Chomsky ignoring a lifetime of work folding like a lawn chair w propaganda regime.. sadder than Colbert going from Daily show humor to Vax-Scene pharma shill.. so much for values!

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It’s almost as gross as his involvement with Epstein.

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who knows who else is on the customer list. I am almost afraid to ask. It might contain people I like. Then again, my former soul mates dropped me too. And I am still alive LOL.

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Aye. There's the rub...

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I imagine that is why

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I’m not sure that’s fair- based on what Noam himself said when asked, he was approached by Epstein opportunistically for his own edification. Juries still out on that one. He may be ignorant of many things in this complex world but he is not amoral, as far as I can tell

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not amoral? Let those unvaxxed die? Working with the CIA?

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the vax are dying too

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His account of Epstein might be true, but dude still wanted to throw the unvaxxed under the bus to the tune of starvation and camps. He is an amoral opportunist at best.

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Oh you have some special "insight" that no one else has? LMFAO!

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Epstein contacted and tried to associate with everyone. One contact with him means nothing. Especially before it became known what he was. But if it were after it was known what he had done, and some sort of ongoing relationship occurred then his protestations would be meaningless. “Look I went to a few BBQs at Jeffrey Dahmer’s house. That Dude can cook. But I had no idea what he was cooking.” “You went to his house after he was out on bail having been arrested for kidnapping and killing and eating children.” Blank stare. “Yeah. I never heard that at all. I was just there for cooking lessons.”

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I think the Jeffrey Dahmer case is a psyop.


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How can you say he's not amoral with what he said and didn't do during the Scamdemic idk 😐

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Oct 7, 2023
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shilling product?

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Uhhhh..... chomsky has always been on the payroll.

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MIT is a helluva drug.

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MIT gives me the TIMs.

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Chomsky is a joke. Has he no shame?

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Prions in the brain from the covid shots?

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Naw, he was always a double-dealing hypocrite.

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How could he have lasted at CIA/MIT U so long, especially during the "uprising"'years? Getting a broader picture that might account for his knee jerk hatred of the name Kennedy, especially JFK.

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When you learn Timothy Leary was a CIA asset, your head begins to revolve, at first, ever-so-slowly... 🤔

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Yes. Speaking of "counter-culture" intelligence, have you read David McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon?" Like with "The New Pearl Harbor," if only 15-20 percent of it is verifiably true (and I believe it's a much higher percentage in both books), the "official" narratives are out the window. (Frank Zappa, possibly, the Mamas and the Papas, particularly John Phillips, definitely, etc.)

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I've read it several times and always find more in it as time goes by and we learn more about what these people were up to...just brilliant, another one gone too soon.

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McGowan's reportage is ABSOLUTELY fascinating and makes for riveting reading and lots of pondering of the famous among my generation. And when Joni Mitchell announced she was taking her songs off Spotify, I just thought, 'So much for the counter culture of my youth.'

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You piqued my curiosity, and I found an interesting interview with the author. Here’s an excerpt:

“ Thomas McGrath: You propose that hippie culture was established to neutralise the anti-war movement. But I also interpreted your book as suggesting that, as far as you’re concerned, there’s also some resonance between what you term “psychedelic occultism” (the hippie counterculture) and the “elite” philosophy/theology? You think this was a second reason for its dissemination?

David McGowan: Yes, I do. Hippie culture is now viewed as synonymous with the anti-war movement, but as the book points out, that wasn’t always the case. A thriving anti-war movement existed before the first hippie emerged on the scene, along with a women’s rights movement, a black empowerment/Black Panther movement, and various other movements aimed at bringing about major changes in society. All of that was eclipsed by and subsumed by the hippies and flower children, who put a face on those movements that was offensive to mainstream America and easy to demonize. And as you mentioned, a second purpose was served as well – indoctrinating the young and impressionable into a belief system that serves the agenda of the powers that be.”

I think about all the sincere movements today that have been co-opted by BLM, wokeism, etc. When I was young and impressionable, I used to think the hippies were super cool and enlightened, but as I got older, they appeared more and more full of shit. As a friend of mine once said, “find an ideal and buy the accessories.”

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I never read the book, but read the web series. Everyone talks about the stars, but he also makes mention of some of the local cults with some really weird ass beliefs- one was very similar to the cult that the Pheonixes and Rose McGowan were born into- lots of religious pedophilia...Where are these people now? We know that for a few thousand members who were far flung across the globe, the Family managed to raise up an almost extraordinary number of well known people. How many other outfits are similarly overrepresented in our culture?

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Dave McGowan is/was a controlled opposition agent as the moon landings were real and Wagging the Moondoggie is sophisticated propaganda whose purpose is to undermine those who tend to disbelieve the authorities Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf style.


The New Pearl Harbor is only half-truth in that death and injury were clearly staged and a False Dilemma propaganda strategy was used to hide that truth. It's just so simple: while health professionals can be propagandised and coerced into injecting millions with substances that injure, maim and kill on the back of over a century of fraudulent science, the same cannot be done with demolition crews. You can't say to demolition crews: "Hey guys, today we're only going to partially evacuate the buildings because we've got a terror story we want to tell and we can't fake it, we have to do it for real." This is absurd for a number of reasons:

--- propaganda works better the less it corresponds with reality so why would you be killing people for real when you only want people to believe in their deaths?

--- do you really think they killed the plane passengers in the faked passenger airliner crashes for real? Do you think they had them in the planes and sequestered them off somewhere and gassed them? Do you think they killed the Sandy Hook children for real?

--- how few people do you really think they could involve in this absolutely MASSIVE operation without them knowing its true nature?

--- demolition crews + partial evacuation are two pieces of the puzzle that don't fit together

--- they TELL us clearly that death and injury were faked in that there is not a single piece of purported evidence for death and injury that favours real over fake - NOT A SINGLE PIECE. They are scrupulous in their execution ... unlike most of us whose emotions are so easy to manipulate. I'm not the most emotional person in the first place but when it comes to power I'm as ruthless in my analysis as they are in their execution - you need to be.

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I have a copy.

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Twas not the ham sandwich that killed Mama Cass.

Twas the CIA!

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didn't Harvard fire Leary and Alpert/Ram Dass though because of their LSD experiments?

Abbie Hoffman was adamantly against the hippies and the drugs and saw what it was doing to the actual left who had been against war and for civil rights since the 50s at least...he went to Woodstock and tried to speak to the throng but the people running the show actually beat him up and threw him off the stage and told him to go home. Not a lot of people remember that, they were too stoned and full of mud and dazzled by the music.

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Dazzled by the Music

What a great title for a book!

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The first victim of cancel culture.

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I would think that you would see color flashes first, then your head spins.

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given he resided in the Kennedy base of Boston for so many years, with so many buildings named for them at Harvard and elsewhere, maybe he was jealous. (lol)

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Party over country.

Ideology over over freedom and integrity and liberty and free speech.

All of the things the "leftist" said they were for.

Ideology over ;principles.

The only liberals you can trust are like Professor Miller.

Their values don't change, although the world does.

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He was only counter culture when it served the agenda. IE when it served the destruction of what made us successful.

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spot on. what '....used to make us successful...'

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Waiting for the FBI jack-booted thugs to show up at 4:00 am busting down the front door so they can take me to one of those "reeducation" camps that Hillary thinks I need.

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Whatz the difference between government gangsters and regular gangsters ?

Regular gangsters don't preach to you.

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Regular gangsters will tell you they are the bad guys.

Government gangsters act like good guys but they are really bad guys.

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and will describe how they are going to hurt you and/or kill you so you won't be surprised which is really decent of them

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-- “ C L O N E C A M P # 10 “

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More like "Soylent Green is people."

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That's exactly how they want you to think.

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I used to worship Chomsky. He is such a profound disappointment in my life. Well, I guess he knows which side his bread has been buttered on.

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Me too! This has helped me become a more critical thinker though and question my believed reality constantly

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Chomsky‘s about face is as ironic as Israel turning their entire population into a massive human experiment with a dangerous, untested drug, without informed consent.

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I know! My quaint cultural beliefs have been turned on their heads. Aussies were kind of rough and tumble. Israelis were really smart. Not true it turns out.

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"Blame the Russians" is the proverbial cheap-shot for these times. Just as blaming DTrump for every evil under the sun was all the rage -promoted incessantly by the Oligarch's Media Corpse. Chomsky appears to have been co-opted or maybe just cloned...alas.

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right now it seems Russia is a freer country than the US! When you hear Putin speak, he makes more sense than the man in the WH. Thinking of it, my dog makes more sense than him.

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Righto! And another man who made sense was Donald Trump when he addressed the UN and told the International community that the US was returning to Constitutional Law; and that every nation's sovereignty should be an important consideration(no doubt alluding to the penetration of the WEF and it's Global Shapers). I paraphrase, and yet--to all the 'never Trumpers', or those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, Donald Trump delivered one of the more memorable POTUS speeches on that occasion.

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Putin, it seems, does not yet have dementia and though egotistical is not an idiot about it. So in those areas he exceeds both the incumbent and previous white house attendants.

Caveat: I don't want to live under Putin either. But I am an anarchist. There's no pleasing me.

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there are few rulers that would suit us LOL

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It's just so hilarious, though.

Who the hell really buys it?

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While Miles Mathis is possibly not the most unimpeachable of sources, nonetheless I proffer his article "Noam Chomsky is and Always Has Been a Spook" for your delectation and enjoyment:


And yes, the 32 pages are worth your time, IMHO.

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just read it, quite entertaining...

I am surprised he left out the Paris Review and George Plimpton, they were outed as CIA many yrs ago...

when I was at Columbia U's School of the Arts, Plimpton would come around the Writing Program, sniffing for grad students to join him in publishing what was left of the Paris Review from his NYC apartment. Sadly I was not chosen, as I would have loved to see what was really going on there...I'm sure my "credentials" didn't match what they were looking for (to my credit ultimately).

It would have been nice if Mathis had pointed out who were Protestants and Catholics as well as Jews or possible Jews.

My dad used to get Ramparts when I was a kid. My parents bought Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement as soon as it was in bookstores.

Howard Zinn, who taught politics and history at Boston U, was among the Boston Five, I'm surprised Mathis left him out as well. My personal experience of the man is that he was kind and brilliant.

Of late Dershowitz has been defending Trump, at least from a Constitutional Law POV. He has become an anathema in Martha's Vineyard where people like Larry David scream and yell at him in front of grocery stores.

At this point the question is--who weren't or aren't spooks? As George Carlin used to say, it's a big club and we're not in it.

For purposes of disclosure, my dad's sister was a student at Hunter College when she was around 16, having graduated early from high school, she was fluent in several languages and could read a 400 page book in an hour and had a photographic memory. During WW2 she was recruited by the OSS and the FBI and went back and forth between NYC and Wash DC. She had a G-11 clearance which is pretty high for a civilian and a woman, and we still don't know what she did.

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Oldie but a goodie w mother lode of Blue Blooded Bankster family trivia, fab drop!

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His credibility for me was utterly shot to shit when I learned of his mulish support for the Official Narrative, his contemptuous dismissal of "Conspiracy Theorists", regarding the Kennedy Assassination.

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Prior to my awakening regarding 9/11, I was mostly on the left and admired Chomsky duly. I recall seeing him speak and being awed and amazed. Then came 9/11 (I knew people at 9/11, who worked in the WTC towers, were on the street, and stuck in the subway tunnel). I was so disgusted at Chomsky and Amy Goodman, who I had also followed. But I suppose I learned what is what, and what is not.

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"My principles are only those that, before the French Revolution, every well-born person considered sane and normal."

-- Julius Evola

Like I keep saying: "There's a reason it's called "taking The Red Pill".

Allow me to introduce you to Asha Logos: https://ashalogos.com/home

"A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press" https://www.bitchute.com/video/2BNkmsR70oFM/ -- you'll likely choke on what he's saying, which is why I list it first.

"The French Revolution: The Death of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Tradition" -https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wg2hC3qAeQ&t=116s&pp=ygUgYXNoYSBsb2dvcyB0aGUgZnJlbmNoIHJldm9sdXRpb24%3D

"The French Revolution: Blood in the Streets of Paris" - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DiZZRalHjHY&pp=ygUgYXNoYSBsb2dvcyB0aGUgZnJlbmNoIHJldm9sdXRpb24%3D

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thnx for the links (my homework for this weekend).

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You're welcome. Try not to misunderstand what Asha Logos is saying... 🤔

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Yes, Miles Mathis is hit or miss, but some of his work is very good. His work on Mason/Sharon Tate is definitely worth a look. Peter Klein, of Independent Media Solidarity,made it into a documentary--worth watching IMO. Now that many of us are more sophisticated at seeing through psyops and know many of their tricks, it's worth going back and questioning some older events (I kind of think of them as beta tests), if one has the time or needs a break from the insanity we are up against today.

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Tom O'Neill's CHAOS is vastly better than Michael Mathis's speculation

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His name says it all; Chompsky took the bait.

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Chomsky was once the godfather of conspiracy theories. If you read his books back then, he spelled out the lies of the deep state and showed you how it worked. He adequately explained the Cold War farce, very adequately explained the role of perspective manipulation, and even showed the post Cold War "Military Humanitarism" lie.

For any old fashioned leftie like myself who has been disturbed wildly by Covid Chomsky, congratulate yourself, your beliefs weigh more than the teachers, as it should be.

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Actually, no. As you'll see at the end of my post, Chomsky has ALWAYS been a staunch anti-"conspiracist," arguing instead that it's all about the STRUCTURE of the system—a structure that he's interpreted in a very literal-minded way.

For example, JFK could NOT have been murdered to prevent his pulling out of Vietnam, and dialing down the Cold War, because, being part of that STRUCTURE, he actually did NOT intend to pull the troops out, OR modify relations with the USSR. (Chomsky's had to tie himself in knots to make that case.) So why would there have been any conspiracy? Same with MLK and RFK. Since the SYSTEM does its thing "objectively," there's simply no need for conspiracies, so anyone who thinks they DO exist is out to lunch.

Similarly, the thefts of the 2000 and 2004 elections just DON'T MATTER, because both parties are the same; so what's the point of caring whether either race was stolen? Of course, that claim about the parties is a valid one; but in denying all that evidence of THEFT, he's just denying reality.

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Kennedy also wanted to cut back on the oil depletion allowance, do away with the CIA and the federal reserve. He double-crossed the Mafia. He pissed off a lot of people and they wanted him dead. They canceled his appearances in Florida and Chicago over concerns for his safety, or maybe they thought Dallas was the best place to do it.

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yes, JFK wanted to bring back the Treasury, he also wanted to get rid of the Dulles brothers, and hated J. Edgar Hoover.

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Who wouldn't hate J.Edgar? In fact he is now the first crossdresser in history nobody wants to posthumously trans. I mean, they've transed crazy Roman emperors who killed hundreds in colorful manners, but they won't touch J.Edgar. Poor guy, like they're kink shaming him.

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Bingo, Mr. Miller. I remember reading (some) of MANUFACTURING CONSENT and thinking a few pages into it, this is baloney.

But, I grew up in a strange family that harbored many secrets and understood how people keep secrets by manufacturing their own images for their own games.

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Chomsky's texts on language (which we tried to work with in university) are abhorrent, indeed, bending common sense to "the structure".

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Yes, I've had my suspicions of him for many years. When I finally woke up to the Federal Reserve (thanks to Dr Ron Paul), I was suspicious that he was so anti-war, but never looked into war financing or the Federal Reserve. Whereas Professor Michael Parenti did call out the Federal Reserve and he also called out Chomsky in an epic talk on the JFK assassination and the clean up operation afterward (Gangster Nature of the State).

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I do not disagree with anything you just stated, however, despite Chomsky's break from going to the goal line, he did outlay how to.

Which makes it all confusing, but the anti-establishment "conspiracy" minded people I knew in the 80s and 90s were heavily influenced by the works of Chomsky. As was I.

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Influencing anti-establishment people's minds is what Chomsky was invented to do. We all fall under forms of mind control though no one believes they have fallen under mind control. Ta. Da.

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in the recent Q years it came up that the Satanists have this thing where they have to tell us what they are doing or plan to do because of some crap they believe...and if we don't notice it and get it and do something about it in time, then you know it's really our fault and they get away with being evil because we are dumb and naive.

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Satan has been giving notice from the beginning. I think it's one of God's dictates. God tells us everything that's happened, is happening and will happen and by law Satan has to do the same. Though, being deceptive by nature, Satan is tricky in his disclosure.

I think that's what is meant in both regards when God said, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." There is much we choose not to see or learn from both good and evil. To our own demise.

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To be possessed requires willingness on our part. We cant be tricked into it. We have to notice it is Satan and decide to continue on the path.

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Mark, why do you think JFK was killed then? MLK because he started getting his nose in Vietnam and of course RFK was also obvious.

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Helene, I recommend "JFK and the Unspeakable."

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Would be really cool if someone pirated Chomsky's "MasterClass" (cuz no one should pay for it) and juxtaxposed everything he's teaching now with the clips of the "truths" he used to spout a long time ago.

And then post it on Rumble or something.

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Now that would be funny!

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Fortunately no one on earth under, oh, 45 knows who Chompsky even is / was. How the once mighty have fallen. Such is the sad state of things.

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Chomsky finally revealed to us what we had begun to suspect he was after all these years. He has now been fully exposed. The best thing he can do for humanity at this point is to go sit in a corner, dry up and blow away.

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Good image. I'll hold on to it. It would be great if more of the old dried up dead leaves like Gates and Buffet and Biden and Soros would do the same. Thanks.

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So funny! I was just going to edit my comment cuz I left that ol' cuss off the list. What a glaring oversight. Thank you, Dear Editor mary-lou!

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my pleasure. the old git's been in my crosshairs since I was very young and my parents tried to explain the Vietnam-era slogan 'Make Love not War', probably mentioning him and his war hawks at some point. the human experience indeed :-))

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Exactly! These rich evil old buzzards are the real "useless eaters".

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Old nasty buzzards are exactly what they all look like. I'll hold that image in mind as I pray for their souls.

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Chomsky’s blind spot has always been his failure to consider that the deep state might be more than a bunch of corrupted state and business actors, and might instead be people who are part of a deeper program planted by Ahriman a long time ago. Therefore he missed, perhaps because of his atheism, that there are forces far more evil than even he could imagine who are pulling the strings of his purported cartoon villains. It’s a conspiracy too dark to consider for someone who, as a Marxist, thinks that the world can be fixed simply by generating a secular revolutionary movement. It’s the same lack of broad vision that caused so many leftist heroes to mistake the jab for the panacea. They basically have always been on the side of “the Science”.

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But Glen, your vision offers only passive fatalism, doesn't it? It is basically the "dark mystification" approach. If you think I am wrong, please let me know. (I am not defending Chomsky by this comment. I have posted my feelings about him elsewhere in this comments section.)

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Hi American Bardo -you are correct in that this idea of a fait a lism complit is not a positive one for present day humanity. This is the Steineresque vision which doesn’t end well, and by the looks of things we are ahead of schedule in terms of the technological saturation of our minds. But as with all ages, the wise and intrepid ones find their own way to awakening, in spite of the counterforces, through the labyrinth of negativity to realize the light and love of the Great One ( or whatever your preferred higher power) . So ultimately it’s a positive one . Kind of like coming of age within a cage, then realizing the cage is the construct we create collectively but also individually , by buying into the BS of those who for reasons of their own woundedness and disconnection are totally invested in materialism . Disconnection is all they know, and so they know only how to market that. Btw I’m not anti-Chomsky. I think he has made some great contributions to the unravelling of blind trust in the system , but he is only a thinker, not a sage. There are much worse enemies in our midst than old stubborn Marxists.

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The good news is the Chomsky and probably most of these communist mother fuckers are jabbed up to the max and will be assuming room temperature before long. The bad news is we will have listen to them for a little while longer. Oh well.. all good things come to those to wait..for a died suddenly or a turbo cancer.

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But if they really are "jabbed up" - i'd expect them to be jab-injured, or Died Suddenly...(Unless being Left is an antibody protection against injected toxic stuff ?)

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The fun is just beginning.. and we have a very real possibility of an immune escape variant that will emerge soon and kill the vaccinated like the black plaque. No one is going to survive these injections. They have literally dozens of way to kill. Head on over to my SubStack if you want know more.

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Ugh, Gnome Chompsky keeps getting more and more fascist in his old age.

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Professor Miler...thank you for your honesty and integrity.

For twenty years, I have not known that some people on the left (and I dont mean this

derogatorily) had integrity.

you do.

Do you know, us deblorables have more in common with you than wth Rinos".

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I reckon so. Thanks.

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I read your substack often, had no idea what your political leaning was.

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I didn’t either. I am just a fan of honesty and common sense.

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