"Pfizer to acquire Seagen for $229 per Seagen share in cash, for a total enterprise value of approximately $43 billion
"Proposed combination enhances Pfizer’s position as a leading company in Oncology"-from pfizer.com First we invite cancer, then we "treat" it as an honored guest. Quite the business model. First we rob you, then we sell you a security system.
All that being true as the "needle to the pole" we don't want to overlook the bed-partners of the med industry, eg. the corporate "food" (?) producers and their related industry partners. No, we'd be remis if were were to look past them. They perform the duty of creating, promoting, and distributing the foodstuffs and all the advertising that goes with it all. What's wrong with that one might ask. Well, for starters, the poison sprayed on the plants for weed control is highly suspect in many cases. Further, the nutrition inherent in those beautifully formed fruits and veggies, is lacking in much needed elements our bodies need. But looks are deceptive, and we're bombarded with lies and so unless we engage the problem with a Victory Garden at home, we're prone to chemical intrusion and thereby the "cancers" that manifest themselves upon different organs and at different locations. Each, conveniently given a name, hard to pronounce, with it's own protocol for overcoming.
I've successfully (twice now) used sliced raw garlic applied directly to melanoma sores for a week or so, refreshed daily of course, with no complications or worries. Or poisons, or scalpels!
Congrats! And thank you for the tip! Going to try it. I've had several skin cancers & currently one on my arm they want to do MOHS surgery on. Had a large melanoma on my chest excised 6-yrs ago. I'm very fair skinned & did a lot of damage baking in the sun as a younger woman. I've also found using straight Vit C (topically) heals skin cancer lesions as well. Sincere thanks for sharing, Ray. All the best to you.
Thanks for the response. 'Haven't heard of anyone's success with garlic for skin cancers other than my own to separate occasions. There is another angle which I am not sure of, but it does seem logical that I'll share with you now. Garlic has some amazing curative and preventative characteristics. The isolated bio-chemical has been named "allicin." I venture to suspect that it might have the ability to "cure from within" or at least help with the cure, from there. Raw, of course, ground up in food processor, spread with mayo to make sandwich, is not really all too bad. I sort of like it! You might want to try it. The "safe" part of the advice (aside from the claim of it's effectiveness or no) is that it CANNOT hurt you. It DOES promote lower blood pressure, so be aware of that.
While on this subject of cancer, I'd like to include a separate consideration. It seems that "bitter" has been a taste-quality of many of the cures of pathogenic organisms. Not that cancer is due to any organism, but simply stating this in reference to attacks from without. Quinine, Ivermectin, and many more that I cannot remember all have the bitter flavor. At my home, there is a patch of some wicked bitter herb called Serpentina. It's a well-known home remedy for colds, flu, etc. Also, the leaves of the common Papaya plant/tree, when juiced, will cure Dengue fever in three days flat! That and Malaria as well. It's widely known here in the islands. Point is, they're all horridly bitter. 'Not the type of thing one would use as "maintenance!" LOL
In the last few months I have been reading research papers published in PubMed (what? something beneficial coming from our govt?). My usual search term is "medicinal use of xyz". Originally I wanted support for use of the particular herbs in my herb garden; lately as I move about my yard I think, "Hmm, wonder if that plant/tree/shrub has a benefit?" Yesterday I discovered the value of iris [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944787/#B10-antioxidants-11-00526]. Just when the day before I was thinking I devoted too much space to iris and should remove to put other beneficial plants in their place. Nope. Not happening. "Phytochemistry" and "ethnobotany" are useful alternative search terms. So many of these plants are anti: viral, bacterial, fungal, inflammatory, cancer...just amazing.
I don't know for sure, but highly suspect that you are right to assume Phyto-chemical inclusion in a person's diet is quite important, and life-sustaining when repairs are underway. A while back, I noted and mentioned that "bitter" substances seem to be prevalent in the war on pathogens. Dengue, Malaria, and flu/cold bugs and their effects are put in their place with the use of Serpentina, Ivermectin, Quinine, Papaya leaf juice and so on. The subject had me mesmerized for a while, thinking about how to assist with the C-virus invasion. But the thing was beyond what I had envisioned the "virus" to be. Volumes could be written about the biology, biochemistry and the inner-workings of God's amazing creation. Nevertheless, "bitter" seems to have some special correlation to returning to health after an attack. Personally, I trust Garlic for that purpose, but the subject of bitter had me going and took capsules of Serpentina on top of the garlic, (during a bout with an invasion) so I can't be sure of which did the trick. ('was focused more on returning to health, than learning by experimentation.)
'Would be good to collect some volunteers to test and to find it out! But they might then revoke my library card (or possibly worse?) for practicing a thought without the appropriate license! lol
Thought without a license! So fine! Haven't touched my library since they disgusted me with their so very over-the-top "Covid protocols". You are too generous; your first sentence credits me with an idea not mine (but you get the credit).
I note that all the artemisias are bitter--and so effective on so many fronts as the whole genus is apparently powerful as anti-this and that. To wit---I was drinking,, artem. abrotanum tea for a sore throat (which turned out not to be from any pathogen--but how would I know that, at first), and noticed a week or so later, that my right knee, which had started to be difficult in going down stairs, such that I took one step at a time, like a toddler, had returned to smooth functioning. Artemisia the anti-inflammatory? Arthritis an inflammation of the joint. Cause or just correlation? As I was not expecting that outcome, the placebo idea doesn't seem pertinent. I don't care. Just glad to have my knee back.
And you wrap it all up tidily with the phrase "the workings of God's amazing creation'. Do you have Latin? If you do, you understand my 'handle'.
If I could emphasize one "tip" over the rest, it would be to plant and raise your own vegetables. Spiritual advice, of course is not included in this, since it commands supreme position, but that aside for now, these thoughts might also be added to your knowledge:
Juicing removes the insoluble fiber, which is healthy for the digestion tract, so I'd simply lean toward blended "smoothies." Try and keep veggies and fruit separate, but if possible, a green smoothie is super healthy, especially when the organic greens are freshly harvested. As for a garden, it should be recommended for every household, and even those with no space, might try container gardening to whatever degree they're able. The thought to promote "Victory Gardens" came to mind not long ago, and I still believe in them. The "victory" here pointed to, would be physical as well as emotional health, by overcoming at least some of the external weighty pressures upon our food supplies (particularly the chemical intrusions).
Our bodies are surprisingly resilient, but constant depletion will over-rule one's health, so a little "greens" will go a long way. I'm a Seventh Day Adventist. If you know about our history, you know that the "health message" was stressed by EGW a hundred plus years ago. Inspired as she was, it's quite amazing to read her stuff a century later. Anyway, there's a balance to health, which includes eliminating the bad and replacing with good. There's 8 laws that pertain. You can look them up easily.
Food Processor: Our little Cuisinart was a gem until it went kaputski. But we have a stand-in, so that's covered. I like to pre-chop a couple of bulbs of garlic and dip in as needed.
And now for the Grand Finale: Are you sitting down?
Christmas, being within rock throwing range, is upon us, and every year I hope to have readied some literature which underscores the illegitimacy of the holiday for it being a Pagan tradition, and has nothing to actually do with Christ, or His Birth. This is proven history, and cannot be disputed. It can get ignored, which it widely does, but if we serve a "jealous God" then we might consider things differently. Here again, you can do the investigation if desired. It's out there in plain sight.
The Sabbath Day, the Seventh Day is a memorial to Creation, set aside as a test by God to "prove" His faithful ones. This will develop into separate camps, the one resistant, defiant, the lost, and the other, those "saved" who will be willing to face anything rather than disrespect the Creator. They "keep" His Commandments.
So that's enough to keep you busy for a while, I think. Most folks do not know about these essential truths. It's the duty of everyone to search out and accumulate these things, and once convinced of their solidity, then share and share alike! Simple.
God bless you as well, Denise and a prosperous New Year to you and yours!
These people at pfizers seem to be brilliant, huge business acumen. But they are oblivious to the storm and ignorant to the coming retribution that's on its way
I believe invent is actually correct. 'nc scare' is an anagram of 'cancers' and so inventing a disease to scare people with gets them to run into their arms. They did this with COVID 19 of course.
Big Pharma's aim has always been to invent new ways to obtain and retain new customers and make Big Money doing it. Destroying the human immune system accomplishes two goals: if you only become ill with one of many autoimmune-based diseases (cancers, eczema, IBS, and even diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's is now suspected of being based in autoimmunity) Big Pharma now has 31 drugs, many of which are advertised on TV dozens of times daily to "fight autoimmune enhancement diseases" by suppressing the immune system which then results in not being able to defend yourself against anything! All 31 of these drugs (scientific names end in -mab or -nib) have the same adverse event warnings as the C-19 jab: strokes, heart attacks, lymphoma and other cancers and death. They openly say that in the TV ads and yet people rush to their doctors to get prescriptions for these drugs that damage the immune system, and open the way to get more drugs to treat the adverse events from the previous drugs!! It's a very profitable merry-go-round!!
A bit off topic, but your name brought it to mind. I was recently watching Jerry Seinfeld's 90's sitcom and in his first (and part of the second) season, the logo was exactly that of the Pfizer logo. I mean exactly. I was unsettled by it until I realized what I was looking at - a repurposed logo. I imagine they used the same advertising agency. Weird.
Not a surprise. That doesn't mean, however, that every single prescription drug causes cancer. For the most part, I think many of them are a scam. If people don't have information about alternatives then of course they will take all the poisons prescribed. Nothigng funny about any of it.
I will check these out. I often wonder about blood pressure medications. I mean, so many people I know are taking them. I know if one has very high blood pressure it needs to be controlled, but we don;t have the full story on what these drugs are doing to people.
Absolutely. They use warfarin (rat poison) in small doses to reduce blood pressure yet do not ask it there is something else amiss. Vitamin D deficiency is seriously underrated as an issue in many cases
....which doesn't work. Of course they will show you the statistics that it does help keep you alive a bit longer.
Anyway, I think I would just say First we rob you, then we rob you again and then we might rob (sic) you out. All being well we can make another killing on the funeral plan you took out.
As having had immuno-therapy until I realised what was really wrong I have some inside knowledge.
In my final semester of teaching (ending 3 years ago next month)--I was teaching Aeneid, V's first Eclogue, Catullus, Horace. The rhythms of Latin poetry. Hence. gotta read aloud. Actually, I do that with prose, too--just in my head.
Plus, the wide array of specific differentials that people exhibit. One person drinks a liter of Mountain Dew daily, but has the good habit of exercising faithfully. Another worries incessantly and complains about trivialities constantly. Someone else might simply like to eat the "junk" foods which the "industry" promotes. These people can have different reactions because of their practiced habits but I'm one to believe that the more accurate "cause" of that which we all have been witness to, is the C shots themselves, not hinged on lifestyle all that much. Just another opinion. We all have them!
As soon as i heard the diagnosis last year (?) I looked it up in the long list of Pfizer gifts, and there it was… no surprise. I note she is sitting next to a masked person 🤡
It is presumptous of me to say this, but you are doing a great service to humanity in documenting this unfolding (as you call it) omnicide.
It is indeed being covered up and papered over with no cause of death(s) listed and young people unprecedentedly dying of heart attacks.
And the cause-effect of the "vaccinne" to death relationship concealed behind the delay of death for months after the shot was given.
It is indeed "the perfect crime" as you have said.
Thank you for your relentless courage.
I first came across your work as a media critic and propaganda expert a number of decades ago in more equitable times. But what you are doing now in exposing this enormous crime is peerless and without equal.
And on and on it goes. The self-propelling mass genocide continues unabated. A perfectly designed, public funded killing machine, that once up and running…is fuelled on nothing more than mass ignorance and mainstream media silence.
The commercials are still everywhere with the 1000% false claims. Prevents serious illness and hospitalization. Only it doesn’t, if you survive of course.
“Michaels was set to take the stage at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut on Saturday. However, hours before the show, his team announced that he had to reschedule due to health concerns.”
Hours before the show. The reason is dehydration and Bret’s diabetes.
Diabetes is no joke and needs to be managed. But dehydration?
I’m seeing dehydration a lot on these cancelled performances.
Can’t remember concerts ever being cancelled for that before. Maybe I didn’t pay attention. But wow, in 2023 can people not figure out how to stay hydrated?
Especially performers. Isn’t that just part of the profession?
My initial thought to this comment was along the lines of “well, they can’t figurine out which gender they are, right from wrong, up from down or how to add 2+2...” but seriously, they have been working on inducing dehydration for a long time.
And dehydration is the master player in all of the other system failures which we are seeing especially the more obvious vascular issues. But the cancers, syndromes, acute and chronic illnesses... all can are are dependent upon healthy cellular hydration.
I won’t do the research but I’ll just leave this one, albeit very superficial, study .. while acknowledging that all studies are questionable and if we know about it, we have been affected by their R&D for at least 20 years.
These health reports make me incredibly sad. I'm not a big fan of many of these celebs but I know most of them are health conscious and work extremely hard. I'm so sorry they made the worst decision of their lives because they were pressured by Joe Biden administration and health agencies to take them.
I pray I live long enough to see these criminals and murderers go to jail for their crimes against humanity.
Don't forget Donald J Trump, the self proclaimed Father of The Vaccine. He is the one who shut our country down for the fake plandemic. He is in on the whole plan. Both he and Biden are also Zionists and proud of it. All of these criminals are working to destroy humanity.
And he increased our debt even more than Biden has so far. TDS works both ways. People refuse to see his MASSIVE failures. I know he did some good things, but he failed miserably on extremely important matters.
Agree. I'm deeply disturbed what is happening in the courts regarding Trump which shows how corrupt the system is. BUT neither Biden or Trump are what would be best for America. I see Trump as a charismatic (not to me) person, but he doesn't appear to understand the whole pharmaceutical/health agency issue, or at least does not have deep-seated convictions borne out of his own study of the topic. He is easily swayed by his ill-chosen advisors, so I have no confidence he would make wise choices. I'm astonished Trump is still bragging about the vaccine. Hopefully he has changed his tune. He desperately needs better advisors. He may not be in on a plan, but without a deep understanding he does what he's told with little resistance.
They did nothing to save you. They never would have and they never will. I offer as evidence that they did nothing to save themselves.
You don’t have time to worry about them. You really don’t. I offer as evidence that those who harmed them aren’t worried in the least about them and they never will be.
The people that harmed them are after you.
Those that have been harmed are not even in the frame of what you’re looking at.
Yes. They block me immediately and utter the conspiracy theorist attack phrase. These people are terrified of the truth now that they are finding out what they did to themselves. I can understand that.
In the case of that Bible quotation which came from the lips of Christ Himself, He was referring to those who are not welcoming His words, such as was likely the case with the potential disciple's family. The man was more concerned with his familial duties; to attend the funeral of someone in his family than to "let them bury their dead," and accompany Jesus and His faithful disciples in the Ministry. The lesson is clear. We cannot afford to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to re-position the mindsets of hard-core doubters of Truth, when it's presented so clearly to them. Whatever era we exist in, there will be doubters; most being considerate of "self" rather than Truth. They doubt, because they WANT to doubt. It's preferable to them, even if it includes the obtuse trampling of it into the dirt. That seems to be the only obvious conclusion. Those people and their fate must be circumvented in order so that duty can ensue. It's a bitter pill, but it's a red one.
These are given over to the Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
It's been taught that God would like there to be a clear and distinct gulf between the wicked and the saved. Not unlike how the "church" of Laodicea is "lukewarm," which God does not appreciate. So He (God) gives "them" over to strong delusion (who, having ears to hear, hear not, i.e. NOT having any ears.)
The whole C campaign rings so much alike to the concept in that manner, does it not? I'm always taken aback by such stubbornness against truth while practically buried with such a mountain of evidence contrary to the narrative.
In the not too distant past, a personal priority was placed by yours truly, to fully gather the surface evidence dispelling "evolution," thereby forming a solid path to the Truth. This knowledge might well serve as a means in the future to lead a few souls who have been brainwashed by the system of "higher learning" (which probably begins with kindergarten!) back to "terra firma."
A response here could take other directions but in keeping with your point, it would be good to remind ourselves that Christ's knowledge of the future encompassed the same concept "in the same vein" as you termed it. The unfortunate (and "politically incorrect "fact") is quite horrendous to take in. That is, that an overwhelming majority of souls (a term for people) will be lost due to their lack of concerned attention. Most distrust the Scriptures, and believe the many lies fed them; lies which prevent them from paying due homage to the Creator; lies which the enemy of souls has crafted with amazing skill and patience to secure the intent of his victim's eternal demise.
Beginning with Satan's carefully crafted insinuations while possessing the flying serpent in the Edenic garden (leisurely assuming a position in the very tree itself!) he induced (seduced) Eve to fail God's test. The END of things will commence with Satan's intended plan of "personation" of Jesus Christ the king of Kings; a plan with which he will sweep billions into his net of destruction! The doctrine which purports Christ coming "secretly" is unbiblical, and therefore naturally Satanic.
As time moves forward toward that end, we earthlings will be confronted with an increasing amount of "trouble" and all that goes with it. If we trust that God is in charge and control, we will be spared some of the plagues slated to fall upon mankind for his apostasy and wickedness. There will be many opportunities to expound upon the inspired Truth as it is in God's Word, and in His prophet of late, E.G. White, which is also known as "The Spirit of Prophecy." Her works are the real deal. Not one point is cross-biblical.
I simply hope that some of these things will fall on those who DO have ears to hear; will follow up and investigate so as to not be deceived by the enemy. And by the merits of Jesus, someday find themselves on their way, returning to an earth with friends and family which will be made all together NEW.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Correct the world has been being primed for centuries for the false second coming. Note the uptick in tv programs, movies and commercials such as the ones started last SuperBowl about Jesus( Yeshua). Also all the images, paintings, statues etc will give satan a much agreed upon appearance to take on.
It's unsettling to imagine the deceptive power that will attend such a powerful delusive effect as the one planned by Satan. God has allowed this, but restricted the "manner" in which Satan will appear. He will not be allowed to duplicate the manner in which the True Messiah will come; that being with billions of angels (clouds) from the East and with terrible majesty. Aside from that set-back, Satan will include the visitation of "saints" pre-empting his dramatic display of impersonation. I suspect that "Mary" and some of the "apostles" posing as having come from heaven, will do the honors. These too will be impersonations of the dead. But people will certainly believe their senses, rather than to trust in the armor given them in Scripture.
The end-time prophet reiterates that we will know them by their fruits. If the supposed "saints" say anything which does not square with Scripture, then we know they are imposters and not to be trusted. The hidden agenda of Satan is cause as many as possible to fall into his net, causing as many to break covenant with God's Word by following man's created "day of rest" rather than the Creator's appointed Holy Day, the Seventh Day Sabbath. Rewards will be forthcoming to those who violate and sanctions against those who stand tall. It will be the "test" for the living, much like the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil was for our original parents. Therefore, we should acquaint ourselves with the "knowledge" of this prophetic truth, so we can become better equipped to avoid the "evil" which is certain to befall those who are asleep.
Early on in the mad jabbing, someone on the Next Door app reported their 14 year old getting a brain bleed immediately after the miracle jab. Doctor confirmed it was jab related. Kid has to be on meds forever now with limited activity. Next Door removed that post within hours.
It’s too bad that most people would rather die under a doctor’s care than survive under their own. She could eradicate her melanoma with oral fenbendazole and a topically applied paste of fenbendazole and/or ivermectin. Read the Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com
Had a distant relative die from an aggressive undiagnosed melanoma very soon after the rollout. It was before people were talking about increased cancers.
I can’t help wondering how many of us mere mortals suffer these problems everyday. And the fact they do because they listened to the sick celebs lies everyday.
Madonna appears to have had extensive facial and chest work done. She's unrecognizable. So, no wonder she ends up with a serious bacterial infection. Filling your body with silicone and other goops isn't good for your health. Bacteria appears when foreign material are present. They are the cleanup crew.
"Pfizer to acquire Seagen for $229 per Seagen share in cash, for a total enterprise value of approximately $43 billion
"Proposed combination enhances Pfizer’s position as a leading company in Oncology"-from pfizer.com First we invite cancer, then we "treat" it as an honored guest. Quite the business model. First we rob you, then we sell you a security system.
Very much the Mafia way
But the mafia fiercely protect their own. Not these demons
All that being true as the "needle to the pole" we don't want to overlook the bed-partners of the med industry, eg. the corporate "food" (?) producers and their related industry partners. No, we'd be remis if were were to look past them. They perform the duty of creating, promoting, and distributing the foodstuffs and all the advertising that goes with it all. What's wrong with that one might ask. Well, for starters, the poison sprayed on the plants for weed control is highly suspect in many cases. Further, the nutrition inherent in those beautifully formed fruits and veggies, is lacking in much needed elements our bodies need. But looks are deceptive, and we're bombarded with lies and so unless we engage the problem with a Victory Garden at home, we're prone to chemical intrusion and thereby the "cancers" that manifest themselves upon different organs and at different locations. Each, conveniently given a name, hard to pronounce, with it's own protocol for overcoming.
I've successfully (twice now) used sliced raw garlic applied directly to melanoma sores for a week or so, refreshed daily of course, with no complications or worries. Or poisons, or scalpels!
Glad I don't have a license to have threatened!
Congrats! And thank you for the tip! Going to try it. I've had several skin cancers & currently one on my arm they want to do MOHS surgery on. Had a large melanoma on my chest excised 6-yrs ago. I'm very fair skinned & did a lot of damage baking in the sun as a younger woman. I've also found using straight Vit C (topically) heals skin cancer lesions as well. Sincere thanks for sharing, Ray. All the best to you.
Thanks for the response. 'Haven't heard of anyone's success with garlic for skin cancers other than my own to separate occasions. There is another angle which I am not sure of, but it does seem logical that I'll share with you now. Garlic has some amazing curative and preventative characteristics. The isolated bio-chemical has been named "allicin." I venture to suspect that it might have the ability to "cure from within" or at least help with the cure, from there. Raw, of course, ground up in food processor, spread with mayo to make sandwich, is not really all too bad. I sort of like it! You might want to try it. The "safe" part of the advice (aside from the claim of it's effectiveness or no) is that it CANNOT hurt you. It DOES promote lower blood pressure, so be aware of that.
While on this subject of cancer, I'd like to include a separate consideration. It seems that "bitter" has been a taste-quality of many of the cures of pathogenic organisms. Not that cancer is due to any organism, but simply stating this in reference to attacks from without. Quinine, Ivermectin, and many more that I cannot remember all have the bitter flavor. At my home, there is a patch of some wicked bitter herb called Serpentina. It's a well-known home remedy for colds, flu, etc. Also, the leaves of the common Papaya plant/tree, when juiced, will cure Dengue fever in three days flat! That and Malaria as well. It's widely known here in the islands. Point is, they're all horridly bitter. 'Not the type of thing one would use as "maintenance!" LOL
God bless you and yours this year's end!
In the last few months I have been reading research papers published in PubMed (what? something beneficial coming from our govt?). My usual search term is "medicinal use of xyz". Originally I wanted support for use of the particular herbs in my herb garden; lately as I move about my yard I think, "Hmm, wonder if that plant/tree/shrub has a benefit?" Yesterday I discovered the value of iris [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944787/#B10-antioxidants-11-00526]. Just when the day before I was thinking I devoted too much space to iris and should remove to put other beneficial plants in their place. Nope. Not happening. "Phytochemistry" and "ethnobotany" are useful alternative search terms. So many of these plants are anti: viral, bacterial, fungal, inflammatory, cancer...just amazing.
Tripple V,
I don't know for sure, but highly suspect that you are right to assume Phyto-chemical inclusion in a person's diet is quite important, and life-sustaining when repairs are underway. A while back, I noted and mentioned that "bitter" substances seem to be prevalent in the war on pathogens. Dengue, Malaria, and flu/cold bugs and their effects are put in their place with the use of Serpentina, Ivermectin, Quinine, Papaya leaf juice and so on. The subject had me mesmerized for a while, thinking about how to assist with the C-virus invasion. But the thing was beyond what I had envisioned the "virus" to be. Volumes could be written about the biology, biochemistry and the inner-workings of God's amazing creation. Nevertheless, "bitter" seems to have some special correlation to returning to health after an attack. Personally, I trust Garlic for that purpose, but the subject of bitter had me going and took capsules of Serpentina on top of the garlic, (during a bout with an invasion) so I can't be sure of which did the trick. ('was focused more on returning to health, than learning by experimentation.)
'Would be good to collect some volunteers to test and to find it out! But they might then revoke my library card (or possibly worse?) for practicing a thought without the appropriate license! lol
Thought without a license! So fine! Haven't touched my library since they disgusted me with their so very over-the-top "Covid protocols". You are too generous; your first sentence credits me with an idea not mine (but you get the credit).
I note that all the artemisias are bitter--and so effective on so many fronts as the whole genus is apparently powerful as anti-this and that. To wit---I was drinking,, artem. abrotanum tea for a sore throat (which turned out not to be from any pathogen--but how would I know that, at first), and noticed a week or so later, that my right knee, which had started to be difficult in going down stairs, such that I took one step at a time, like a toddler, had returned to smooth functioning. Artemisia the anti-inflammatory? Arthritis an inflammation of the joint. Cause or just correlation? As I was not expecting that outcome, the placebo idea doesn't seem pertinent. I don't care. Just glad to have my knee back.
And you wrap it all up tidily with the phrase "the workings of God's amazing creation'. Do you have Latin? If you do, you understand my 'handle'.
Ray, all of this is fabulous info! I definitely am in need of and going to get myself a food processor and juicer as soon as I'm able.
Thank you so much for all your amazing tips, info and advice. Very much appreciated.
God bless you and yours this years end as well.🙏
Awe, You're far too kind, Denise! Thank you much.
If I could emphasize one "tip" over the rest, it would be to plant and raise your own vegetables. Spiritual advice, of course is not included in this, since it commands supreme position, but that aside for now, these thoughts might also be added to your knowledge:
Juicing removes the insoluble fiber, which is healthy for the digestion tract, so I'd simply lean toward blended "smoothies." Try and keep veggies and fruit separate, but if possible, a green smoothie is super healthy, especially when the organic greens are freshly harvested. As for a garden, it should be recommended for every household, and even those with no space, might try container gardening to whatever degree they're able. The thought to promote "Victory Gardens" came to mind not long ago, and I still believe in them. The "victory" here pointed to, would be physical as well as emotional health, by overcoming at least some of the external weighty pressures upon our food supplies (particularly the chemical intrusions).
Our bodies are surprisingly resilient, but constant depletion will over-rule one's health, so a little "greens" will go a long way. I'm a Seventh Day Adventist. If you know about our history, you know that the "health message" was stressed by EGW a hundred plus years ago. Inspired as she was, it's quite amazing to read her stuff a century later. Anyway, there's a balance to health, which includes eliminating the bad and replacing with good. There's 8 laws that pertain. You can look them up easily.
Food Processor: Our little Cuisinart was a gem until it went kaputski. But we have a stand-in, so that's covered. I like to pre-chop a couple of bulbs of garlic and dip in as needed.
And now for the Grand Finale: Are you sitting down?
Christmas, being within rock throwing range, is upon us, and every year I hope to have readied some literature which underscores the illegitimacy of the holiday for it being a Pagan tradition, and has nothing to actually do with Christ, or His Birth. This is proven history, and cannot be disputed. It can get ignored, which it widely does, but if we serve a "jealous God" then we might consider things differently. Here again, you can do the investigation if desired. It's out there in plain sight.
The Sabbath Day, the Seventh Day is a memorial to Creation, set aside as a test by God to "prove" His faithful ones. This will develop into separate camps, the one resistant, defiant, the lost, and the other, those "saved" who will be willing to face anything rather than disrespect the Creator. They "keep" His Commandments.
So that's enough to keep you busy for a while, I think. Most folks do not know about these essential truths. It's the duty of everyone to search out and accumulate these things, and once convinced of their solidity, then share and share alike! Simple.
God bless you as well, Denise and a prosperous New Year to you and yours!
Denise, I am not sure if you are familiar with this information, but please read one of the case reports below.
Good ole classic poultice
These people at pfizers seem to be brilliant, huge business acumen. But they are oblivious to the storm and ignorant to the coming retribution that's on its way
Is Jordon Trishton Walker still alive?
First glance I thought it said, First we invent cancer, then we treat it.
I believe invent is actually correct. 'nc scare' is an anagram of 'cancers' and so inventing a disease to scare people with gets them to run into their arms. They did this with COVID 19 of course.
Big Pharma's aim has always been to invent new ways to obtain and retain new customers and make Big Money doing it. Destroying the human immune system accomplishes two goals: if you only become ill with one of many autoimmune-based diseases (cancers, eczema, IBS, and even diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's is now suspected of being based in autoimmunity) Big Pharma now has 31 drugs, many of which are advertised on TV dozens of times daily to "fight autoimmune enhancement diseases" by suppressing the immune system which then results in not being able to defend yourself against anything! All 31 of these drugs (scientific names end in -mab or -nib) have the same adverse event warnings as the C-19 jab: strokes, heart attacks, lymphoma and other cancers and death. They openly say that in the TV ads and yet people rush to their doctors to get prescriptions for these drugs that damage the immune system, and open the way to get more drugs to treat the adverse events from the previous drugs!! It's a very profitable merry-go-round!!
100% true.
A bit off topic, but your name brought it to mind. I was recently watching Jerry Seinfeld's 90's sitcom and in his first (and part of the second) season, the logo was exactly that of the Pfizer logo. I mean exactly. I was unsettled by it until I realized what I was looking at - a repurposed logo. I imagine they used the same advertising agency. Weird.
That is odd, I never noticed that.
"Invite" cancer ? - LOL.
Please see this 2 min video; but to understand my point you must watch until the end.
You can have this free of charge as well = https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia2/ciencia_industrybigpharma219.htm
Not a surprise. That doesn't mean, however, that every single prescription drug causes cancer. For the most part, I think many of them are a scam. If people don't have information about alternatives then of course they will take all the poisons prescribed. Nothigng funny about any of it.
Agreed I split drugs into neuro-toxic (nerve suppressing harmful) and anti-oxidant (helpful but safer alternatives available).
from my Word Press site.
I will check these out. I often wonder about blood pressure medications. I mean, so many people I know are taking them. I know if one has very high blood pressure it needs to be controlled, but we don;t have the full story on what these drugs are doing to people.
Absolutely. They use warfarin (rat poison) in small doses to reduce blood pressure yet do not ask it there is something else amiss. Vitamin D deficiency is seriously underrated as an issue in many cases
High blood pressure can result from too little D?
Not taking any treatment for cancer, should it appear. Mainline poison? No way.
Possibly an unexpected and welcome cash cow consequent to the success of their Lethal Injections... 🤔
... or possibly not... 🤨
....which doesn't work. Of course they will show you the statistics that it does help keep you alive a bit longer.
Anyway, I think I would just say First we rob you, then we rob you again and then we might rob (sic) you out. All being well we can make another killing on the funeral plan you took out.
As having had immuno-therapy until I realised what was really wrong I have some inside knowledge.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer "rigor mortis" to "Stiff-Person Syndrome".
"I'm not dead!"
"Wot was that?"
"Oh nothing! 'Ere's yer ninepence!"
"I'm not DEAD!"
"You got a NINE piece"??? "You lucky sod"!!!
"I still don't want to go on the cart!..." 🙄
Ah, thanks very much! See you Thursday!
Not to mention Celine's beautiful plumage... 😘
Took me several 'whiles' to figure that one out--thanks for reminder of that so-clever troupe.
Slight correction ... I believe "'Ere's" should be "There's".
Either way, bring out your dead!
"Oh well she will be soon--she's very ill..."
"I'm getting better..."
"No you're not--You'll be Stone Dead in a moment !"
(" 'Ere's" the best approximation I can make of Mr. Cleese's cockney dialect...)
I have a friend with Stiff Person Syndrome and it is a nightmare. She has to wear a helmet when walking because her body locks up. No cure
Sorry to hear.
One in a million, — apparently — literally. Like the opposite of winning the proverbial lottery.
I presume she had SPS pre-scamdemic...?
I am sure she would prefer anything to "stiff-person syndrome" especially since her next stop IS "rigor mortis"....
Actually my poems are serious as heart attacks, but I'll take the compliment.
That's the upside of the New Normal — the jokes write themselves ... even if they lean heavily towards gallows humour.
"seismic psychic shift"--nice. I read aloud as poetry must be heard.
Thanks VVV! Feel free to sub — 2 primo poems per week gratis.
In my final semester of teaching (ending 3 years ago next month)--I was teaching Aeneid, V's first Eclogue, Catullus, Horace. The rhythms of Latin poetry. Hence. gotta read aloud. Actually, I do that with prose, too--just in my head.
Likely ... but there's another possibility (and I'm not talking Kiwi). I could be an American making it look like I'm not an American.
One of my daughters (USA) insisted on writing 'grey'. Maybe even 'colour'.
If anyone cares to look, stiff person syndrome is listed as one of the known side effects to the c19 jab
Wow! It must have gotten buried in the 500 or so other side effects.
Insane for sure,
Over 1200 possible adverse events Pfizer gave to the FDA in 2020.
But one in a million, no really
Excellent Smithers?
Yes, my friend,
My estimate insured that it was below the total, so as not to eggs saturate the stage.
Once you F up your kidneys and adrenals then any, I mean any medical problem can happen, thus the huge list of side effects.
Yeah, agreed!
Plus, the wide array of specific differentials that people exhibit. One person drinks a liter of Mountain Dew daily, but has the good habit of exercising faithfully. Another worries incessantly and complains about trivialities constantly. Someone else might simply like to eat the "junk" foods which the "industry" promotes. These people can have different reactions because of their practiced habits but I'm one to believe that the more accurate "cause" of that which we all have been witness to, is the C shots themselves, not hinged on lifestyle all that much. Just another opinion. We all have them!
As soon as i heard the diagnosis last year (?) I looked it up in the long list of Pfizer gifts, and there it was… no surprise. I note she is sitting next to a masked person 🤡
See this on Coffee and Covid this a.m.--Jeff Childers pointed it out (Pfizer doc, and highlighted) December '22
mRNA transfection + botox = ultimate stiffy combo
I wonder if it matters if you were born stiff as a board as she was 😜
Thank you, Dr. Miller.
It is presumptous of me to say this, but you are doing a great service to humanity in documenting this unfolding (as you call it) omnicide.
It is indeed being covered up and papered over with no cause of death(s) listed and young people unprecedentedly dying of heart attacks.
And the cause-effect of the "vaccinne" to death relationship concealed behind the delay of death for months after the shot was given.
It is indeed "the perfect crime" as you have said.
Thank you for your relentless courage.
I first came across your work as a media critic and propaganda expert a number of decades ago in more equitable times. But what you are doing now in exposing this enormous crime is peerless and without equal.
And on and on it goes. The self-propelling mass genocide continues unabated. A perfectly designed, public funded killing machine, that once up and running…is fuelled on nothing more than mass ignorance and mainstream media silence.
media not silent, they still promote taking another jab.
The commercials are still everywhere with the 1000% false claims. Prevents serious illness and hospitalization. Only it doesn’t, if you survive of course.
Yep, it’s disgusting they’re still pushing this stuff whilst they know full well the damage they’re doing.. I wrote a piece on it here…
Yeah I pretty much scream every time I see a commercial, still.
Yeah but doesn't SpikeVax sound just so cool and hip though?
I like maybe if you use on media they wont censure
Ya all the kool kids are dying suddenly
That’s true, but they wouldn’t even need to do that… the damage has already been done. I should change that to…”CAN be fuelled on...”
Willful ignorance.
Ah yes, mass ignorance. An inexhaustible fuel supply
“Michaels was set to take the stage at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut on Saturday. However, hours before the show, his team announced that he had to reschedule due to health concerns.”
Hours before the show. The reason is dehydration and Bret’s diabetes.
Diabetes is no joke and needs to be managed. But dehydration?
I’m seeing dehydration a lot on these cancelled performances.
Can’t remember concerts ever being cancelled for that before. Maybe I didn’t pay attention. But wow, in 2023 can people not figure out how to stay hydrated?
Especially performers. Isn’t that just part of the profession?
My initial thought to this comment was along the lines of “well, they can’t figurine out which gender they are, right from wrong, up from down or how to add 2+2...” but seriously, they have been working on inducing dehydration for a long time.
And dehydration is the master player in all of the other system failures which we are seeing especially the more obvious vascular issues. But the cancers, syndromes, acute and chronic illnesses... all can are are dependent upon healthy cellular hydration.
I won’t do the research but I’ll just leave this one, albeit very superficial, study .. while acknowledging that all studies are questionable and if we know about it, we have been affected by their R&D for at least 20 years.
Poisoning the well has been around since ... forever.
The perfect evil system is to make one thirsty, then use water to cause dehydration, when seeking medical advice, be instructed to drink more water.
Try to get your fluids from foods.
My brother is diabetic (type1 also) and he doesn’t get dehydrated. Hmmmm....
These health reports make me incredibly sad. I'm not a big fan of many of these celebs but I know most of them are health conscious and work extremely hard. I'm so sorry they made the worst decision of their lives because they were pressured by Joe Biden administration and health agencies to take them.
I pray I live long enough to see these criminals and murderers go to jail for their crimes against humanity.
Don't forget Donald J Trump, the self proclaimed Father of The Vaccine. He is the one who shut our country down for the fake plandemic. He is in on the whole plan. Both he and Biden are also Zionists and proud of it. All of these criminals are working to destroy humanity.
And he increased our debt even more than Biden has so far. TDS works both ways. People refuse to see his MASSIVE failures. I know he did some good things, but he failed miserably on extremely important matters.
Agree. I'm deeply disturbed what is happening in the courts regarding Trump which shows how corrupt the system is. BUT neither Biden or Trump are what would be best for America. I see Trump as a charismatic (not to me) person, but he doesn't appear to understand the whole pharmaceutical/health agency issue, or at least does not have deep-seated convictions borne out of his own study of the topic. He is easily swayed by his ill-chosen advisors, so I have no confidence he would make wise choices. I'm astonished Trump is still bragging about the vaccine. Hopefully he has changed his tune. He desperately needs better advisors. He may not be in on a plan, but without a deep understanding he does what he's told with little resistance.
The most telling statement is that DJT needs better advisors! I have been thinking since he first won in 2016 and only real Patriots!
Daniel 11:27 And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table....
Saving the vaccinated isn’t the big picture.
They did nothing to save you. They never would have and they never will. I offer as evidence that they did nothing to save themselves.
You don’t have time to worry about them. You really don’t. I offer as evidence that those who harmed them aren’t worried in the least about them and they never will be.
The people that harmed them are after you.
Those that have been harmed are not even in the frame of what you’re looking at.
The point of these compilations is to dissuade others from getting jabbed again.
Yes. They block me immediately and utter the conspiracy theorist attack phrase. These people are terrified of the truth now that they are finding out what they did to themselves. I can understand that.
Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm syndrome is epidemic where I live
Let the dead bury their dead?
In the case of that Bible quotation which came from the lips of Christ Himself, He was referring to those who are not welcoming His words, such as was likely the case with the potential disciple's family. The man was more concerned with his familial duties; to attend the funeral of someone in his family than to "let them bury their dead," and accompany Jesus and His faithful disciples in the Ministry. The lesson is clear. We cannot afford to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to re-position the mindsets of hard-core doubters of Truth, when it's presented so clearly to them. Whatever era we exist in, there will be doubters; most being considerate of "self" rather than Truth. They doubt, because they WANT to doubt. It's preferable to them, even if it includes the obtuse trampling of it into the dirt. That seems to be the only obvious conclusion. Those people and their fate must be circumvented in order so that duty can ensue. It's a bitter pill, but it's a red one.
These are given over to the Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.
Yes Sir, Dan!
It's been taught that God would like there to be a clear and distinct gulf between the wicked and the saved. Not unlike how the "church" of Laodicea is "lukewarm," which God does not appreciate. So He (God) gives "them" over to strong delusion (who, having ears to hear, hear not, i.e. NOT having any ears.)
The whole C campaign rings so much alike to the concept in that manner, does it not? I'm always taken aback by such stubbornness against truth while practically buried with such a mountain of evidence contrary to the narrative.
In the not too distant past, a personal priority was placed by yours truly, to fully gather the surface evidence dispelling "evolution," thereby forming a solid path to the Truth. This knowledge might well serve as a means in the future to lead a few souls who have been brainwashed by the system of "higher learning" (which probably begins with kindergarten!) back to "terra firma."
Yours in Truth,
in the same vein, from the same lips, "Let those who have ears, hear"
A response here could take other directions but in keeping with your point, it would be good to remind ourselves that Christ's knowledge of the future encompassed the same concept "in the same vein" as you termed it. The unfortunate (and "politically incorrect "fact") is quite horrendous to take in. That is, that an overwhelming majority of souls (a term for people) will be lost due to their lack of concerned attention. Most distrust the Scriptures, and believe the many lies fed them; lies which prevent them from paying due homage to the Creator; lies which the enemy of souls has crafted with amazing skill and patience to secure the intent of his victim's eternal demise.
Beginning with Satan's carefully crafted insinuations while possessing the flying serpent in the Edenic garden (leisurely assuming a position in the very tree itself!) he induced (seduced) Eve to fail God's test. The END of things will commence with Satan's intended plan of "personation" of Jesus Christ the king of Kings; a plan with which he will sweep billions into his net of destruction! The doctrine which purports Christ coming "secretly" is unbiblical, and therefore naturally Satanic.
As time moves forward toward that end, we earthlings will be confronted with an increasing amount of "trouble" and all that goes with it. If we trust that God is in charge and control, we will be spared some of the plagues slated to fall upon mankind for his apostasy and wickedness. There will be many opportunities to expound upon the inspired Truth as it is in God's Word, and in His prophet of late, E.G. White, which is also known as "The Spirit of Prophecy." Her works are the real deal. Not one point is cross-biblical.
I simply hope that some of these things will fall on those who DO have ears to hear; will follow up and investigate so as to not be deceived by the enemy. And by the merits of Jesus, someday find themselves on their way, returning to an earth with friends and family which will be made all together NEW.
Stay tuned and prayed up!
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Correct the world has been being primed for centuries for the false second coming. Note the uptick in tv programs, movies and commercials such as the ones started last SuperBowl about Jesus( Yeshua). Also all the images, paintings, statues etc will give satan a much agreed upon appearance to take on.
It's unsettling to imagine the deceptive power that will attend such a powerful delusive effect as the one planned by Satan. God has allowed this, but restricted the "manner" in which Satan will appear. He will not be allowed to duplicate the manner in which the True Messiah will come; that being with billions of angels (clouds) from the East and with terrible majesty. Aside from that set-back, Satan will include the visitation of "saints" pre-empting his dramatic display of impersonation. I suspect that "Mary" and some of the "apostles" posing as having come from heaven, will do the honors. These too will be impersonations of the dead. But people will certainly believe their senses, rather than to trust in the armor given them in Scripture.
The end-time prophet reiterates that we will know them by their fruits. If the supposed "saints" say anything which does not square with Scripture, then we know they are imposters and not to be trusted. The hidden agenda of Satan is cause as many as possible to fall into his net, causing as many to break covenant with God's Word by following man's created "day of rest" rather than the Creator's appointed Holy Day, the Seventh Day Sabbath. Rewards will be forthcoming to those who violate and sanctions against those who stand tall. It will be the "test" for the living, much like the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil was for our original parents. Therefore, we should acquaint ourselves with the "knowledge" of this prophetic truth, so we can become better equipped to avoid the "evil" which is certain to befall those who are asleep.
Yes but also important is the follow me(Yeshua) part.
Matthew 8:22 Yeshua said unto him,Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
Early on in the mad jabbing, someone on the Next Door app reported their 14 year old getting a brain bleed immediately after the miracle jab. Doctor confirmed it was jab related. Kid has to be on meds forever now with limited activity. Next Door removed that post within hours.
That melanoma situation is just horrific. Poor woman. It's all so sad and so angering.
It’s too bad that most people would rather die under a doctor’s care than survive under their own. She could eradicate her melanoma with oral fenbendazole and a topically applied paste of fenbendazole and/or ivermectin. Read the Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com
Had a distant relative die from an aggressive undiagnosed melanoma very soon after the rollout. It was before people were talking about increased cancers.
Melanoma is horrific. I am sorry for your relative and your loss.
Actually good of her to show the photos. Looks a bit riddled with it. I am sad for her.
Foul and evil sores came upon the men....
I can’t help wondering how many of us mere mortals suffer these problems everyday. And the fact they do because they listened to the sick celebs lies everyday.
Jelly Roll in April 2021:
🎵I hope grandma Maxine gets her vaccine
So I can bag two bad blondes and tag team
I’ll nut fast as an athlete at a track meet
I want it that way like the boys from backstreet
I’m larger than life like Chris Farley in Blacksheep
We been locked down longer than Kodak Black’s rap sheet
Pardon me, I miss women making my heart stop, I can’t taste girl I’ll tongue-punch your fart box
Wearing my mask to the table just isn’t cool
It’s kinda like having a pissing section in pools
I miss hanging in bars I miss hanging in groups
I wish that motherfucker wouldna put that bat in the soup 🎵
Some folk, like Biden, are already dead but have not gotten around to stiffen.
And thats just a dude in a mask. His head is a different shape every day
Pretty sad stuff ❤️💔
Madonna appears to have had extensive facial and chest work done. She's unrecognizable. So, no wonder she ends up with a serious bacterial infection. Filling your body with silicone and other goops isn't good for your health. Bacteria appears when foreign material are present. They are the cleanup crew.
Black goo = graphene oxide
Janitorial services provided by, Bacteria LLC.
I don't think those demons are too good for her either?
My thoughts exactly. She looks like a demon. She acts like one. She speaks like one. She sold her so long ago. That’s painfully obvious.
Mike Lee pushing legislation to leave the WHO and UN