Granted, but what about them makes them completely oblivious to the truth of matters; so naive but that appears to be the case with, dare I say it, a large number of Democrats, be they entertainers or average, ordinary citizens. ?
Granted, but what about them makes them completely oblivious to the truth of matters; so naive but that appears to be the case with, dare I say it, a large number of Democrats, be they entertainers or average, ordinary citizens. ?
Your comment triggered the thought that maybe these people like Simmons and many other materially successful communist libtards – whom I know very well as I was one of them – sold themselves out to Satan years ago when, at some unlovely point of an unrecognized departure, they chose style over substance, personal profits over real knowledge, the expedient lie over the inconvenient truth (not the type Al Gore shills for, but a real one). When one begins to think a certain way, turn down an enticing path of thornless roses, lets the river have its way, the ravenous eyes love seductive lies, the innocent child is lost to the broken man.
Granted, but what about them makes them completely oblivious to the truth of matters; so naive but that appears to be the case with, dare I say it, a large number of Democrats, be they entertainers or average, ordinary citizens. ?
Your comment triggered the thought that maybe these people like Simmons and many other materially successful communist libtards – whom I know very well as I was one of them – sold themselves out to Satan years ago when, at some unlovely point of an unrecognized departure, they chose style over substance, personal profits over real knowledge, the expedient lie over the inconvenient truth (not the type Al Gore shills for, but a real one). When one begins to think a certain way, turn down an enticing path of thornless roses, lets the river have its way, the ravenous eyes love seductive lies, the innocent child is lost to the broken man.
That's big time deep.