With Charles & Kate (and other royals) down with sudden cancers, and Elizabeth & Philip having both "died suddenly" (and so has Jacob Rothschild!), it's not so clear who's really "in" and who is NOT
It does make you question what is true, do they really have cancer or is it a cover up for the side effects of the vaccines? Or is it simply to push the cancer agenda? Did they really fall victim to the poison? We will always be questioning the truth the MSM tell us. With regards to those other global elites who live a long time makes me think what is their secret to longevity? Drinking blood of the young? (Sorry can't help myself).
And I love here that you people know that. I also love that most here are catching onto PEOPLE GET PARASITES too and sometimes people can get rid of their major illness by taking an anti-parasitic. I don't even have to argue with people here like I did on face book though I wonder if we are too much an echo chamber here. We aren't so much on face book educating the norms. Maybe that was the plan. But still nice to know that there is intelligence out in the world.
I read substack just to hear a variety of opinions. Unless we are behind the scenes, how can we know what’s going on? I pick peoples brains from all walks of life to have a sort of working theory. Also, people here seem to genuinely want to make sense of the world. And they are interesting!
I hear ya. Sometimes I felt like I was on a different planet than them though. When I try to explain, they said I talk too much. Then they resort to names. Eventually you got to walk away before you then too start calling them names back.
It seems to me the normies do start to catch on after awhile. But many 10 to 15 years later than I want them to.
I agree! I learn so much from the substack writers such as MCM and then I learn some more from some of the commenters. I enjoy the dissent among the commenters too as it makes me think. It is easy to get stuck in a way of thinking that is one-sided. MCM was so on point with his last sentence: "We actually don't know what's going on, no matter how knowing we may be."
We are being poisoned from every aspect of our lives - especially environmental. Our food is being contaminated- the chemicals we breathe in the air - side effects from pharmaceuticals that supposedly help to heal - cleaning products- fluoride- the list is INFINITE
They did. Most likely the worst one: AstraZeneca. AZ was so problematic it was pulled from the market. Furthermore, there were three times as many adverse reactions per dose reported than for Pfizer and over twice as many per dose than for Moderna.
"The Duke of Cambridge has previously voiced his support for the Oxford University AstraZeneca vaccine. When news of the vaccine’s efficacy was released, Prince William hopped on a video call with the researchers to congratulate them on their achievement."
This doesn’t prove that they ACTUALLY took the real poisonous juice. They could have done all the above just to convince others that the shots were/are safe and effective so that they would take them. The Royals might have gotten saline or collapsible shots could have been used.
You are right we will never know for certain; however, I just don't think the late Queen E, as a devout Christian would fake it & lie to the nation. She saw it almost akin the the war effort; "we will meet again."
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce also enthusiastically supported the jabs….do you think they really took it? I don’t! TS is part of the globalist elites! TK is just an idiot!
Yes. And they shift your immunity away from internal surveillance for and elimination of cancer.
Gosh I wish I'd gone in for mine! Now I've missed out on posting pictures of myself being jabbed and holding up my CV-19 vax card. And I don't appear to be in the Turbo-Cancer club either. I just don't feel cool
I just saw the most horrific picture on the "Exposing the Darkness" substack of a now deceased man (50's) who had repeated jabs in the same arm. He contracted stage 4 metastatic Tenosynovial Giant Cell cancer. His whole arm was devastated by a giant tumor, horrific and so sad.
it's all theater (imo), in that it seems (to me) the portion of events unfolding which are unscripted-are subsumed into the narradigm - while all the rest is pre-scribed. Perhaps, we are meant to witness the seemingly fake injections given out to certain figures- just as we are supposed to ponder recent photoshops, and thus are tasked with cleaning up Satan's breadcrumbs from between the rows of seats, in- between showings...
We must always remember that not only are we being played by these purposefully invisible creatures. We are being double played and triple played. At a minimum.
It’s called a DEEP FAKE, this is the technology they are making you aware they have via channel4 three years ago…..imagine what technology is really at their disposal to create illusions. Apply this to recent distraction events as you will.
Yes...I have read that the next step is to push the mRna in cancer treatments.....also, read a few weeks ago that Charles is giving up the monarchy for the NWO.....
He has no need to give it up as "king" Tampon the 1st is not my King and he is not the King of any true Brit. Only traitors to the British people enable that truly traitorous bloodline by giving it any credence whatsoever.
President Trump is not claiming the mRNA shots cure cancer. During Biden's 2024 SOTU speech, Trump was responding live with Truth Social posts. One of them, the one stating the shots cure cancer, was a direct quote of Biden's. Trump then parlayed that into his Operation Warp Speed (which I opposed and still do). You have to remember President Trump was lied to and told millions upon millions would die from Covid if the jabs were not emergency approved ASAP. He was also lied to and told the jab approval was the only answer to stopping the lockdowns and getting the economy going again.
You're correct. Biden made the claim about cancer, but did you see Trump's response? He still takes credit for this "cure" which he has said before saved millions of lives. Not only that but he brags about fast tracking it! He could've used this opportunity to denounce the vaxx, to call out Joe's lies about it causing cancer, and then tell people that they actually caise it. But he didn't.
He wasn't lied to. If he only did it to stop lockdowns, he would've denounced it by now. But he still claims it as his greatest achievement. And mark my words: If he is elected and another crisis arises, he'll go all in on lockdowns, pandemic relief funds, and a vaxx cure once again. Because he was either in on it the first time... or too stupid to realize he was being lied to the entire time.
Not sure if your prediction is correct, but your points are valid. I do wish he would come out and say he was lied to, the mRNA shots were not tested long enough to determine safety, and we are now seeing firsthand the disastrous results.
This is hype that inverts the history of mRNA which was hoped originally to be a mechanism for delivery of cancer drugs explained by LNP inventor Pieter Cullis in the pre-Nobel Prize tour where he notes burning 5 post-docs trying. During his lecture Cullis notes that LNP distribution in the body cannot be controlled which is *** almost criminal when less than 0.1% chemo drugs reach the intended target *** clip from @ 46min biology reality w Jay Couey. https://rumble.com/v3q5vbq-2023-10-17-pieter-cullis-2022-study-hall-16-oct-2023-brief-twitch1953665426.html
Oh yes, with all the cancers now, maybe it’s an advertisement for the MRNA cancer shots that are coming. If Kate is ‘cured’ then step right up and get your cancer jab!
There is another group I have noted which has shown a noteable longevity - conductors of orchestras. Attributable I would think to the exceptional mental agility and memory and also to the physical demands. Demands, however, for needling compliance may well see a tapering off of that trend. I would see that as a systematic effort to erase culture and the life of the soul.
Franz Welser Most conductor of the once great Cleveland Orchestra has mysterious cancer which was announced last fall and he took a few months off for treatment. He was supremely healthy possibly a vegan BEFORE the orchestra’s draconian quackzene mandate. He is back to possibly his last season as he said he won’t be renewing his contract which DOES have a year to go…..
orchestras and symphonies are among the worst forcing the jabs on their members and conductors, employees and patrons and audiences. Imagine choruses and choirs singing with masks on.
I agree. I have commented here a few months ago that I founded and was music director of St Thomas Orchestra, a local semi pro/community orchestra in Westchester, NY and I led it to great success from 2002 to 2020 only to be unceremoniously axed because I refused "it". It was such a huge labor of love for which I was never paid . I developed to group to an annual budget of around $30,000 per yr and we performed Mahler Symphonies etc. I felt such betrayal. Hard to express.
That is SO OUTRAGEOUS as I have said before 😩Maybe JUST maybe classical music orchestras are to be “phased out” like places of worship as part of the elimination of individuals in the great reset. I am going to a concert which will be taking place at Mausoleum at Lakeview Cemetery 😉 on April 12 the Mozart and Brahms clarinet quintets. This series has been organized by Isabel Trautwein a violinist from TCO. The acoustics as well as the performance of 2 of my very favorite chamber should be superb. It is in honor of Adella Prentice Hughes who is buried nearby
Phasing out music makes sense for their agenda. There is much humanity in music. As a musician myself, I know that it brings unity amongst the performers and invites the audience along. There is a war against humanity and anything that unites it, so it only makes sense it should be destroyed too.
The Mozart and Brahms clarinet quintets... wow, what a beautiful program of matched works. I have performed this exact program a few times as a cellist. Such a joy!
Would not surprise me at all and them getting "cured" full recovery, oh the medical cartel has done it again, cured people (not). The Princess cancer diagnoses is being splashed over all media too, on every news channel or source. And that they tried to hide it, maybe until they come up with their cover story. Another distraction to keep the masses busy instead of fighting the tryanny.
This came across the UK news a few hours after Kate released her confessional video:
NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad
The NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad (CVLP) is a platform that will speed up access to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) personalised cancer vaccine clinical trials for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It will also accelerate the development of cancer vaccines as a form of cancer treatment.
Perhaps the Royal family will be “cured” by mRNA and serve as a great PR family for Pfizer. Everyone will rush off to get the cancer vaccines and, well, they’ll finish us off, I suppose.
Reading your reply, I can't help but think that we're then dealing with predictive programming. So all these royals and other officials tell the whole world that they're fighting cancer for days and weeks on end to get the audience used to it, and then suddenly, out of the blue, the NHS announces that launch pad and even says that they're working on personalized shots. Presto! The sheeple will immediately jump on that one.
Certainly possible. The tell is what you say, they bounce back smiling and healthy after eg personalized shots. Perfect!
Now if they die the above seems less likely.
The squids in my view deal in chaos, they break things not make them. And they are few. It is possible the royals are not fully onboard. They might be a target not a tool if you see what I mean. King Charles is corrupt but only to a level, perhaps he is not onboard with genocide. Perhaps he isn't in the inner club.
Well, if they will die after telling the world they have cancer, I don't see how it's going to help their " cancer agenda". It will just make people feel more scared. And why would be dead royals from cancer help the agenda? How could that be? I don't think so it's a cover up. It looks like they have " turbo cancers" and have one year to live at best. Dr. William Makis says that. I highly recommend his Substack. And his book about cancer too. Maybe the Royal Family should also read it. This would definitely help them.
Maybe he is part of the psy-op too. I am suspicious and wondering how would Dr. Makis be so certain and know the inside details? Perhaps its all part of the early mrna cancer vaccines marketing campaign?
If you watched even one video or spent 10 minutes on his substack you would realize how silly that is.
As only one example he has been promoting alternative cancer remedies with some objective rigour after spending a career embedded in the medical establishment. Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Melatonin, Quercetin, Vit C and D, mushrooms, soursop etc.
His article on Kate is balanced and certainly possible, he describes it as speculative at best.
I react a bit because while healthy paranoia is a thing, far too often the redpilled degenerate into squabbling over virus no virus and all like topics; the pattern seems to be that, for some, if you dont buy the whole package including their favorite alternate viewpoint you are working for the vampire squids.
A useful example is Malone, while I dont really like him much from what I have seen and read, and deeply deplore the legal battle with the Breggins, it seems insane to take the sum of what he has said and written, and take that obvious redpill record and turn it into 'he's controlled opo". If he is the squids man, well they are allowing him to wake up a lot of folk, perhaps millions who will now never take a shot and never trust the health authorities.
Weinstein said it well latest R Johnson hearing, we have to set aside differences and pull together on some basic themes we can all agree on. We can haggle about whether viruses exist, for eg, or chemtrails, or whatever, IF we win, for now we need to focus on a common front that might convert a normie. Which is our real job, take soft trusting hobbits and get them on that one way ratchet to SOME VERSION of truth or truthiness. Rant over.
I have a close family member who developed turbo cancer after the booster shots. And just as Dr. Makis predicted, no cancer treatment works anymore for those who took the shots. The latest news about it my family member is that she's dying. The doctors don't want to help her anymore and refuse to perform any tests.
All cancer treatment fails unless other healing methods are incorporated. No doubt they will get the best not the worst. If they have chemo they will lose their hair. But guess they can afford the best wigs. That's if they even have cancer?, my call is they don't and they are just calling it cancer and whatever they have will be "cured" by the medical cartel to push the cancer agenda. It is hard to believe anything they say anymore.
I think they have cancer too. We are the skeptics here, but many, many people really believe in allopathic medicine and especially "vaccines." I think the Royal Family are believers.
Some views of mine here, as I seem to change my mind on a daily basis:
1. How can the NWO - One World Government have National Monarchies ? (ref MCM comment above about the breakdown and wipe out of the National state is also interlinked).
2. Cancer is on the rise and so called turbo cancers are sky rocketing, but guess what will (or already is) be on the market - YEP, you guessed it = a cancer vaccine !! (all utter BS, but people believe it.
They tried to push the Covid jab on us all by using athletes, politicians, actors and actresses and other celebrities gobbing off promoting it DIRECTLY IN OUR FACE ... why not try a different batch of actors - ROYALS in a more subtle way (If they can get cancer, you plebs can too - take the jab).
Now on the para above, I bring in the jab, because a) it is true but b) the MSM is now reporting that "Kate" is now getting "preventative chemotherapy"and as many of us know chemo is a bitch as it kills good cells as well as bad ... so HEY PRESTO - we have developed a new jab !!!!.
3. Maybe they did all take the jab and are unfortunate OR as you state a cover up of the rapid rise in cancers.
4. For the first time in a long time, I am at a loss to decipher the play and as MCM states - "What all this tells us is that, concerning the apocalyptic game now being played against us all, we actually don’t know what’s going on, however knowing we may be."
"Happily, the fact that Kate has stated that she is now receiving preventative chemotherapy suggests that analysis shows her cancer has not spread. If it had, she would be receiving a more aggressive form of treatment chemotherapy."
Whatever they removed, it is presumed there are cancer cells or at least precancerous cells adjacent. So "preventative" chemo is done after tumor removal or debulking of a primary site in order to squelch growth of remaining cancer cells, thereby inhibiting or preventing metastasis or recurrence.
Cancer - esp 'turbo cancer' IS a side effect of the shots. There seems to be slight reason to believe that the Royals were injected with 'show' saline shots, but were given the real thing, b/c they are out and about regularly, meeting and interacting w/the plebes.
Totally agree - I definitely thinks it’s to push the “ cancer agenda “ all the big pharmaceutical companies ( Pfizer etc) have been buying up companies that make cancer drugs - to push more sickness. There were 11,000 people in NZ that were secretly given Pfizer exemptions - because they were too important. I do believe that NONE of the royal family were given the real poison jab. All MP’s were also exempt in 2021 was against the law to take an experimental medication.
he had Addison's disease and was always in pain (he had injured his back during the war also). But Dr. Feelgood (not sure who the guy was) would give him amphetamines. Many books relate that his father stole the election by getting the Mafia on board. Nixon knew it was stolen but he bided his time. I know this is "heresy" -- but what did JFK really do that was so great besides Peace Corps and talking about the moon/space? I'm not a fan of his antics with women either. Ugh, I better stop now.
In the little indie documentary "Orwell rolls in his grave" (in which Mark Crispin Miller was interviewed), there's a short segment about JKF's integrity. Apparently he walked out of a meeting in disgust when military leaders were talking about sinking a US vessel and blaming it on the Cubans in order to have an excuse to start a war.
But agreed, the cheating on his wife was uncool. That's interesting too about his election possibly being stolen. That would make at least four stolen US elections (1960, 2000, 2004, 2020).
thanks... there are many books written about JFK, including the Mafia angle. That's no doubt why he was killed, because RFK "double-crossed" the Mafia. Makes sense to me. I recently read a book about journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, who died after meeting up with some people in New Orleans who were involved.
IMO his best idea was dismantling the Cee Eye A. Which is what ultimately was not allowed to happen. What a different country we would be of that had happened.
My opinion is that they didn't take the jabs. None of the royals have cancer as this is simply a lie to sell to the public Blair/Gates cancer vaccines. I suspect when they public announce they have the all clear they will say the Cancer vaccine cures them, so if you get cancer get the cancer vaccine as it will save your life. It's simply a scam to sell the public something deadly like what they did with the COVID jabs, they had singers and actors and sports personalities saying that they got their COVID jab so you should get yours.
Yep, most likely. There seems to be a shift, just watched an MSM story(I know, sometimes can't help myself) but it was interesting to note in Australia Victorian police (long service very experienced) who were sacked due to misconduct (the law they used) because they refused to get the jab are still fighting to return to their posts, but the current state police commissioner said not on her watch, so instead they allow newly trained inexperienced new recruits to sign up with no need for vaccination, how crazy is that? My take is that they are going to end up slowly not talking about the covid vax and make a shift to covering up the damage that has been done and cancer is one of them, a new market for big harma.
The 2 top Pharmas are buying small pharmas no matter what they distribute. Cancer treatment centers are being built in all countries. Figure it out people. First you cause the diseases and then you treat them with patent drugs.
I think this is closest to the truth. All of humanity - with few exceptions - is mere cannon fodder to a psychopathic control grid that aggregates power and wealth with every mass slaughter and asymmetric social engineering project. No one is spared. All cooked up in the fevered brows of secret societies and megalomaniacs over centuries. War Inc, Big Harma, Frankenfood, Birth/Population Control, (Illegal) Immigration, Econo-Chaos and so on, where revenue generation meets wanton destruction meets depop. Time is running out, though. They have over-reached and no longer care who knows so anything now goes: opportunism from misery and death, gaslighting the masses to their own disorientation and demise, blatant inversion of all that was just and right, mass poisoning, demoralisation, destabilisation, all held together through the literal mind-numbing magick of media, propaganda and latterly tech.
I guess you can only kill so many of the minions that generate your wealth before it starts to collapse. The goal to be the king of the hill will eventually leave you on the top of a smoldering slag heap.
Allow me to be the first to heartily agree. And that to say nothing of the spiritual truth which asserts its claims upon the unsuspecting and those busy complaining.
Like the military industrial complex, cancer is propping up the economy. Both industries employ millions. They both manufacture lots of hardware to serve the clients. Drugs or bullets. Both are keeping the economies rolling, making a few very wealthy.
https://fenbendazole.substack.com presents detailed Case Reports of people who’ve eradicated their cancers with safe, inexpensive, readily available fenbendazole
You can see how Fenben is effective if you understand that cancer may be a result of parasites. Another ingredient to the cancer increases is EMR / 5G poisening.
An elderly friend is in remission for a prostrate recurrence, had success with fenbenazole and ivermectin. Over a year now. He did it with conventional treatments. Waiting for 3 months follow up.
also MANY 'cardiac' clinics popping up in strip centers next to crematory services! I'm talking old single story small strip centers with possible remodel updates...serving the poorer maybe 'cash paying' segment.
"What all this tells us is that, concerning the apocalyptic game now being played against us all, we actually don’t know what’s going on, however knowing we may be."
Yes indeed Mark, yes indeed!
And as Alice famously cried “Curiouser and curiouser!”
However one of the most egalitarian societies of modern times was the island of Jamaica founded by British pirates in the Caribbean. Perhaps because they were hunted down and persecuted by every nation-state in the Atlantic the pirates learned to stick together. As the saying goes, "We must all hang together or we will all hang separately." So perhaps there is honor, at least among some thieves. Arguably it is the vastly hierarchical and unjust nation states (like, I don't know, maybe the U.S.) that allows a few filthy rich like Musk, Bezos and Gates to amass billions (soon to a trillion dollars between that triumvirate) while tens of millions of citizens live in poverty.
So yes, perhaps you're right. The pirates of the Caribbean were not the thieves, the U.S. ruling class are the real thieves.
True. It also occurred to me that maybe, just maybe someone wants the royals out of the way for some reason. Nationalism seems to be a threat to the NWO and having a royal family (even one that isn't formally in control) reeks of English nationalism. We have definitely entered the twilight zone.
they have also got rid of the " English national opera" ( eno) as me and my partner have worked there for decades. the ceo got an MBE. we are an orchestra and chorus with our theatre stolen, name and brand taken to put on " projects up north" though noone seems to know what (with all 90 managers keeping their jobs - our jobs now only 7
months a year, and more pay and jobs cut.) The board did this, we are part govt funded, they won't farm us out to work, they refuse to take on work we are offered, they only want money from putting on musicals and to hire out our theatre (The London Coliseum which was
given to ENO in the 80s), even the doormats have had ENO removed, replaced by " London Coliseum". Most of us can't live on the salary from the " fire/ rehire".
It is heartbreaking to watch our countries being destroyed and our economies, and jobs being decimated. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.
I think "hang together or hang separately" quotes Benjamin Franklin, counselling his fellow incipient revolutionaries -- however , pirates were among those whose essays in freedom did inspire and influence those and other revolutionaries: see
The many-headed hydra : sailors, slaves, commoners, and the hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic, by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker
I have seen the evildoers stick together. The white collar criminal guys use the petty criminals for dirty work. It was awful, what I saw in upstate New York. Lots of little mafias, all cooperating.
well, what this causes me to remember is the sign that was posted discreetly along the shelves of the Discovery used bookstore that, in the beat and flower-children years was
a block below City Lights bookstore in San Francisco's North Bech: the sign read, "There is honour among thieves: if you steal a book, be sure you replace it with another of equal value."
None of this is real...who says these lying reptiles have "cancer", "died suddenly" or whatever. They are all fading into the hedgerow like Homer Simpson...They own 16% of the PLANETS LANDMASS!!! Seems like they can "hide" wherever they want and continue their lives of total luxury. Don't be fooled...it's 2024 !!!
I think the point of the article is just that we can’t make any assumptions yet about really any of it. And if it’s a conspiracy we may not be able to tell who all is a part of it and just because they have money does not mean they necessarily are part of the NWO or whatever club/cult it could be.
So sure you can stick to your theory that the royals are bad people, maybe and others could stick to their theories. But really let’s look at the information with both a grain of salt (some of it could be fake) but also without prejudices (some of it could be real like the illness and possible death).
And just lay out the facts and be willing to look at this from all angles.
Personally after seeing a clip of when Will and Kate talked about getting vaccinated, she wasn’t fully sure about what she was saying (I think she was hesitant but they talked her into it because it was her duty). So did the evil royals throw her to the wolves or did she get talked into by family like so many others who were just sucked in by the propaganda. (Or is it a fake out and she’s headed to a bunker or an island).
You know as a Canadian with a great grandmother who was of English descent, my mom always had bits of British things around she grew up with Charles as a handsome young royal at the time. I knew who Charles and Di and Andrew and Fergie were, and I had read lots of good and lots of bad about them over the years, and some of the really bad conspiracy type stuff too. I mean there is so much-just so much.
But ok -Epstein was a creep, his whole island is creepy. But one of the theories is that he is basically in this operation with the deep state (or CIA and some other countries may also influence it a la Madame Maxwells father’s connections) and so it is a “honeypot” type scam - so they want to get video of a person doing something bad . And they (Epstein) have teenagers there who to the guests may be of unknown age, but they are looking like models and partying etc. And what we allegedly are told is that Andrew touched the clothed breast area of a person there because of some joke with a puppet that Madame Maxwell was doing where he had to do what the puppet did or something??? Like I don’t know if that’s the whole story or what, but if that’s all they got on tape- he’s not that bad. I mean ya that sucks, it’s not a good thing but it seems more like he was stuck in a trap then he was really going there to do some satanic rituals or something.
Idk. The Royals have always admired the Hollywood ”royalty” (they like the charisma and beauty and charm) plus the celebrities are the only ones who seem to get as much crazy press as them and live in a weird fishbowl effect, besides other royals who else can relate??? And I just read how Prince Charles years ago did a big charity event and he did it at Aaron Spelling (Tori Spelling’s dad) house “the manor” , he asked if he would host it, $2000 a chair night, that was decades ago, but the royals once in a while they like to hang with fancy and famous Americans. Maybe Epstein was exploring Andrews interest in that lifestyle more so then an interest in specifically underaged people. (But idk he could be a big perv or maybe not). I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but who really knows… maybe a lot of the really bad stuff I read about the Royals was just to wear them down so people don’t care when they are taken out by a NWO or something? I just don’t know, they could be far worse or far better then I really have ever been told.🤷♀️🙈 (I mean they have enemies, we all may have enemies we don’t even know about)
So when they “die”it’s an act and they are living on Maui in Oprah’s bunker. Get real, real people suffering regardless of their positions. Show some empathy and realize even they were duped into
Complying and submitting to the propaganda. Sad and there are children of all ages who face losing their parents.
Ok just when I was prepared to let this all fade away, I wake up to new info. Apparently there may be something suspicious with the video. I looked and I could see it too. (But I m no expert) so on the left side of the video by her arm you can see an extension of stripes, sort of like the stripes on her shirt are either being reflected from the not so polished wood bench or the image had stripes added by ai, (again allegedly). I could see what they were talking about, better go look now and screenshot it as it will likely get fixed 😂) but really I don’t know. The first time I saw it I thought oh look stripes , she is probably wearing stripes to mask if she lost weight (because women don’t often wear horizontal stripes for that reason of illusion of slightly bigger size ). Anyway just thought I should update as we were kinda not too open to the “conspiracy” guy on here, and now I m like well gee - I really just wanted the mystery to be over and now huh. And we still don’t see the kids out running in a park or anything. Where the little royals at?? I don’t think I m going to be happy until I see her and her kids seen visiting with her mom and Pippa somewhere (and even though they are on again off again friendly lets also see Harry and Megan for good measure stopping by to get the kiddos all at a park or something).
That's the great thing about you conspiracy retards. There is no bottom to your lunacy. When reality and common sense cock block your fantasies, you make up another bullshit story to explain it. It'd be amusing if you weren't also allowed to vote & reproduce.
its obvious that anyone's / any "knowing" of ANY sort- is simply belief, inference and arrogance ( not said in a derogatory way). we all have our "meta models" and tech has truly fkd with them! there IS nothing to hold on to. and THAT is unacceptable.
There are most definitely spirits. We ARE, each and every one of us, an eternal, immortal soul/spirit being. And no, I'm not a 'christian', I never fell for that, but I'm very proud to be a properly-informed Spiritualist (have been so for 29+ years, have carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into it, as have countless millions of other people around the world).
Spiritualism being the only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it says (and I am not using the word 'prove' either loosely or incorrectly).
There are very many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc around the world who are also fully informed on the fact that the actual nature of 'death' is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory face-value mere appearance. I repeat what I said above: we ARE, each and every one of us, an eternal spirit being. The real us is our spirit body, which literally animates our physical body 'coat' throughout each of our eternal soul's many, many lifetimes.
There are hundreds of thousands of high-quality, scholarly books that have been published around the world on this 100% factual subject, and a large percentage of them have been written BY the properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc, worldwide.
People around the world who possess what's termed clairvoyant vision (and that includes some doctors and nurses around the world, and they've gone on record to state the following) have SEEN spirit beings, and when with someone who is about to do what is so very incorrectly termed 'die', they actually see that person's spirit body literally emerge from the physical body, and return to the very real Spirit Dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos.
If you think that my post was 'too long - didn't read', then that implies that you've never read ANY book...
What I stated in my post above, 4 days ago, is most definitely NOT 'mere superstition', it truly does happen to be ABSOLUTELY PROVEN FACT. And on the eventual day on which you do what is wrongly termed 'die', you will discover that ultimate truth of existence.
Many, many scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc, around the world, are fully aware of the PROVEN fact of EVERYONE'S survival (in our spirit body form) of the death of our physical body 'coat'.
That photo you have of Kate looks a little AI or, at the very least totally filtered. I heard a theory that Charles has 'cancer' just because they are coming out with a 'cancer vaccine' - and soooo maybe they give it to him and he is 'cured' and then they can stick it to every other person with turbo cancers caused by you-know-what and thus hasten the demise of so many more people - their goal! It's a sound theory if you ask me. But....it really is rather shocking that any of the royals would actually get the injection! I mean, what's going on here? How on earth could they actually succumb to the psyop themselves? It's hard to believe they are that stupid. Hmmm. Lots of questions as usual! It's plausable that the higher-higher ups just want all these royals dead....because it's an end of an Era and all that. In with the Globalist Transhumanist Technocratic agenda and out with the old-fashioned Monarchy. Yep, could be that...
Something is off when you are fighting for your life and must face the specter of leaving your children at an early age; children she clearly adores. This woman is facing a huge crisis in the public eye and every one is ready to call her out for not “acting” a certain way. No empathy then try pity or just refrain from commenting. Thank you, best to you Kate.
Hey I just replied to something else on here (so sorry if I m seeming to repeat) but since you said it first. You may be right. Ya crazy but I guess you might be right. I awoke to people mentioning a weird extension of stripes effect on from her sleeve on the left side of the video (her right arm) since when does not shiny wood reflect much of any thing not to mention how in the world does a real shadow do a stripe effect like that… idk . Anyway people are saying it might be AI. I must say it was a pretty good job but I guess when you look closely there are little things. I can only imagine what else they might find by end of day. (I mean I guess I thought it could be fake but I was hoping it wasn’t.) (still just allegedly as I don’t know if any experts have weighed in officially or anything)
All people want is the truth. The shenanigans the Palace has been up to about the Royal health crisis has done nothing to alleviate mistrust but continues to exacerbate the mistrust. We all want the best for Kate.
"(Other royals who seem to have been “vaccine”-injured, also possibly in furtherance of national erasure, include King Harald of Norway, Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand and Princess Yoko of Japan.)"
Having followed and written regarding the Thailand Princess saga I can tell you that Ong Bha's (likely) departure sets royal family succession in turmoil. That's the only one I can chime in on. So is this the furtherance of a globalist agenda to smash national identity, history, culture and the like to bits? It's very possible and I am glad you're looking at the bigger chessboard.
Some have cynically suggested that these royals neither got the jabs nor have cancer, say. Instead this represents essentially a PR stunt to futher normalize the pharma induced genocide while also leading the masses into the embrace of more poisons to "cure" what ails them. All that debt fueled capital sloshing around at the top has to go somewhere, after all. This is the type of thing that the materialistic braniacs at the top might come up with.
There are other possibilities more in the ethereal realm. Things about astrology, magnetic pole shifts, moving into the age of Aquarius, Pluto moving into Aquarius, The Jewish calandar signalling the end of wars could all be leading to birthing pains into hopefully a collectively higher consciousness. Perhaps we are running out of souls for a growing population anymore.
If this big club was really engaging in Satanic ritual sacrifice and child trafficking another possibility emerges. These operations would take a collective staff hundreds and perhaps thousands of times larger than the elite participants themselves. There'd be bodyguards, doormen, food and drink servers, private doctors and staff, pilots and crew, plumbers and cooks and on and on the list goes. If this large set of collective eyes saw and heard things which they knew to be true there might come a point where they turn on their masters, so to speak. Maybe the nurse was supposed to give a saline shot but whoopsie! There goes the real Covid jab into the arm anyways.
The other possibility is that Satan is simply eating his own as he is wont to do...
I am a newcomer to this Substack but wanted to join in the conversation about the experimental DNA altering shots that are now decimating the population of the deceived and manipulated masses.
I am an 18-month-old widow now. In 2021 my husband, the only one in the family of 16 of us, took 3 of the shots. April, May and November 2021. He died in September 2022. I watched him shrivel into a skeleton in 19 months. He weighed 160-165# in April 2021 and weighed 119# when he died from complications of a stomach hemorrhage. The way I see it, his stomach blew up. He was in the hospital for 4 days and then was home with the family on hospice for 6 days. He died peacefully with family and friends. Granted he was 81 years old and had other medical issues, but I truly believe if he had not taken the shots, he would have lived more years. Oh, and he had Covid in his system (hospital blood test) but I refused to let the coroner put anything regarding Covid on his death certificate even though I could have had all of his funeral expenses paid for by the government if I had allowed that. Screw them!
These experimental shots and what they are doing to the bodies of those who took them are horrific and, in my estimation, will only continue to get worse as the years progress. They are altering the DNA and removing the immune system and God only knows what else they are doing inside each person that was fooled into believing anything the government and medical experts said.
May God help us all as we move through the months and years to come.
Good for you not allowing that. I'm so sorry about your husband. My sister took the shot in mid-August 2021. Two weeks later she was in the hospital on a ventilator and died 2 months November 1st. Her husband would never admit that it was the shot and not just a Covid infection like the hospital diagnosed her with.
I'm so very sorry about your sister. I doubt any family will go unaffected from all of this. I praise the Lord my children and grandchildren listened to the Holy Spirit who shouted "NO" from the very beginning.
I would say the same, I would doubt any family will go unaffected by this. It seems to me that different people will live with different levels of delusion and clarity about it, however.
Hmmm I just watched the Kate video - I hadn't seen it yet! I suppose it could be a deep fake. Who the hell knows eh? My intuition says that this whole 'every royal has cancer' thing is bs....they are going to try to sell us a cancer vaccine or treatment. They are normalizing cancer...'even the royals get it!' UGH. what Theater we have here!
Yes, I don't buy for one second that any of these ruling elites took the kill shots--they were part of the psyop, pushing it on the rest of humanity. IMO, they are up to something.
Thank you, Dr. Miller. Again. Truth is stranger than fiction.
I've often said to friends that it will take years if not decades to unravel all the strange, improbable and probabilistic information swirling around Covid and the vaccines. I am compelled to recall that they were touted -- nay, heavy highhandedly shoved down our throats by Fauci et. al -- as the ONLY solution to Covid.
As you say, the British royals are relics of the apparently now outmoded nation-state geo-political system (thanks to Dr. Grotius and the Treaty of Westphalia) and are now impediments to what is to come. Dare one call it "the New World Order?" Or am I as wacky as Alex Jones?
It was so long before this new information came out. Kate was missing along with her children and parents. No one saw them. I hoped perhaps they were in hiding.
If not, then they were taken out, like Tsar Nicholas and his entire family. And the French monarchy. It's the same forces operating now.
So this interview is too long in coming. Can't be real. Just like the real Joe. All doppelgangers or AI.
Hi Anne, It struck me very odd when it was reported that her parents, children & family were not visiting. Then I see Charles & wife coming out of a “visit” all smiles. Weird. And the nervous interviews being given by her uncle(mom’s brother.) Lots of missing pieces.
Bolsonaro avoided it because he was smart. He is definitely not part of the elite or the new Commie government wouldn't be trying to imprison him for not taking the jab. Sure as sh*t, Lula didn't get the jab, but he didn't need a fake card. He got a real one...
Someone pointed out here https://twitter.com/DaveFre47942720/status/1771523538077311430 that it looks like the reflection of the stripes of her sweater on her right arm are apparent on the bench. I also noticed it on the photo of Catherine posted above. At this point, with their ability to fake everything, I trust nothing they show us. It doesn't look right to me.
I am not so sure now that they were not Kate; saw the garden store video from another angle, and I think it's her, but she has lost so much weight, even in her face, that it is very hard to tell except in a sharpened close up.
It is where I live too most days, but there is still the odd bit of sun and stillness. A walled garden in the lee of a large building won't get much wind anyway
There is clearly a shadow global government in place, and they're not going to admit that or tell us who they are.
We can see waves on the surface from the big fishes that are down below, but real insight will have to wait for discovery of evidence in a functioning court of law, wherever that can possibly happen.
Citizen Grand Juries
The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level
"When we hijacked the Afghan elections, how did we do that? We had to understand how the Afghanis think, we had to go to the areas that were anti-Taliban because the Taliban were now more militant. We used that to our advantage, and formulated a plan where we would sway their thoughts to believe that XYZ candidate is the way to go."
Worked out real well for the U.S. DoD in Afghanistan didn't it?
These people cannot control populations like they want you to believe they can.
It does make you question what is true, do they really have cancer or is it a cover up for the side effects of the vaccines? Or is it simply to push the cancer agenda? Did they really fall victim to the poison? We will always be questioning the truth the MSM tell us. With regards to those other global elites who live a long time makes me think what is their secret to longevity? Drinking blood of the young? (Sorry can't help myself).
Cancer is a side effect of the vaccines.
Yes, we all here know. The question is did they all truly get the shots.
And I love here that you people know that. I also love that most here are catching onto PEOPLE GET PARASITES too and sometimes people can get rid of their major illness by taking an anti-parasitic. I don't even have to argue with people here like I did on face book though I wonder if we are too much an echo chamber here. We aren't so much on face book educating the norms. Maybe that was the plan. But still nice to know that there is intelligence out in the world.
I read substack just to hear a variety of opinions. Unless we are behind the scenes, how can we know what’s going on? I pick peoples brains from all walks of life to have a sort of working theory. Also, people here seem to genuinely want to make sense of the world. And they are interesting!
I hear ya. Sometimes I felt like I was on a different planet than them though. When I try to explain, they said I talk too much. Then they resort to names. Eventually you got to walk away before you then too start calling them names back.
It seems to me the normies do start to catch on after awhile. But many 10 to 15 years later than I want them to.
I agree! I learn so much from the substack writers such as MCM and then I learn some more from some of the commenters. I enjoy the dissent among the commenters too as it makes me think. It is easy to get stuck in a way of thinking that is one-sided. MCM was so on point with his last sentence: "We actually don't know what's going on, no matter how knowing we may be."
Ah so the shots are nothing - just a cover for some other poisoning.
Or maybe now's a good time to poison your particular enemies
Good point! We ARE being poisoned! I have a nagging suspicion that it is by multiple toxins...not just the jab.
Chem trails come to mind...
We are being poisoned from every aspect of our lives - especially environmental. Our food is being contaminated- the chemicals we breathe in the air - side effects from pharmaceuticals that supposedly help to heal - cleaning products- fluoride- the list is INFINITE
EMF Radiation!!!
Yep, 5G rollout coincided with all the sickness and disease and death
Chem trails, food supply “vaccines”, fluoride in our water….
Another "Ah!" from me as the penny drops.
These royals are, and their gang are, a cancer on humanity.
So it's all a metaphor and more jokes at our expense.
I think the cancer-joke's on (in) them.
Why would they get the shots when they knew there was no pandemic?
Probably trusted their advisors blindly. So why did their advisors not tell them it was just a fancy kind of flu?
I suspect the Windsor may simply have exceeded their usefulness, and thus were, let's say, 'retired' as you would dispose of a now-useless asset.
If that is the case, what is coming now for the Uk and for the World will likely be momentous.
They did. Most likely the worst one: AstraZeneca. AZ was so problematic it was pulled from the market. Furthermore, there were three times as many adverse reactions per dose reported than for Pfizer and over twice as many per dose than for Moderna.
"The Duke of Cambridge has previously voiced his support for the Oxford University AstraZeneca vaccine. When news of the vaccine’s efficacy was released, Prince William hopped on a video call with the researchers to congratulate them on their achievement."
~ https://www.tatler.com/article/queen-among-first-covid-vaccine
William & Catherine also put out a video urging people to get jabbed.
~ https://youtu.be/x4hiCKC5gZE?si=BXP-nbvrbKhhNCq6
The Queen herself advocated for the jab! They all thought they were doing "the right thing".
This doesn’t prove that they ACTUALLY took the real poisonous juice. They could have done all the above just to convince others that the shots were/are safe and effective so that they would take them. The Royals might have gotten saline or collapsible shots could have been used.
You are right we will never know for certain; however, I just don't think the late Queen E, as a devout Christian would fake it & lie to the nation. She saw it almost akin the the war effort; "we will meet again."
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce also enthusiastically supported the jabs….do you think they really took it? I don’t! TS is part of the globalist elites! TK is just an idiot!
It's possible they were told that the ones they received were the "good ones" or saline.
And their agenda continues to spin out
It is more and more clear that these covid shots cause cancer and the trend is accelerating.
The NOT "vaccines" destroy your immune system, therefore you can easily get any disease, especially cancer.
But don't they also contain SV40?
Yes. And they shift your immunity away from internal surveillance for and elimination of cancer.
Gosh I wish I'd gone in for mine! Now I've missed out on posting pictures of myself being jabbed and holding up my CV-19 vax card. And I don't appear to be in the Turbo-Cancer club either. I just don't feel cool
I just saw the most horrific picture on the "Exposing the Darkness" substack of a now deceased man (50's) who had repeated jabs in the same arm. He contracted stage 4 metastatic Tenosynovial Giant Cell cancer. His whole arm was devastated by a giant tumor, horrific and so sad.
So is Covid
Is anyone arguing that anymore? In Oregon the unvaccinated have been treated quite poorly for not participating in the C-19 vaccine roll out.
What's a little social ostracization amongst friends? I'll take it.
Its like trying to put out a fire with a flamethrower?
it's all theater (imo), in that it seems (to me) the portion of events unfolding which are unscripted-are subsumed into the narradigm - while all the rest is pre-scribed. Perhaps, we are meant to witness the seemingly fake injections given out to certain figures- just as we are supposed to ponder recent photoshops, and thus are tasked with cleaning up Satan's breadcrumbs from between the rows of seats, in- between showings...
Brilliant writing here:
"...tasked with cleaning up Satan's breadcrumbs from between the rows of seats, in- between showings..."
...you are too (in) kind !
l like your cut-ups (was going to say 'scissorings' - and there...I did it!)
(this feels like a 'loop' to me...)
Well, thank you. I'll keep cutting if you keep writing!
I’ll say! I have to steal that line, for sure, Edward B!
“narradigm”! 💕😆
🤔I think Clif High coined the term “narradigm.” I’ve heard him use it for years!
that makes total sense that Cliff would create that word!! He's so brilliant & creative.
We must always remember that not only are we being played by these purposefully invisible creatures. We are being double played and triple played. At a minimum.
Yes. We are being played on multiple fronts.
We can identify some. It is what we don't see that REALLY scares me...
the lizards have to show their hand at some point. They already have said what they intend and mostly how they intend to achieve their end state.
It is ALL scripted.
they are all frolicking on epsteins island!
while we attempt escape from Alakazam ! (err, I mean...Alcatraz !)
I asked MA Alice yesterday if she or anyone else is keeping up with the brilliant vocabulary we thank to the scamdemic. I hope someone does.
What a good thimg..oh I hope she or someone is....
Some are saying the video with Catherine was a deep fake:
It’s called a DEEP FAKE, this is the technology they are making you aware they have via channel4 three years ago…..imagine what technology is really at their disposal to create illusions. Apply this to recent distraction events as you will.
More on the technology here:
It’s Getting Harder to Spot a Deep Fake Video
Also, in this screen shot from the video, it looks like there is a reflection from the stripes on her sweater onto the bench next to her right arm:
2 Thessalonians 2:9
satan bringing his false signs and lying wonders
May I use your wordplay with narradigm, sir?
🤔I think Clif High coined the term “narradigm.” I’ve heard him use it for years!
More specifically it's all Jesuit Theater
Yes...I have read that the next step is to push the mRna in cancer treatments.....also, read a few weeks ago that Charles is giving up the monarchy for the NWO.....
He has no need to give it up as "king" Tampon the 1st is not my King and he is not the King of any true Brit. Only traitors to the British people enable that truly traitorous bloodline by giving it any credence whatsoever.
Trump is claiming they cure cancer. Pretty sure them pushing the mrna as a repurchased cure is what's up next for us. Explains why Moderna has been greatly expanding its facilities. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-just-enraged-republicans-with-one-post/ar-BB1jzSxt
Except for the Malthusian eugenicists, humanity is the ‘cancer’ they seek to eradicate (‘cure’).
The superstitions of their demonic death cult demand that they communicate their intent first (overtly or covertly) or it will fail.
Just peeling the old stickers off, put the new sticker on the bottle
President Trump is not claiming the mRNA shots cure cancer. During Biden's 2024 SOTU speech, Trump was responding live with Truth Social posts. One of them, the one stating the shots cure cancer, was a direct quote of Biden's. Trump then parlayed that into his Operation Warp Speed (which I opposed and still do). You have to remember President Trump was lied to and told millions upon millions would die from Covid if the jabs were not emergency approved ASAP. He was also lied to and told the jab approval was the only answer to stopping the lockdowns and getting the economy going again.
You're correct. Biden made the claim about cancer, but did you see Trump's response? He still takes credit for this "cure" which he has said before saved millions of lives. Not only that but he brags about fast tracking it! He could've used this opportunity to denounce the vaxx, to call out Joe's lies about it causing cancer, and then tell people that they actually caise it. But he didn't.
He wasn't lied to. If he only did it to stop lockdowns, he would've denounced it by now. But he still claims it as his greatest achievement. And mark my words: If he is elected and another crisis arises, he'll go all in on lockdowns, pandemic relief funds, and a vaxx cure once again. Because he was either in on it the first time... or too stupid to realize he was being lied to the entire time.
Operation Ludicrous Speed
Not sure if your prediction is correct, but your points are valid. I do wish he would come out and say he was lied to, the mRNA shots were not tested long enough to determine safety, and we are now seeing firsthand the disastrous results.
This is hype that inverts the history of mRNA which was hoped originally to be a mechanism for delivery of cancer drugs explained by LNP inventor Pieter Cullis in the pre-Nobel Prize tour where he notes burning 5 post-docs trying. During his lecture Cullis notes that LNP distribution in the body cannot be controlled which is *** almost criminal when less than 0.1% chemo drugs reach the intended target *** clip from @ 46min biology reality w Jay Couey. https://rumble.com/v3q5vbq-2023-10-17-pieter-cullis-2022-study-hall-16-oct-2023-brief-twitch1953665426.html
💗 JJ! I have learned so much from him....wish more people knew about him and listened....
Thank you for the link .
Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us! :~)
I wonder the same about these diagnosis… are they truly real or fake to push cancer agenda? So much deception going on. Question everything!
Yes, I brought my son up with the motto "Question everything" even me, and he still corrects me or says how do I know it is true, lol.
Question question question. And when you're done, question some more.
Yup, because we may have still not asked the right question to get the right answer.
Take heed that no man deceive you
Yeshua, from Matthew 24:4
Oh yes, with all the cancers now, maybe it’s an advertisement for the MRNA cancer shots that are coming. If Kate is ‘cured’ then step right up and get your cancer jab!
Ditto. I wrote a comment the other day, when read of the Kate news, that I can't believe how cynical I have become. That this is all a ploy.
There is another group I have noted which has shown a noteable longevity - conductors of orchestras. Attributable I would think to the exceptional mental agility and memory and also to the physical demands. Demands, however, for needling compliance may well see a tapering off of that trend. I would see that as a systematic effort to erase culture and the life of the soul.
Franz Welser Most conductor of the once great Cleveland Orchestra has mysterious cancer which was announced last fall and he took a few months off for treatment. He was supremely healthy possibly a vegan BEFORE the orchestra’s draconian quackzene mandate. He is back to possibly his last season as he said he won’t be renewing his contract which DOES have a year to go…..
orchestras and symphonies are among the worst forcing the jabs on their members and conductors, employees and patrons and audiences. Imagine choruses and choirs singing with masks on.
I agree. I have commented here a few months ago that I founded and was music director of St Thomas Orchestra, a local semi pro/community orchestra in Westchester, NY and I led it to great success from 2002 to 2020 only to be unceremoniously axed because I refused "it". It was such a huge labor of love for which I was never paid . I developed to group to an annual budget of around $30,000 per yr and we performed Mahler Symphonies etc. I felt such betrayal. Hard to express.
That is SO OUTRAGEOUS as I have said before 😩Maybe JUST maybe classical music orchestras are to be “phased out” like places of worship as part of the elimination of individuals in the great reset. I am going to a concert which will be taking place at Mausoleum at Lakeview Cemetery 😉 on April 12 the Mozart and Brahms clarinet quintets. This series has been organized by Isabel Trautwein a violinist from TCO. The acoustics as well as the performance of 2 of my very favorite chamber should be superb. It is in honor of Adella Prentice Hughes who is buried nearby
Phasing out music makes sense for their agenda. There is much humanity in music. As a musician myself, I know that it brings unity amongst the performers and invites the audience along. There is a war against humanity and anything that unites it, so it only makes sense it should be destroyed too.
The Mozart and Brahms clarinet quintets... wow, what a beautiful program of matched works. I have performed this exact program a few times as a cellist. Such a joy!
Brave New World.
Only music allowed is the vapid sound emanating from 1/2 naked performers.
AND audiences! After 15 plus years as subscriber I quit going when THAT was rolled out. Michael Tilson Thomas ALSO has cancer
yes, Michael has brain cancer...I met him many yrs ago at Carnegie Hall, his father was my mentor and he was related to my first husband...very sad.
Saw that at a Christmas concert in Cleveland. Crazy
several Italian conductors had a sudden illness recently. I think they were reported.
They could be faking it in order to exit public life.
They could be faking it to be miraculously “cured” to give hope and also to victim blame others with vaccine effects. Don’t believe the media!!!
Anything is possible.
Would not surprise me at all and them getting "cured" full recovery, oh the medical cartel has done it again, cured people (not). The Princess cancer diagnoses is being splashed over all media too, on every news channel or source. And that they tried to hide it, maybe until they come up with their cover story. Another distraction to keep the masses busy instead of fighting the tryanny.
This came across the UK news a few hours after Kate released her confessional video:
NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad
The NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad (CVLP) is a platform that will speed up access to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) personalised cancer vaccine clinical trials for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It will also accelerate the development of cancer vaccines as a form of cancer treatment.
"Personalized.” How thoughtful.
Perhaps the Royal family will be “cured” by mRNA and serve as a great PR family for Pfizer. Everyone will rush off to get the cancer vaccines and, well, they’ll finish us off, I suppose.
Wow. So the royals will line up for the cancer jabs, saline , to get the suffering to take more poison……
Reading your reply, I can't help but think that we're then dealing with predictive programming. So all these royals and other officials tell the whole world that they're fighting cancer for days and weeks on end to get the audience used to it, and then suddenly, out of the blue, the NHS announces that launch pad and even says that they're working on personalized shots. Presto! The sheeple will immediately jump on that one.
Certainly possible. The tell is what you say, they bounce back smiling and healthy after eg personalized shots. Perfect!
Now if they die the above seems less likely.
The squids in my view deal in chaos, they break things not make them. And they are few. It is possible the royals are not fully onboard. They might be a target not a tool if you see what I mean. King Charles is corrupt but only to a level, perhaps he is not onboard with genocide. Perhaps he isn't in the inner club.
As David Icke would say "Problem, reaction, solution"
Operation Ludicrous Speed
Well, if they will die after telling the world they have cancer, I don't see how it's going to help their " cancer agenda". It will just make people feel more scared. And why would be dead royals from cancer help the agenda? How could that be? I don't think so it's a cover up. It looks like they have " turbo cancers" and have one year to live at best. Dr. William Makis says that. I highly recommend his Substack. And his book about cancer too. Maybe the Royal Family should also read it. This would definitely help them.
Maybe he is part of the psy-op too. I am suspicious and wondering how would Dr. Makis be so certain and know the inside details? Perhaps its all part of the early mrna cancer vaccines marketing campaign?
If you watched even one video or spent 10 minutes on his substack you would realize how silly that is.
As only one example he has been promoting alternative cancer remedies with some objective rigour after spending a career embedded in the medical establishment. Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Melatonin, Quercetin, Vit C and D, mushrooms, soursop etc.
His article on Kate is balanced and certainly possible, he describes it as speculative at best.
I react a bit because while healthy paranoia is a thing, far too often the redpilled degenerate into squabbling over virus no virus and all like topics; the pattern seems to be that, for some, if you dont buy the whole package including their favorite alternate viewpoint you are working for the vampire squids.
A useful example is Malone, while I dont really like him much from what I have seen and read, and deeply deplore the legal battle with the Breggins, it seems insane to take the sum of what he has said and written, and take that obvious redpill record and turn it into 'he's controlled opo". If he is the squids man, well they are allowing him to wake up a lot of folk, perhaps millions who will now never take a shot and never trust the health authorities.
Weinstein said it well latest R Johnson hearing, we have to set aside differences and pull together on some basic themes we can all agree on. We can haggle about whether viruses exist, for eg, or chemtrails, or whatever, IF we win, for now we need to focus on a common front that might convert a normie. Which is our real job, take soft trusting hobbits and get them on that one way ratchet to SOME VERSION of truth or truthiness. Rant over.
I have a close family member who developed turbo cancer after the booster shots. And just as Dr. Makis predicted, no cancer treatment works anymore for those who took the shots. The latest news about it my family member is that she's dying. The doctors don't want to help her anymore and refuse to perform any tests.
In my opinion, they won't die, they will live on and be helped by the cancer cures to push the cancer money making machine agenda.
I wish I could believe you. My prediction? The cancer treatment is going to fail. Unfortunately.
All cancer treatment fails unless other healing methods are incorporated. No doubt they will get the best not the worst. If they have chemo they will lose their hair. But guess they can afford the best wigs. That's if they even have cancer?, my call is they don't and they are just calling it cancer and whatever they have will be "cured" by the medical cartel to push the cancer agenda. It is hard to believe anything they say anymore.
I think they have cancer too. We are the skeptics here, but many, many people really believe in allopathic medicine and especially "vaccines." I think the Royal Family are believers.
Some views of mine here, as I seem to change my mind on a daily basis:
1. How can the NWO - One World Government have National Monarchies ? (ref MCM comment above about the breakdown and wipe out of the National state is also interlinked).
2. Cancer is on the rise and so called turbo cancers are sky rocketing, but guess what will (or already is) be on the market - YEP, you guessed it = a cancer vaccine !! (all utter BS, but people believe it.
They tried to push the Covid jab on us all by using athletes, politicians, actors and actresses and other celebrities gobbing off promoting it DIRECTLY IN OUR FACE ... why not try a different batch of actors - ROYALS in a more subtle way (If they can get cancer, you plebs can too - take the jab).
Now on the para above, I bring in the jab, because a) it is true but b) the MSM is now reporting that "Kate" is now getting "preventative chemotherapy"and as many of us know chemo is a bitch as it kills good cells as well as bad ... so HEY PRESTO - we have developed a new jab !!!!.
3. Maybe they did all take the jab and are unfortunate OR as you state a cover up of the rapid rise in cancers.
4. For the first time in a long time, I am at a loss to decipher the play and as MCM states - "What all this tells us is that, concerning the apocalyptic game now being played against us all, we actually don’t know what’s going on, however knowing we may be."
WTF is "preventative chemotherapy". Nonsense.
"Happily, the fact that Kate has stated that she is now receiving preventative chemotherapy suggests that analysis shows her cancer has not spread. If it had, she would be receiving a more aggressive form of treatment chemotherapy."
Ding dongs. They're going to zombify the population even more 🤦🏻♀️
Yep, but remember it is Russia's fault !!...
Whatever they removed, it is presumed there are cancer cells or at least precancerous cells adjacent. So "preventative" chemo is done after tumor removal or debulking of a primary site in order to squelch growth of remaining cancer cells, thereby inhibiting or preventing metastasis or recurrence.
Cancer - esp 'turbo cancer' IS a side effect of the shots. There seems to be slight reason to believe that the Royals were injected with 'show' saline shots, but were given the real thing, b/c they are out and about regularly, meeting and interacting w/the plebes.
Totally agree - I definitely thinks it’s to push the “ cancer agenda “ all the big pharmaceutical companies ( Pfizer etc) have been buying up companies that make cancer drugs - to push more sickness. There were 11,000 people in NZ that were secretly given Pfizer exemptions - because they were too important. I do believe that NONE of the royal family were given the real poison jab. All MP’s were also exempt in 2021 was against the law to take an experimental medication.
It’s all a big fat lie
Evidence for your 11,000 in NZ claim?
Maybe stem cells? Or the stuff JFK was taking? Very curious
JFK as in President John F. Kennedy? Please tell me more!
I read recently that he was possibly the last true president (not a puppet) that the USA had.
he had Addison's disease and was always in pain (he had injured his back during the war also). But Dr. Feelgood (not sure who the guy was) would give him amphetamines. Many books relate that his father stole the election by getting the Mafia on board. Nixon knew it was stolen but he bided his time. I know this is "heresy" -- but what did JFK really do that was so great besides Peace Corps and talking about the moon/space? I'm not a fan of his antics with women either. Ugh, I better stop now.
Interesting. Thanks for the answer!
In the little indie documentary "Orwell rolls in his grave" (in which Mark Crispin Miller was interviewed), there's a short segment about JKF's integrity. Apparently he walked out of a meeting in disgust when military leaders were talking about sinking a US vessel and blaming it on the Cubans in order to have an excuse to start a war.
But agreed, the cheating on his wife was uncool. That's interesting too about his election possibly being stolen. That would make at least four stolen US elections (1960, 2000, 2004, 2020).
thanks... there are many books written about JFK, including the Mafia angle. That's no doubt why he was killed, because RFK "double-crossed" the Mafia. Makes sense to me. I recently read a book about journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, who died after meeting up with some people in New Orleans who were involved.
Mafia/ CIA. One and the same.
FYI, there is a lot more involved in Kennedy's assassination than the mafia angle. Many factions hated Kennedy.
The mafia might have been involved, but they were not the sole perps.
IMO his best idea was dismantling the Cee Eye A. Which is what ultimately was not allowed to happen. What a different country we would be of that had happened.
My opinion is that they didn't take the jabs. None of the royals have cancer as this is simply a lie to sell to the public Blair/Gates cancer vaccines. I suspect when they public announce they have the all clear they will say the Cancer vaccine cures them, so if you get cancer get the cancer vaccine as it will save your life. It's simply a scam to sell the public something deadly like what they did with the COVID jabs, they had singers and actors and sports personalities saying that they got their COVID jab so you should get yours.
Yep, most likely. There seems to be a shift, just watched an MSM story(I know, sometimes can't help myself) but it was interesting to note in Australia Victorian police (long service very experienced) who were sacked due to misconduct (the law they used) because they refused to get the jab are still fighting to return to their posts, but the current state police commissioner said not on her watch, so instead they allow newly trained inexperienced new recruits to sign up with no need for vaccination, how crazy is that? My take is that they are going to end up slowly not talking about the covid vax and make a shift to covering up the damage that has been done and cancer is one of them, a new market for big harma.
Tainted adrenochrome due to worldwide vax contamination?
Turbo cancer IS a side effect of the damn jabs
The 2 top Pharmas are buying small pharmas no matter what they distribute. Cancer treatment centers are being built in all countries. Figure it out people. First you cause the diseases and then you treat them with patent drugs.
I think this is closest to the truth. All of humanity - with few exceptions - is mere cannon fodder to a psychopathic control grid that aggregates power and wealth with every mass slaughter and asymmetric social engineering project. No one is spared. All cooked up in the fevered brows of secret societies and megalomaniacs over centuries. War Inc, Big Harma, Frankenfood, Birth/Population Control, (Illegal) Immigration, Econo-Chaos and so on, where revenue generation meets wanton destruction meets depop. Time is running out, though. They have over-reached and no longer care who knows so anything now goes: opportunism from misery and death, gaslighting the masses to their own disorientation and demise, blatant inversion of all that was just and right, mass poisoning, demoralisation, destabilisation, all held together through the literal mind-numbing magick of media, propaganda and latterly tech.
I guess you can only kill so many of the minions that generate your wealth before it starts to collapse. The goal to be the king of the hill will eventually leave you on the top of a smoldering slag heap.
AI and robots were supposed to substitute for the dead minions. Not sure that will work as planned.
Completely agree. "There's no use case for that event..."
That’s what immigrants are for.
Allow me to be the first to heartily agree. And that to say nothing of the spiritual truth which asserts its claims upon the unsuspecting and those busy complaining.
1 Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.
Yup. Patent drugs that will cost the patient a lot… but they will die anyway!
100% right
Like the military industrial complex, cancer is propping up the economy. Both industries employ millions. They both manufacture lots of hardware to serve the clients. Drugs or bullets. Both are keeping the economies rolling, making a few very wealthy.
https://fenbendazole.substack.com presents detailed Case Reports of people who’ve eradicated their cancers with safe, inexpensive, readily available fenbendazole
You can see how Fenben is effective if you understand that cancer may be a result of parasites. Another ingredient to the cancer increases is EMR / 5G poisening.
An elderly friend is in remission for a prostrate recurrence, had success with fenbenazole and ivermectin. Over a year now. He did it with conventional treatments. Waiting for 3 months follow up.
The jab...the gift that keeps giving to the Medical Industrial Complex
And the Ghate$ crime syndicate.
also MANY 'cardiac' clinics popping up in strip centers next to crematory services! I'm talking old single story small strip centers with possible remodel updates...serving the poorer maybe 'cash paying' segment.
"What all this tells us is that, concerning the apocalyptic game now being played against us all, we actually don’t know what’s going on, however knowing we may be."
Yes indeed Mark, yes indeed!
And as Alice famously cried “Curiouser and curiouser!”
Remember, there is no honor among thieves.
I gave you a thumbs up my friend.
However one of the most egalitarian societies of modern times was the island of Jamaica founded by British pirates in the Caribbean. Perhaps because they were hunted down and persecuted by every nation-state in the Atlantic the pirates learned to stick together. As the saying goes, "We must all hang together or we will all hang separately." So perhaps there is honor, at least among some thieves. Arguably it is the vastly hierarchical and unjust nation states (like, I don't know, maybe the U.S.) that allows a few filthy rich like Musk, Bezos and Gates to amass billions (soon to a trillion dollars between that triumvirate) while tens of millions of citizens live in poverty.
So yes, perhaps you're right. The pirates of the Caribbean were not the thieves, the U.S. ruling class are the real thieves.
True. It also occurred to me that maybe, just maybe someone wants the royals out of the way for some reason. Nationalism seems to be a threat to the NWO and having a royal family (even one that isn't formally in control) reeks of English nationalism. We have definitely entered the twilight zone.
they have also got rid of the " English national opera" ( eno) as me and my partner have worked there for decades. the ceo got an MBE. we are an orchestra and chorus with our theatre stolen, name and brand taken to put on " projects up north" though noone seems to know what (with all 90 managers keeping their jobs - our jobs now only 7
months a year, and more pay and jobs cut.) The board did this, we are part govt funded, they won't farm us out to work, they refuse to take on work we are offered, they only want money from putting on musicals and to hire out our theatre (The London Coliseum which was
given to ENO in the 80s), even the doormats have had ENO removed, replaced by " London Coliseum". Most of us can't live on the salary from the " fire/ rehire".
It is heartbreaking to watch our countries being destroyed and our economies, and jobs being decimated. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this.
I think "hang together or hang separately" quotes Benjamin Franklin, counselling his fellow incipient revolutionaries -- however , pirates were among those whose essays in freedom did inspire and influence those and other revolutionaries: see
The many-headed hydra : sailors, slaves, commoners, and the hidden history of the revolutionary Atlantic, by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker
I have seen the evildoers stick together. The white collar criminal guys use the petty criminals for dirty work. It was awful, what I saw in upstate New York. Lots of little mafias, all cooperating.
the movie "Captain Blood" with Errol Flynn shows that
well, what this causes me to remember is the sign that was posted discreetly along the shelves of the Discovery used bookstore that, in the beat and flower-children years was
a block below City Lights bookstore in San Francisco's North Bech: the sign read, "There is honour among thieves: if you steal a book, be sure you replace it with another of equal value."
Right! I forgot about that!
None of this is real...who says these lying reptiles have "cancer", "died suddenly" or whatever. They are all fading into the hedgerow like Homer Simpson...They own 16% of the PLANETS LANDMASS!!! Seems like they can "hide" wherever they want and continue their lives of total luxury. Don't be fooled...it's 2024 !!!
I think the point of the article is just that we can’t make any assumptions yet about really any of it. And if it’s a conspiracy we may not be able to tell who all is a part of it and just because they have money does not mean they necessarily are part of the NWO or whatever club/cult it could be.
So sure you can stick to your theory that the royals are bad people, maybe and others could stick to their theories. But really let’s look at the information with both a grain of salt (some of it could be fake) but also without prejudices (some of it could be real like the illness and possible death).
And just lay out the facts and be willing to look at this from all angles.
Personally after seeing a clip of when Will and Kate talked about getting vaccinated, she wasn’t fully sure about what she was saying (I think she was hesitant but they talked her into it because it was her duty). So did the evil royals throw her to the wolves or did she get talked into by family like so many others who were just sucked in by the propaganda. (Or is it a fake out and she’s headed to a bunker or an island).
I agree, how can we know? I for one drive myself crazy trying to figure it out
Andrew may end up partying but these deaths & illness are real and cruel. & Shedding is everywhere. It’s wearing on me every time I’m out of my home.
You know as a Canadian with a great grandmother who was of English descent, my mom always had bits of British things around she grew up with Charles as a handsome young royal at the time. I knew who Charles and Di and Andrew and Fergie were, and I had read lots of good and lots of bad about them over the years, and some of the really bad conspiracy type stuff too. I mean there is so much-just so much.
But ok -Epstein was a creep, his whole island is creepy. But one of the theories is that he is basically in this operation with the deep state (or CIA and some other countries may also influence it a la Madame Maxwells father’s connections) and so it is a “honeypot” type scam - so they want to get video of a person doing something bad . And they (Epstein) have teenagers there who to the guests may be of unknown age, but they are looking like models and partying etc. And what we allegedly are told is that Andrew touched the clothed breast area of a person there because of some joke with a puppet that Madame Maxwell was doing where he had to do what the puppet did or something??? Like I don’t know if that’s the whole story or what, but if that’s all they got on tape- he’s not that bad. I mean ya that sucks, it’s not a good thing but it seems more like he was stuck in a trap then he was really going there to do some satanic rituals or something.
Idk. The Royals have always admired the Hollywood ”royalty” (they like the charisma and beauty and charm) plus the celebrities are the only ones who seem to get as much crazy press as them and live in a weird fishbowl effect, besides other royals who else can relate??? And I just read how Prince Charles years ago did a big charity event and he did it at Aaron Spelling (Tori Spelling’s dad) house “the manor” , he asked if he would host it, $2000 a chair night, that was decades ago, but the royals once in a while they like to hang with fancy and famous Americans. Maybe Epstein was exploring Andrews interest in that lifestyle more so then an interest in specifically underaged people. (But idk he could be a big perv or maybe not). I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but who really knows… maybe a lot of the really bad stuff I read about the Royals was just to wear them down so people don’t care when they are taken out by a NWO or something? I just don’t know, they could be far worse or far better then I really have ever been told.🤷♀️🙈 (I mean they have enemies, we all may have enemies we don’t even know about)
All good points. (But,remember they covered for Jimmy Saville. )
So when they “die”it’s an act and they are living on Maui in Oprah’s bunker. Get real, real people suffering regardless of their positions. Show some empathy and realize even they were duped into
Complying and submitting to the propaganda. Sad and there are children of all ages who face losing their parents.
I agree.
Ok just when I was prepared to let this all fade away, I wake up to new info. Apparently there may be something suspicious with the video. I looked and I could see it too. (But I m no expert) so on the left side of the video by her arm you can see an extension of stripes, sort of like the stripes on her shirt are either being reflected from the not so polished wood bench or the image had stripes added by ai, (again allegedly). I could see what they were talking about, better go look now and screenshot it as it will likely get fixed 😂) but really I don’t know. The first time I saw it I thought oh look stripes , she is probably wearing stripes to mask if she lost weight (because women don’t often wear horizontal stripes for that reason of illusion of slightly bigger size ). Anyway just thought I should update as we were kinda not too open to the “conspiracy” guy on here, and now I m like well gee - I really just wanted the mystery to be over and now huh. And we still don’t see the kids out running in a park or anything. Where the little royals at?? I don’t think I m going to be happy until I see her and her kids seen visiting with her mom and Pippa somewhere (and even though they are on again off again friendly lets also see Harry and Megan for good measure stopping by to get the kiddos all at a park or something).
That's the great thing about you conspiracy retards. There is no bottom to your lunacy. When reality and common sense cock block your fantasies, you make up another bullshit story to explain it. It'd be amusing if you weren't also allowed to vote & reproduce.
its obvious that anyone's / any "knowing" of ANY sort- is simply belief, inference and arrogance ( not said in a derogatory way). we all have our "meta models" and tech has truly fkd with them! there IS nothing to hold on to. and THAT is unacceptable.
Your solipsism =/= objective reality. Just because YOUR epistemology is fucked up isn't an accurate barometer for everyone else.
The darkness is real. We are in a spiritual battle. & the tinfoil hat can help the emf , it makes my neuropathy so bad.
There is no god/gods/spirits etc. Grow up. It's not the Middle Ages anymore.
There are most definitely spirits. We ARE, each and every one of us, an eternal, immortal soul/spirit being. And no, I'm not a 'christian', I never fell for that, but I'm very proud to be a properly-informed Spiritualist (have been so for 29+ years, have carried out a very great deal of scholarly research into it, as have countless millions of other people around the world).
Spiritualism being the only 'religion' that is able to absolutely PROVE what it says (and I am not using the word 'prove' either loosely or incorrectly).
There are very many PROPERLY-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc around the world who are also fully informed on the fact that the actual nature of 'death' is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its wholly illusory face-value mere appearance. I repeat what I said above: we ARE, each and every one of us, an eternal spirit being. The real us is our spirit body, which literally animates our physical body 'coat' throughout each of our eternal soul's many, many lifetimes.
There are hundreds of thousands of high-quality, scholarly books that have been published around the world on this 100% factual subject, and a large percentage of them have been written BY the properly-informed scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc etc, worldwide.
People around the world who possess what's termed clairvoyant vision (and that includes some doctors and nurses around the world, and they've gone on record to state the following) have SEEN spirit beings, and when with someone who is about to do what is so very incorrectly termed 'die', they actually see that person's spirit body literally emerge from the physical body, and return to the very real Spirit Dimension of this in fact multi-dimensional cosmos.
TL;DR just keep the noise down on your backwards superstition.
If you think that my post was 'too long - didn't read', then that implies that you've never read ANY book...
What I stated in my post above, 4 days ago, is most definitely NOT 'mere superstition', it truly does happen to be ABSOLUTELY PROVEN FACT. And on the eventual day on which you do what is wrongly termed 'die', you will discover that ultimate truth of existence.
Many, many scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, etc, around the world, are fully aware of the PROVEN fact of EVERYONE'S survival (in our spirit body form) of the death of our physical body 'coat'.
I disagree. Sad you think that. We are in a spiritual battle.
That's a baseless opinion grounded in primitive thinking and childish belief. No wonder you lap up conspiracy dreck like this guy's Substack.
Happy Good Friday
Is your real name Bill? 💉
See what I mean? lmao
That photo you have of Kate looks a little AI or, at the very least totally filtered. I heard a theory that Charles has 'cancer' just because they are coming out with a 'cancer vaccine' - and soooo maybe they give it to him and he is 'cured' and then they can stick it to every other person with turbo cancers caused by you-know-what and thus hasten the demise of so many more people - their goal! It's a sound theory if you ask me. But....it really is rather shocking that any of the royals would actually get the injection! I mean, what's going on here? How on earth could they actually succumb to the psyop themselves? It's hard to believe they are that stupid. Hmmm. Lots of questions as usual! It's plausable that the higher-higher ups just want all these royals dead....because it's an end of an Era and all that. In with the Globalist Transhumanist Technocratic agenda and out with the old-fashioned Monarchy. Yep, could be that...
When I watched her statement, something felt off. It seemed manufactured. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just had the feeling something was off.
Something is off when you are fighting for your life and must face the specter of leaving your children at an early age; children she clearly adores. This woman is facing a huge crisis in the public eye and every one is ready to call her out for not “acting” a certain way. No empathy then try pity or just refrain from commenting. Thank you, best to you Kate.
doubtful that kate reads this. you could mail her a card.
Hey I just replied to something else on here (so sorry if I m seeming to repeat) but since you said it first. You may be right. Ya crazy but I guess you might be right. I awoke to people mentioning a weird extension of stripes effect on from her sleeve on the left side of the video (her right arm) since when does not shiny wood reflect much of any thing not to mention how in the world does a real shadow do a stripe effect like that… idk . Anyway people are saying it might be AI. I must say it was a pretty good job but I guess when you look closely there are little things. I can only imagine what else they might find by end of day. (I mean I guess I thought it could be fake but I was hoping it wasn’t.) (still just allegedly as I don’t know if any experts have weighed in officially or anything)
All people want is the truth. The shenanigans the Palace has been up to about the Royal health crisis has done nothing to alleviate mistrust but continues to exacerbate the mistrust. We all want the best for Kate.
That's not Kate 😯
cuz it's ALL FAKE
She's lost weight, is dressed very casually and has no makeup on. But she made sure to wear the ring.
"(Other royals who seem to have been “vaccine”-injured, also possibly in furtherance of national erasure, include King Harald of Norway, Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand and Princess Yoko of Japan.)"
Having followed and written regarding the Thailand Princess saga I can tell you that Ong Bha's (likely) departure sets royal family succession in turmoil. That's the only one I can chime in on. So is this the furtherance of a globalist agenda to smash national identity, history, culture and the like to bits? It's very possible and I am glad you're looking at the bigger chessboard.
Some have cynically suggested that these royals neither got the jabs nor have cancer, say. Instead this represents essentially a PR stunt to futher normalize the pharma induced genocide while also leading the masses into the embrace of more poisons to "cure" what ails them. All that debt fueled capital sloshing around at the top has to go somewhere, after all. This is the type of thing that the materialistic braniacs at the top might come up with.
There are other possibilities more in the ethereal realm. Things about astrology, magnetic pole shifts, moving into the age of Aquarius, Pluto moving into Aquarius, The Jewish calandar signalling the end of wars could all be leading to birthing pains into hopefully a collectively higher consciousness. Perhaps we are running out of souls for a growing population anymore.
If this big club was really engaging in Satanic ritual sacrifice and child trafficking another possibility emerges. These operations would take a collective staff hundreds and perhaps thousands of times larger than the elite participants themselves. There'd be bodyguards, doormen, food and drink servers, private doctors and staff, pilots and crew, plumbers and cooks and on and on the list goes. If this large set of collective eyes saw and heard things which they knew to be true there might come a point where they turn on their masters, so to speak. Maybe the nurse was supposed to give a saline shot but whoopsie! There goes the real Covid jab into the arm anyways.
The other possibility is that Satan is simply eating his own as he is wont to do...
Amy, your last sentence says it all.
I am a newcomer to this Substack but wanted to join in the conversation about the experimental DNA altering shots that are now decimating the population of the deceived and manipulated masses.
I am an 18-month-old widow now. In 2021 my husband, the only one in the family of 16 of us, took 3 of the shots. April, May and November 2021. He died in September 2022. I watched him shrivel into a skeleton in 19 months. He weighed 160-165# in April 2021 and weighed 119# when he died from complications of a stomach hemorrhage. The way I see it, his stomach blew up. He was in the hospital for 4 days and then was home with the family on hospice for 6 days. He died peacefully with family and friends. Granted he was 81 years old and had other medical issues, but I truly believe if he had not taken the shots, he would have lived more years. Oh, and he had Covid in his system (hospital blood test) but I refused to let the coroner put anything regarding Covid on his death certificate even though I could have had all of his funeral expenses paid for by the government if I had allowed that. Screw them!
These experimental shots and what they are doing to the bodies of those who took them are horrific and, in my estimation, will only continue to get worse as the years progress. They are altering the DNA and removing the immune system and God only knows what else they are doing inside each person that was fooled into believing anything the government and medical experts said.
May God help us all as we move through the months and years to come.
Good for you not allowing that. I'm so sorry about your husband. My sister took the shot in mid-August 2021. Two weeks later she was in the hospital on a ventilator and died 2 months November 1st. Her husband would never admit that it was the shot and not just a Covid infection like the hospital diagnosed her with.
I'm so very sorry about your sister. I doubt any family will go unaffected from all of this. I praise the Lord my children and grandchildren listened to the Holy Spirit who shouted "NO" from the very beginning.
I would say the same, I would doubt any family will go unaffected by this. It seems to me that different people will live with different levels of delusion and clarity about it, however.
So sorry about your sister.
Thank you for sharing this. My condolences on the loss of your husband.
Hmmm I just watched the Kate video - I hadn't seen it yet! I suppose it could be a deep fake. Who the hell knows eh? My intuition says that this whole 'every royal has cancer' thing is bs....they are going to try to sell us a cancer vaccine or treatment. They are normalizing cancer...'even the royals get it!' UGH. what Theater we have here!
Yes, I don't buy for one second that any of these ruling elites took the kill shots--they were part of the psyop, pushing it on the rest of humanity. IMO, they are up to something.
Couldn't agree more!
Thank you, Dr. Miller. Again. Truth is stranger than fiction.
I've often said to friends that it will take years if not decades to unravel all the strange, improbable and probabilistic information swirling around Covid and the vaccines. I am compelled to recall that they were touted -- nay, heavy highhandedly shoved down our throats by Fauci et. al -- as the ONLY solution to Covid.
As you say, the British royals are relics of the apparently now outmoded nation-state geo-political system (thanks to Dr. Grotius and the Treaty of Westphalia) and are now impediments to what is to come. Dare one call it "the New World Order?" Or am I as wacky as Alex Jones?
Wacky Jones who has right most of the time. Any comparison is a compliment. (Although his delivery can be overbearing.)
That's what makes this situation so very weird.
It was so long before this new information came out. Kate was missing along with her children and parents. No one saw them. I hoped perhaps they were in hiding.
If not, then they were taken out, like Tsar Nicholas and his entire family. And the French monarchy. It's the same forces operating now.
So this interview is too long in coming. Can't be real. Just like the real Joe. All doppelgangers or AI.
Hi Anne, It struck me very odd when it was reported that her parents, children & family were not visiting. Then I see Charles & wife coming out of a “visit” all smiles. Weird. And the nervous interviews being given by her uncle(mom’s brother.) Lots of missing pieces.
I didn't know all that.
I read an article on Substack by Tom Siebert
Did you see that the former president of Brazil got a fake Covid shot certificate? https://www.livemint.com/news/world/brazil-news-ex-president-jair-bolsonaro-indicted-for-giving-false-covid-19-vaccination-data-11710860027827.html
Bolsonaro avoided it because he was smart. He is definitely not part of the elite or the new Commie government wouldn't be trying to imprison him for not taking the jab. Sure as sh*t, Lula didn't get the jab, but he didn't need a fake card. He got a real one...
That's NOT Kate
That's what I thought, too! It has AI overtones - but maybe it's just filtered. Doesn't look like her.
Someone pointed out here https://twitter.com/DaveFre47942720/status/1771523538077311430 that it looks like the reflection of the stripes of her sweater on her right arm are apparent on the bench. I also noticed it on the photo of Catherine posted above. At this point, with their ability to fake everything, I trust nothing they show us. It doesn't look right to me.
there is a reflection of a back slat on the arm of the bench. They use the big white reflectors to film outside, especially on a cloudy day
What is with her left eyebrow? Also the background looks like a green screen. Lots of questions.
Most definitely does not sound like her. I suspect she has joined Princess Diana
It is. The two they tried to pass off last week were not.
I am not so sure now that they were not Kate; saw the garden store video from another angle, and I think it's her, but she has lost so much weight, even in her face, that it is very hard to tell except in a sharpened close up.
never seen a still day?
It is where I live too most days, but there is still the odd bit of sun and stillness. A walled garden in the lee of a large building won't get much wind anyway
There is clearly a shadow global government in place, and they're not going to admit that or tell us who they are.
We can see waves on the surface from the big fishes that are down below, but real insight will have to wait for discovery of evidence in a functioning court of law, wherever that can possibly happen.
Citizen Grand Juries
The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level
As UK Column have stated several times, we currently have a 'government of occupation'.
How They Took Over The World
from the video:
"When we hijacked the Afghan elections, how did we do that? We had to understand how the Afghanis think, we had to go to the areas that were anti-Taliban because the Taliban were now more militant. We used that to our advantage, and formulated a plan where we would sway their thoughts to believe that XYZ candidate is the way to go."
Worked out real well for the U.S. DoD in Afghanistan didn't it?
These people cannot control populations like they want you to believe they can.
Important Update: Dr Yeadon Writes Supporting Letter for New Criminal Complaint by Former PO Mark Sexton Against MHRA, Pfizer and UK Government.