The picture of the TODAY team getting COVID-19 vaccinations live on-air looks an awful lot like some sort of satanic ritual performance art.

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This theater event makes me sick….OMG….what is it, I am running out of words ! I can’t believe how peepul are afraid to open their brains and be stubborn, and skeptical….and a friend of mine spent over a week in the hospital, and now she has a heart monitor and stuff

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How much extra were they paid by Pfizer for that photo op?

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Probably saline.

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If they were smart!

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Definitely saline

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How is it decided which arm to get shot in.

The Today woman in blue would give her right arm for a shot.

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It was exactly that.

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Proudly led to the slaughter.

Is Al Roker in that photo? How is he doing?

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++ good ( and cloned!)

and plenty...

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Exactly my thoughts. Very surreal.

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When people tell me they are or have been sick or have some condition I always ask them if it’s been within the last 3 years and if they say yes then ask them if they’ve been jabbed. It triggers a single thought 💭 and sometimes that’s all is needed.

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Don't they bristle at your asking if they get jabbed?

At my job I don't have to ask if they are jabbed. We had been working with masks on faces and implementation of a series of absurdly theatrical safety protocols such as removing drinking fountains, designating specific entrances for different groups of workers, spraying down the workplace with sanitizing spray at regular intervals, distancing work stations, supplying every employee with their own personal supply of hand sanitizer, designating stairwells as UP or DOWN only, so people wouldn't have to cross paths in a limited space. It was ardous as well as ridiculous and the enticing promise of functioning normally as a reward for getting injected was one that 95% of my immediate colleagues ran for. They all got jabbed up, then decided the cautious, well informed workers who took a wait and see approach...only to see that people were DYING who took the shot, would also have to get jabbed up if they wanted to remain working. That was just a few of us, we were all outed by management's treatment of us as if we were some kind of disease ridden undesirable scum....and that was those who were even allowed to come to work. Others were denied and stripped of pay. So the person at work who took a booster last spring and a week later couldn't feel their hands anymore and wasn't able to work for 7 months due to a spontaneous neurological condition....I didn't have to ask if they were jabbed. The person who developed cancer circa Dec 2021 after 1st round of boosters came out and hasn't been back to work since...I didn't have to ask if they were jabbed. The colleague who boldly determined early on and pronounced on social media that the jabs were safe - when that person's healthy spouse started having wild racing heartbeats and cardiac issues which required surgically implanting a pacemaker, I didn't have to ask. When another colleague broke out in horrible body covering hives and rashes shortly after a booster and wasn't able to come to work for several months, I didn't have to ask. That person actually apologized and acknowledged that I'd had it correct from the start even though they didn't believe me then. The colleague who suffered two strokes which temporarily affected their ability to see....yep, two Pfizers. And since my industry thoroughly embraced mandates across the country, when I heard of someone in their forties who died in a car accident...only to learn a few days later that the car accident was caused by a heart attack, I didn't have to ask. Or when I heard of a healthy 50 something person in good shape in another state in our industry who died suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving a stunned widow and children in shock and grieving, I didn't have to ask. Nor did I have to ask when a childhood acquaintance in the same industry spent last December in the hospital having blood clots pulled out of their legs. All of them happily jabbed and eager to heap scorn and punishment on those who took the time to take a deeper look and had the sense to say NO. I have little doubt that we've seen the last of the harms that will visit my jabbed up colleagues in time. I do have great doubt that they even comprehend what they've done to themselves.

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I understand the power of fear and wanting to belong to the herd, but what is so bizarre to me is the disconnect and continuation of injections and the ideology when they have been injured. This is just common sense which it seems many do not have. You are so right. You don't have to ask as on my street in Nova Scotia of about 25 families, my husband and I are the only kooks. 😉I too think this is just the beginning and it is horrific.

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Kudos for holding strong. As it was all unfolding I was horrified at what took place in Canada. We had it bad enough in the US, you all had it worse. Canadian heroes like Dr William Makis, Dr Byram Bridle, Jessica Rose, Ethics Professor Julie Ponesse, Dr Charles Hoffe rose up with tremendous bravery and insight. The truckers too - exposed the rotting soul of Trudeau's government. Heroes all.

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Thank you. It was easier for us because we are retired. Much more difficult for the employed and parents. Yes they are all heroes especially the truckers. The jab mandate was dropped after that except in health care. Also the National Citizens Inquiry. The testimonies by doctors, nurses, fired or harassed workers and the vaccine injured were shocking even if you thought you knew what was going on. Friday it was announced that JT has signed us up with the EU for digital ID. Voluntary for now but you would eventually not be able to access any services without it. Wonder where we can all move to where the globalists are slower in bothering us?

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Epic comment!

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"Ringing the chemo bell" what the hell is that? A celebration that you survived a year of toxic drugs that they allege are the cure? Ring the bell that you did manage to live despite their toxic "cures".

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I thought the same damm thing

What the hell is that all about 😭

Her body gutted but will she line up for yet another boost???


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That has *always* bothered me.

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They do it to great fanfare in all the chemo infusion centers...

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Watch the TODAY team get COVID-19 vaccinations live on-air - if this is not blatant propaganda for the "man" I don't know what is. On-air personalities bought and paid for and now they are all smiley, happy about their cancer battle!? Sick fucks.

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The stars of TODAY have limited tomorrows.

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I am beginning to think many of them also have "limited "little grey cells."

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Hypnotized lemmings all of them. I have no sympathy for these rodents

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That pic of the smart media people getting their jabs just goes to show - they know less about current events and reality than the average person that they claim to announce the "news" to.

They're so over-rated and under-informed. No reason to watch/listen to them ever again.

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I cannot stand it that all these victims have been shamed into believing that cancer is not a big deal, it's manageable and/or treatable, and they can just move on as if nothing has happened to their bodies. For God's sake, Jill Martin had "a double mastectomy and had 17 lymph nodes removed before starting aggressive chemotherapy. After finishing radiation, she’ll have surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes to reduce her risk for ovarian cancer." Basically, she is a shell of her former self, what's left of her???? A functioning brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. Whoopdee flipping doo. How are they not outraged? Screaming at the fates? Lashing out at the government? At their employer? At society for pushing that inhumane injection? What the HELL is wrong with them?

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She still has plenty of organs they can remove, so it’s all good! Sheesh!

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It is like being gutted to stay alive for a little while longer.

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Or like the scene from Monty Python with the knight losing limbs saying ‘its just a flesh wound. Giving up are you?’

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Exactly right. Another and very profitable form of poisoning. Next up the mRNA cancer jab.

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She was diagnosed with ‘mild cancer’.

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Do these people hear themselves?

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When people hear "cancer" they hear "death." No one wants to die, hence they jump on the medical cartel's "cancer treatment" protocol. No questions asked. Sad, that no one truly questions the use of chemo and radiation as the SOP for "cancer treatment" when both CAUSE cancer.

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Yes! It's another profitable scam for most types osf cancer.

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Cancer "treatment" is torture. Yes, remove lymph nodes which is part of the body's immune system and then poison the body with cancer causing chemo, and then when the cancer patient dies of cachexia (from being poisoned), say "they lost their battle with cancer." Insanity.


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My theory is it’s likely directly related to vaccine injury.

What we know about vaccine injury in kids- from decades of injury by the pediatric vaccine schedule is kids have both cognitive decline and ‘blunted emotional responses’ … as a direct result of vaccine injury … so it’s possible their ‘odd’ reaction is related to their primary injury … which is like an assault on normal/typical emotional responses.

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What the hell is wrong with them...that is indeed the question. Are they completely empty, or is there a private person who is different than this absurd public persona?

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That is an excellent question.

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Right on!

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So the reason we should get experimental covid mRNA shots is because TV spokesmodels posed while supposedly being injected? Not because of data, science, or long term proven benefits?

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oh yes peer pressure like junior high had a lot to do with getting the shot

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Which tells you a lot about the level of maturity of the average person on the street. I will never forget all the people preaching to me about the V, as if they were highly knowledgeable when in fact their information was little more than slogans and coffee shop rants. It was bizarre. Instant experts - proxies for the talking heads on television absolutely everywhere.

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Yes all of a sudden everyone was a doctor or scientist who knew how to research, comprehend and critically think about whether that study was biased by pharma or NGO's or other factors. I was a registered nurse for 40 years and they were certain they knew better about how the entire medical system works more than I did. I have come to realize this is a spiritual war on humanity. I never in my life would have believed how friends and family would treat their loved ones over a different choice.

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so true - my so called friends texted each other about where and when you could RUN to get the poison Yippee

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The reason is that Dolly Parton said we should! And BigBird and Elmo! And the late night show idiot with the dancing syringes! And good old Hank Aaron, stood up early on to show his people how safe and easy it was....then died two days later of a heart attack. (I was naive enough at that point to consider it an unfortunate coincidence.) Another reason is that Joe Biden said to...and that his patience was wearing thin for the hold outs...and then that fuckwad imbecile idiot threatened us with a winter of death and misery! During the "pandemic of the unvaccinated!" If that didn't motivate you, then maybe Kamala Harris publicly taking a fake jab and doing a horrible acting job proclaiming how easy it was - maybe that persuaded people. Or perhaps the weightlifter Doug Brignole who was so confident about the jabs, stated "If I die, you were right", then got a booster and died a week later. Maybe he might have inspired a few people by his cocky confidence in the short time between jab and sudden unexpected death. I doubt it though, and any who jumped on board because he was so sure he wouldn't die were in for a rude shock soon thereafter.

Good lord, there were so many celebs out there egging people on. I hope they feel bad about themselves now. I was pleased that I'd already seen celebrity endorsement as total kaka when the fools came out a few years prior to push certain political agendas. How stupid do they think WE are? If someone like Sarah Silverman is trying to tell you how you should think, vote, or what to inject into your body, turn off the TV and turn your own brain on.

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The worst offender is that nitwit Travis kelce.

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Right, he should have long ago known better.

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He does; $ talks. 🤬

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I can forgive a few (not the zealots) who promoted it early on, but there’s zero excuse now.

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Wonder how much $ it took for him to sell his soul to diablo for? phizer spends billions to have MSM promote & sell they're poison. I suppose kelce looks at it as an insurance policy for when he suffers a career ending injury.

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Jeremiah 12:1 .....Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?

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I actually know someone that took the jab because Dolly Parton told him to...

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There Is A Weakness Of Body, Mind, And Spirit

That Pervades The Vaccinated,

And Those That Administer The Disaster.

There Is No Reason For Them, As People

To Me.

Certainly Not As An Equal.

Far - Far From It.


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I have followed thecovidblog.com for quite a while. Some shocking pictures, tragic loss of limbs and freedoms now in and in future

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So that Morgan Stanley guy looks so suck-cessful. I bet he spent most of his adult life conforming and kissing asses. Now inspite of everything he did, he is worse off than an unvaccinated homeless guy. I am glad I was not suck-cessful. I wouldn’t want be like cancer boy Andy.

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When the jabs first came out in BC a newsperson interviewed a street person. Weirdly No street people were getting COVID. Worst health crisis in 100 years, the most vulnerable population with the worst health, aaaannnddd...nobody got COVID. The whacked out tweaker slurring his words explained why he wouldn’t be getting jabbed, while the newswoman smirked at him. He said ‘I don’t inject stuff I know nothing about. Unless it is from a very trusted source who knows exactly what it is I won’t touch it. I’ve lost way too many friends who have done that.’ She smirked away at this ‘moron’ while I was thinking ‘first intelligent comment I have heard on TV about the vax.’

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Same in South Africa. Orphans from a local township, taking a once a week pottery class, when asked if they knew of anyone who was sick or who had died from It, looked blank and said "No."

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Ha ha...we should put that interview on permanent repeat and feed it into Henry's computer screen. She might learn something from a tweaker that appears to have more common sense that just about anyone in her office.

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So from the mouths of wacked-out folks comes "street" common sense learned by surviving in a world that is out to hurt or kill them,? In other words, trust no one and watch out for bad shit. Then we have the Covidians who trust EVERYONE in authority and take anything that even looks like it might work. It's safe and effective... repeat after me... it's safe and effective.

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I bet he has a wife and kids to spend all his money, the kids will pick up where he left off.

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Except you know they are all jabbed to the max.... so they will up for toe tag before long too. Maybe they got an oddball cousin somewhere who doesn't do anything anyone tells him to do, who will be left to inherit all the money and shit these people probably have? That would be an awesome cosmic twist of fate... Billy Bob will be putting some really "nice" rims on that old Charger.

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One can hope......

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The health of people around me that had covid but did not get any covid vaccines seems to be suffering, too. Covid came out of a lab just like the vaccines. Nobody knows the long term damage. Not one world leader talks about shutting down the labs.

70% excess deaths in New Zealand recently. 🙏🌎

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can the people of NZ go after Arden?

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I think the excess deaths had increased by 70% this yr compared to last yr. So 6000 excess deaths might now be 10000. And don't forget our birth rate dropped from 24000 to 17000 2021 to 2022. That's quite horrendous when you think about it.

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Surely you mean 7% excess deaths?

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Thanks for the link! Guy Hatchard says 2022 NZ excess mortality was 10%, and in Sept/Oct 2023 it's 17% - hence a 70% 'acceleration' as per the article's title! No way does Aotearoa have 70% excess mortality, and I like to ask Mr Hatchard how he gets the figure 17% - according to ourworldindata.org it's currently 7.4% - a crime scene still!

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Thanks! Sorry - 70% acceleration! Yes, and the small popuations of places like NZ, Canada, & Iceland will make the excess all cause deaths hard to hide, and harder to explain away.

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It's just so icky, so poisonous, so assinine.

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Looks like the cancer only happens to the glamorous types, so I should be safe.

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Probably the shots on MSM are all fake.

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They're obviously not.

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I’d bet the jab Biden got was fake.

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The one shown being given on TV might be, which is what I was speaking of.

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Hoda hopes this will address the vaccine hesitancy…. Sad sad sad and sickening. Perhaps it did. And now not only do they have the health of their fellow cast members (I’m sorry but they cannot be called journalists) but the health of millions they influenced on their heads.

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Teleprompter readers.

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cancer is huge well they ever connect the dots.................

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turbo cancers are growing very fast since the jab. Ed Dowd has confirmed and Actuary studies(recent) by life and disability insurance co. not something big is wrong

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The jabs are really a small contribution to a much larger toxic wasteland. Lots of things can give you cancer.

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Small? This is the largest increase in cancer in the shortest time span ever recorded. Just 3 years since the bioweapon shots were released.

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Thank you for covering the cancers and illnesses as well as your died suddenly series. There are others who are covering this also and there are so many people dying hideous deaths across the country from rare cancers and diseases and I can’t believe that the country hasn’t collapsed from all the grief it’s experiencing. Sadly too many incidents are happening too far from people getting jabbed they don’t connect it to their jabs. Of course lots of people died right after injection, but that too has been covered up. Hopefully one day….

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My City is cratering. Businesses closing left and right. Not enough workers. Any given moment 10-20% of people are off sick.

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I think that was one of the goals of this. First the PTB closed all small businesses while the big businesses that sold the same things were allowed to stay open and now with all the disabilities from whatever, but probably from injuries from the jabs, more businesses are closing because there aren’t enough workers.

I think they also wanted the medical system to collapse from either staff being fired for refusing the jabs or from the staff being injured long term and dying. I hate being this cynical, but it’s all there for us to see.

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If you have 500 staff you can probably cover a lot of sick days without closing. But if you have five....one person off can mess your day. A logging crew for example needs every position filled or it can’t function. You won’t lose 1/8 your productivity with one in eight sick. You lose 1/3 your productivity.

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Yes my unjabbed sister says her young colleagues are off with multiple injuries. Her young boss is suddenly going blind after 4 possibly 5 jabs. She says that they are overwhelmed with picking up the work of all who are off and they are all young and jabbed. They are having a difficult time hiring qualified replacements. It is a horror show.😱

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I’ve heard this type of story countless times. People keep getting sick and missing work and others having to pick up the slack. Glad your sister didn’t get jabbed and I bet she is too.

Sad about her boss going blind. I’m overwhelmed with the stories about the injuries and deaths because people trusted the government.

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Yes me too. When my sister and I talk about having compassion for the jab injured and for those who died, she reminds me that we unjabbed need compassion too as we witness the horror unfolding. It is overwhelming for sure. Take good care.

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Exactly how I feel. I didn’t want the jab only because it seemed too rushed and there were no long term studies done on them, but I never dreamed that they would be as deadly as they are or that big pharma and the government knew that and yet they mandated them anyway. And I won’t blame people for taking them because they thought it was the right thing to do. And of course no one should blame those who were coerced.

Back at'cha.

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What gets me is likely over a million, maybe 1.5 million deaths from the jab in the US alone. This is the biggest story of all time. Comparing this to Watergate is like comparing the Brinks Heist to some teens shoplifting potato chips at a bodega. Yet no ‘journalists’ will touch it. AS THEY DIE!’ Any one of them really working this will get movies made of them...after they’re dead admittedly. But still...

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“COVID era calculations suggest adverse events of the jabs are underreported by a factor ranging from 208 to 41.9 According to the CDC, COVID jab adverse effects in children, specifically, are underreported by a factor of 6.5.10

If we use an underreporting factor of 20, we could be looking at some 32 million Americans adversely affected by the shots, about 9.5% of the population. If we use a factor of 41, then as many as 65.6 million — 19.5% — may have been injured or killed.”

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NBC Nothing But Cancer

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