AND I want everyone to go seek out the Terry Bradshaw on camera BEAT down he gave Aaron Rodgers for NOT getting vaxxed. He went overtime to hammer Aaron and it was disgusting

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He also screamed like the baboon that he is that Ivermectin is horse paste. So who is it exactly that was responsible for “killing millions”. Bloody imbecile deserves whatever is coming to him.

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Yup - maybe we should not beat up anybody for their educated or uneducated position. Maybe we should just keep trying to share truth & light in this tragic darkness. (I was disgusted with Terry - now, I pity him)

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I certainly agree with you about Bradshaw's "beat down" on Aaron Rogers, but I don't think we (here) are supposed to deduce that his cancer(s) are necessarily vaccine-induced, but rather that they might be--or be part of a pattern. Let's face it there's one hell of a lot of cancers out there which originate in a multiplicity of sources.

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Oncologists have said since the jabs they are seeing record numbers of cancers coming out of remissions!

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But does that list include Captain Vaccine Dr. Gorski? The world's greatest defender of vaccines.

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“Covid 19 injection leads to cancer” is exactly the conclusion we should be drawing.

Up until all of this, a new medical drug would be presumed to be the cause of maladies following administration ... pharmacovigilance is out the window these days but based on the “old standards” (when there was any standard at all) any cancer diagnosis following vaccination would be flagged and carefully investigated. Factors like strong family history or prior diagnoses might break that causal link but the link was assumed and only broken with RESEARCH.

It is hard to fathom how wildly undisciplined this rollout has been. Prior to EUA, Pfizer underwent a single underpowered 12 week trial that was unblinded before the end of 12 weeks 😱 ... the follow up period (which arguably should have lasted five to ten years and been PRO active), was only an online form with radials to indicate experience of certain anticipated adverse effects. No free form at all, seemingly no researchers assigned to participants. Then billions of doses were administered. Outlandish.

The people of this world are literally being treated like lab rats (one could argue WORSE), they are being injected with a technology that has trialed and failed in animals since 1990.

There is not a way, based on human history, to describe what is going on right now. I take solace in knowing God is jealous over His creation and that we are precious in His eyes. I hope for justice in this life sure but will settle for the next one when the big guy gets ahold of the little bastards behind this

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Why not drop us a link VIctor?

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Question to An Imaginary Person Who I thought Might Actually Care "Hey, you think it's strange all these famous folk dropping like flies all over the place?"

Answer "You are a a facist, Nazi, white supremist, mysogonistic homophobe - I hope you have a miserable life in the gulag for your sort"

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Exactly. Several people in my immediate circle are "sympathetic" to my position & facts that I share, but tell me that the benefit outweighs the risk for them personally, due to age, immune compromised, etc (which is a personal decision & right, except they have no idea what the risks are, none of us do really). And has anyone else noticed how many "immune compromised" people have popped up out of the woodwork? I've only been able to "red pill" one person, a nurse friend who works at a hospital (my alma mater) and already has suspicions about the crooked healthcare industry.

But the rest of my family/friends just say I'm Q-Anon compromised. A close friend posted online that he hopes all vaxxed would be forcefully relocated to a deserted island, except that's not good enough because we'd still be breathing the same oxygen as him, which we don't deserve. He is a social justice professor, by the way.

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You mean 'all unvaxxed forcefully relocated to a deserted island' ?

There's no coming back from those sorts of proclamations. They know that, and that's why no matter what evidence they see, they'll never admit being wrong and have to face who they really are.

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yup, it was one of my closest friends, social justice activist and professor (now emeritus), who posted that even a desert island isn't good enough for us.

what's worse, my friend *knows* that for the past ten years, my spouse & i have faced turmoil and near financial ruin dealing with her vaccine injury. he has seen the damage personally, and in fact was instrumental in referring us to alternative doctors. but now he's completely forgotten all of that, seems to deny any of it happened.

and, he is one of the first people i know to dig deep into vaccines. for years he told his students what a scumbag fauci was, for his treatment of LGBTQ community during the AIDS crisis. and he devoted an entire lecture to the suspicious origins of AIDS, i believe he said that the CIA-funded HepB vaccine drives in LGBTQ areas led to AID outbreaks. now he has forgotten ALL of that - fauci is a hero, all vaccines are safe and effective, etc etc. he doesn't even recall saying those other things.

how does one come back from all this? yikes, you may be right. after not speaking for 2 years, he reached out via email last month. i have yet to respond. last i saw him (2 yrs ago) he looked like a terrified young child, whatever they did in the media (fake dead people falling over in the streets in china, body bags in italy) really hit his buttons just right, it looked like PTSD to me, he was literally shaking the whole time.

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Oh my gosh, how painful for your friend to do that in light of what you've been through. I think you're right, whatever they were showing on the corporate news really scared the s*** out of people. I was at a patient's house who had the TV on CNN, and their covid coverage was terrifying. I thought to myself, no wonder people are so afraid. I have friends who I thought were strong intelligent people who fell for this hook line and sinker, I don't quite understand it outside of the biggest propaganda campaign ever instituted on humanity. But like you said, your friend was already awake to that, but this time around couldn't pick it out. Vaccinated people do seem way more afraid than those who haven't taken the injection. Take good care. 💕

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Let us know what transpires if/when you do see or communicate with him.

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He and my childhood friend should get together.

No sooner did I express, after they announced lockdowns, skepticism and concern about the decision. he shrieked I wanted granny to die. He was already spitting out the propaganda which ruthlessly spread faster than the virus itself.

It remains a shocking moment for me. 45 years of knowing me meant nothing.

I just wanted people to die for being so 'rational' and 'logical'. There was NO TME to discuss and debate. We had to fucking do something drastic NOW. Worry about the fallout later!

Of course, later has come and they couldn't give a rat's ass about the fallout. He still believes lockdowns saved lives.

In Quebecois French they say, 'Pu capable'. I can't anymore.

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In American English: "I can't take it any more."

I've completely given up on my entire family. They've shown themselves to be the cruel, ugly brutes, fascists, and psychopaths they really always were, but had previously camouflaged with "liberal," or "enlightened" rhetoric.

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I hear that loud and clear. "Liberal" simply means, I am so far superior to you in every way that you simply have no right to oxygen on MY planet. I did my very best to open their eyes. Let the chips fall where they may. My woketard sister keeps repeating "at least my family and I are safe". Don't stop believin kid........

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I have a buddy whose best friends are "dying suddenly" all around him. Yet he foams at the mouth at the "idiots" in the Dakotas who had an "outbreak" because they wouldn't wear their masks. The Atlantic probably cooked up some story where 11 people died who shouldn't have or something. Of course ignoring the Sturgis Rally that was a big nothingburger. And he was so mad because he and his immunocompromised girlfriend were "held hostage" by the mask haters (if your amazing mask protects you, who cares?). He declares that the United States government is a terrorist organization, yet he adores Fauci, the jabs and masks. What on earth can you do with these people? He immediately assumed I was "Qanon" when I declared Fraudci to be a charlatan. I argued with my mom about lockdowns, sent her an article from the Guardian stating that millions of 3rd world children would starve to death as a consequence of the lockdowns. Her response- "Well that's just the 3rd world" oh, you mean where your grandma came from mom? I basically can't speak to these people anymore.

And then there is this:


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I tried to tell someone about the report from Finland showing deaths were overstated by as much as 40% and he responded by saying, 'Who cares about homogeneous countries with tiny populations?' I didn't know how to respond. Indeed, what can you do anymore?

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WOW. That is stunning. But yeah everyone knew that Pharma and the alphabet agencies were the biggest scumbags on earth until they were irrationally terrified

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Ha same here and when I present indisputable facts they simply say “I don’t believe that”. With zero supporting evidence. Or “ I don’t have time for this”. “ I haven’t thought that much about it”. Well you thought enough about it to smear me…,,

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I have mixed feelings about the products ... if no one ever again tried to force them on me or my kids, if they are available to those who “believe” they are beneficial, fine??

Except, those people are injecting THEIR kids and colleges are still mandating and the military is still mandating. Only complete repudiation will stop the massacre.

Still, I do believe strongly in freedom of choice ... but no one understands the mid or long term effects yet (starting to get a peek at the mids now with the cancers ... next up AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE and fertility lingers menacingly on the horizon) ... so there can be no informed consent. Which is obviously can’t be right. The injections need to be ended FULL STOP.

Feelings not mixed any more but, I am realizing that some people cannot be saved. I sore you are sensing this in your life as well? Some people cannot (WILL NOT) be saved ... 😥

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Yeah for sure. We just had a stop and chat with some neighbors. Don't really know them that well. Nice convo, exchanged numbers. The last thing that Charlie says to me is "Hey we went and got our boosters yesterday at Walmart. You should take advantage before they start charging for them in January". Uggghhh. His kid is a doctor. What can you possibly say to someone with 4 jabs already? Some people do seem to tolerate them just fine. Hope they will too. But hey, uptake is only 7%. Fraudci is foaming at the mouth and the useless media is trying to drum up scariants again. Barely anyone falling for it luckily. Sadly many folks just gobble headlines and commercials and march on. Smh. How anyone doesn't know several people with serious complications by now is beyond me. Our count is in the dozens at this point.

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~sigh~ yeah me too, at least 50% (and probably closer to 75%) of my jabbed family & friends now have a new health problem. For the rest, I don't believe that anyone tolerates the jabs just fine, I believe their symptoms simply haven't been noticed yet. Here's why:

I've been in this issue for over 10 years now, it's almost a full time job. Reading and research, meeting with doctors, going to conferences. I have 5 college degrees, and I've spent more time on this than any of those degrees.

What I have come to believe - Yes, I believe some people tolerate live vaccines without any adverse side effects. But all other types (inactivated, & especially mRNA) come with unavoidable side effects. Just because they're not immediately noticed (subclinical) doesn't mean the side effects aren't there, slowly and silently affecting your health. Like an undetected cancer (and in some cases, literally cancer).

We do not know what they do to the body without thorough test/retest in each and every patient. I do not believe epidemiological studies work here - I believe each person deserves to know what a Pharma product is going to their body. There are a thousand things we should be monitoring (ECG, D-Dimer, troponin, etc etc), and we're doing zero. If we were testing and actively monitoring, we would have a terrifying and horrific picture how these shots are tearing up our insides - slow for some people, quicker for others, but due to the nature of these products, I believe some degree of damage is unavoidable.

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Well I certainly can’t argue with that although I pray that you are wrong. I told my imbecile sister well over a year ago to watch all cause mortality, and here we are. I do know people that have avoided the virus or had very mild cases, talking about Delta not Omi. But bottom line the worst that I know of an unjabbed person is a guy who has been reinfected a couple of times and his symptoms linger. But I know of zero unjabbed that have myocarditis, brain tumors, anaphylaxis, strokes etc. I know plenty of jabbed who face the above and more. People simply can’t confront the idiocy of their panic induced and wildly irrational decisions. I’m sure there is quite a bit of truth to your statement and I’ll be shocked if all cause mortality doesn’t continue spinning out of control for some years to come. I’ll never forget the chat with my mom about the jabs. I always considered her to be fairly well informed in matters if health and she has had a lot of problems in her life. Her main point was “what about the polio vaccine”. That’s when I knew that “the other side” had absolutely nothing. What a ludicrous argument. A product that was invented and tested over a very long time when there was actually regulation. The other argument was “you kids had your shots and you’re just fine”. Yeah mom we had 4 or 5 that were properly developed Kids today get 70 doses. What in this modern and sanitary world makes todays children require 70 doses of anything? What will actually kill these kids, if anything. What a joke.

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I think you should question these people in that moment like “we’re DONE with those injections, they don’t seem to be working at all!”, no need to mention you were done before you even got the first one! Compliant people are beginning to question which is how the booster uptake is “upsettingly low”

Oh wait a minute! Those SUCKERS … the whole story about dose price going up from free to $200 … A set up??? Maybe that was to induce the in the fence fixed incomers to rush out for more??

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I confront most people but these guys with the doctor son, pointless. I was gonna mention that we are unjabbed, but why bother. These two are gone.

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I believe those that don’t get it at this point, never will. And they’ll probably keep lining up for more of th3 poison!

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Well humanity already did just THAT

Kalaupapa has been home for 100 years for people once banished from society

That’s why they call it a leper colony …


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You forgot the slur of 'Trumper'---I've been called that because I am anti-vax. When no politics were mentioned and the person did not know me, they feel perfectly comfortable hurling stereotypes and slurs. Nonplussed by these morons.

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~sigh~ yup, me too. even though trump is unapologetically and relentlessly promoting the jabs.

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Haha imbecile Trump can’t shutup about how HIS “vaccines” saved the world.

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I have a tshirt. Goes like this:

“The science is settled”

“That’s not how science works”

“You’re a racist”.

And the character making the racial accusation is white, and the other character is dark. 😜

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Love it! Thanks for sharing.🤣

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I got back on Twitter and that’s exactly what I’m getting in comments. Insanity!

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I'm curious if the NYC marathon runner who collapsed at mile 21 who is from Brazil trains in weather above 74 degrees. I'm wondering if the focus of heat in NY on that day is really as applicable as the article implies.

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I thought the same thing. Since when is 74 degrees Fahrenheit hot?

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ABV (Anything But the Vaxxx) will be promoted. Sad...no matter how you perceive it. Devastating propaganda employed to save, promote, enhance & “enable” a horrendous “vaxxx”

Industry & its cohorts in crime.

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He apparently has collapsed twice before during races. He's the Gerry Cooney of marathon racing apparently. He goes down easy.

As for the temps, I'm pretty sure Brazilians deal with far hotter (and more humid) weather than 74 degrees.

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Thanks & lol

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Johnny--I did not know that. I'm now curious how come the media is covering his collapse as if it's out of the ordinary.

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Good question.

It IS out of the ordinary. Just for him, it isn't. Still doesn't mean it can't be related to the vaccine. The previous times could be attributed to something else.

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View candidates, sample ballots, and who is standing for health freedom -


Please please please VOTE tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - Possibly the most important vote of your life - Stop the mandates! Stop the madness!

Print out your ballot ahead of time to research or write down the names of all your picks. Have electricity and fuel back-up plans, make sure you make it! Thank you!

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Excellent! A red wave will not magically fix anything. However, a senate majority means Johnson & Paul will have Fauci hearings. Also, I've personally spoken with my county, state rep, & federal rep candidates, and all will minimally support a state law to promise no more lockdowns, no vax mandates (including schools), no shutting visitors out of hospitals, and never shut down businesses again.

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I think, in the end, as always, it's just up to us not to comply -- we've always had the power. We have to stop giving it to the crooked liars.

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Correct. The problem is that so much of humanity is perfectly happy to comply. What do we do about that?

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Thanks for that information. Unfortunately, my state (Arkansas) has not one single candidate who stands for health freedom. So the only vote I'll be casting is for legal recreational marijuana!

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oh that's sad to hear.

i strongly recommend trying to "nader trade". i did this for many years, swap your vote with someone in a state where it counts. like pennsylvania, georgia, wisonsin - you vote how they want, and they vote for the health freedom candidate in their area that you want.

this kind of thing used to be on discussion boards, alas they got censored and shut down. but i've used craigslist & facebook to find people.

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Thanks, interesting idea! I'll try to come up with someone to do that with. I'm not on Facebook though.

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ThAnk you, for this!!!❤️ Excellent indeed!!

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On the flip side of this is the incessant Pfizer advertising ; reframing diabetes obesity, as “high risk factors ” for catching COVID, therefore perfect candidates for the newest Pfizer pills. In other words., don’t change your lifestyle habits, just take another pill

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They’re promoting every vaccine imaginable,& heart medicine

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Wayyy to many to be coincidental and tip of the iceberg. You mentioned celebrities we can relate to. Many many more everyday people we never hear of but similar consequence.

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There are quite a few non-celebrities noted in the post.

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I am referencing your article in another one I am doing about Dorothy Kilgallen and her work to ‘flip’ Jack Ruby as an accomplice in the JFK assignation.

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Is anyone else noticing their jabbed friends & family members coming down with similar diagnoses?

I am... in fact In my immediate circle (family/friends/coworkers) I would say 50-75% have a new diagnosis of heart problems or strange cancer.

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Yes. Central Florida.

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Illness and death are the great equalizers, with the Covid injections helping both along with equal measure.

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Thank you again for being so persistent in documenting all this.

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So many people are dropping and its only going to get worse.

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The largest funeral home chain is reporting record sales due to cancer and lifestyle choices. I guess lifestyle choices include cardiac and strokes. They are increasing their revenue projections. Before 2019, revenue was stagnant from year to year. There was a spike with covid but it has continued. Hmmmmm.

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Ed Dowd covers it, he’s on gettr and many rumble video

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Yes I follow him and Steve Kirsch. The Wall Street numbers cannot be covered up by the government.

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I have a friend whose daughter needed emergency surgery for an aggressive brain tumor. He blatantly has myocarditis and denies it. His father in law died from “Covid” after a year of deep vein thrombosis and strokes. He got jabbed AFTER easily beating Covid. He’s “not sure” about the booster. He’s outraged by the Dopesick series on Hulu. That dastardly FDA!!!! How dare they!!!

My sister who accused me of being a science denier is “too busy” to look at anything that I send her. Her best friend and brother in law have cancer you see. Her brother in law has that super common bone cancer. Who doesn’t have that?

The team that I work with is NY based where mandates were draconian of course. Small team of 12 or so. I’m remote and a Trueblood. I started in March. 4 have been on extended leave, in the ER or the hospital. Another needed a “vascular surgery”. On a company call the other day I had to bite my tongue as they were hawking the idiot boosters despite announcing their policy updates.

My sons had THREE co workers drop dead right around booster time. Under 50, no comorbidities.

This is all so normal. Please stop asking questions. The good guys ahem, won the election. We have nothing to worry about.

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It’s just been announced that one of the members of the rock group Duran Duran has been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. And a while back now, Sarah Huckabee Sanders revealed that she had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

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Andy Taylor (Duran Duran) was first diagnosed 4 years ago; but we'd have know a little more of his case history to speculate as to whether the "vaccine" worsened it.

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Young people dropping dead all over, strange cancers popping up more regularly than Mary Poppins and now Brazilians that can't run in 23DegC of heat because it is "unseasonally warm" as if the season matters one jot.

Global warming sure is a terrible thing to be causing all this mayhem.

Seriously though those poor mugs forgot one of the golden rules of life, "your government" isn't actually your government and is only interested in you once every few years for your vote to pretend like they are at which point they will lie to get you to vote for them and if they are communicating to you at any other time they are also lying to you.

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re- Mayor Turner's 'osteosarcoma, a bone cancer the doctors found in his jaw... ABC13 looked into the cancer and found out that Turner's diagnosis is rare.' What MSM failed to note,cuz its bad for bizness, is that it can be caused very often,by a toxic root canal or by' Fosamax, a bisphosphonate medicine that alters bone formation and breakdown in the body. ..Fosamax is used in women to treat or prevent osteoporosis caused by menopause and in men and women to treat osteoporosis caused by taking steroids.Fosamax is also used to increase bone mass in men who have osteoporosis, and to treat Paget's disease of bone in men and women.

[Punchline] ...this medicine may cause bone loss (osteonecrosis) in the jaw or a broken leg bone called a femur fracture. Symptoms of osteonecrosis include jaw pain or numbness, red or swollen gums, loose teeth, or slow healing after dental work. Symptoms of a femur fracture include leg or groin pain.Also call your doctor if you have muscle spasms, numbness or tingling (in hands and feet or around the mouth), new or unusual hip pain, or severe pain in your joints, bones, or muscles.' drugs.com/fosamax.html

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