Even folks reading the above, might give it a second or third thought but they are impatient and think that one scientific paragraph is the same as another….maddening
Even folks reading the above, might give it a second or third thought but they are impatient and think that one scientific paragraph is the same as another….maddening
Since this operation of MSM 'brainwashing' CDC lying, Gov't Fraud and Military bioweapon exposure 'just to see what works and doesn't' I have begun to question every statement the 'officials' make. and, if they say something, I immediately KNOW there's a lie in there somewhere to spot. Or it flat out is the opposite of what they are trying to make me believe. Cui bono and what's the money trail? I think it is sad, because all trust has been destroyed in institutions I used to believe in and in the 'holy grail' of 'pure science'. Science is only as good as who is paying for the studies and what they want it to say. :( I think many of all ages and persuasions join me in this condemnation. I now believe that hey they probably are lying about oil (abiotic oil, look it up.. it really could be true...just harder to extract perhaps, or they aren't looking in the places they need to look or researching the idea and science behind it/ for it because? A scare running out of oil is more profitable for the green energy scams and the depopulation agendas. And any way mini nuke plants are the way to go) I believe there are disruptive technologies out there we are not being told about, or which are being 'smothered' by those whom it would cut into profit lines for...and disrupt the idea that we can't provide for all the people on earth so we need to kill them off, so hey let's do a giant experiment. People are disposable. People can eat bugs and crickets (no not evolved to do so) and also hey its okay to genetically mod people WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. Because? People do not have 'rights' from God . God is mankind (transhumanism).... and there is nothing above or beyond him... Concept of being of soul and Soul need to be 'killed" off. All very evil lines of thought as the actions they bring about result in massive murder and perhaps even extermination of humanity and the entire natural world. AI? Likely had it for many years under wraps. And hey, what IS down in Antarctica? Ever notice how all the richest people and 'famous' people go there?? But the rest of masses are not to go? All these ideas were things I'd heard and not paid mind to before, but now. Now I really AM left wondering. Because garbage information 'in' = garbage decisions output. And the puppet masters (all 8000 of them) are simply not by an stretch of imagination human beings considering their actions and intentions.
Even folks reading the above, might give it a second or third thought but they are impatient and think that one scientific paragraph is the same as another….maddening
Since this operation of MSM 'brainwashing' CDC lying, Gov't Fraud and Military bioweapon exposure 'just to see what works and doesn't' I have begun to question every statement the 'officials' make. and, if they say something, I immediately KNOW there's a lie in there somewhere to spot. Or it flat out is the opposite of what they are trying to make me believe. Cui bono and what's the money trail? I think it is sad, because all trust has been destroyed in institutions I used to believe in and in the 'holy grail' of 'pure science'. Science is only as good as who is paying for the studies and what they want it to say. :( I think many of all ages and persuasions join me in this condemnation. I now believe that hey they probably are lying about oil (abiotic oil, look it up.. it really could be true...just harder to extract perhaps, or they aren't looking in the places they need to look or researching the idea and science behind it/ for it because? A scare running out of oil is more profitable for the green energy scams and the depopulation agendas. And any way mini nuke plants are the way to go) I believe there are disruptive technologies out there we are not being told about, or which are being 'smothered' by those whom it would cut into profit lines for...and disrupt the idea that we can't provide for all the people on earth so we need to kill them off, so hey let's do a giant experiment. People are disposable. People can eat bugs and crickets (no not evolved to do so) and also hey its okay to genetically mod people WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. Because? People do not have 'rights' from God . God is mankind (transhumanism).... and there is nothing above or beyond him... Concept of being of soul and Soul need to be 'killed" off. All very evil lines of thought as the actions they bring about result in massive murder and perhaps even extermination of humanity and the entire natural world. AI? Likely had it for many years under wraps. And hey, what IS down in Antarctica? Ever notice how all the richest people and 'famous' people go there?? But the rest of masses are not to go? All these ideas were things I'd heard and not paid mind to before, but now. Now I really AM left wondering. Because garbage information 'in' = garbage decisions output. And the puppet masters (all 8000 of them) are simply not by an stretch of imagination human beings considering their actions and intentions.