Many would disagree with that description. Who know that most chemo drugs are anything but life-saving. Perhaps this shortage is an opportunity for those with cancer diagnoses to explore natural, holistic medicines. That don't try to kill the cancer without killing the patient. There are other ways.
Maybe you and some others will call this "dangerous misinformation" about health. While I and others know it - know it - to be life-saving information. To all, you do with it what you wish. But don't pretend to believe you're protecting others by censoring and denying others the right to be exposed to information that challenges the grip of Big Pharma and Big Medicine has on their health. Those Big entities have forfeited any and all credibility. And are exposed as the murderers that they are. They deserve none of our trust. Not even about cancer. Or cancer treatment.
I would take drugs from the local dealer before I would get chemotherapy! Both can kill you but I'll roll the dice with the dealer, no pun intended. It's a crap shoot either way, pun intended. Pick your poison.
Yes I agree, in these last months I have come to realize that I probably would not choose the cancer drug effort, just write cards, phone calls and say my good byes, with or without hair
Blessings to her. May her last contacts be rich and precious. May she hear the compliments and affirmations she hasn’t heard until now. And enjoy the bouquets she never had.
At least the local dealer knows they'll be held to account if their product kills you. Unlike your doctor and pharmacist. The dealer has more of an incentive to sell you a safer product.
The basic premise of the censors is that we are too stupid to evaluate information and make decisions. That is the stated purpose of the censorship. Beyond that, though, is the wish to force people into using poisonous, expensive pHarma products. They will “treat” you til you die of the treatment. They don’t seem to want to cure anybody.
Agree. Completely. Only one person I know has survived chemo. So far, that is...
A local man diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 3 years ago refused treatment, joined a charismatic church of some kind, found joy in that community, and went on with his life. Earlier this year, his tests showed an absence of cancer, so of course the medical team sold him chemo "to extend his life". His funeral was a few weeks ago.
I really think they can't allow a success story outside the system.
I question the diagnosis of cancer in the first place. I believe it's overdiagnosed and people are pushed into dangerous treatments for conditions they don't even have. The testing is suspect - not unlike the PCR tests misused to diagnose infection instead of just presence of something that's noninfectious.
I've had family members diagnosed with cancer who allowed themselves to be treated with chemo and other dangerous medical procedures. My cousin's wife was first, about ten years ago. She went through the ghastly care for a couple years. Survived. Then the following year my cousin was curiously diagnosed with the same cancer. Curiously by the same doctor they both go to. Then underwent the same ghastly care for a couple years. Survived. It was as if, cancer was contagious or something? It's not like they even lived under powerlines or cell towers. When I say 'curiously' feel free to understand it to mean 'a racket.'
I believe most people who undergo dangerous cancer treatment don't even have it in the first place. It's a money-making racket. Where the health and lives of patients are an afterthought.
Natural, holistic care is typically sufficient to deal with the imbalances in the body system that produce the signals being measured to derive a cancer diagnosis.
Interesting. Many women I know refer to themselves as lucky survivors of breast cancer, which was caught early enough for minimal treatment. Suggesting a misdiagnosis is like insulting another's religion, denial of their experience, and so on.
The self-censorship is painful.
That's the kind of reporting I've always read. Question authority.
All these survivors do immense amounts of work supporting the system-- fundraising to develop more drugs in the name of research (sigh) and the like. Born-again disciples of the PharmaGod, they are, with volunteer battalions in every community.
It's very easy to get pulled into. I used to participate in Komen's Race for the Cure. Friends were big supporters, the events were fun, and when they sexxed up the marketing and it became 'save the boobies' it was easy to latch onto.
A few years into supporting Komen my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt like I had been doing something to help, virtuous, altruistically before but when made personal I bought into it even more.
My mom went through the treatments that I wasn't skeptical enough of, but she became a 'survivor.'
Then the reports came out about Komen having raised so much money marketing 'save the boobies' - sex sells and all - that they couldn't possibly spend it all on research in their race for the cure so they were acting as a supercharity. Donating to other organizations. Including Planned Parenthood. And I felt taken advantage of. Duped. Conned. And when questioned they admitted it and said "yeah, so what" and I finally realized they were a racket.
I probed deeper, all of those Cancer Center of America ads preying on fearful people with enough money to pay for high snob appeal cancer treatments. The same dangerous chemo but in a facility with marble tile floors and gold leaf crown molding along the ceiling.
Racket. Racket. Racket. Racket. And they have the nerve to call holistic healers "quacks" profiting off the misery of the sick. More like projection.
But they have an effective con going. Fear of death paired with sex appeal/status. Questioning it provokes extreme defensiveness. Clever bastards atop the scam.
All of it. All the way around. Too many people we love and care about duped and conned out of their money, health and life. Heartbreaking. We try to help them see, but they have eyes and do not see.
My sister died of breast cancer TREATMENT. She did all the "pink" things when she was alive. Funny after her death, her husband and kids listed hospice as the charity to donate to - not the pink things.
Yes. I also was drawn in after my father died of multiple cancers 6 weeks after diagnosis. That was long ago when I had more faith in allopathic medicine. So, I too organized a fundraiser which was fun and popular and received great press and raised a fat lump sum in one day. Delivering the paperwork and proceeds to the Cancer Society, I was met by two utter cynics-- volunteers for the cause who had become completely jaded. Although I wondered why they'd continue to work there, I attributed their attitudes more to a toxic culture within that particular office than the system as a whole. Such innocence.
I’m suspicious of the constant barrage of “you need cancer screenings” of various kinds from hospitals and pHarma. If they find any little abnormality, or misdiagnose someone, their life is essentially over but the hospital will make big money on the “treatments”.
Yes. Annual mammography has been shown to be more harmful than helpful from radiation alone. Many I know go for regular screenings for conditions their parents had, believing it's entirely genetic-- nothing to do with diet, environmental toxins or any of the many factors determining health, because medical education says so.
I am happy to hear/read that your experience differs from mine.
The one friend who has survived accessed many other resources available, including some emotional/mental therapy, I could say, because all she said about it (and I didn't probe, respecting confidentiality in such processes) was that she was the only patient within her cohort of rare sarcomas who had thought that might help.
In general, patients said no thanks to support extras, so my friend was offered, and accepted the whole gamut. The mind/body connection is real.
It totally f'cked me up and something else I learnt, antibiotics are not much better... whilst the claim to both is that they kill the bad stuff; they forget to tell you it kills the good stuff as well.
They do. But that's a little more complicated. Sometimes they are called for. Antibiotics exist in natural healing, some food/herbs do what pills do. Many pills derived from.
But because they kill the good stuff, too, you'll find many holistic healers and more educated doctors prescribe alternating antibiotics and probiotics, dosed many hours apart so the don't neutralize each other. Trying to eliminate the bad stuff, then promote growth of more of the good stuff that gets killed. Balance.
Supposedly 4 million Americans have taken the newest jab since it was released last month. A Moderna TV ad says “you should get your Covid shot on the same schedule as you get your annual flu shot”. This is good news for me, since I’ve never gotten a flu shot and won’t be doing so, ever. I’m off the hook with Moderna’s blessing!
Thanks for continuing to document all of this. Still amazes me how these people get the shots, get COVID repeatedly, and never consider the connection. Same with all the cancer. Hope they can both heal, and wake up + speak up.
If they made the connection, they'd have to admit they did something very stupid and they're not about to do that. I'm dealing with that cognitive dissonance within my own family. When I tell them their problems are from the JAB...they go into complete denial and get angry with me for even suggesting what the cause is. Sad...
Rule 1 for getting him out of the hospital alive is to never leave him alone. Check everything they are giving him and ask lots of questions. If you have a trusted doctor then run everything they are doing past him/her. Do not sign (or let him sign) anything you have not thoroughly read and agreed to. Cross out and initial anything to which you do not agree. If you do not have one already then find a patient advocate for him. If he tested positive for covid then I believe the incentives for all the CDC protocols are still in place and the hospital makes money for running as many of them as possible regardless of the outcome. The Cancer Industrial Complex is real and very powerful and relentless. They will pressure you to do everything in a rush and forget actual informed consent. I don't know where you are but you can get a remote consultation with Nature Works Best Clinic out of Tempe, AZ that may shed some light on alternatives. I don't mean to instill unnecessary fear but vigilance is of utmost importance. Take care and God bless!
I forgot to mention, get everything printed out in hard copy and have them make copies for you to keep. Perhaps even notarized. I hope the best for you and your father. And please make sure they give him real nutritional support. Intravenous vitamin C is great for combating infections. Doctor Pierre Kory and others developed a hospital protocol for sepsis that you might want to look in to. Ask for the VICTAS (Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Steroids in Sepsis) protocol as Dr. Kory's name is radioactive.
I'm so very sorry to hear this... My prayers for your Dad and for you and the rest of your family, because you are all going through this, too... A terrible thing has been done to the people...
I try to bring up the possible causation delicately, knowing how my jabbed friends drank the covid koolaid and get similar responses. One was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's and another with trigeminal neuralgia but will not admit the possibility because their doctors said it wasn't related. The whole idea that severe adverse events are "rare" does not truck with my experience. I don't have an especially large circle of friends and have seen at least one death (that WAS reported to VAERS), turbo cancer, immune suppression, and the aforementioned issues. That is a high percentage, not rare. Thankfully, much of our family is uninjected.
And sometimes I'm angry at the evil ones, other times at the ones who took the poison and haven't made the connection, I get angry at people who didn't take the shot but don't see the democide, "the govt would never do that." They look at me like I might be nuts. And I get angry that I have to act like I have no clue and be a calm listener to the ones who will not see and it wouldn't help to yell "you took poison, let's detox you as best we can!" Yea, this is all so sad and discouraging. I have 1 fellow in person human who gets all this and my husband gets some of this but it's Substacks like Prof. Miller's and the people here that help me stay sane. Who knows what the future holds, I get concerned Substack will get shut down or the entire Internet, but I appreciate fellow Substack commenters in this moment in time. Let's all hang in there and know we are not alone in our little corners of the world.
I shudder to think about the awfulness that will also come from radiation above the neck. My father and sister had it. Within a month, both were dead after sheer torture and never being able to eat or drink again.
So early this morning I was watching on Brighteon, a conversation between Mike Adams and Steven Quayle... Steven proffered -- with limpid sincerity -- the probability of a population decline in America by I guess end of 2025 -- of 75% of the population. 250 MILLION souls, in the next 26 months! 😱💣
Anyone care to conjecture on the reality of this possibility? How likely is it, any of us will survive such a cataclysm?
I knew and used the Deagel Report often at work back in 2012-2015. We often wondered (regarding population globally) WTH? When I would speak of it to others who weren’t federal employees they claimed I was nuts. The Deagel Report also tracked just about any and everything, ships, ammo, tanks, location of military, etc. was many, many pages of info.
The Deagel Report came out monthly. I remember projection of US population (2025) was 50 million. South American population was increased. Person who compiled the information has since died but he was linked to Rockefeller.
Even considering all-cause deaths, 250 million in the next few years is unlikely (even a decline of 25 million). On the C19 shot(s), in the US, I’m not seeing anything over 1 million deaths per year from the vaccines, so far. Not that it won’t happen, as pharma has been trying to keep injuries/deaths from the vaccines hidden from the masses. They could start distributing every vaccine batch to be a "hot" batch.
Dr. Denis Rancourt has calculated that 17 million had already died from the C19 vaccines world-wide. Not from “covid”. This is alarming just by itself.
yes but add to that the attack on the food supply, farmers, energy supplies, inflation meaning less people can afford to eat right and keep themselves warm...and the possibility of a global conflict erupting...things can deteriorate very does seem incredible but we're in uncharted waters these days
Traveling the west and waited a lifetime to do this. Man I hope we can travel about in the boonies of nature past 2025!
We’re out here on the fringe trying to be off-grid but really who knows whose got you number....tracking your every move trying to lure you back into the Frey 😭😭
It's not impossible, the globalists have accelerated their plans and it's not just the deadly injections, it's war on all levels. If things escalate rapidly in the middle East it's gonna go nuclear, and nuclear wars create a lot of casualties. But the fallout from the injections alone will take out a lot of North America's population.
I hear you. But actually damnation is absence from God for eternity. The agony of that is unbearable and endless. So yes, they will get theirs and it will be what they deserve.
Go to another country for cancer treatment. First listen if you haven't, to The Truth About Cancer at Do some research and don't rush for a treatment as it has probably taken years for the cancer to start.
I did the same and got one person who worked for an organic farm market to watch it. I get it. I also have a family and their friends that I told about it. The ones with cancer are all dead.
Yes. "Free" (taxpayer-funded) health care is part of the national identity. There used to be some scepticism of its ultimate value in actual care, but covid cured that, it seems.
Having cancer is NOT a death sentence. It is a wake-up call! I survived it nearly two years ago (ovarian cancer).
Today I walked nearly 10 miles in the sun (no sunscreen), I do intermittent fasting, no sugar, low carbs. I haven’t had any vaccines or flu shots (since 1963). I pray daily ✝️🌻.
Get your mind dialed and nourish your body to help it! Your body is absolutely AMAZING!🙌 Help it, help you!
There is a good chance of me being wrong in this, but I feel it is correct. Cancer, in my opinion is a result of an imbalance of health in the body. It can be remedied with proper care, as you suggested, to return the body to it's "amazing" equilibrium state. But to continue to ingest non-nutritive foods; sugar, coffee, too many carbs, and fail to manage the other health factors; sun, exercise, faith, water, etc.... is to leave an important portion of the picture un-attended.
God bless you and yours! Keep up the good work, and give God the credit for creating us and all of creation with unimaginable beauty and perfection (originally).
After being introduced to the "Health Message" within the denomination, I felt obligated to apply the inspired knowledge afforded us as a means of procuring health. Weeeeell, coffee proved to be a hurdle that I could not clear, with one single attempt. It was through the logic that the habit came about over time, and might be reversed in the same manner, that I was finally able to eliminate it. Weaker and weaker; SLOWLY, over time, the strength of the brew was lessened. Taking a few months (at least) to accomplish this was the way I did it, noting the ill-effects, and then regulating the strength-reduction accordingly. Otherwise the head and neck-aches would have incapacitated me, and I had a job to attend.
Caffeine is a drug, though biologically "natural." Castor beans are natural too, like many other poisonous plants, but that's not a very good reason to consume them. Tea leaves, like certain other plants that are grazed on, produce a substance that is unsavory to the palette of humans and animals. The plants even are able to communicate with each other in a warning fashion, alerting their neighboring trees that the "browsers" are present and active. To this, they react by producing more of the toxic chemical. It's that "symbiotic system" working again we so often find in nature.
Coffee smells so wonderful when brewed, and just the sound of it brewing conjures up all the delights of a fresh day ahead, as it fills the house with it's aroma. Yes, it and myself had a relationship which was HARD to break off. But it was a necessity, and like alcohol and any kind of dope, needed to be extricated from the diet. Prayer was key. Faith was required. Once accomplished, it was only missed when thought of fondly. But the physical addiction part was alleviated....finally. And now it's never even thought of. Haha. Now there is a growing addiction to fruit smoothies each morning! Wow! There's nothing better, and they are error-proof!
I hope this will encourage someone to use the reversal method. There is also a psychological dependence at play with a hot beverage each day. To help with that a piece, one can brew up some herbal tea and that sort of works for that. Sort of like how the cigarette plays a similar role in one's hand, or a pencil in the hand of the presenter/lecturer.
Everyone's different. But options are a GOOD thing, in my experience.
Interesting story. It's weird that humans get hooked on the poisons that plants produce to protect themselves, isn't it .. I didn't know that tea plants communicated in such a way. I've learned something while ... drinking delicious coffee ^_^
Hey, be quiet! My taste buds have never forgotten how wonderfully good coffee tastes with some great creamer!
Oh, I could be mistaken about the tea plants communicating with pheromones to each other. I just learned that trees in Africa which get grazed on by animals that can reach their leaves, do communicate with others of the same species, anyway, as a preservative effort for the species.
Oh, you're far too kind, Renee. I really don't know anything when it comes to biology, I mean the intricacies of the discipline. The stuff in the schools and in the "higher-education" facilities don't teach what is vitally important, but rather the stuff that us common folk can't fathom, or absorb. (or retain) The inner workings of the human cell is so immensely complicated that it can only be compared to the numerous bodily "systems" that actually communicate and cover for each other as needed. I suppose a portion of the brain does all of that automatically. To consider it all bound together and functioning so well for so long on so little, one can only look on with amazement, and wonder! To God be all the glory! It's really a small slice of heaven, being shown to us what the Creator God can do, as a precursor to the things He has instore for all those caught up in the FIRST resurrection. And to think it all will be as without end as the universe, with the evils of this world being extinguished for ever! Sometimes I pause and consider how atheists are understandably able to poo poo the whole prophetic scene on account of it being so unimaginable and wonderful. But as Peter said, "We have also, a more sure word of prophecy..." so there really is no logical excuse left for anyone to deny the existence and divinity of Christ the Creator.
It was just about a week ago when my right eye felt like it had something in it. But of course that was not so. It felt scratchy and red. Then the left eye followed suit. I tried some salve we had that was for eyes, but it didn't really work right away as hoped. So when both eyes became sensitive and almost useless together, the condition brought to the table how blessed we are to have vision in BOTH eyes, no less. And it caused me to marvel at the mechanism of the eyeballs; how they work, are lubricated, and function so amazingly in unison and so perfectly. How anyone can consider such marvels of engineering coming into being by mere chance, is beyond me.
I live on the island of Palawan in the Philippine Archipelago. There are many tropical wonders here. The other day, a silver-blue dragonfly landed close to me. I was able to come close and inspect. The color was breathtaking, the compound eyes were perfect and large. The four wings were translucent and beautifully elegant. Then, just as suddenly as it arrived, it darted off with intent. But I'll never forget it for it's awesome color. I think the Creator's appreciation for beauty and symmetry is on magnificent display in every filum, but especially evident in the insect world!
Absolutely beautiful commentary Ray! I understand exactly what you’re conveying. Everything truly is Perfection!
I’ll be 60 in a few days, and I marvel at how I made it this far…it’s a miracle of God/Creator. May the good Lord guide you and protect you, my brother in Christ.
Oh, thank you kindly for the blessed words. Heaven knows I can use blessings! Happy birthday to you and welcome to the "60's!" Unfortunately, it's not the 1960's when we were young and vibrant, but in truth, I would not like to go back there to repeat those uncertain times. It's a bit un-nerving, but the civil and worldly-unrest along with the other issues have stamped their prophetic certainty on the scene, and we KNOW that the Lord's Return is sure to come once a few dark realities have been accomplished as promised in Mat. 25.
I forgot to mention in return, that my mother's name was Marie. I guess it still is. She's not among the living anymore, but I think she will be once she "is awakened from her dirt nap" from the sound of the Trump of God!
It's an exciting time we live in for those of faith.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”-Matthew 25:34💕✝️
I wonder how many lives could be saved if they ran completely out of cisplatin and carboplatin? Perhaps healthy alternatives would become more widely accepted. Things like high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy (Nature Works Best Clinic) and/or ivermectin and/or fenbendazole, sugar free diets and healthy lifestyles a la "Chris Beat Cancer." "Standard of Care" cancer treatment is devastating and often leads to life-long negative effects and rebound cancers if one survives the treatment. I wish the monetary incentives weren't so tilted toward caustic chemicals and radiation! Insurance will underwrite these, but not successful, less-damaging, alternatives. And forget funding for research involving off-patent drugs or natural substances. Perhaps if we win Powerball...
It is already happening (okay, perhaps not "massive") but the remainder will not attribute it to the shots as any investigations that point to the shots will be quashed. It would lead to "vaccine hesitancy" don't you know and that would be dangerous (to pharma's bottom line).
LOL good thing those vaccines prevent the spread... maybe 10 days of masking will help... oh wait, staying 6 feet apart, that should do the trick!
- “He said the jury is “all vaccinated to some degree.” Spacey’s legal team is also all fully vaccinated and boosted. Since they were exposed to Keller, Kaplan said the lawyers for the actor must wear masks for 10 days.” -
Tonsil cancer is a new for me. But then we have colon cancer in 20 year olds with no family history of colon cancer so… why not? It appears to me (I have no medical qualifications) that once the vaccinated get _____ (insert cancer type) they are pretty much headed for a box with a really secure lid. They are all “ready for the fight” with an immune system that is totally deficient (or gone) and even promotes whatever cancer they seem to have. Yup - a cancer diagnosis (if you are injected) seems to be death notice. But I could be wrong. Maybe some of them can “beat this”.
Could there be a silver lining with the chemo poisons shortages in that it might compel people to seek for alternative (and possibly life saving) treatments ?
Check out Dr William Makis, 'they' are trialling an mRNA vax for cancer treatment with 1, yes 1, participant. Made by the same contaminated ecoli method. Is that why there's a 'shortage'? 🤔
"shortages of life-saving chemotherapy drugs"
Many would disagree with that description. Who know that most chemo drugs are anything but life-saving. Perhaps this shortage is an opportunity for those with cancer diagnoses to explore natural, holistic medicines. That don't try to kill the cancer without killing the patient. There are other ways.
Maybe you and some others will call this "dangerous misinformation" about health. While I and others know it - know it - to be life-saving information. To all, you do with it what you wish. But don't pretend to believe you're protecting others by censoring and denying others the right to be exposed to information that challenges the grip of Big Pharma and Big Medicine has on their health. Those Big entities have forfeited any and all credibility. And are exposed as the murderers that they are. They deserve none of our trust. Not even about cancer. Or cancer treatment.
I would take drugs from the local dealer before I would get chemotherapy! Both can kill you but I'll roll the dice with the dealer, no pun intended. It's a crap shoot either way, pun intended. Pick your poison.
Yes I agree, in these last months I have come to realize that I probably would not choose the cancer drug effort, just write cards, phone calls and say my good byes, with or without hair
A friend is doing that very thing right now. She hopes to make it to her 55th birthday in April.
Blessings to her. May her last contacts be rich and precious. May she hear the compliments and affirmations she hasn’t heard until now. And enjoy the bouquets she never had.
from your lips to God's ear
At least the local dealer knows they'll be held to account if their product kills you. Unlike your doctor and pharmacist. The dealer has more of an incentive to sell you a safer product.
The basic premise of the censors is that we are too stupid to evaluate information and make decisions. That is the stated purpose of the censorship. Beyond that, though, is the wish to force people into using poisonous, expensive pHarma products. They will “treat” you til you die of the treatment. They don’t seem to want to cure anybody.
Cures are not profitable. Symptom management is.
Pharma is a business model having nothing but nothing to do with health.
Agree. Completely. Only one person I know has survived chemo. So far, that is...
A local man diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 3 years ago refused treatment, joined a charismatic church of some kind, found joy in that community, and went on with his life. Earlier this year, his tests showed an absence of cancer, so of course the medical team sold him chemo "to extend his life". His funeral was a few weeks ago.
I really think they can't allow a success story outside the system.
I question the diagnosis of cancer in the first place. I believe it's overdiagnosed and people are pushed into dangerous treatments for conditions they don't even have. The testing is suspect - not unlike the PCR tests misused to diagnose infection instead of just presence of something that's noninfectious.
I've had family members diagnosed with cancer who allowed themselves to be treated with chemo and other dangerous medical procedures. My cousin's wife was first, about ten years ago. She went through the ghastly care for a couple years. Survived. Then the following year my cousin was curiously diagnosed with the same cancer. Curiously by the same doctor they both go to. Then underwent the same ghastly care for a couple years. Survived. It was as if, cancer was contagious or something? It's not like they even lived under powerlines or cell towers. When I say 'curiously' feel free to understand it to mean 'a racket.'
I believe most people who undergo dangerous cancer treatment don't even have it in the first place. It's a money-making racket. Where the health and lives of patients are an afterthought.
Natural, holistic care is typically sufficient to deal with the imbalances in the body system that produce the signals being measured to derive a cancer diagnosis.
Interesting. Many women I know refer to themselves as lucky survivors of breast cancer, which was caught early enough for minimal treatment. Suggesting a misdiagnosis is like insulting another's religion, denial of their experience, and so on.
The self-censorship is painful.
That's the kind of reporting I've always read. Question authority.
All these survivors do immense amounts of work supporting the system-- fundraising to develop more drugs in the name of research (sigh) and the like. Born-again disciples of the PharmaGod, they are, with volunteer battalions in every community.
Questioning any of it is heresy.
It's very easy to get pulled into. I used to participate in Komen's Race for the Cure. Friends were big supporters, the events were fun, and when they sexxed up the marketing and it became 'save the boobies' it was easy to latch onto.
A few years into supporting Komen my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt like I had been doing something to help, virtuous, altruistically before but when made personal I bought into it even more.
My mom went through the treatments that I wasn't skeptical enough of, but she became a 'survivor.'
Then the reports came out about Komen having raised so much money marketing 'save the boobies' - sex sells and all - that they couldn't possibly spend it all on research in their race for the cure so they were acting as a supercharity. Donating to other organizations. Including Planned Parenthood. And I felt taken advantage of. Duped. Conned. And when questioned they admitted it and said "yeah, so what" and I finally realized they were a racket.
I probed deeper, all of those Cancer Center of America ads preying on fearful people with enough money to pay for high snob appeal cancer treatments. The same dangerous chemo but in a facility with marble tile floors and gold leaf crown molding along the ceiling.
Racket. Racket. Racket. Racket. And they have the nerve to call holistic healers "quacks" profiting off the misery of the sick. More like projection.
But they have an effective con going. Fear of death paired with sex appeal/status. Questioning it provokes extreme defensiveness. Clever bastards atop the scam.
Thank you for that comment. I dove deep many years ago into the whole “Pink” thing.
My best friend got breast cancer in 2018
She did the walks and donations.
Passed away with her pink ribbon on her hospital nightgown.
All the different concoctions they injected in her.
Family says “well she was an almost survivor.....please donate to keep the pink ribbons 🎀 alive”
All of it. All the way around. Too many people we love and care about duped and conned out of their money, health and life. Heartbreaking. We try to help them see, but they have eyes and do not see.
My sister died of breast cancer TREATMENT. She did all the "pink" things when she was alive. Funny after her death, her husband and kids listed hospice as the charity to donate to - not the pink things.
Yes. I also was drawn in after my father died of multiple cancers 6 weeks after diagnosis. That was long ago when I had more faith in allopathic medicine. So, I too organized a fundraiser which was fun and popular and received great press and raised a fat lump sum in one day. Delivering the paperwork and proceeds to the Cancer Society, I was met by two utter cynics-- volunteers for the cause who had become completely jaded. Although I wondered why they'd continue to work there, I attributed their attitudes more to a toxic culture within that particular office than the system as a whole. Such innocence.
Wow wow wow
I’m suspicious of the constant barrage of “you need cancer screenings” of various kinds from hospitals and pHarma. If they find any little abnormality, or misdiagnose someone, their life is essentially over but the hospital will make big money on the “treatments”.
Yes. Annual mammography has been shown to be more harmful than helpful from radiation alone. Many I know go for regular screenings for conditions their parents had, believing it's entirely genetic-- nothing to do with diet, environmental toxins or any of the many factors determining health, because medical education says so.
Boy that’s the truth
Family goes for every kind of screening all the time.
When one sister or Bro is done with screening
Another is getting a tube or machine shoved on them or up them
I don’t join in....I just say
Wow..... how did it go.....oh yeah yearly good idea...... your safe now aren’t you 🤦🏻
I don’t even bring up anything anymore on all these tests and probings..... 🙊
they deem me as the alternative wacko who didn’t take the juice back in 2021 🥤
I just don’t try....
At some point they can research on their own or dig deeper
I find no one wants to do that
Doctor is god still
Keep wearing your pink ribbon 🎀 and not doing any research 📚
On the other hand, I know many people who are long term cancer survivors who have undergone chemo treatment.
It would be nice, if like everything, we were exposed to all options. Hopefully, that day is coming.
I am happy to hear/read that your experience differs from mine.
The one friend who has survived accessed many other resources available, including some emotional/mental therapy, I could say, because all she said about it (and I didn't probe, respecting confidentiality in such processes) was that she was the only patient within her cohort of rare sarcomas who had thought that might help.
In general, patients said no thanks to support extras, so my friend was offered, and accepted the whole gamut. The mind/body connection is real.
She survives, most grateful to The Science.
That is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever read. I believe almost all deaths of people under medical care are murder.
We all die, but I have seen too many such instances to disagree with you.
Wow! Hard to find the words, so I guess I won’t
It totally f'cked me up and something else I learnt, antibiotics are not much better... whilst the claim to both is that they kill the bad stuff; they forget to tell you it kills the good stuff as well.
They do. But that's a little more complicated. Sometimes they are called for. Antibiotics exist in natural healing, some food/herbs do what pills do. Many pills derived from.
But because they kill the good stuff, too, you'll find many holistic healers and more educated doctors prescribe alternating antibiotics and probiotics, dosed many hours apart so the don't neutralize each other. Trying to eliminate the bad stuff, then promote growth of more of the good stuff that gets killed. Balance.
Thanks for the info; I will do some research into it.
Thanks. I totally agree and I just said the same things although you wrote a little more.
"shortages of life-saving chemotherapy drugs"
I would change that sentence to "shortages of chemotherapy drugs are life-saving."
Supposedly 4 million Americans have taken the newest jab since it was released last month. A Moderna TV ad says “you should get your Covid shot on the same schedule as you get your annual flu shot”. This is good news for me, since I’ve never gotten a flu shot and won’t be doing so, ever. I’m off the hook with Moderna’s blessing!
You're on the right schedule, the no-shots schedule.
Thanks for continuing to document all of this. Still amazes me how these people get the shots, get COVID repeatedly, and never consider the connection. Same with all the cancer. Hope they can both heal, and wake up + speak up.
If they made the connection, they'd have to admit they did something very stupid and they're not about to do that. I'm dealing with that cognitive dissonance within my own family. When I tell them their problems are from the JAB...they go into complete denial and get angry with me for even suggesting what the cause is. Sad...
Yea same with mine.
Dad is was in ICU couple days ago
Leg clots
Turbo rare cancer
Bladder infection
And yeah tested on the way in for covid and has that too.
Had the two 💉 and all the boosts.
This will be time 3 this year for covid
When I mention the jabs and clots it’s blank stares and “wait what are you trying to say??!!”
Praying he can make it out of Kaiser
Rule 1 for getting him out of the hospital alive is to never leave him alone. Check everything they are giving him and ask lots of questions. If you have a trusted doctor then run everything they are doing past him/her. Do not sign (or let him sign) anything you have not thoroughly read and agreed to. Cross out and initial anything to which you do not agree. If you do not have one already then find a patient advocate for him. If he tested positive for covid then I believe the incentives for all the CDC protocols are still in place and the hospital makes money for running as many of them as possible regardless of the outcome. The Cancer Industrial Complex is real and very powerful and relentless. They will pressure you to do everything in a rush and forget actual informed consent. I don't know where you are but you can get a remote consultation with Nature Works Best Clinic out of Tempe, AZ that may shed some light on alternatives. I don't mean to instill unnecessary fear but vigilance is of utmost importance. Take care and God bless!
Thank you for your comment and info
Will be shared
Best to you as well~
I forgot to mention, get everything printed out in hard copy and have them make copies for you to keep. Perhaps even notarized. I hope the best for you and your father. And please make sure they give him real nutritional support. Intravenous vitamin C is great for combating infections. Doctor Pierre Kory and others developed a hospital protocol for sepsis that you might want to look in to. Ask for the VICTAS (Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Steroids in Sepsis) protocol as Dr. Kory's name is radioactive.
Great information for us
Again thank you
So many helpful points
I'm so very sorry to hear this... My prayers for your Dad and for you and the rest of your family, because you are all going through this, too... A terrible thing has been done to the people...
I try to bring up the possible causation delicately, knowing how my jabbed friends drank the covid koolaid and get similar responses. One was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson's and another with trigeminal neuralgia but will not admit the possibility because their doctors said it wasn't related. The whole idea that severe adverse events are "rare" does not truck with my experience. I don't have an especially large circle of friends and have seen at least one death (that WAS reported to VAERS), turbo cancer, immune suppression, and the aforementioned issues. That is a high percentage, not rare. Thankfully, much of our family is uninjected.
Really...this entire event in our lives is very sad. Mass genocide has been committed on the world's people...I'm so very angry about it all.
And sometimes I'm angry at the evil ones, other times at the ones who took the poison and haven't made the connection, I get angry at people who didn't take the shot but don't see the democide, "the govt would never do that." They look at me like I might be nuts. And I get angry that I have to act like I have no clue and be a calm listener to the ones who will not see and it wouldn't help to yell "you took poison, let's detox you as best we can!" Yea, this is all so sad and discouraging. I have 1 fellow in person human who gets all this and my husband gets some of this but it's Substacks like Prof. Miller's and the people here that help me stay sane. Who knows what the future holds, I get concerned Substack will get shut down or the entire Internet, but I appreciate fellow Substack commenters in this moment in time. Let's all hang in there and know we are not alone in our little corners of the world.
They have adopted a cult mentality based on all the “good” government has done for them now they can’t believe the government will do wrong.
After studying over 10,000 liberals, I found out they believe in government like Christians and Jews believe in truth, which leads to a belief in God.
This is the first I've ever heard of Tonsil Cancer!
Me too and I'm nearly 65 but then there's been a lot of firsts since 2020.
Saw a report of quite a few airline pilots having tonsil cancer.
Awful….speech, eating, breathing….one might wish to take off one’s head and leave on the dresser until they feel better
What we are learning about the body and its amazing workings these past several years.
Or not. Some folks think men can get pregnant. Failed on that issue, so sad
I shudder to think about the awfulness that will also come from radiation above the neck. My father and sister had it. Within a month, both were dead after sheer torture and never being able to eat or drink again.
So early this morning I was watching on Brighteon, a conversation between Mike Adams and Steven Quayle... Steven proffered -- with limpid sincerity -- the probability of a population decline in America by I guess end of 2025 -- of 75% of the population. 250 MILLION souls, in the next 26 months! 😱💣
Anyone care to conjecture on the reality of this possibility? How likely is it, any of us will survive such a cataclysm?
The Deagel Report
Yes, I've seen the Deagel Report, too.
I knew and used the Deagel Report often at work back in 2012-2015. We often wondered (regarding population globally) WTH? When I would speak of it to others who weren’t federal employees they claimed I was nuts. The Deagel Report also tracked just about any and everything, ships, ammo, tanks, location of military, etc. was many, many pages of info.
The Deagel Report came out monthly. I remember projection of US population (2025) was 50 million. South American population was increased. Person who compiled the information has since died but he was linked to Rockefeller.
yes Ireland is number 2 on that list for depopulation...72% new goal in life is just to make it to dec 31st 2025...
75% in two years is too fast. Plausible deniability has to be maintained.
Even considering all-cause deaths, 250 million in the next few years is unlikely (even a decline of 25 million). On the C19 shot(s), in the US, I’m not seeing anything over 1 million deaths per year from the vaccines, so far. Not that it won’t happen, as pharma has been trying to keep injuries/deaths from the vaccines hidden from the masses. They could start distributing every vaccine batch to be a "hot" batch.
Dr. Denis Rancourt has calculated that 17 million had already died from the C19 vaccines world-wide. Not from “covid”. This is alarming just by itself.
yes but add to that the attack on the food supply, farmers, energy supplies, inflation meaning less people can afford to eat right and keep themselves warm...and the possibility of a global conflict erupting...things can deteriorate very does seem incredible but we're in uncharted waters these days
Wow, but factoids dripping out so that few ever see them all at once….
Getting any kind of accurate information is difficult, to say the least.
These can cure you or kill you.
That’s a huge number.
Traveling the west and waited a lifetime to do this. Man I hope we can travel about in the boonies of nature past 2025!
We’re out here on the fringe trying to be off-grid but really who knows whose got you number....tracking your every move trying to lure you back into the Frey 😭😭
It's not impossible, the globalists have accelerated their plans and it's not just the deadly injections, it's war on all levels. If things escalate rapidly in the middle East it's gonna go nuclear, and nuclear wars create a lot of casualties. But the fallout from the injections alone will take out a lot of North America's population.
Damnation is too good for them. Eternity in The Lake of Fire is too good for them...
I hear you. But actually damnation is absence from God for eternity. The agony of that is unbearable and endless. So yes, they will get theirs and it will be what they deserve.
Go to another country for cancer treatment. First listen if you haven't, to The Truth About Cancer at Do some research and don't rush for a treatment as it has probably taken years for the cancer to start.
I bought a copy of their film to pass around.
No one will watch it.
The library would not accept it as a donation.
Even the thrift shop wouldn't take it.
Too weird, too scary.
Don't come to Canada for cancer treatment. Here, we taxpayers fund our own extermination through the sacred public "health" system.
I did the same and got one person who worked for an organic farm market to watch it. I get it. I also have a family and their friends that I told about it. The ones with cancer are all dead.
Yup. The work that Dr. Kelly Turner and her group are doing is also interesting.
Not even a thrift shop
Now that’s insane
But your in Canada right 😭
Yes. "Free" (taxpayer-funded) health care is part of the national identity. There used to be some scepticism of its ultimate value in actual care, but covid cured that, it seems.
Thank you!
It is a small town, yes, but the nearest city is so woke it's worse.
Indeed. Completely giving up is impossible. And here in this non-reality we meet the most interesting people. Rock on.
team genocide rolls along...see it because of you Mark!
It’s also all around me. Fundraisers EVERY weekend for a YOUNG person with cancer (40s). It’s purely terrifying.
How are chemotherapy drugs lifesaving???? They have killed more people than people who have been diagnosed with cancer!!!!!
Having cancer is NOT a death sentence. It is a wake-up call! I survived it nearly two years ago (ovarian cancer).
Today I walked nearly 10 miles in the sun (no sunscreen), I do intermittent fasting, no sugar, low carbs. I haven’t had any vaccines or flu shots (since 1963). I pray daily ✝️🌻.
Get your mind dialed and nourish your body to help it! Your body is absolutely AMAZING!🙌 Help it, help you!
There is a good chance of me being wrong in this, but I feel it is correct. Cancer, in my opinion is a result of an imbalance of health in the body. It can be remedied with proper care, as you suggested, to return the body to it's "amazing" equilibrium state. But to continue to ingest non-nutritive foods; sugar, coffee, too many carbs, and fail to manage the other health factors; sun, exercise, faith, water, etc.... is to leave an important portion of the picture un-attended.
God bless you and yours! Keep up the good work, and give God the credit for creating us and all of creation with unimaginable beauty and perfection (originally).
Coffee is hard to stop :|
Boy Howdy! You sure got that right!
After being introduced to the "Health Message" within the denomination, I felt obligated to apply the inspired knowledge afforded us as a means of procuring health. Weeeeell, coffee proved to be a hurdle that I could not clear, with one single attempt. It was through the logic that the habit came about over time, and might be reversed in the same manner, that I was finally able to eliminate it. Weaker and weaker; SLOWLY, over time, the strength of the brew was lessened. Taking a few months (at least) to accomplish this was the way I did it, noting the ill-effects, and then regulating the strength-reduction accordingly. Otherwise the head and neck-aches would have incapacitated me, and I had a job to attend.
Caffeine is a drug, though biologically "natural." Castor beans are natural too, like many other poisonous plants, but that's not a very good reason to consume them. Tea leaves, like certain other plants that are grazed on, produce a substance that is unsavory to the palette of humans and animals. The plants even are able to communicate with each other in a warning fashion, alerting their neighboring trees that the "browsers" are present and active. To this, they react by producing more of the toxic chemical. It's that "symbiotic system" working again we so often find in nature.
Coffee smells so wonderful when brewed, and just the sound of it brewing conjures up all the delights of a fresh day ahead, as it fills the house with it's aroma. Yes, it and myself had a relationship which was HARD to break off. But it was a necessity, and like alcohol and any kind of dope, needed to be extricated from the diet. Prayer was key. Faith was required. Once accomplished, it was only missed when thought of fondly. But the physical addiction part was alleviated....finally. And now it's never even thought of. Haha. Now there is a growing addiction to fruit smoothies each morning! Wow! There's nothing better, and they are error-proof!
I hope this will encourage someone to use the reversal method. There is also a psychological dependence at play with a hot beverage each day. To help with that a piece, one can brew up some herbal tea and that sort of works for that. Sort of like how the cigarette plays a similar role in one's hand, or a pencil in the hand of the presenter/lecturer.
Everyone's different. But options are a GOOD thing, in my experience.
Thanks for sharing,
Interesting story. It's weird that humans get hooked on the poisons that plants produce to protect themselves, isn't it .. I didn't know that tea plants communicated in such a way. I've learned something while ... drinking delicious coffee ^_^
Hey, be quiet! My taste buds have never forgotten how wonderfully good coffee tastes with some great creamer!
Oh, I could be mistaken about the tea plants communicating with pheromones to each other. I just learned that trees in Africa which get grazed on by animals that can reach their leaves, do communicate with others of the same species, anyway, as a preservative effort for the species.
A light clean-up there for you.
Are you unintentionally spreading teasinformation, Ray ?
God bless your soul Ray (my grandfather’s name)! You are 100% right!
I tell my story so people understand how important it is to take care of their bodies!
Your comment is beautiful!
God is my Hightower…always.
Oh, you're far too kind, Renee. I really don't know anything when it comes to biology, I mean the intricacies of the discipline. The stuff in the schools and in the "higher-education" facilities don't teach what is vitally important, but rather the stuff that us common folk can't fathom, or absorb. (or retain) The inner workings of the human cell is so immensely complicated that it can only be compared to the numerous bodily "systems" that actually communicate and cover for each other as needed. I suppose a portion of the brain does all of that automatically. To consider it all bound together and functioning so well for so long on so little, one can only look on with amazement, and wonder! To God be all the glory! It's really a small slice of heaven, being shown to us what the Creator God can do, as a precursor to the things He has instore for all those caught up in the FIRST resurrection. And to think it all will be as without end as the universe, with the evils of this world being extinguished for ever! Sometimes I pause and consider how atheists are understandably able to poo poo the whole prophetic scene on account of it being so unimaginable and wonderful. But as Peter said, "We have also, a more sure word of prophecy..." so there really is no logical excuse left for anyone to deny the existence and divinity of Christ the Creator.
It was just about a week ago when my right eye felt like it had something in it. But of course that was not so. It felt scratchy and red. Then the left eye followed suit. I tried some salve we had that was for eyes, but it didn't really work right away as hoped. So when both eyes became sensitive and almost useless together, the condition brought to the table how blessed we are to have vision in BOTH eyes, no less. And it caused me to marvel at the mechanism of the eyeballs; how they work, are lubricated, and function so amazingly in unison and so perfectly. How anyone can consider such marvels of engineering coming into being by mere chance, is beyond me.
I live on the island of Palawan in the Philippine Archipelago. There are many tropical wonders here. The other day, a silver-blue dragonfly landed close to me. I was able to come close and inspect. The color was breathtaking, the compound eyes were perfect and large. The four wings were translucent and beautifully elegant. Then, just as suddenly as it arrived, it darted off with intent. But I'll never forget it for it's awesome color. I think the Creator's appreciation for beauty and symmetry is on magnificent display in every filum, but especially evident in the insect world!
Have a blessed day, my sister!
Absolutely beautiful commentary Ray! I understand exactly what you’re conveying. Everything truly is Perfection!
I’ll be 60 in a few days, and I marvel at how I made it this far…it’s a miracle of God/Creator. May the good Lord guide you and protect you, my brother in Christ.
Oh, thank you kindly for the blessed words. Heaven knows I can use blessings! Happy birthday to you and welcome to the "60's!" Unfortunately, it's not the 1960's when we were young and vibrant, but in truth, I would not like to go back there to repeat those uncertain times. It's a bit un-nerving, but the civil and worldly-unrest along with the other issues have stamped their prophetic certainty on the scene, and we KNOW that the Lord's Return is sure to come once a few dark realities have been accomplished as promised in Mat. 25.
I forgot to mention in return, that my mother's name was Marie. I guess it still is. She's not among the living anymore, but I think she will be once she "is awakened from her dirt nap" from the sound of the Trump of God!
It's an exciting time we live in for those of faith.
“Dirt nap…”😂 Ain’t that the truth!
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”-Matthew 25:34💕✝️
It’s a pleasure to speak with you Ray!
I wonder how many lives could be saved if they ran completely out of cisplatin and carboplatin? Perhaps healthy alternatives would become more widely accepted. Things like high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy (Nature Works Best Clinic) and/or ivermectin and/or fenbendazole, sugar free diets and healthy lifestyles a la "Chris Beat Cancer." "Standard of Care" cancer treatment is devastating and often leads to life-long negative effects and rebound cancers if one survives the treatment. I wish the monetary incentives weren't so tilted toward caustic chemicals and radiation! Insurance will underwrite these, but not successful, less-damaging, alternatives. And forget funding for research involving off-patent drugs or natural substances. Perhaps if we win Powerball...
Didn't the various Acting, Singing, and performing Guilds say; No Covid Vaccine no Work? Expect a massive die off, of talented people soon....
It is already happening (okay, perhaps not "massive") but the remainder will not attribute it to the shots as any investigations that point to the shots will be quashed. It would lead to "vaccine hesitancy" don't you know and that would be dangerous (to pharma's bottom line).
Unfortunately but as predicted, turbo cancer is in full throttle right now...
LOL good thing those vaccines prevent the spread... maybe 10 days of masking will help... oh wait, staying 6 feet apart, that should do the trick!
- “He said the jury is “all vaccinated to some degree.” Spacey’s legal team is also all fully vaccinated and boosted. Since they were exposed to Keller, Kaplan said the lawyers for the actor must wear masks for 10 days.” -
Tonsil cancer is a new for me. But then we have colon cancer in 20 year olds with no family history of colon cancer so… why not? It appears to me (I have no medical qualifications) that once the vaccinated get _____ (insert cancer type) they are pretty much headed for a box with a really secure lid. They are all “ready for the fight” with an immune system that is totally deficient (or gone) and even promotes whatever cancer they seem to have. Yup - a cancer diagnosis (if you are injected) seems to be death notice. But I could be wrong. Maybe some of them can “beat this”.
Could there be a silver lining with the chemo poisons shortages in that it might compel people to seek for alternative (and possibly life saving) treatments ?
Check out Dr William Makis, 'they' are trialling an mRNA vax for cancer treatment with 1, yes 1, participant. Made by the same contaminated ecoli method. Is that why there's a 'shortage'? 🤔
Trial results: "the one and only participant died, the vaccine is approved"