"Number of kids rushed to hospital with highly-contagious RSV rises 434% in just 5 weeks"; UK sportswriter John Nicholson has "massive stroke"; BA passenger goes into cardiac arrest mid-flight
All these jabbed people are the dumbest people on planet earth, especially KISS idiots. Gene Simmons thinks getting multiple jabs should be mandatory, I guess Paul Stanley is still living in LaLa land, give him another 3 months, he'll get the "flu" again, or whatever vax injury he has.
Exactly. They will continue to label illnesses with new fancy names like B4r2d2 🥴 instead of what it really is...DESTROYED IMMUNE SYSTEMS that can’t fight off a cold, and goodness knows not the flu. These brainwashed fools will eventually get better and then run out to get the newest booster. Lemmings. Healthy immune systems for the win.
Yup - the immune system is the key to health. But you’re right… the clueless among us are always looking for a pill or injection to save them from themselves.
I had whatever in 2021. As the dreaded COVID never was isolated, who knows what I had. No vax, no nose rape ever and for sure no medical intervention. Just natural medicine to treat the symptoms, a huge dose of common sense and a belief that God gave me the tools I needed to survive it. I know it pisses off the pharma crew and the death camps AKA hospital but survive I did.
Granted, but what about them makes them completely oblivious to the truth of matters; so naive but that appears to be the case with, dare I say it, a large number of Democrats, be they entertainers or average, ordinary citizens. ?
Your comment triggered the thought that maybe these people like Simmons and many other materially successful communist libtards – whom I know very well as I was one of them – sold themselves out to Satan years ago when, at some unlovely point of an unrecognized departure, they chose style over substance, personal profits over real knowledge, the expedient lie over the inconvenient truth (not the type Al Gore shills for, but a real one). When one begins to think a certain way, turn down an enticing path of thornless roses, lets the river have its way, the ravenous eyes love seductive lies, the innocent child is lost to the broken man.
The dumbest ones have weak minds and now immune systems. Life will get easier when they're gone. I have no sympathy for the assholes who wanted to force this on others. It's only a matter of time even for the dumb ones in my family.
I will say that, in all fairness, there were probably a lot of the general populace, who took this, that did so out of a genuine fear and so I'll make no judgment of them.
Ah... 7+ more (how do you quantify a "434% increase in RSV cases"? -- a bug I'd never heard of before 2022 BTW 🤔) reports of ABV (anything but the vaccine) Syndrome..
And the morons are still swallowing the Official Narrative cowflop whole... 🙄💩
What's it going to take wake them up? Bodies in the streets? Mass burial details and trenches dug by hand because there's no diesel (thanks to the WEFs arseholian "zero carbon" lunacy) for the backhoes?
As Br. Alexis advised 2 years ago, better invest in a Hazmat suit, 'cause you're going to need it...
RSV isn’t a new disease. It’s been around for decades and yes lots of babies get it every winter. I worked in a hospital laboratory and we tested for it way back in the 70's, but it’s not as fatal as the media makes it out to be and it is usually easily treated. But it’s scary as hell for new parents. And of course the new 'vaccine' for it doesn’t prevent infection either. But the sociopaths that be are going to give it to pregnant women even though it hasn’t gone through long term studies. They have been working on a vaccine for it for decades and it’s caused deaths in babies in the studies.
How timely. I got a text two days before the holiday via the grandmother, a request per the new mom that anyone sick stay home. Like we would deliberately travel for hours for a meal knowingly sick? Then I found out none of us were to hold or touch the baby because of the cases of RSV going around.
15 people were in the house, 3 of us are retired and generally stay out of the public. This baby's father works on a large military base w/God only knows what spreading around, the grandmother has her face in people's mouths all day, she is a dental hygienist, the grandfather works in the grubby school system, the rest of the attendees all work in the public at various jobs, so ya know just being alive and breathing means you have germs. The real kicker is the new mom hauls the kid to places like CVS and Dollar General for bargain day hunting and was taking the kid out w/gramma for Black Friday shopping. BUT we were not allowed to hold or touch the baby? You can't make this shit up.
No worries, I prevailed! Auntie won out. I held the baby two different times, for quite a long time. I asked point blank on the spot to hold the child, and my sister quietly, but pointedly made some snark comments about not being able to hold the baby and I think it sunk in at how ridiculous it all was. Sweetest baby ever, always happy and adorable.
I am still mad about it all. This too shall pass though. They live out of state and I imagine it will be a few years before I see them again. They are good about sending photos, but it was all weird and unexpected. I had been looking forward for weeks meeting the baby, I was not prepared for such nonsense.
And thank God for "Sweetest baby(ies) ever, always happy and adorable".
I always breathe a sigh of relief that they are still being born.
First time parents can be obnoxious even in the best of times. I get it, I was very uncertain as a very young new parent. I was only certain of my overpowering love for my baby and that I needed to stay as far away as possible from AMA doctors, but I was always thrilled when someone wanted to hold the baby.
I had it easy compared to the unbelievable amount of mind warping going on now for young parents.
Oh yeah, I was worried like crazy the baby wouldn't make it or have complications due to the parents being vaxx'd. I was so happy he was born alive and well. After all my anxiety over it I could not believe I wasn't going to be allowed to hold him because of some crazy media brain washing. I would not want to be a parent these days for sure, and I sure wouldn't want to be a kid these days.
I sure hope mom doesn't get the little one jabbed. These insane stories just show us there are a lot of idiots out there. I got my own to deal with in my own family. Jabbed and dead and others are jabbed and have cancer.
I am pretty sure she will. T-Day was the first time I met her other than texting. It is hard when I am the old fart that knows nothing about nothing and they are the young ones that know everything.
That was my first thought, if she is so worried she should be the one not traveling. They won't be coming here for Christmas so it won't be an issue. Honestly, I was trying to figure out if it was some sort of control, attention grabbing thing, or she was really worried. It was the first time I have met her, apparently she has control issues w/the husband. It will be interesting to see how long the marriage lasts.
Heh…it’d be lovely for you to tell the mom and grandma that. Remind them that both viruses are airborne. If you do I hope you will tell us what they say.
Believe you me I was chomping at the bit to say it. I did not dignify the text w/an answer to avoid a war or to be banished from attending. I did hold the baby and gramma's jaw almost hit the floor when she saw that happening, because apparently the rule applied to her too. Thankfully it was her kitchen and she stayed in it.
And I promise you when the opportunity comes up in future conversation I will not hold back now that the day is over, and it will come up again. Learning of the plan to go Black Friday shopping sealed my deal w/the insanity of it.
My sister and I have all ready had a big fight over my "attitude" and me being so "judgmental" about the whole thing. This is the sister that has been vaxx'd and boosted so many times she has neurological problems. The whole family is vaxx'd except me, so that makes me the crazy one for defying the rules.
I'm pretty sure that RSV is similar to Croup which has scared people for centuries but in the world of "alternative" medicine is widely treated and treatable.
Good point. I’m not sure that it isn’t the croup either. I just remember that it’s been around for some time. But it was never a big deal and I think that the only reason it is now is because there is a vaccine for it. One that doesn’t sterilize either. I wish people knew that about it. I see a lot of my friends saying that they got it as well as the ones for Rona and the flu. All at once. They don’t know if it’s safe to get more than one jab at a time.
Not a "leaky" vaccine. All vaccines are toxins. All vaccinations are poisonings. The reaction to poisoning is your body attempts to detox itself which manifests as flu-like symptoms or worse(death being the very worse).
I agree that the hysteria is because of the vaccine and the general strategy of making people fear every little thing so they will come running for a shot. I think an RSV vaccine is a very bad idea. And won't work as advertised.
It's the "future framework" that now means all jabs will be ModRNA with the same delivery method just a different payload. FDA won't require any real trials and will approve very quickly.
That will eventually kill off the vaccine industry since it is not a vaccine, and will eventually be seen as not a vaccine, and the only people left standing will be the refuseniks that will want these propylene glycol pushers either locked up, executed or put in a mental hospital. Or hired to clean toilets for living which is what they deserve.
We got diseases popping up that haven't been around since the Middle Ages. But there is nothing to see here citizen.... please resume your mindless meaningless life before you expire.
Yes... this is real problem. TB lies dormant in populations around the world. Damaged immune systems will certainly let this killer out of the bottle. Dying of TB is pretty horrible. We still have in our town here what used to be an old TB clinic. The building is being used for something else now of course. And yes it is set away from everything on a large property. TB used to be a real serious thing. Let's hope it doesn't come back.
ABV LOL! We all know the jabbed are causing the sickness and diseases. They all want to sign the WHO treaty soon. When they start dying in mass, they'll blame it on some new virus and will enforce this treaty to come after us. Going to get ugly.
"I have had Covid and 3 shots. With my antibodies there’s little chance of me contracting it now."
What amazes me is that all the pro jab people like Simmons et al who insisted that their audiences get the jab keep getting infected and not one of them have gotten p*ssed that the jabs didn’t protect them like they were told it would.
people like them need to continue feeling superior. they've been so ridiculously vicious and adamant that, to turn back now...to learn something knew...to discover they were wrong...that would all be too much for them. it would require a humility they do not possess. so they'll hold tight to their blinders and double down. until they can't...
Makes sense. It was just so surprising how all the rockers who were against the 'man' back in the day all turned out to be for the man when push came to shove huh?
there had already been a couple of recalls for exactly the same reason. never assume just because something costs a fortune and the narrative says it's 'the best' that it's actually 'the best.' or problem-free. I've known some bentley people. trust me, they didn't buy bentleys for the overall quality (often sorely lacking), they bought bentleys so everyone near or far would look at them with awe and say, 's/he drives a bentley!'
So it looks like the impact to the clot shot recipients has not run its course, and will probably not for another few years at least. So Mark, you and your excellent team will be kept busy for another while yet. And the dumb question I always ask - So why has no one being arrested, jailed, or worse after all that has been documented. I just dunno but I shall run with - There might be, just might be a 2 tier judicial system in play!!!
And you’ve still got that moron Kareem Abdul Jabbar pushing more Pfizer shots in a newer commercial. After suggesting players NBA should be be forced to vaccinate in order to keep their jobs...
He’s been vaxed and boosted, then gets a-fib and uses that to promote yet another vax. That SOB is on a level of evil I can’t fathom.
It's funny because not only are they suicidal idiots, but they would have literally killed us if they could have or imprisoned us indefinitely for refusing to commit suicide with them. Gene Simmons is an exceptionally execrable excuse for a human being. He can't possibly be as ignorant as he appears, can he? Does he really believe in the vaccination witchcraft as he says? I don't think in his case that he is just evil. I think these KISS horror clowns really did believe the bioweapon shots were created to help people. What a weird great time to be alive. I'm listening to Christmas music from yesteryear, jazz Christmas stuff. Maybe the beer and circus hypnosis was just blowing smoke up our asses back then, too; but at least they knew something about music, and there wasn't any truly awful hateful ugly music like Simmons and crew later shat on the world.
All these jabbed people are the dumbest people on planet earth, especially KISS idiots. Gene Simmons thinks getting multiple jabs should be mandatory, I guess Paul Stanley is still living in LaLa land, give him another 3 months, he'll get the "flu" again, or whatever vax injury he has.
It's almost like he doesn't have an immune system that functions? What could have caused that?
Exactly. They will continue to label illnesses with new fancy names like B4r2d2 🥴 instead of what it really is...DESTROYED IMMUNE SYSTEMS that can’t fight off a cold, and goodness knows not the flu. These brainwashed fools will eventually get better and then run out to get the newest booster. Lemmings. Healthy immune systems for the win.
Yup - the immune system is the key to health. But you’re right… the clueless among us are always looking for a pill or injection to save them from themselves.
I had whatever in 2021. As the dreaded COVID never was isolated, who knows what I had. No vax, no nose rape ever and for sure no medical intervention. Just natural medicine to treat the symptoms, a huge dose of common sense and a belief that God gave me the tools I needed to survive it. I know it pisses off the pharma crew and the death camps AKA hospital but survive I did.
That is just perfectly hilarious.
His days are numbered. It will be a turbo cancer or a big vascular event.
In his coffin they should lay some syringes and Pfizer vials so he is comfortable when he passes to hell.
Preferably a Kiss brand coffin. https://www.everythingkiss.com/funeral.html
and a big douche bag
What is it about entertainers that make them easy pickings for the globalist stooges??
Successful entertainers sell their souls to the devil, it's part of the contract to become rich & famous.
They worship money and have big egos.
Granted, but what about them makes them completely oblivious to the truth of matters; so naive but that appears to be the case with, dare I say it, a large number of Democrats, be they entertainers or average, ordinary citizens. ?
Your comment triggered the thought that maybe these people like Simmons and many other materially successful communist libtards – whom I know very well as I was one of them – sold themselves out to Satan years ago when, at some unlovely point of an unrecognized departure, they chose style over substance, personal profits over real knowledge, the expedient lie over the inconvenient truth (not the type Al Gore shills for, but a real one). When one begins to think a certain way, turn down an enticing path of thornless roses, lets the river have its way, the ravenous eyes love seductive lies, the innocent child is lost to the broken man.
That's big time deep.
Not much good when you have to pay the piper. They'll all be dead by in a year or two. No loss.
Most of them about as sharp as a bowling ball
there influencer to the young, now they use tik-tok but back a few years it was rock bands
I wonder the same. Are they on the deep state payroll? Are they well-intentioned clowns? Are they demonically possessed? Hard to know.
I agree with choice number 2 that you present.
Just goes to show how worthless their medical "experts" are. If they understood this, they would FIRE ALL OF THEM!
The dumbest ones have weak minds and now immune systems. Life will get easier when they're gone. I have no sympathy for the assholes who wanted to force this on others. It's only a matter of time even for the dumb ones in my family.
I will say that, in all fairness, there were probably a lot of the general populace, who took this, that did so out of a genuine fear and so I'll make no judgment of them.
Ah... 7+ more (how do you quantify a "434% increase in RSV cases"? -- a bug I'd never heard of before 2022 BTW 🤔) reports of ABV (anything but the vaccine) Syndrome..
And the morons are still swallowing the Official Narrative cowflop whole... 🙄💩
What's it going to take wake them up? Bodies in the streets? Mass burial details and trenches dug by hand because there's no diesel (thanks to the WEFs arseholian "zero carbon" lunacy) for the backhoes?
As Br. Alexis advised 2 years ago, better invest in a Hazmat suit, 'cause you're going to need it...
RSV isn’t a new disease. It’s been around for decades and yes lots of babies get it every winter. I worked in a hospital laboratory and we tested for it way back in the 70's, but it’s not as fatal as the media makes it out to be and it is usually easily treated. But it’s scary as hell for new parents. And of course the new 'vaccine' for it doesn’t prevent infection either. But the sociopaths that be are going to give it to pregnant women even though it hasn’t gone through long term studies. They have been working on a vaccine for it for decades and it’s caused deaths in babies in the studies.
How timely. I got a text two days before the holiday via the grandmother, a request per the new mom that anyone sick stay home. Like we would deliberately travel for hours for a meal knowingly sick? Then I found out none of us were to hold or touch the baby because of the cases of RSV going around.
15 people were in the house, 3 of us are retired and generally stay out of the public. This baby's father works on a large military base w/God only knows what spreading around, the grandmother has her face in people's mouths all day, she is a dental hygienist, the grandfather works in the grubby school system, the rest of the attendees all work in the public at various jobs, so ya know just being alive and breathing means you have germs. The real kicker is the new mom hauls the kid to places like CVS and Dollar General for bargain day hunting and was taking the kid out w/gramma for Black Friday shopping. BUT we were not allowed to hold or touch the baby? You can't make this shit up.
The poor baby.... with a mom that thinks - or isn't thinking - like that.
Black Friday shopping? But no loving hugs?
No worries, I prevailed! Auntie won out. I held the baby two different times, for quite a long time. I asked point blank on the spot to hold the child, and my sister quietly, but pointedly made some snark comments about not being able to hold the baby and I think it sunk in at how ridiculous it all was. Sweetest baby ever, always happy and adorable.
I am still mad about it all. This too shall pass though. They live out of state and I imagine it will be a few years before I see them again. They are good about sending photos, but it was all weird and unexpected. I had been looking forward for weeks meeting the baby, I was not prepared for such nonsense.
And thank God for "Sweetest baby(ies) ever, always happy and adorable".
I always breathe a sigh of relief that they are still being born.
First time parents can be obnoxious even in the best of times. I get it, I was very uncertain as a very young new parent. I was only certain of my overpowering love for my baby and that I needed to stay as far away as possible from AMA doctors, but I was always thrilled when someone wanted to hold the baby.
I had it easy compared to the unbelievable amount of mind warping going on now for young parents.
Oh yeah, I was worried like crazy the baby wouldn't make it or have complications due to the parents being vaxx'd. I was so happy he was born alive and well. After all my anxiety over it I could not believe I wasn't going to be allowed to hold him because of some crazy media brain washing. I would not want to be a parent these days for sure, and I sure wouldn't want to be a kid these days.
Thank ya'll for letting me vent!
I sure hope mom doesn't get the little one jabbed. These insane stories just show us there are a lot of idiots out there. I got my own to deal with in my own family. Jabbed and dead and others are jabbed and have cancer.
I am pretty sure she will. T-Day was the first time I met her other than texting. It is hard when I am the old fart that knows nothing about nothing and they are the young ones that know everything.
You’ve heard of bridezillas, now there are new Momzillas. They’re afraid of everything!!!
Except vaxxines.....
Yes, I thought bridezillas and helicopter parents were unsufferable.......
I never dreamed there'd be VAXILLAS.
Scarier than zombies.
sounds like the new mom should've stayed home. there's still time to suggest that option for christmas...
That was my first thought, if she is so worried she should be the one not traveling. They won't be coming here for Christmas so it won't be an issue. Honestly, I was trying to figure out if it was some sort of control, attention grabbing thing, or she was really worried. It was the first time I have met her, apparently she has control issues w/the husband. It will be interesting to see how long the marriage lasts.
Heh…it’d be lovely for you to tell the mom and grandma that. Remind them that both viruses are airborne. If you do I hope you will tell us what they say.
Believe you me I was chomping at the bit to say it. I did not dignify the text w/an answer to avoid a war or to be banished from attending. I did hold the baby and gramma's jaw almost hit the floor when she saw that happening, because apparently the rule applied to her too. Thankfully it was her kitchen and she stayed in it.
And I promise you when the opportunity comes up in future conversation I will not hold back now that the day is over, and it will come up again. Learning of the plan to go Black Friday shopping sealed my deal w/the insanity of it.
My sister and I have all ready had a big fight over my "attitude" and me being so "judgmental" about the whole thing. This is the sister that has been vaxx'd and boosted so many times she has neurological problems. The whole family is vaxx'd except me, so that makes me the crazy one for defying the rules.
Or tell them that there is no evidence of the theory of contagion. All baloney.
The CDC has no studies demonstrating contagion of colds, flu, or fake-covid.
Its Bizarro World
I'm pretty sure that RSV is similar to Croup which has scared people for centuries but in the world of "alternative" medicine is widely treated and treatable.
Good point. I’m not sure that it isn’t the croup either. I just remember that it’s been around for some time. But it was never a big deal and I think that the only reason it is now is because there is a vaccine for it. One that doesn’t sterilize either. I wish people knew that about it. I see a lot of my friends saying that they got it as well as the ones for Rona and the flu. All at once. They don’t know if it’s safe to get more than one jab at a time.
that new leaky RSV vaccine will increase cases… same as the flu vaccine has done… same as the covid vaccine has done
leaky vaccines creates a much bigger problem
Not a "leaky" vaccine. All vaccines are toxins. All vaccinations are poisonings. The reaction to poisoning is your body attempts to detox itself which manifests as flu-like symptoms or worse(death being the very worse).
I agree that the hysteria is because of the vaccine and the general strategy of making people fear every little thing so they will come running for a shot. I think an RSV vaccine is a very bad idea. And won't work as advertised.
It's the "future framework" that now means all jabs will be ModRNA with the same delivery method just a different payload. FDA won't require any real trials and will approve very quickly.
That will eventually kill off the vaccine industry since it is not a vaccine, and will eventually be seen as not a vaccine, and the only people left standing will be the refuseniks that will want these propylene glycol pushers either locked up, executed or put in a mental hospital. Or hired to clean toilets for living which is what they deserve.
Because they were never trialed together
It’s all an experiment
Like I said... And I guess there's a first time for everyone.. But what would I know? I'm just a failed musician who thinks too much. This article may interest you though: https://officialbrendanmurphy.substack.com/p/5-huge-historical-vaccine-frauds
We got diseases popping up that haven't been around since the Middle Ages. But there is nothing to see here citizen.... please resume your mindless meaningless life before you expire.
"I don't want to go on the cart!" -- "Oh, don't be such a baby."
-- M. Python "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
Now you are talking my language. https://youtu.be/zEmfsmasjVA?si=wyt4r-cq5S39vEpl
" I'm actually feeling much better now"
"Ah, thanks very much! 'Ere's yer ninepence!"
That didn’t hurt!
It's just a flesh wound! Come back here you pansy!
And nobody worries about Tuberculosis either, which is having a big upsurge cause of our border policies...or lack thereof.
Yes... this is real problem. TB lies dormant in populations around the world. Damaged immune systems will certainly let this killer out of the bottle. Dying of TB is pretty horrible. We still have in our town here what used to be an old TB clinic. The building is being used for something else now of course. And yes it is set away from everything on a large property. TB used to be a real serious thing. Let's hope it doesn't come back.
Nah no hazmat suit. I'll die on my hill without it.😉
Watch this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/S5BGAlZDD4Rj/
You're going to need one for the burial details.
It might be the time of the day, but this is hilarious!
ABV LOL! We all know the jabbed are causing the sickness and diseases. They all want to sign the WHO treaty soon. When they start dying in mass, they'll blame it on some new virus and will enforce this treaty to come after us. Going to get ugly.
On the subject of celebrities and post-vaccination maladies, consider this quip:
Why is Taylor Swift the perfect spokesperson for vaccination?
Because the Warp Speed vaccines were tailored swiftly.
Not tailored swiftly enough apparently -- she's still yakking ..
Someone needs to put a muzzle on her.
Gleefully taking the jab sends you to a slab.
lol…best ‘wait for it' ever.
"I have had Covid and 3 shots. With my antibodies there’s little chance of me contracting it now."
What amazes me is that all the pro jab people like Simmons et al who insisted that their audiences get the jab keep getting infected and not one of them have gotten p*ssed that the jabs didn’t protect them like they were told it would.
It's because they're clueless and brainwashed. I believe the technical term for their condition is "drank the kool-aid". 🤔
Or maybe they need to check into a MHMR facility specifically for the MR part.
people like them need to continue feeling superior. they've been so ridiculously vicious and adamant that, to turn back now...to learn something knew...to discover they were wrong...that would all be too much for them. it would require a humility they do not possess. so they'll hold tight to their blinders and double down. until they can't...
Makes sense. It was just so surprising how all the rockers who were against the 'man' back in the day all turned out to be for the man when push came to shove huh?
they made fortunes and decided it's GOOD to be the man.
They all revert to the second catch phrase: "It would have been much worse had I not been vaccinated."
True. I see people saying that every time they get infected AGAIN.
Oh but it would have been much worse without the jabs
And that poor couple whose airborne Bentley exploded midair at the Canadian border died for nothing
They got a lot YouTube views out of it...
Do you suppose it was a vaxxident not a faulty pedal on a $300,000 Bentley that caused the crash 🤔
A faulty pedal on a Bentley does seem a bit of a stretch, doesn't it? 🙄
there had already been a couple of recalls for exactly the same reason. never assume just because something costs a fortune and the narrative says it's 'the best' that it's actually 'the best.' or problem-free. I've known some bentley people. trust me, they didn't buy bentleys for the overall quality (often sorely lacking), they bought bentleys so everyone near or far would look at them with awe and say, 's/he drives a bentley!'
You've got a point.. Had I the money (and alas, the room) for such a thing, I'd be far more inclined to buy a Bösendorfer or a Steinway...
Indeed! 🤡 coverups of pharmacide are ALL the rage now and dead men tell no tales.
Very possible.
Gallows humor.... I am kinda good at it.
Was that an EV?
So it looks like the impact to the clot shot recipients has not run its course, and will probably not for another few years at least. So Mark, you and your excellent team will be kept busy for another while yet. And the dumb question I always ask - So why has no one being arrested, jailed, or worse after all that has been documented. I just dunno but I shall run with - There might be, just might be a 2 tier judicial system in play!!!
John Nicholson (mentioned in this article) questioned the sanity of footballers who didn’t take the vaccine.
And you’ve still got that moron Kareem Abdul Jabbar pushing more Pfizer shots in a newer commercial. After suggesting players NBA should be be forced to vaccinate in order to keep their jobs...
He’s been vaxed and boosted, then gets a-fib and uses that to promote yet another vax. That SOB is on a level of evil I can’t fathom.
Jabbar. The names says it all
I just cannot understand how they are getting away with giving this Frankenstein shot to pregnant women!!!
How horrible!!
They're not digging up these rock stars from the Pet Sematary, are they?
no the pet asylum
Geez...can Paul Stanley be anymore uneducated and uninformed?
Anyone who takes his “advice” is on the Highway to Hell...
Paul, as far as the jabs go...
I rather doubt that Stanley reads these posts.
Can he read?
I was speaking to “him” as a way to speak to everyone.
But thanks for pointing that out 🙄
If he tried reading these posts he’d need a 5th grader to explain the big words.
I’ll bet he rarely reads at all. 😆
Just curious, why are you posting that propaganda filled article from The Sun?
Contagion is more BS
Pathogenic viruses are the king of BS
Kiss your Ass goodbye, is what I am inclined to think, based on reports. Harsh honesty.
Just long covid. The jabs are saving him. Ironic the farewell tour may turn out to be the big farewell tour
something is killing kids across the world, and doctors are 'baffled'... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/why-are-the-young-dying-so-fast
after 40 (?) years of playing bass (?) gene simmons still has to watch his fingers
Karma Is Sure Spellbinding.
It's funny because not only are they suicidal idiots, but they would have literally killed us if they could have or imprisoned us indefinitely for refusing to commit suicide with them. Gene Simmons is an exceptionally execrable excuse for a human being. He can't possibly be as ignorant as he appears, can he? Does he really believe in the vaccination witchcraft as he says? I don't think in his case that he is just evil. I think these KISS horror clowns really did believe the bioweapon shots were created to help people. What a weird great time to be alive. I'm listening to Christmas music from yesteryear, jazz Christmas stuff. Maybe the beer and circus hypnosis was just blowing smoke up our asses back then, too; but at least they knew something about music, and there wasn't any truly awful hateful ugly music like Simmons and crew later shat on the world.