How long do the rulers and controllers of mainstream media think they can keep this demonic genocide hidden?

"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open." Luke 8:16

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"The rulers and controllers of mainstream media," if by that you mean the owners and upper managers, are more than likely unaware of what the "vaccines" were meant to do. The circle of those in the know is probably much smaller than we think.

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Isn't it more the tip of the power pyramid floating above the base as we see in the US one dollar bill? Floating above and separated ready and willing to sacrifice the whole base below if need be. Isn't that what all cults do when their members start to get wise?

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It’s shocking how few of my “normie” friends know anything about the jab dangers. Three recently got the latest booster! When I exclaimed that they are ineffective and actually dangerous, and that only 7% of the US has taken the latest booster, they were silent. I hike with one of them and am always expecting him to keel over! Censorship kills.

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Jan 25
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I believe it is because they are bowing to their masters believing they will protect them. They should trust in Jesus and in His Father instead. Same with those who trust in Satan. They don't realize that Satan hates them even more and has very bad things in store for them if they do not repent, give their lives over to Jesus and be rescued by Him.

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Very interesting Jamie and I wouldn't doubt it. These people don't know as much as they think they know. Their underground bunkers will not protect them. God has a plan for his people, those who love and follow Jesus and are directed moment by moment by his Holy Spirit. In relation to even our galaxy, Earth is just a dust particle yet God is doing a great work with us. What is pathetic, and tragically comical, is that they seem to believe that Satan will protect and provide for them. In fact, Satan is just fattening them for the slaughter. Their time is running short so they had better reject Satan and turn to God. If they do not, the sting will be when they die, Satan will be there to take them away, and not to a party for the rich and famous. Jesus and his Father are merciful, compassionate and ready to forgive. Think of the father of the prodigal son. Satan however is none of the kind.

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Revelation 6:15-16

This is how those with the underground bunkers will end up

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Definitely looking forward to that!

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Jesus' resurrected Spirit, the Holy Spirit living within everyone who follows and obeys Jesus, keeps His gospel alive. As Jesus said, "You are My friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14

I take that as meaning - no one gets a free pass.

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Because ignorance is bliss and going with the flow is easy.

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A very long time. The vast majority of people will stay in denial, for to fully realize just what has been done to us, and the possibility that they may have harmed their own children, would completely rock their world to the foundations.

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I think the real answer is:

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

2 Chronicles 7:14

And not to misunderstand this, God is not responsible for any of it. We are however under demonic attack; certainly not something we can fight on our own without God and without His Son Jesus. We are like lambs who have strayed from the care and protection of the Good Shepherd and are under attack from wolves. But thank God that Jesus did lay down his life to rescue us from these same wolves. But we can't be rescued if we don't come back, we will simply be attacked again.

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Brother A.T.

This theme you present is wholly accurate. In the denomination I belong to (SDA) the "Spirit of Prophecy" (God's message through a prophet to an end times church) is clear. She said that ancient Israel or the Hebrew nation was given a lighted torch as it were, to bring "light" to the "world" in every way possible. They had the Word of God, the Prophecies, and His marvelous miracles of restoration done on their behalf, not to mention all of nature which attests to His Creative Hand. But they failed their duty. America, it has been pointed out, was, in its historical overview, given that same torch to bring the good news of the Gospel to the WORLD. Much was accomplished, to that end, but then she herself apostatized and went-a-whoring after idols and developed a proud and self-reliant facade, while inwardly she became corrupted by Jesuit induction.

It's such a cryin' shame that such a blessed nation is brought low and turned into a wretched country! We can only surmise what the outcome WOULD have been, if she remained faithful to her post and duty to the world. It's SUCH a shameful ending!

But the good news is that the nation's demise is not allowed by it's Provider until she is fully warned of her blasphemy and shown her sins. Many folks, GOOD folks, are unaware of this truth. They will "come out" of Babylon, and become "lights unto the world" as they become acquainted with the Truth, and who it is that is behind the concealing of their existence. This is all a long-running, long-term plot planned to undermine God's people, their gifted nation, and anything else that is representative of the gifts received of Christ.

So, when it comes to view that there is a "spiritual" motive; a core reason for this chaos we deal with, it will spur the investigation so very necessary in order to fully trust the Scriptural Word, and NOT the distortions so carefully enhanced and adorned by the wolves of "Protestantism" these days of late. Trust the Commandments for their applicableness, and if anyone says "they were abolished at the cross" jump on your horse and RIDE, as fast as you can be carried! LOL

Yours in the Great Battle for the souls of men,


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Thanks for your comments Ray.

I would just like to add that Jesus is the Word of God. People can distort and misinterpret the Scriptural Word, but they cannot touch the Word of God Jesus because His Spirit lives within all who have rejected Satan and have surrendered their lives to Jesus.

Also, Jesus has been given all authority here on Earth in this tiny corner of the universe. God appointed Him as our king.

"Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place

and gave Him the name above all names,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father."

Philippians 2:9-11

"... under the Earth" - very interesting!

"Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit."

1 Corinthians 12:3

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Many Christians ignore a lot of what is in the Bible. Most of them I know got the vaccine and eat the American diet, which is contradictory to the Bible diet. Most of them I know are also the worst at being holier than thou and judging others. The overlords knew the vaccine was the perfect anecdote for a food addicted, unhealthy society. I was just reading an article in the Forks Over Knives publication that I found interesting because it was talking about how immune systems work and it said that they cannot be "boosted" - obviously a way to point at the current vaccine ideology without being direct with it. I thought it was a great way to try to get the information out without being judging or hostile, but of course that is only to those willing to hear it and I still don't think anybody is at this point or probably ever.

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Yes, for sure! I'm glad you made those points. What is meant by "...under the earth..." Do you imagine that what is meant relates to those buried?

There's an old saying, "You only live once!" It tends to the theme of living ones life to the full. But how many of those who uttered those words, realized that indeed EVERYONE (except a very scant few) will be resurrected to face God's Judgement, or preferably to receive the blessed commendation of Jesus and the welcoming of the saints into the peace of His Rest.

Someday, brother A.T. if we find ourselves among that blessed throng, we will do our best to try and recount the difficulties and trials suffered while above ground. It will be then when we joyfully proclaim the words, "...Heaven is cheap enough!"

God bless all your efforts, and thank you for the inspiring comment.


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Apostate Protestantism is no longer pointing out that Papal Rome is the first beast Revelation 13:1-10 and the United States is the lamb like beast in Revelation 13:11-18. These will not be well received messages.

Revelation 14:6-12

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Brother Dan,

We're joined at the the hip! And your facts are straight, trailing those of the Reformers of old, and the prophet of late. Our message to "come out of her my people" (referring to Babylon...Rev 14: 6-12, the Three angels' messages) is what you are referencing. And for sure, it is not a popularity contest winner, but that has nothing to do with duty. We are commissioned to bring this light to the world in any and every way we can. The world has been duped very slickly with the ultimate of evil intentions underpinning it all.

Here's what I know. God, as loving and forgiving as He is, cannot afford to bring into Heaven or the Restored Earth, one single person, whose sins are not forgiven by the blood of Christ (whether that be on account of pride or disbelieving the Creator, Jesus Christ.) To admit one person of that sort would endanger the entirety of heaven and anywhere else sin might infect. And therefore, Christ MUST destroy those who are His enemies, not out of spite or revenge, or hatred, but rather love for the future good of His Universal Creation. Sin is THAT poisonous and contagious!

This covid program surely has taken a serious toll, and threatens much more chaos and destruction, but can it really compare to the many BILLIONS of deaths due to Satan's influence? This is why I reiterate the Three Angels' Messages. We have been commissioned to do so, to explain what the passage means, to specify the players, and to encourage everyone, everyone, to take note while time exists, and while air is still being pumped. There is NO second chance for anyone. That is a bald-faced lie concocted by the enemy. The time to act is NOW.

So please forgive me for being redundant, but it's SO important to stop and consider the bottom-line Truth in all of this, and exercise the freedom of choice that we've all been given; to choose whose side we will be on: The Creator, Jesus Christ, or the lying devil, Satan.

Your in this Great Battle,


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So true. People would not be able to live with themselves especially where their children are concerned. Cognitive dissonance.

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Well if people were honest with themselves perhaps they could begin to address the damage and save themselves! Utterly insane in my mind that people pretend nothing happened. I’m tired of trying to wake them up!

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I agree! It is utter insanity. Unfortunately fear is a powerful tool that can sublimate the honesty that is needed for pride swallowing 😞

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Time to start Rocking

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“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

Mathew 24:7

You have said the realizations of people will "completely rock their world to the foundations". God speaks to us in so many ways for those that are willing to see and hear. Could "earthquakes, in divers places" mean both physically here on earth, as is now being reported worldwide to an increasing extent, AND in our hearts (divers places)? Rocking our spiritual worlds to the foundations? Think on these things.

Pray earnestly, and ask humbly, for discernment in His name. Ask - and ye shall receive. In God, ALL things are possible.

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indeed, they feel that if they do not believe what is happening it will not happen to them or their vaxxed kids... ears and eyes are fully closed off to the reality they may face.

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Jan 25Edited

Not for much longer, see:


Note the third bullet-point, fren.

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Those who were forced by circumstances get my sympathy and help. Some had family to support and were in positions where they had to get altered to remain in their jobs. The others will get strong reminders that actions have consequences. It is my sincere hope that ALL of the truth about the last four years comes out so humanity can get a clear unobstructed look at what they've been dealing with and who they've really been listening too. A good tour of the inside of the slaughterhouse might wake them up. Maybe.

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not gonna happen. criminals and their useful idiots outnumber

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I did check this out...I gave up Google as my search engine a few years ago. And fortunately I’m not one of their ‘merchants’. But if this isn’t censorship staring you in the face, then what is?

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blocked by google as a ‘sensitive event’ wtff

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It’s a policy change, rules they apply to content that goes through them.

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Many of my family and friends are still getting every new booster as it comes out. The "vaccines" are still pushed by the medical authorities and new ads appear continually reminding people of the new "variant" and the need to get their tanks filled up. Some of the people I know are starting to get suspicious, but most still believe everything the news tells them to believe, even those harmed massively.

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If they don't get you to line up for the next booster, they try with different diseases like RSV. Suddenly, it's the big thing and, surprise, they have a shot for it. I've been seeing lots of Pfizer ads for RSV jabs, boosters and last night, saw one for Paxlovid. As the bartenders of the ol' west said,"pick yer poison."

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Pfizer rolled out paxlovid which was essentially an admission their covid shots were not actually effective. And then it became common for paxlovid users to get covid rebound.

It's tragic and comical how horrible Pfizer's products are and that people still trust them. Bourla seems as likable and trustworthy as Klaus Schwab.

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In a sane world, that guy would be in prison. Imagine if the CEO of any other company continually made products that killed thousands or it's customers. Yet, the gov't gives him their blessings and full liability protection from damages to the takers.

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Shoot your TV

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For sure. I make sure to tell everyone who wants a shingles shot that my FIL got shingles right after getting his shingles shot.

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That quote really does sum up the process that we are all observing. Here in Canada who our leaders (and many media pundits) really are is being disclosed with greater and greater clarity every day. (P.S. In most bibles it is 8:17, in case anyone is looking for it)

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When the pandemic first hit as I was waking up I got a mental message from the Lord. It was "Lucifer , lung, Leviticus, Leviathan" I knew exactly what this meant- the virus is demonic.

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Jan 25
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Exactly what I see. The serious health issues people have are never linked to any of their shots. In fact, my BIL who is a senior ER doc at a teaching hospital just had the latest booster + flu jab. He had no problem convincing his 26 year old son to do the same despite the objections of his mother. Who is the he going to believe? The parent who's a doctor, of course and now their son is having reactions to it.

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This was posted about 2 1/2 years ago and Dr Chetty knew the agenda. Well worth the view.

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Massive idiot that doctor is and now his son will pay the price for his utter ignorance!

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At this point, HOW do they not know? He must be seeing the health anomolies in the young! We're not talking anymore, BTW....I'm a &^%*$ anti-vaxxer. When we were still communicating, he said it was satisfying to put the unvaxxed on ventilators since, "We were causing the pandemic."

As far as I'm concerned, the whole medical establishment has turned into Murder, Inc. AND STILL, this is a shocker:


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One reaction was entirely strange. Their son is a cute kid, even handsome.

His own mother said he turned ugly within a week and his brother who hadn't seen him in a while asked, "What happened?!" What's more, he looked at himself in the mirror and said he had turned ugly. Now his mother said his hair colored has changed.

This past summer, I was dining near a woman and her arms looked like the bark of a sycamore tree - all mottled in distinct areas.

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Anecdotes of rapid ageing too, which is eery and must be disconcerting to ppl obsessed with trying to find the fountain of youth w Botox, fillers, surgeries etc

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What is a BIL? Don't know these text shortcuts.

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brother in law

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These are like brain teasers - I had to figure it out myself.

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The MSM may advance the injury/death issue as a desperation move to stop Trump. It’s bubbling to the surface either way, goog realizes they can’t suppress it.

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That will be difficult with the huge body of work created by those currently in power in their efforts to get as many shoulders punctured as many times as possible.

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The truth may be darker than you think.

The cull may be required to restore the Republic. Not only do we need to drain the swamp and have a currency reset, but maybe we have to get rid of everyone incompatible with American freedom.

The vaxx test is a proxy and filter.

Oh, the Serta ad dates to like 2010 or so, doesn't it?

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Jan 25Edited

When the dust settles, the survivors will be paranoid armed freethinkers like me.

You can't have a system reset and then vote the Adam Schiffs of this world back into office. We must be rid of the demoralized late-Moderns.

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Judge not on what they say, but on what they do. They are not (sans a few percent of the truly deranged) lining up for any more shots; despite continued pressure from various 'health' agencies etc.

The vast majority know something is up.

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It's true, even the 'smartest' people seem to be in denial. It seems to be like getting a terminal diagnosis and they are fully invested by the decisions they have made for themselves and even for their children. Takes a big person and a lot of humility to say they were wrong.

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One of the largest barriers to wisdom and knowledge is self-importance. A man of true wisdom and knowledge works to eliminate self-importance and strives constantly in the effort. The average person is filled with it.

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Other people may have been harmed by their poor decisions. It is hard enough to admit we were wrong, it is even harder to admit that we have become wrong that we have conspired with evil, that we have become deformed and are in need of healing and restoration. And we may have lost compassion for others and for ourselves. At this point, how do we escape?

"We love because he first loved us."

1 John 4:19

So many people believe that they are not lovable. Maybe we can believe that we are loveable if we realize that we are loved. The conversion of the heart is a miracle. Some part of ourselves has to die. Perhaps the ego or our clinging to mortality. God does not condemn us, he is more understanding than we can understand. When a parent sees their son or daughter go wrong, they remember them as a child, remember their innocence. God is like Jesus, always reaching out to us always imploring us to come back home. Like the father of the prodigal son. And when we do come back home, he does not condemn us and is waiting to celebrate our return.

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Everything you consider evil is as much a part of God as that which you consider good. All Is One. Both sides.

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God-given free will. We are allowed to do whatever we want. Isn't that better than being controlled? We are not slaves to God.

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A big if.

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Hey Eddy, Couple of people at work came up to me recently and they started a conversation that the jabs are dangerous - multiply this globally millions are awakening daily. At some point a tipping point will happen. Then god help us we will wish for these days cos it aint gonna be pretty.

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When do the arrests begin? When will the monsters responsible for the greatest crime in history be held to account?

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nobody is coming to rescue us.

even after ww2 and the so-called nuremburg trials, they imported nazis to the US and they became nasa.

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Since it was the world's leaders that enforced all the lockdowns, shots, business closures, don't expect them to hold anyone accountable (since it was them).

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Those are fundamental questions. Are there any 'White Hats'?

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Just each and every one of us, acting individually I guess. But I don't see that happening.

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They will be held accountable, but maybe in the next life. Meanwhile, I know where my help comes from. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High... Psalm 91

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"It's an unpleasant shock for naturally trusting people to discover that, in the end, God will not help them."

-- HL Menken

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Don't listen to Menken. God's always helped me and I'm old

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Well... I'm also old (64). And I'm glad God was there for you when you needed him. I just wish he'd been there for me... 😥


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God does things for your good and His glory. Sometimes it's hard for us to see the good.

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That's a lovely thought Andrea. If only it were true. I'll toss 4 titles in your direction to track down and read at your leisure:

1. "The Atonement of Ashley Morden" - by Frank Bodsorth - a little known classic of Canadian Literature, the most brutal novel I have ever read.

2. "The Trickster and the Paranormal" by George Hanson - among other imponderables he discusses at some length the story of St. Lydwine of Schiedam, a pious and holy woman of the 15th Century... Paralysed from the neck down most of her life and devoured by intestinal parasites. His question of course, "How could a good God, allow this?"

3. "Hannibal Rising" - Thomas Harris - "Hannibal prayed so hard he would see Mischa again. But his prayer did not drown out the sound of the ax..." -- But Mr. Harris' prose doesn't begin to approach the consistent horror described in "The Atonment of Ashley Morden."

4. "The 8th Tower" by John Keel -- In which Mr. Keel asks not, "Is there a God?" -- but the much more disturbing question: "Is God sane?"

Finally in my personal case -- and mind you, I want to believe -- amongst many other things after two abortions and the death of my brother from "AIDS" (I know understand he was poisoned courtesy of Dr. Fraudci) any justification I ever had for faith in God snapped past the breaking point, quite some time ago..

PS Also check out "The Gulag Archipelago" by Alexandr Solzhenitsyn and "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and see if God is visible anywhere... 🙄

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Jan 26
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They have laws against a great many things...

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I've a tentative theory, a mere hypothesis to throw into the ring: that Disease X really is solely the long term side effects of the poisonous soup already injected into the population. That it will kill over a billion "vaXXinated" by 2030. This is the AGENDA. That BigSick has killed them through WHATEVER pre-existent proclivity, tendency or ailment each recipient already possess, via the death jabs.

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Seems like more frequent MCM Substacks these days…Thanks for keeping us informed. We must be in the twilight zone.

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The other day I was in my local pharmacy, mom and pop place, and a man came in looking for Benadryl. His 12 year old daughter has a strange rash on the side of her face going down to her arm. The pharmacist suggested some OTC creme instead. I really would love to hear from some pharmacy people. How can they not notice and not feel guilty? It is like shoving the problem under the rug.

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I remember seeing an excited notice from a local pharmacy that jabs would soon be available for young children. I expressed my opinion about the danger, but the pharmacist was adamant about the safety and efficacy, even stating that her own 8 year old would be one of the first to receive it.

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Horrible and insane.

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didn't those pharmacies roll out the jab themselves?

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Yup. The question is do they understand what they have done, and have they made a connection to all the weird stuff happening to people? And the ones that have, do they feel guilty for what they did? I also want to hear from the Hospice people.

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The deaths are sure picking up as predicted. Looking like the tidal wave is here.

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True, but most people think that the deaths and injuries are due to Covid and not the vaccines. I read the comments on naked capitalism and most people there think that the vaccines are worth getting and the injuries are from Covid or long Covid.

Same thing with a leftist website I read. Maybe it’s because that is what the corporate media tells them?

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I’m reading a lot of deep appreciation for the “life saving vaccine,” from some of the jabbed.

They’re going down with the ship by choice.

It’s like trying to put an energized toddler to bed.

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I think a lot of long COVID has to do with the fact that the body is trying to detox from the contaminants of the vaccines on top of dealing with a lot of chronic conditions people who took the vaccines already have and the vaccines pushed over their toxic loads. Just pure speculation, but it seems plausible.

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Makes sense. After getting jabbed and then infected and maybe more than once the body doesn’t have the right antibodies to clear the spike proteins out.

I believe that long Covid in unjabbed and maybe some jabbed is actually happening because I got reinfected with mono again and it took 2 years for me to get over it no matter what I did. I don’t know why I did or why it took so long to get over it, but it was a difficult 2 years dealing with whatever it did to me. A viral infection can trigger lots of things in people that doctors don’t know how to treat. So why not long Covid?

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Yup, it’s what the corporate media tells them. MK Ultra Mockingbird media is one hell of a drug

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Yep. We were bombarded with military grade propaganda that they had spent many years making a affective..or is that effective? Ruff day.

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and yet, all of us here were totally immune to it...

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Maybe…but I doubt everyone here is immune to propaganda. Just because you didn’t fall for it this time around doesn’t mean you haven’t fallen for other propaganda. You don’t know how many things you’ve learned through the years are not true.

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true. i'm now at the stage where i'm questioning everything i've ever been taught and everything i've ever believed in my life...all the foundations have been flushed away over the past 4 years. but that's probably the price of being wide awake.

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It seems to me that the reason so many people believe Covid or Long Covid are to blame for what is actually mRNA injuries is mainly ignorance. People also want to believe whatever seems to shield them from acknowledging such a harsh reality that the jab could be a weapon and is deliberately designed to harm.

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I agree with you, but I also think that long Covid is real and especially in the unjabbed. Like I said in another comment I had 'long' mono or something that took me 2 years to get over. No doctor had any ideas how to treat me. It was awful.

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And the father of a friend died in the main hospital from what can only be described as a "turbo cancer". 3 weeks ago, according to a mutual friend, he was fine.

Our friend is checking up on his inoculation record.

And on the same subject, in a city that suffers cholera outbreaks virtually every rainy season, the first mRNA vaccines are being rolled out door to door. A million doses "donated". What is the cost per dose, one wonders. Cholera is a product of poor sanitation, poor drainage, lack of safe drinking water and high density low cost housing.

Doing a quick back of the envelope calculation: 1000000 doses @ say $20.00 invested instead into remedial civils work to provide sewerage, drainage and water reticulation would go a very long way to eradicating the disease from these very localised hot-spots.

There's nothing new about the current outbreak. So why the hype?

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I agree. During the 'resistance' to the plandemic, I remember posting about how I believed both the Queen and Prince Philip had been damaged by the quaccine (and died suddenly). Everybody who responded to me just dismissed the idea, saying they would only have been given saline but in fact , if we look at the global agenda, it makes sense for part of the agenda to be getting rid of the British royal family as they instil nationalism. Yeh we know Charlie boy is pro the NWO and 'green globalism' and Earth religion but he may be just going along with that because behind the scenes he has little choice or maybe he is being misled. Either way they are not worried about him because he will be dead and out the way by the time the plan is implemented. Now Kate appears to have been taken quite seriously ill, and has most likely being given boosters. Yes Obviously both queen and prince philip were both old, and Philip already had health problems, but the Queen was in excellent health. Only after the shots did she start getting a 'problem with her leg' and it was all downhill from there. And it is also the case that the royals get top class health care so they have better health than most.

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Some questions that could wake up the deniers: Why don't our governments and "Health Officials" tell us whether sudden deaths occur only among the vaccinated, among the un-vaccinated, or equally among everyone? They know perfectly well who got vaccinated and who didn't, they know who died suddenly, they know which vaccine and the number of doses taken by each person. To make a statistic would take a moment, so why don't they do it? There's a deafening silence that makes me think the worse.

Yes, because I'm sure that if only the un-vaccinated people were dying, it would be the opening story on all the news. Just as I'm sure that if this spike in sudden deaths affected everyone indiscriminately, vaccinated and un-vaccinated, the search for the cause would become a national priority.

Instead, nothing, apart from a few blurbs that inevitably rule out any correlation with the vaccine and charge the deaths to unknow causes, birth defects or ridiculous things like weather, doing sports, or drinking too much water. Why are they not investigating????

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they know that you know that they know

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This is the scariest account I've found. No one knows who the young man is. He claims there was a large scale mRNA study done in 2013 that killed everybody. https://dontspeaknews.com/2022/08/21/2013-mrna-drug-trial-whistleblower-says-only-5-left-alive-out-of-200000/?fbclid=IwAR2jFZ8LVB7l2esciDJQ_7TMg5XnnhMUvRDjvC_OHDIxolAr0TizHps8NvE I'm just trying to find out who he is. With other whistleblowers, we know who they are...whether they are doctors, or morticians, or NYC nurses...they have a name...this young man has no name. Not one single fact-checker knows who the person is.

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*shrug* And yet I, who drinks scotch in the evenings, chased with a sugary soda, well into my 60's, unjected, am still alive and well. There has been an alarming amount of "Unattended Deaths" in my smallish community of 500 or so households in the past year. Not caring. I did the research, which is why I'm unjected. They didn't, just did what they were told. No sympathy. Given their behavior towards the unjected, zero compassion either. I don't take much in the way of Big Pharma's other poisons either, preferring to take care of my issues with diet, exercise, herbs, and supplements.

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That's because the toxins of alcohol and sugar eventually leave the body, unlike the spike proteins and heavy metals in the vaccines, in my opinion.

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Grounding helps immensely, especially for blood flow and as an anti-oxidant.


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God’s holy trousers!

Did 45 take out the Windsors with his magic vaxx?

He just cannot stop winning!

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Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, were very aged, in their 90's and at the tail end of a long life span and then some. Without autopsies done, it is not possible to really confirm the cause of death for the Royal Couple.....and autopsies are very seldom done on the elderly, even the prominent ones or famous, because death is totally expected when any person gets up in years......i would be very interested if there were any findings, but who knows?

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The correct staining tests can easily tell if an organ/biopsy is filled with 'natural' spike, modRNA spike or no spike.

But they will do those on no one, young or old/rich or poor, doesn't matter.

Try asking a covidian, ready to get their next 'booster', why that is.

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and so many cremations these days so no evidence to dig up in the future

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Not part of a post mortem. Why indeed.

Thank you.

Many love to be led by the nose

So many people appear to be trauma bonded to and enslaved by the latest missives and propagandist proclamations coming out of the PigFarma dominated and controlled Global Corporatocracy. Dominated by fear

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The Queen did decline in a rather strange way. I’m a little suspicious of what actually occurred in her aged system. I mean, the timing..

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Well, if I remember the queen’s last few year or so, I heard she had Covid in early 2022. That would have been the omicron variant. Omicron was said to be the mildest variant yet. The queen was said to have suffered a lot from that illness. That struck me as the beginning of the end. She became noticeably mobility challenged.

True, her age could be the entire reason for her death.

So, her mobility issues looked to be circulation issues.

Maybe, I overthought the whole thing, but that’s what I thought.

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I guess I was thinking, “ long Covid,” as in vaccine aquired immunity problems.

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Can you please elaborate on that, Steve?

Maybe I missed something.

Curious to hear your take on the matter.

From what I understand, It is not at all unusual for two spouses who have been together for a long time to pass away one following closely after the other in death.

I have subzero doubt that many were killed as a direct result of the Smackzeens. Just not sure that that is what happened in the Royal Couple's case......although it COULD have been for sure.

Just not enough information available regarding them IMO. I don't rule it out and I don't rule it in.

Strange findings of huge clots over and over again by some morticians performing embalmings on the smackzinated, and not afraid to speak out.

Widespread sudden deaths in all age cohorts plus turbo cancers? The globalists and PigFarma minions will leverage this into it being "Disease X" ....this is how they ROLL: Roll out a new DEATHSTAB for public health consumption, that is..

Whichever mortician prepared the bodies of Elizabeth II and Philip for burial would likely have some conclusive knowledge of what's gone on here......

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But his magic vax also took out a lot of others. Not just the Windsors. I can never forget it was he who brought us those jabs and left Fauci in charge.

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he still touts it and his cult thinks he is the messiah

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Was the finger for me or for your idol? Don't shoot the messenger.

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It’s pointing to your comment in support of it, Clem.

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Sickening. Pure evil and so many people (doctors included) fell prey to this crime of the century. There must be punishment!

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Time is now unfolding what plighted (pleated) cunning has tried to hide;

Who covers faults,

At last with shame derides.

(Slightly adapted from King Lear. Cordelia in Act 1 sc 1.)

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I see the lid coming off this soon, lame stream media will be forced to tell the truth, this lie can't go on much longer.

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“My 8 yo’s Bells Palsy was caused by a bad eye infection????”

As long as that’s what you believe then I guess you and your precious daughter will line right up for the X jab???

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What about the Ebola “vaccines” that are being given to people at Denver Health in CO? Started last month?!

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Same poison, new bottle.

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