And NONE of these people will ever connect the injections to the health issues they have.

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Hey Lawrence, hello, and agreed. They are completely frozen in their denial and fear. Knowledge of the scope of this genocide has been hard to hold, for us, as we have spoken of, but I am glad I had someone tell me like it 'is and gonna be' from early on. Forewarned is forearmed, as much as can be. Best and thanks, to both you and MCM...j

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Omg- basal cell carcinoma is nothing. Why do they all go on and on about it like they have something serious.

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Surely that depends on whether it's a "turbo cancer" or not? I'm hearing stories of people in their teens and 20s dying within hours of diagnosis.

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Not basal cell carcinoma. It rarely if ever becomes anything serious unless someone is immunocompromised to begin with. So if someone has another cancer or serious issues, then yes, but basal cell in and of itself is a nothing burger. In fact 99% of adults over 50 have it, just from getting old.

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That's just what I'm saying Sandy: After the Lethal Injections even basal cell carcinoma may be cause for concern.

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They’re all so narcissistic and spend their days oversharing, it won’t be long before we see stories of Julia Robert’s constipation, or Brad pitt’s gout. Morons!

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Yes narcissists.

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I see what you’re saying and 8 suppose anything and everything is possible these days, so who knows? So then they are subliminally acknowledging that they’ve played Russian roulette with their health. Ya, I guess. Nothing is off the table I guess.

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Nearly everyone who took the jab is immunocompromised to one extent or another. You don't seem to be following the side effects closely.

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I would hazard to say that anyone who took the “shot” and all 63 boosters IS immunocompromised! Basel cell carcinoma is not a big deal for me, for instance - I’ve had multiple removed over the years. But I’m also not vaxxed, either. Who knows at this point how it will effect those who have gotten vaxxed!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Not to be one of those obstinate "show me a link" commenters - but I've literally never heard anyone claim that 99% of adults over 50 have basal cell carcinoma. Is this common knowledge?

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Exactly. I had one of those scratched off my chest by a GP (family physician) in Canada in the 1970s. 3 minutes. It never came back.

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I had one cut out five years ago.

It's melonoma that people get scared about.

Touch wood.


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narcissists....virtue signaling their way thru life trying to get attention... their magic vaxxines aren't finished with them yet though...

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What do you say to friends and family When you know they were dutifully vaccinated and now diagnosed with cancer—-often turbo? “Sorry to hear it” is all I say.

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I know what you mean. What do you say ?

I can't even bring myself to ask my own children if they are vaxxed.

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I know. Don’t ask.

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and the grandkids-just so they could get into venues 🥲

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Thank you God only one of my 3 are. She lives in NYC so brain washed deluxe.

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Different brand of deluxe for sure

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That’s scary. I’m sorry to hear that.

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That’s a fine how do you do….so sorry…~~~I struggle all the time with wanting to load up my fingers here and fwd some of these powerful informative emails to my siblings but can’t risk their anger yet..,I’m afraid it would mean estrangement for some time. But on the other hand if some medical episode occurred, then I would have to keep quiet, one can’t exactly say ..”I almost told you so.” Painful …feel less than human for not saying something…..

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You have described my feelings, Exactly !

I usually follow-up with that guilty feeling with: maybe they are the lucky ones, who get to leave this world early, and not having to live in dystopia.

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I tell my family member (sever now) that the vaxx may have something to do with it.Most get mad but some do say “maybe”

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What amazes me and frustrates me is, they pretend it wasn't the jabs, they act like they'll be fine when in fact they wont. I wish people with a wide reaching audience would tell the truth because I know they know why so many people have cancer today.

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They can`t they`re all compromised and stupid

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I have had 2 instances of heart palps so bad I passed out in the last 3 months. Since I am unvaxxed, the cause has been isolated to my 5G meter. The EMFs are off the charts. I am doing what I can, including many certified letters to Pacific Power- to no avail so far. They have multiple ways of killing us now, to be sure. This genocide decades up decades in the making. Turn off your power at night even though it's a bit of a pain it is really important and you may notice better sleep. They are keeping our focus on the jabs, but the 5G is no less a weapon.

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Lena Pu is working on this. You can find her on Patreon. She stopped it in her town in California and is serving notices of liability directly to government and private workers that are participating in the killing and harming with both 3,4,5g and medical con shots.

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I also wonder about how bad emf is in hospitals - all the electronic crap they have going..how can anyone heal in those places??

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Thanks for reminding me to turn the power off at night. I’m gonna do that tonight. Do you just throw the breaker at night the major breaker I know how to do that?

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All of these people have been very successful because they had skills, talents, looks or athletic abilities that “fit” very well into the system. So all of them have profited from conforming to fit into that system. You say jump and they say “How High?” Conforming is what they do because it has made them suck-cessful. So they could never imagine that the system that has given them fame and fortune would seek to poison and kill them. But that is what has happened.

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Excellent synopsis!

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Thanks. I have never been very suck-cessful because I really never wanted to be. I knew from an early age that the more you participate and become part of the system, you automatically become beholding to it. I have basically nothing… but I have nothing to lose. I’m free. So nonconformity is who I am. So when this vaccine crap started I could see through the BS pretty easily.

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I never had any real ambition either so I hear you completely. I chose not to subscribe to the "American Dream" BS as I have felt for some time now it´s all one big ruse. It´s all to entrap, control and use you whether it lies in education, medicine, economics, politics, etc. It´s never been a better time to be ungovernable and live under the radar. The more you do this, the more you are free. Cheers Lawrence!

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Yup - we are on the fringe watching this insanity and thanking the gods that we had/have the sense to not gets sucked into the horse shit. Stay frosty and try to stay alive when the shit comes down. The world of the future will need you.

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Yes, we are most likely on the cusp of the SHTF. I will do my best to stay alive and healthy and you do the same! Thanks, Lawrence!

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Yup - we are on the fringe watching this insanity and thanking the gods that we had/have the sense to not gets sucked into the horse shit. Stay frosty and try to stay alive when the shit comes down. The world of the future will need you.

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Same here, and your comment sums it up very nicely.

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Thanks - I try and I got to lose…LOL

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Really really good I’ve not been able to understand why folks won’t look, won’t inquire, won’t doubt

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Yes… they are essentially “system creatures” who have no idea that the sea they swim in has been created to exploit and control them. There is no other world outside the world that they believe to be the only world. There is no other way of thinking. There is no other way of being. Everything in our world doesn’t exist or sounds like madness from madmen. So we can’t reach them. We can’t change them. We can’t help them. They will go to their deaths believing in the system that killed then.

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That explains a lot. Qualities that help them succeed in our warped culture are now the the same qualities that prevent them from helping themselves.

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Yup - they are screwed by their own suck- cess. I kind of an ironic twist of fate.

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You make a lot of sense Lawrence— fought the system for 30 years, became fairly successful and it ain’t all it’s cracked out to be — the rat race really never ends

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In my bio "former wage slave" Once I retired a started a business and began to write. I began to live for the first time in my life. So.... retire as soon as you can. I retired at 62. I am 73 now. I have had the most fun in those years.

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Kevin Jonas very ironic, “comes around, goes around”

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I got cancer, I got mine smoking rather than novel medicines though...

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They grow tobacco in phosphate fertilisers, which are heavily contaminated with Uranium. The end result is massive amounts of ionising radiation (Polonium-210); it has been estimated that the average smoker gets the equivalent of hundreds of chest x-rays/year.

Smoking organic tobacco eliminates this problem:


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Great tip cheers! I still haven't kicked my habit...

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Do you want to quit? I had severe physical and mental problems when I tried quitting till I found a way to do it with no side effects. I might have had a week of mild cravings and then they went away. Easy peasy.

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Most welcome :-)

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Ironic, isn’t it?

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Indeed, so the vaccine will kill me in a round-about way, making the queues for treatment so long we are all getting sub-standard treatment on the NHS.

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That's a bummer. And no way can I give advice; however, if I were in that situation I'd run for the hills (in the opposite direction from any NHS facility).

Surgery, and even some of their diagnostic tests will cause metastasis (my google drive as cannot find on net any more):


Their treatments are both highly lucrative and highly toxic, their 'cures' often end with a few years of life, the quality of which may be heavily curtailed.

I'd first try long-term urine fast cycles (maybe with injections if I could learn how to) - those that try it for cancer cure not only the cancer, but also any secondary ailments. It can literally rebuild the body due to stem cell infusion/activation, after damaged cells have been removed.

Bit more info here:




Any adjunct therapy can be used with fasting, as long as no calories. So, coffee can be drunk, and used as an enema. Dr. Gerson found his cancer patients were dying, not from the cancer, but from the toxic metabolites from cancer breakdown in the liver; coffee enemas saved them.

There are many claims now of Ivermectin/Fenben having good success, especially with solid cancers (personally, this would be a last resort):


I do hope things go well for you.

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Last week I had an appointment cancel, he was rushed to hospital, at first they thought Stroke. Nope, Gulliane-Barr Syndrome, half his face has collapsed. So I went shopping, stopped at a local cafe. A gay couple, been jabbed as the Australian Federal Government blackmailed small biz owners into the poison jabs. "G'day, how are ya both"? 😁 55 y.o. Irish bloke says "I just found out that I have cancer in the bowel and liver, I also have a black spot on my lungs. It wasn't there 3 months ago but I've been feeling poorly".

When will we awake? Why do we allow this? This system MUST END. Must it be in a welter of blood? YES 😑

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Awful One can’t even be real in such a conversation….

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"Jonas Brothers requiring proof of vaccination, negative COVID-19 test at all shows"

Screw Kevin the the Jonas bros.

BTW, one medical doctor who posts on Substack believes BCC is b.s....just sayin'.

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At least they accepted a negative test, unlike others who required 'vaccination' regardless of test.

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Tests were 80-90% inaccurate. I wouldn’t even consider going to a concert where they required those tests or vaccination. I’ll never listen to the Jonas Brothers music either.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Fair enough. What were Fauci Flu tests costing back then? (I don't know, but I heard at some airports they were charging three-digit figures.)

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Where I am, they were always free - and used the lateral flow tests. A PCR was given if you tested positive on the lat-flow. Neither my partner nor I ever tested positive - during the lockdowns you had to have 'vaccination' or test to get in certain places. Never any job mandates, or overt coercion, and even though they didn't even really try to pretend hospitals were overwhelmed, still a high percentage willingly lined up!?!. In Scandanvia, the people would never have thought their govt. would mislead them into death - though at least there are signs some of the people are starting to catch on now.

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Yes I saw that….it’s amazing and sickening and maddening

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Heavy sigh

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“Those convinced against their will deny it still.”

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are of the same opinion still

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"died suddenly" "collapsed at his apartment" I doubt if anyone close to him will ask the obvious question though..

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Rub some fenbendazole paste on it. Stop being such a cry baby!

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Yes… I want to reach out to these people and say, try fen-ben, or ivermectin, or the apricot seeds. There’s no harm done if it doesn’t work. But I bet they wouldn’t listen anyway.

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None of them even search for real answers. They just accept their cancer and say how lucky there are to have found it and still live: that won’t be the case five to ten years from now.

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David Talbot had a major stroke. I don't know if this has been logged yet. I heard it on Greenwald's podcast last week.


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