Interesting with the ALS diagnosis. In the last three years we had two dentists who worked in the same office develop ALS. That’s a few too many lightning strokes in too small of a place for randomness.

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A friend of mine also has this, good health in 2020-early 2021, now has slurred speech and uses a walker. Symptoms came on, hmmm, right around the time took first jab in 2021. Has continued the jabs to remain "fully vaccinated." Sees no possible connection to jabs because, of course, "safe & effective."

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Ugh. Painful to watch. So sorry T!

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Dumb, at this point, with all the information out there.

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So it seems to me also. Some such individuals I know are actually quite intelligent, but they fell for the psyop, and hard.

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That is horrifying.

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All Covid Injected I assume?

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I am on my third life time dentist. The first dentist I had through out my child hood developed a brain tumor. He passed in his forties. I had another life long dentist through my twenties to my forties. He developed ALS, the nice guy disease, and he really was a nice guy. I sure miss him. He passed not long after his diagnosis. I am on my third life dentist and this dentist proudly promotes fluoride all over his office. Not really happy about that.

I believe dentist work with heavy metals and other toxins that they actually put in people's mouth as we have been in a genocidal society for quite some time. I think their exposure to heavy metals and other toxins that everyone now is exposed to do indeed make them sick. Now add to their toxic load the shots they may believe is safe and effective and they got a mighty big load of toxins in their body. I am surprised more dentist don't just drop dead while working on a dental patient.

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Are there high frequencies in some of these work places, stages, t.v. show sets, arenas? All of it working in tandem is my belief. That leaves the un in jected at lower risk but still at risk as cancer rates and all illnesses going up before operation cull really ramped up.

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ALS is a listed side effect of the Pfizer trials.

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I think a lot of toxins affect our adrenal glands and once our adrenal glands are affected we start to see neurological issues.

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Same batch of vax?

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So the president of Planned Parenthood is a new grandmother. Her daughter kept HER baby huh? Wow.......

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When I read her story the irony escaped me. Now that you called it out - unreal.

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Yah, and without her daughter there would be no grandbaby…..innit stunning how the Degreed are so ignorant about the most basic things….kittens, calves and baby birds….Wow, wow, seems that only simple words express amazement, disgust and frustration these days….we can start with those, who knows where it will end … It seems that some peepul want to have a daughter so that one day they can have a grand baby….!! . well of course the Scientificks will figure that out…..dear oh dear…..~~~”God is watching us….” And not from a distance!! 🎼. Amen and amen

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Come on now, you know men can get pregnant, and breast feed!////

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It seems that she and her daughter spared their baby parts! Unreal...

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They could have sold the baby parts to the University of Pittsburgh so the parts could be sewed onto the backs of mice.

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I didn't even connect those dots!

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Sometimes it is hard to have sympathy for some of these people, the murderess of millions is someone I do not feel bad for. And I don't feel sad that she won't be around to enjoy her new grand baby. That kid certainly doesn't need the influence of that gramma in her life.

Again, another case of incest in our federal gov, Queen of Baby Killers has a daughter that lands a job in the US Treasury Dept. That is no accident. Wonder where her husband works? My guess is he is a lawyer, lobbyist, or gov't employee.

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The irony that Cecile Richards has worked so feverishly over the years to exterminate innocent preborn babies (“healthcare” ya know) even aborting her 4th child just because she could, didn’t WANT to be pregnant- and here she is, ignoring her own rapidly approaching DEATH, working her last days to keep Planned Parenthood profits soaring while preying on vulnerable women.

Likely took the mRNA poison shot - which was built with stem cell lines from organs LIVE HARVESTED from BABIES ripped out of their mothers’ wombs.

Let that sink in..

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Another case of "coinciditis". Paging Dr. Baffles.

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Love your comment " Paging Dr. Baffles". How true. The entire medical profession seems to be baffled these days. No surprise there.

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He's talking with Dr Shrugs

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With what she’s facing - I wouldn’t want to be that b!&#h right now.

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I highly doubt psoriasis is the only disease Kim Kardashian has that causes her to itch.

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That was a typo. She has psorassis.

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You are such a meanie :-)

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She and her mom and her sisters are the mean ones. They, literally, made Bruce Jenner (the world's greatest athlete in 1976) turn into a woman to get away from them.

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I don't know about the family dynamics BUT as a pole vaulter myself long ago Bruce was one of my heroes. :-(

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Bruce just took "pole vaulting" to the next level

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They’re a coven probably! All men should run , fast! They’re an embarrassment!

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Are all these folks being treated at the Kauffman Institute of Coincidences?!



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I loved that video. Saw it before but it was brilliant and so true.

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My husband and I used to play golf at a country club and when covid happened the entire club ran to the nearest place to get the jab. I lost every acquaintance I had and we no longer belong there. WHY? because I was unjabbed ( which is true, I will NEVER get any vax for anything curable) and became a targeted person and no longer spoken to.

The irony of that situation is that all the while they pointed fingers at my family, they were literally willing committing suicide by jabbing up with everything they doctor advised, without a care in the world as they continued life as usual..... travel and communal dinners were non stop. they still are continuing their blind devotion to the state government doctors and their religion with the attitude that they are fine.

When a relative dies they all go to the funeral and tell everyone it was just bad luck or old age.

All are very wealthy, educated and have multiple homes. Some are friends of Zuckerberg and brag about it. The club is supporting and sending money to the Ukraine.

There are people in this world who are just stuck in their lives and will NEVER change. those people are not long for this world. Change is inevitable and without that small voice inside telling you to use common sense with regard to change imposed or chosen you simply can fall in the trap which the monsters at the helm have cleverly provided. very sad. And I really wish them the best and feel sorry for them and their entire families.

My husband and I are very glad we no longer have friends because we dont want to live in a world of people who refuse to accept the reality of the times and we don't want to hear their tales of woe. It may be lonely, but it's peaceful,,,that's fine with me.

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You can make new friends with like-minded. You would be a good friend for someone.

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It’s not so easy anymore especially in NY

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I hear you! I only have one solid like-minded but even one is good for sanity preservation.

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I wish we all lived closer.

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I don't think it is just in NY, it is everywhere, and if you are of the older generation it is even harder.

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yes you're right.

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The riches and comforts of this life have a way of insulating people from universal realities. For some reason, you and your husband retained common-sense values and still had critical thinking skills. You recognized an agenda being imposed and that it was artificial. Bravo.

Many of us have lost friends and important relationships in the last 3+ years. The Covid Psyop revealed a deeper level in our own psyche that caused us to part ways with people we thought we shared a commonality. Eye opening for us all.

You will make new friends as you sound like caring vital interesting people.

I'm grateful you didn't take the poison.

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Thank you. We are VERY glad no one in my family got that poison injected into our bodies

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I will be your friend…I too have lost many to the inability to see truth.

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Patrice,,,you're very nice to extend yourself. I just dont know how to contact people through this venue.

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On they come--so sad--just today learned a dear friend's father (late 60's-ish) died suddenly from "two blocked heart valves they didn't know about"--I KNOW they were all jabbed-up cuz our friend (in her 40s) now has TIA's, vision problems, an' neurological issues all bein' treated--post jabs. She wrote me that she "thinks" her own ailments may have come from a "very rare" reaction to her last booster (no sh_t sherlock...) but I'm near-certain she won't connect her daddy's death ta the jabs bad... Fambly did hikin', ski'in, outdoor sports... so this came as (she wrote ta me) a "shock".... (an' those of us not shocked are yet saddened an' don't have a clue that ta do...what ta say... even if we cautioned'em not ta take the shots back when).

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I’m so sorry, it’s all around us…awful… such waste of lives …..this made me think of neighbors who took the shots early on, and in July, maybe two plus years ago, she sat on my deck chatting..,by December she was dead. And the hospital told her husband that “it was a very rare……blah blah”. He was not likely to question or understand, and that was the magical semantics potion, if it was rare? Oh well then…..

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"Magical semantics potion"--nice turn of phrase.

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Great moment in your writing: ". . . that was the magical semantics potion. . . "

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yes, stealing this!

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Safe & Effective...

Guaranteed by WEF/Bill & Melinda Ghate$ foundation.

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My sister (who was constantly offering me kits to nasal assault myself)…has had two eye surgeries and needs a third. She refuses to make the honest connection. “Just old age”..she says,…I am older than her and I don’t need no stinking surgeries…..

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So Cecile Richards returned to New York for treatment. Perhaps she had heard that the medical board in Maine is misguided.

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Heads must roll.

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Jayzus! Noone lives forever but if you read this best-selling book: WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin and follow it's simple precepts you can rob the oncologists out of half of their livelihood which would be a GOOD THING. Otherwise acknowledge the old Yiddish curse: "May you make a million dollars an spend it all on doctors... Wake Up World!

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Yep! That book was IMO truthful and helpful while it was sad and shameful, as it highlighted how the alternative, natural medicine scene was torpedoed unflinchingly. Nothing new to this day is occurring except maybe the audacity, boldness, and polish with which it is performed.

The book pointed to bitter almonds as a natural cure by way of its substance. Was it B-17? 'Twas a long time ago, but read every word. It seems I recall the scientist/doc was poisoned, or blackballed. Maybe both. There is such wickedness always when big money is at stake by those who "love" it.

Thanks for the reminder of that book. And now I'll give you one to read. Look up Max Gerson or Gersen, a German scientist/doc who advocated raw foods and juicing, to treat cancer patients. Some very famous ones. He of course was poisoned, twice I think it was, and his work stolen (never to surface again) His daughter took over his position and had to open a clinic in Mexico, or be subject to the goons in the Govt. I think she's still living. Forgot her name.


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Turkeytail mushrooms cure breast cancer. The father of mushroom, Paul Stamets’s mother had stage four breast cancer and he cured her with turkeytail mushrooms. It is a huge immune system builder, There is a wonderful Ted Talks with Paul Stamets where is speaks about mushrooms….

A return to nature is the way ….time with nature and a relational ship with nature. We are of the earth and our Mother Earth will care for us and we must care for her.

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I noted that from a documentary I saw ( Netflix? (ugh) but has its uses) on Stamets too. I have it in my cupboard. a friend used it recently. along with other things. she's fine and she had a triple neg.. she astounded them all the way thru the conventional stuff ( she chose to have that working alongside a maverick/ highly qualified but using " alternatives" doc too, outside) Every time the hospital said this wouldn't happen or that would happen, or "bloods wouldn't come back up now" she proved them wrong, spectacularly. I could tell a few tales.(eg they boost the white blood cells artificially high and then wonder why there's a rebound effect after.) no steroids or anti nausea needed, just fasting, meditation, intuitive low carb/ keto, no sugar, ivermectin, artemisinin, DMSO and magnesium, iodine, red

light, castor oil, various immune boosters like pollen, apricot kernels clean grassfed meat etc etc. Still got a few tricks up our sleeve...

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Yes, if ...."if" we care for the planet, and that's a far cry from reality. But the good; no, the VERY good thing is that God has promised to "remake" the earth after practically destroying it when He Returns next. But much later in time, will return again and at that time will manifest His creative power and ability to demonstrate to the entire universe this thing. Those who are present, will actually witness it! How awesome is that?


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Charlotte....that was her name, or IS her name.

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Pretty pithy !

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I’ve Seen RoadRunner Cartoons

Where The Weapon Delivery

Was Harder To Predict.

-Except I Was Five.


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Acme all purpose mRNA coyote vaccine. "Take as many as we think you need"

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As always, Thomas, a nice one.

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And the nightmare continues, its all so sad and devastating.

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PRESIDENT Hage Geingob has urged all Namibians to get vaccinated against Covid-19 to help the country achieve herd immunity and aid economic recovery

Namibian President Hage Geingob dies in a hospital where he was receiving treatment for cancer

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Yup, I’m sure who’s listed above stood in line and got that jab that helps cancer cell grow quicky. Like the turbo cancers out of control. I hear lots of men complain about their prostate cancers. Brain tumors I hear are on the rise. People hands are shaking more and more people having tons of heart problems.

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And I’m afraid for a friend who has vertigo….recommended she start using an easy walker…but no, she’d rather look healthy. Walk slowly, hold onto walls etc, but when she falls, if when, things may change drastically for her, and nothing will be the same…Oy vey

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A least some of the vertigo is of brain origin instead of inner ear. Happened to a friend; brainstem stroke on MRI.

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It seems that soap operas are suffering a huge loss since the advent of shots. I haven't watched any in years and when I did it was very few; Edge of Night, All My Children and Coronation Street ( how's that for going down memory lane). But now I've noticed that some of the longest running soaps that I never watched are really taking a hit. And that's only one segment of the acting profession. I am assuming that all were required to be vaccinated in order to keep working.

It seems like every day more and more well known people are either dying, or are coping with some debilitating health condition. We hear about them because they are well known and fodder for the media. But what about the rest of us. The normal, regular, everyday person. One can only assume that they too are suffering with the same results.

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Screen Actors Guild was one of the worst pushers/enforcers of the shot.

Or I should say - producers and studios were, but SAG backed it all.

Our own union. I am on leave. I don't know if I will go back.

I was sickened. People on sets were constantly tested, masked, injected. Ridiculous.

Same with Actors Equity for the theatre. Even when mandates were rescinded for audience members, performers in many theatres were required to be injected.

Took a leave from that union also.

The two unions, which I was proudly a member of since 1980, are so completely woke it would be funny if not so tragic and sad.

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I'm sorry you had such a terrible time and recieved no help from the unions.

Thanks for the background information for both the Screen Actors Guild and Actors Equity. As you said; tragic and sad.

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This is EXACTLY what it was like. Thank you for writing about it.

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Was Edge of Night a 50's show? The mother of my best friend (1954-62) used to watch these shows daily. My mother, never--so I only recognize show names from friend's mother's habits.

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The Edge of Night ran from 1956 to 1975 and was on CBS. The series then moved to ABC and ran from 1975 to 1984.

It was the first soap I had ever watched. I started watching it in the 70's as a young stay at home mom.

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Strangely I don't follow soaps anymore that I used to.

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