainland of Vancouver, British Columbia and have been following this story. I doubt we will be told the truth if the cause was a medical incident. This wasn't some university student but a respected fire fighter who one would assume was an experienced driver.

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Might be young, but not healthy - given they'd been genetically injected.

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True. Healthy and fit, BEFORE the mandated injections!

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Dreadful. Terrifying for victim and anyone who saw it….

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I found this one very suspicious, in a follow-up report (which I can't find unfortunately) it was concluded the teen suffered a medical event which was most likely why he fell.


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Clif High has been talking about this coming for years.

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I know all about this, I had my car crashed into at a CVS drive thru right after the vax roll out! He passed out & his car zoomed into mine. He’s since died, not from this accident!

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