Voting is irrelevant. All candidates serve the same master and do the same thing.

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That's been the case since JFK.

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That's been the case since forever. If you think empire will allow itself to be derailed by the will of the people then you don't know empire.

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That takes no account of those candidates who have NOT served the same master and done the same thing. That's that way it is today. To project it back into the distant past is ahistorical. Why do you think they whacked Paul Wellstone? Not to mention JFK and RFK Sr.

And so on. Your position is music to the ears of those who don't want free elections.

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And Wellstone's wife and daughter. Just to make sure he was not gonna live on....

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It is a form of Prevarication

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When someone writes, “everyone is cheating”, it’s the same thing as saying “I am cheater too“.

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Mark, you briefly touch on this, but I think it's worth elaborating on: the Censorship Industrial Complex, was really constructed while Trump was in office - not that he had anything to do with it. It started in the last months of (President CIA), Barack Obama's administration, where he signed into law DHS's new censorship duties. Also interesting that Obama "modernized" (gutted) the Smith-Mundt Act (of 1948), making it LEGAL for the CIA to manipulate Americans.

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It was also under Obama that "conspiracy theory" ceased to be something merely laughable and became a lethal neo-Nazi threat (as I may have said in the interview).

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The puzzle pieces are common together...

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Some good documentaries are 2000 Mules, Police State, Let My People Go

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2000 Mules has some serious flaws, such as its perfect silence on the computerized voting and vote-sounting system, and its partisan blindness to the Republicans' own rich history of election theft. (D'Souza flogs the old urban legend that JFK's 1960 win was fraudulent—a "fact" demolished by David Greenberg, who actually looked into it.)

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D'Souza focused on the ballot trafficking instead of the voting machine frauds. Police State and Let my people go have more focus on the computerized voting. There will always be some cheating on both sides, but the Democrats take it to the highest level. The 3 legs of Bidens victory are the $400 million Zuckerbucks, the Laptop lie, and the election fraud.

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"If voting worked they wouldn’t let us do it.’ – Mark Twain

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This is mind-blowing! I have felt for a long time that there has been fraud in every Presidential election, but I still thought there was an element of chance in the outcome. It's chilling to realize that every President since at least 2000 (and maybe since 1964 and before?), as well as certain other candidates, has been "installed." Thank you so much for speaking out!

On the video, I wish they hadn't cut the part where you started to talk about the 2020 election, but I suppose they needed to because of time considerations. Hopefully you whatever you said then was covered in the following segment.

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Obama won for real, though one could argue that his self-representation as an old-school Democratic liberal, averse to war and censorship, and Wall Street's adversary, etc., was also a form of election fraud.

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I don't suppose a transcript will be available?

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I believe, absent the Immigration Act of 1965 and forced globalist immigration policies that have completely remade North America (and much of the West) since that time, none of this would be occurring.

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Fantastic interview! I have been waiting for this since March 2020! Thank you Mark!

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This was a great interview, thanks Mark.

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While I agree with Mark's assessment that the USA has the worst voting security in the world and it needs to be rebuilt, I cannot swallow that Trump is a "plant" in the Uniparty due to the following incontrovertible facts (just with Covid!):

The virus and vaccine where already made by at least 2015 by DARPA so Operation Warp-Speed was a ruse; Trump hired Drs. Scott Atlas and Paul Alexander who were anti-mandates; he spoke of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin; after being alerted by Dr. Breggin he stopped Fauci's secret lab work with Wuhan and finance to WHO. Outside of Covid, Trump hired Steve Bannon and Sebastion Gorka--hardly pals with the Deep State.

I think it is harmful when we accuse Trump of being the same, run-of-the-mill corrupt politician and there's no difference in his heart. This will deflate a genuine movement he engendered and possibly kill the vote. But it is simply not true if you look at the TOTALITY of the hate by the Globalists, AND what he had accomplished--there is no possibility he is not a real champion of the citizens.

Trump did not do everything right nor did he have the supernatural power to realize how corrupt his OWN administration was. He was incessantly attacked by the pillars of society and especially the Democrats' own projections which made it hard to focus on the job and not lose one's head, but imagine what it must have been like to have your right-hand man Vice President Mike "the holy moral Christian" Pence be the White House leaker! (and let's not forget he did not use his VP powers for a vote recount)

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I'm going to really pray that since the people's awareness is so off the charts now they will have a much harder time messing with the numbers as they did when too many were fast asleep. Their plans don't always work out as they are seeing and expressing in their global cult Davos meetings. These people? are seeing an awareness rise they have no way of stopping.

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Wait a minute, explain how a Hillary administration would have been *less* divisive during Covid? Hillary would have endorsed "criminal drug evasion" laws re the vax and literally half the country would have pondered secession. I understand (although disagree) with the premise that Trump was installed, but this would have been to create *conformity* with his vax-averse base and Pharma. As it turns out, Trump was able to ostensibly side with Pharma (a political necessity) without pumping spike sludge into everybody....that was Biden's move and Pharma's retribution.

As always, I love your work and your way of explaining the current zeitgeist so succinctly.

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Trump had to be there to put COVID "denialism" in the spotlight, as a way to cast him and his supporters as an existential threat, and cast all dissident views as a priori wrong and bad and dangerous, by identifying it with him. With him there, the Red/Blue split was manifest right in the White House, and dramatized day after day. With Hillary there, that never would hace worked.

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The country was already divided, the deep state needed to convince people that Trump was "literally Hitler" and therefore the Media could make a more "reasonable" case that the PTB were justified in censoring dissent, turning free speech into a "threat to democracy", violating civil liberties and shredding the Constitution. They could not have done that w/ Hillary.

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The PTB are not stupid. Why would they have set into motion in 2015 a plan to destroy the MSM, create two failed wars, allow proof to surface that SarcCov2 was created in a lab...in short, why would they choose to *wake up the world?* If anything, the establishment has proven to be *unjustified* in censoring dissent, trying to block CDC data for 75 years, trying to throw Trump in prison for 700 years, etc. Nearly 25% of dems are steering towards RFKJ. These are democrats who want to vote for a guy who's family has been *at war* with letter agencies for 50 years.

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What's crazy is that even though both parties are bought and paid for, they still mess around with voter fraud. Who cares who wins when they both serve the same masters?

But then, having voter fraud gives the people the impression in democracy - that there's factions fighting for the seat, game of thrones 😂 .

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The vote is about legitimizing the activities of the people involved in government. Anyone that thinks its about having ones 'say' is duped. One vote in a sea of other votes is completely meaningless. Do you really like being constantly lied to to give some ego driven parasite power over you??? PU.

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That's a categorical statement, which doesn't allow for those elections whose outcome DID make a difference, especially locally—as in Georgia (Cynthia McKinney), Cleveland (Dennis Kucinich) and Alabama (Gov. Don Siegelman), which is precisely why they all had to be "defeated" in their bids for re-election. The superannuation of the voting system was effected after they got rid of JFK, who WOULD HAVE been re-elected otherwise, as would his brother five years later. If voting were, as you say, INHERENTLY pointless, they never would have bothered to corrupt the system.

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Did you even read my post??? Im coming from the interests of any given individual. Majority rules voting ignores the authority of the individual and imposes majority rules interests. Its pure numbers. Why do you think there is continuous chaos in the electoral process??? Constant dissatisfaction??? The outcome of majority rules elections is always imposed on close to half of the voting population. PU.

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Inside a GOP Brainstorming Session on How to Sabotage Their Chances of Winning an Election (Tales From the Great Reset)

Snatching defeat from the jaws of an election victory needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a GOP brainstorming session to come up with new ideas to sabotage their chances of winning the midterms!


Tales From the Great Reset: Inside an Election Fraud Brainstorming Session

Election fraud needs a Great Reset. I secretly sat in on a state Secretary of State brainstorming session as they try to come up with new ideas to make election fraud great again for the Midterms!


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Exactly!! Both parties are one and the same and run by the same predatory globalists who we never elected. They get to choose who they want for next President before we go vote at the polls. My husband and I no longer vote in these Presidential elections knowing what we know as our votes no longer count and we don't want to give them any credibility. Actually, since the stolen 2020 election was never resolved, why should we even continue to vote? And why would it be any different this 2024 election? They don't work for us.

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