I can thankfully say I never heard of a single one of these "personalities."

Pays to not have a TV.

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LOL. Yes more and more, since I am forcibly receiving email People mag, and I do scroll sometimes to see the promotions about folks, I wonder that I’ve never heard of them. The ugly, the farcey, the shallow…….The stuff that they care about, the Legend in My Own Time personalities…….My tv has been down for years and though I miss some things, I’ve never gotten around to fixing the connection

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I am with you on this...

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I have a TV and still never heard of any of them.

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Same here!!! Neither or!!

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Same here about unaware who these folks are...but I can guess that they were all triple or quadruple or whatever the latest count is, boosted

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Pays not to have a doctor who is bribed to vaccinate everything that moves.

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Not been a white coat in my life since the mid 1990's. The key to longevity!

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We still watch from time to time... that philosophy of “hold your friends close, and your enemies closer” 😂

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I only know Kelly Ripka because I watched her in a soap opera decades ago. the rest--no idea but hope they all recover.

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shouldn't we instead wish that they enjoy the natural consequences of the worldview which they've helped to impose on hundreds of millions of other people?

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I save those thoughts for the true ptb who initiated this evil. And their “handmaidens” so to speak. These like Kelly appear to be suffering. I’m not going to writhe in anger and revenge. (Not that you are either) We all suffer the consequences of foolish actions or those things done in ignorance. I’ve made plenty of mistakes in 75 years. Tried to move some people in a direction I later found I was very wrong about. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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My thoughts exactly, Janet.

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Me Too!

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The same "no-pandemic" Allen?! - we've missed you!

I only know Anderson Cooper - mostly by reference to his start out position as an intern with the CIA via Yale.

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Aug 5, 2023
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Rat juice, that's good! I'm going to start calling it that.

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If you are on the interweb, you're still watching TV. Just an interactive one.

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I’m waiting for Jimmy Kimmel to be afflicted. There’s a special place in hell for that guy.

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Remember how cruel his non-vaxxers statements were?

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Once in hell, in the hot seat, he'll have all the time he wants to read about the miraculous medicinal properties of ivermectin.

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Right next to Sean Penn and Gene Simmons in the Celebrity Pit.

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Rob Reiner, please!

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And Arnold “Screw Your Freedom” Schwarzenegger..

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Ahhhhnild Schwarzenschnitzel?

Can kiss my you know what.

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Last i saw of Arnold, old age hasn't been to kind to him. Hero to zero in 2.5 seconds. Should have shut his mouth.

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Bingo. And the list goes on and on….

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As the old adage goes From your lips to Gods ears!!!

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Yup... old Jimmy in a box with lid... that will be nice.

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Amen on that one. COLBERT TOO.

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There's a special place in Hell for all of them. 🤔

Or at least, there should be.

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Could anyone guess whether some celebrities received a special version of the job, and not the real thing? ~~~But it does seem as though the injuries are reaching everyone, celebrity or not

I understand the levels, the groups, the timing, and the vac lots are spread out on purpose so there is not one huge collapse in the same area or period….

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Gotta kill them slowly at first. Then over the next couple of years watch for the ramp up of deaths. 5 years after the bio-weapon? No connection, or so they think and lie about. They been planning this time in history for 100 years and have a plan.....That doesn't include protecting humanity.

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You're aware of the website "How Bad is my Batch?" ? https://www.howbad.info

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Concerning Jimmy Kimmel, the words of Gandalf to Frodo come to mind:

"They tried to pierce your heart with a Morgul-knife which remains in the wound. Had they succeeded, you would have become as they are, only weaker and under their command. You would have become a wraith under the dominion of The Dark Lord; and he would have tormented you for trying to keep his Ring, if any greater torment were possible than being robbed of it and seeing it on his hand."

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When Obamacare went into effect, and I was up nights trying to figure out how to afford the mortgage size premiums, he demonized those of us against the unaffordable care act. He equated our outrage of being pushed out of the market as cruel and wanting to kill children. Yes indeed there is a special place in hell for Jimbo.

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When obama careless went into effect, I paid the fine AKA tax instead for every year that ridiculous nonsense was in effect,. Actually i have never paid for medical insurance in my life. Do the math and understand what i have saved while i don't trust anything in our "greatest healthcare in the world" garbage tossed propaganda, Did not ever fall under that pill for every ill witchcraft and without the chance I get creamed by a bus, I am good to go with my alternative medicine and taking charge of my own health with clean food and nutrition. Yep! That means drive right by those fast food lanes!

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I never paid the fine. Just told the IRS goons that I had insurance. Let them come and get me. I was never audited. I do the same with the online sales tax purchases. I say I never purchased anything online therefore I own no taxes. Let the IRS goons prove me otherwise.

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He is probably inner circle so will have been warned not to take the safe and effective poison whilst continuing to push it to his drooling fans.

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Aug 5, 2023
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Near the top of my list of the ten most vile living creatures.

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Have you seen pics of Madcow when she was younger, before Liberalism got ahold of her? She was actually cute.


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“At 50, everyone has the face (s)he deserves.”

― George Orwell

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Yes, indeed! 🙌🏻

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that's a man, baby.

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Aug 5, 2023
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If she wasn't warned not to take it. I'm sure many like Madcow were warned but still pushed it for you and me. The truth will come out eventually..

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I enjoy the Madow feature on Bannon Warroom because I know what she doesn’t know

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Aug 5, 2023
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He must have gotten paid "big time" to do his vax dance.

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That was an "in the money" dance if I've ever seen one!

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Knowing what we know about the deaths and adverse effects, its sickening to watch it. (have seen reruns of it)

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Yep. He is Goebbels.

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Goebbels would probably be horrified at being compared to the terrible human being known as Colbert / Kimmel.

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He’s not the least bit funny either. Never was.

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1st place for annoying though.

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Make no mistakes. God has all their numbers for deceiving people. Poor fools.

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God is all, therefore even those annoying talk show hosts are a part of God. We bring into our conciousness what we believe. All is unformed until we make the thought. Li leads to Chi. The thought brings motion of energy into form. Change your thoughts and beliefs.

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That's not very nice—and I strongly agree.

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LOL….It is really hard to be open hearted and understanding when all these months they have been so judgmental and harsh, and deliberately ignorant

Assuming that everyone but they know absolutely nothing…

When they look into their selfie, and pronounce stupidity on their neighbor, and two weeks later they themselves are dead, it’s hard to say, Tried to tell you.

A simple, ‘Well, what do you know, what have your heard?’ Would save a lot of heartache, now and forever

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Late night TV is better left to old 1950-1970 movies. You know, before the whole world went nuts?

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I find anything before 2,000 is generally watchable and then up to 2010 a few things are watchable but thereafter it is pretty much a desert entertainment-wise with one degenerate thing after another being pushed as normal.

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Remember when pancreatic cancer was rare? Prior to 2022, the only people I knew of that had pancreatic cancer were Patrick Swayze, Steve Jobs, Alex Trebek, and a Great Grandfather I never met.

Now, in the past 2 years, I personally know a half dozen sick or dead from the disease, with countless others I read about that I don’t personally know.

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It's just a coincidence. Just kidding, you are right. 15 years ago I was pursing a law suit with an attorney and he suddenly got pancreatic cancer. He was super fit and convinced he could beat it. Nope.... 6 months later he stone cold in a box. I had never known of anyone or even heard anything about (I am 72) anyone who had this form of cancer before this. Now it seems to be everywhere. What could have changed?

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Some of my mother's friends died of it....about 15 years ago...since then, there seems to be an increase. we always thought it was the pipes or the water...now I think it is glycophate....

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Pancreatic cancer, like liver cancer, from the little I know, was almost invariably and only, the result of decades of alcohol abuse. It almost never occurred otherwise.

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Non alcoholic fatty liver disease is on the rise.

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Odd, that... 🤔

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Abv syndrome ! Anything but the vax

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"Safe and effective."!

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Ok - Alcohol is REALLY bad for the body in general... so that does not surprise me.

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Several members of Pres. Carter's family had it, James Earl a/k/a Jimmy (a teetotaler) recovered & is alive at 98

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Maybe used to be. Not anymore. My mom had liver disease and was not a drinker, in fact i don't remember her ever drinking alcohol. My cousin died in 2020 from it. He was 51 and not a drinker. My ex was a huge drinker for over 50 years and it didn't get him but colon cancer did. stop assuming.

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I'm talking like, years ago... And the connection between colon cancer and drinking is as strong as the link between lung cancer and smoking. Go figure...

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My cousin died of it in Dec. 2020 He was only 51

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All of the above. And chem trails.

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I also know someone who died rapidly from pancreatic cancer…

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Like the sudden arrival of gays and trannies... I mean, I’m 68; we’re there noticeable homos or (any) trannies in public school when I was a kid? Vanishingly few gays & zero trannies...

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And the amount of Atrazine (chemical castration) sprayed on our food doesn't help

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Some. Many modern diseases can also be linked to the industrial foods people consume, the skyrocketing levels of EMF exposure from cell towers,satellites, personal devices, the exposure to endless toxins in the air water and foods. Vaccines just one part of a larger picture.

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Assuredly this list of “personalities” and others were front and center 3 years ago pumping and pimping the vaxx narrative. “Safe and effective” rings loud and will continue to reverberate as these folks succumb to what Pharma has known all along: this bio-assault weapon has been and is a deadly poison.

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All I can say is better them than me!

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better them than nobody.

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Call me misguided, but I'm gaining a very strong impression here that people with lifestyles to protect / advance and obscene wealth to accrue / amass won't be getting infected anytime soon with serious cases of openness or honesty.

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They have access to the antidotes , my suspicion.

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They are all beginning to get sick. Most if not all of them will die. First jabbed means first slabbed. The genocide is beginning in earnest. The end of Western Civilization is upon us. Buy guns and ammo while you still can.

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Lawrence..Not sure if you've seen this video of Dr. Chetty of South Africa from November, 2021. It's one of the most succinct and easy to understand explanations of covid and the covid shot I've seen. It's aged well.... eerie how accurate he is. By the way, I love your substack.


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Thanks - I will check it out. Thanks... I love all my awesome subscribers.... They are just the best... like you!

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I have watched it for about 2 years now...still is the best I've ever seen.

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Lawrence....I think we are going into what Ed Dowd called a "glacial mad max" scenario...he was talking about our supply chains and economy...but I kinda think it will affect us in other ways too....like this.

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Have you read An excerpt from “The Second Dark Age of Man”

The Years Following the Vaccine Genocide. https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/an-excerpt-from-the-second-dark-age?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

This is the beginning of what I think our world will look like as the dying ramps up and lawlessness takes over. I think everyone who can get a firearm, should get one now. And you should learn to handle and shoot it. Things are going to get crazy as this thing evolves. I don't want to be a victim. I am going to go down fighting... it's the way I am. FYI - I am a conceal carry person. A good guy with a gun.

And if you want to get my take on our world as the healthcare systems collapse: Mercy Killing My Neighbors https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/mercy-killing-my-neighbors?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

A look into people dying at home without pain medication or treatment.

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I did but I want to re-read, so thank you for the links,

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When your paycheck depends on you not seeing it...you get to die in the bosses game. Every death of a celeb means millions for the government coffers in a retirement that is not going to be paid out. Talk about making a killing!

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Yes sickening….,I could work in a bank vault and only borrow a dollar for a soda. The money isn’t mine and I’m not attracted to it. ~~~Too bad for all those other folks, who have bought a boat, a cruise or a home based upon such earnings. $$$$$. They will pay, somehow, some way.

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I’m sure I’m lacking empathy but when all these ppl suddenly disappear from the shows from which they blasted us 24x7 with clotshot propaganda, having themselves died, now in the hospital or some cancer has arrived due to lack of screening, immune system collapse or whatever, I vacillate between I don’t GAF and cheering for Darwin.

Prolly makes me a bad person…. or a Defender of the Faith … or rationality.

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Reading aloud to husband, newspaper obit of a 50 year old who had died after 9-day (!!!!) battle with cancer, son in law who is unaware, walking through kitchen, and hearing my words, commented " That's someone who didn't get screening". That argument might have held 2 tablespoons of water 3 years ago; no longer. Love you, SIL, but you are so out of touch.

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my mom went from diagnosis to death in 5 days. craziness.

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I am so sorry...my sympathies. A nightmare.

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thank you kindly. lost my partner exactly 7 months after my mom. i am so glad i didn't get that shot!

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Oh you have really lived a nightmare...so sorry...but you are not alone.

Watched my Dad die from the shot, then my ex boyfriend, now I'm watching a friend die from turbo cancer that was under control, came back with a vengeance after her jabs..

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you have my sincere condolences and prayers. so many have been lost. we are not alone in this and need to support each other.

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Oh my God, lots of tears Hugs to you, you all

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Awful So sorry for the pain and shock

Mine had Alzheimer’s over time, but still a huge loss

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Oh I grieve for you!

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Turbo liver cancer… same thing. Dx and dead inside of a week

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I am so sorry. Deepest sympathy. Prayers to you. Words are so inadequate but the sentiment is heartfelt.

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you can't fix stupid, re the son in law pov...

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Dr. William Makis is doing incredible research and posting on his substack. Today's post focused on people who died suddenly while on vacation. Two died in hotel rooms, one collapsed and died in the middle of the street in front of a clinic I assume he was going to for help, and others in various ways. He has reported on cancers, cardiac arrests, blood clots, women dying very soon after giving birth, etc. I'm almost certain he reported on a young person who died within hours of being diagnosed with cancer. https://makismd.substack.com/

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Dr Charles Hoffe talked about turbo cancers a while back. He is a brilliant family doctor in Canada. He said that he and his colleagues have given the name turbo cancer because of the rapidity from diagnosis to death. 😢

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So painful Can’t correct the remark, and have to let it go So sorry

My siblings also close their minds to any alternative ideas

So sorry

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Yes hard not to detach, they had the same information available but went to have a drink with their friends instead. Not much effort on research. Didn’t open any other web site but wiki

Too bad

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Hoo-boy, I hear all that! I just think you're normal. It's normal. We're normal for vacillating. We relate to the human condition but not to the stupidity of it. I've termed this era the Survival of the Smartest.

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Not to mince words, but to me being "normal" is being natural, following one's gut instincts, applying wisdom. Like that. Being establishment, to me, isn't normal at all. It's unnatural, vapid, and amoeba-like. But I do take your point!

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