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I was in San Diego with family last August, relief from AZ summer, gave me visuals to survive here, and wonderful ocean walks and views. But the crowds and new buildings were a shock and airport, whole new city coming up there….I couldn’t have found my way around by myself, just nuts. Also suspect homeless were moved out of sight, but hear it is much worse now

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The homeless are everywhere. It's just spread out. The change at the airport was also sprung during "COVID," just like all of the cameras, LED lights, bio labs, and 5G or 6G towers that were put up everywhere. How are people NOT seeing this agenda? The Asian community is particularly vulnerable to being exploited by this bio-techno authoritarianism because it fits many of their materialist status-seeking prejudices and apparently a worship of numbers and occult "science."

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Apr 15
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I share your sentiments. There are more homeless people in San Diego than I have ever seen before (one side of my family has been here since the late 19th century). Many of the homeless are living in makeshift tent cities in canyons, on bridges, and in areas around downtown. It's insane. And yes, I have seen a large influx of Ukrainians (and a mind-boggling number of Ukrainian flags) since 2021. There is also a noticeable increase in Israelis (and Israeli flags) as well as Chinese and Hindu nationals (and large bio buildings) here since "COVID." How is any of this a "coincidence?"

The border is clearly open in San Diego. When I now go to the Costco near my home, there appear to be more non-native than native English speakers. And weird shit has occurred recently, like a bunch of clearly recently-arrived Sikhs just appearing out of nowhere all over San Diego, and a bunch of Chinese people wandering around San Diego's beach communities. (I just saw a large group of African men walking around Pacific Beach yesterday dressed in some type of traditional clothing. I have never seen that before in my life.). I spent much of my life at San Diego's beaches growing up. My uncle was one of the foundational figures in OMBAC, the organization that created the sport of over-the-line. There were literally no Chinese people at San Diego's beaches, even a few years ago.

And yes, no belief in Trump as a savior on my end. I think if Trump would have forcefully resisted the jab, risked his life and career to stand strong in the face of all of the great reset bullshit that occurred on his watch, or even walked to the capital on January 6, talked to everyone there, risked his life, and stood up personally for what he believed was right (maybe getting himself arrested), I might have a measure of hope with him. But no, that is never going to happen.

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Apr 15
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My location setting is now turned off much the time, even though I know it’s a tepid gesture. I know my digital twin is being built. Not really hopeful for a political solution. I pray a lot for wisdom and discernment from God. I know that my mind is easily capable of being tricked.

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