"Selling Sunset's Amanza Smith undergoes surgery for blood infection"; "Dancing with the Stars" judge "Carrie Ann Inaba back on social media after multiple health issues"
It’s amazing to watch all of these folks who have EVERYTHING going them suddenly being brought down by the same thing that helped them become suck-cessful; which is their unique abilities to conform, and kiss the right asses. It’s not working out so well for them now, I guess? Now they are spinning the wheel of health misfortune which only contains things like ass, breast and ball turbo cancer. Yup - they have all goose stepped their way into a fancy box with a lid.
Has to hurt when the "elite" realize they aren't elite at all. Just common worthless eaters like the rest of us minions. Has to hurt also to accept they were lied to and didn't do the research. Just followed like good little sheep.
I'm loving that particular aspect of all of this. These people happily allowed themselves to be used to mislead so many people into getting the jabs.
All they had to say was no. I think only one British TV presenter said publicly on air she was refusing to take the jab Anna Akua and she only "got away with it" i.e. she was only free to make a medical decision about her own body without any professional repurcussions because she has black privilege though she would probably deny it. No one dared to call her stupid and irresponsible as they were calling members of the public who said as she did shove your poison where the sun don't shine.
Some do I think? They tip toe past the graveyard everyday trying to not glance over at the headstones because they are deathly afraid that they might see their own name etched into one of them. But I would say that most of them are clueless to the time bombs within them. And the "vaccine" apparently is designed in such a way that many "illness symptoms" are repressed. Essentially "they don't know they are sick" until something gets bad and they seek medical attention.... And to their surprise they get some life ending diagnosis like stage 4 ass cancer. Or as Dr. Hodkinson once said: "The lucky ones will die right away".
Easier to just say it's a coincidence and has nothing to do with that bio weapon. After all, they have pharma, MSM and our government backing up that claim. They rest of the thinkers are just spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. You know those conspiracy theories that come true in 6 weeks or less? If on;y one thing i am thankful for in my life, it's the ability to not be brain washed and hypnotized.
What's more incredible to watch is how these people are now acting as the 'proof' you need one of their other mRNA vaccines. The script writers of this circus really thought of everything when it comes to pushing for more vaccine sales down the road.
Yup… it could have been much worse if I didn’t have the life saving “vaccine”. These folks have been brainwashed by the mass psychosis machine and are motivated by the fear that has been stamped into their brains. As I have said many times before: Cult of Covid members will thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. There is nothing we do to help them. They will boost themselves into a box with a lid and be happy about it.
I think it was Billy Carson who said that they developed a vaccine that caused a worship gene - which is causing people to be so loyal. I like to joke that I must have protested against that vaccine in a different lifetime too. Lol
For sure… that really works here I think…creating visual imagery with words is something I like to do. It’s a powerful way way to communicate. Yes - I guess my cartoon watching has paid me benefits? Yup - visual imaginary and gallows humor. What a great combination!
I imagine the Tazmania Devil spinning and spinning and Bugs Bunny standing by a tree calmly eating a carrot. Once Taz stopped spinning he is all dizzy and Bugs says, what's up doc and Taz drops over to the ground. We got to be Bugs. Let others spin and spin and act crazy. Let them take their shots and more shots. We can't stop them. They like poison. But we stay calm and keep going on with our own lives.
If you know how to get in contact with Theo Burrell tell her to go to the website mycancerstory.rocks and study the blog and the videos of the information they have. There has been good success with treatment for glioblastoma in particular with fenbendazole. I think most of those were before people's immune systems have been damaged by Covid injections so don't know if there would still be good success but would be worth a try. There is no downside.
Absolutely not - found out that there are more than 10 strains at any one time and they only guess and pick out two at the most. I took one of the two that I've had in my entire life - first time, had flu a few months later; second time, I miscarried a twin with our son. NEVER AGAIN.
I am truly sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, people will have to learn THROUGH the lies that the people have perpetrated. It is truly evil.
It IS evil. Funny thing is that I dreamed our son when I was pregnant - never two. I guess God prepared me early. All of this that's happening has prepared me for everything else. We are about to, I'm afraid, take a bigger ride than we've been on with the current bioweapon.
Nothing God does is by accident! Often times, we don’t see it until much, much later in life. I often look back and say to myself, “Oh…I get it now my Father! If that didn’t happen, this wouldn’t have happened.”
Tried to pass this information on to a person who developed cancer - they are "sticking to radiation and chemo right now." Crazy, but definitely their choice.
Oh, ever interesting - there are so many anti-parasitics that work wonders! I wonder if classic "chemo" is just industrial strength "medication" - I consider anything from big pharma chemo because it's always shooting a fly with a shotgun approach. There are gentler, more natural ways to handle parasites but I get that people want something expensive and from a doctor.
My brother-in-law passed of it in June, 2021, 4 months after his 2nd Pfizer. Sad, especially because he actually listened to me and knew things weren't right w/the narrative.
He was one of the few of my wife's siblings who listened to me from the very beginning. I was red-pilled about pandemics a long time ago during the Duesberg HIV/AIDS period, and knew the whole COVID narrative was B.S. from the beginning. I sent him articles & studies and he read them, asked questions, pushed back a little but seemingly understood what was going on. He was the 1st wrestling tournament organizer to re-start his program in the country, and called us the day it was approved, and thanked us for helping him w/that bravery. We weren't even sure he had even taken the jab until after the funera (he was an NPR addict, after all)l, and didn't immediately think the cancer was associated, but Ryan Cole at al opened our eyes to the possibility. My wife also checked w/How Bad Is My Batch, & his 2nd Pfizer was one of the worse. His job didn't even require it. Tragic.
Terrible. I had never heard of glioblastoma before reading all the reports of turbocancer. Thanks as always MCM for these reports. We also get to shine light on the similar issues that the “little people” have in the comments.
Same here - I keep waiting on my bf to announce someone in her family has cancer any day. Her mom in a nursing home went from being a bit batty to absolutely apes*** batty. I figure that was associated. Also, my bf still tells people "she's fully vaccinated" when she wants to take off her mask at work (hospital in AL). No way she'll ever believe anything differently. I just shake my head and look at her like she's an alien when she says these things.
The NPR comment infuriates me. They were so bad about pushing the shots.
I remember checking in with NPR mid 2021 (July-ish) and seeing a story about some gay parties/festivals on the East Coast. The article was celebrating vaccinated people and shaming others, as usual. NPR was “laying it on thick” of how if you just got the shot, see how much fun you could have, and get back to life.
They literally had mis-quoted information regarding C-19 /vax (that it was approved) only to corrected later. I’m not sure how many people catch corrections on articles. I was reading the article past the original posting date scanning for MSM C19 narratives.
It is a manipulative way operating to push false narratives. Put the wrong information out there. Many will read it once and that mistake will become that person’s fact. They may never catch the corrected version.
Like they did with getting approval of the Pfizer "vaccinations." Changed the number of deaths from the jabbed group from 14 to 21 AFTER getting approval (when the placebo was 15). MEDIA has still not told the population.
My friend's husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma last January (2022). He is nearing the end of life, maybe a couple months. He went through quite a bit of treatment, including some experimental drugs. Nothing slowed it down. And it's so sad, because he is (was) brilliant - ironically his first symptoms were aphasia. Now he speaks word salad.
It certainly seems more common. Having lost my mother to it more than 20 years ago, I have since then attuned to anyone with the diagnosis. My subjective impression is that prevalence has markedly increased.
My young neighbor died of glioblastoma a few years back. I’ve always wondered if it’s tied to cell phone radiation. Maybe the jabs have increased the susceptibility to cell phone radiation.
Famously, Johnnie Cochran (OJ Simpson's lawyer) died of glioblastoma and he said it was from using his cellphone, it was even on the side of his head where he held his phone. Rectal cancers are up from people carrying their phone in their back pockets.
RFK Jr. raised the link when he appeared on Joe Rogan. As for my mother, who knows? Yet, she was an early user of the Motorola StarTAC flip phone. It was released in Jan 1996. Her diagnosis was in November 1997. And it was on the side of her head to which she placed the phone to her ear. Those phones ostensibly produced higher radiation than later models. All speculation of course.
Up until now I knew one guy who had it. He was fortunate and was 'cured'. I'll say this about him, having been reprieved, he wrung every bit of joy out of life he could. I hope he is still here and well. But my friendship with him was 30 years ago and since, I've not encountered that cancer again until now. It seems to just pop up any more. Scary AF.
Evil started with the Garden of Eden and won't end until Revelations is fulfilled. Unfortunately, as close as that seems, we don't know the day or time. Could be tomorrow or could be a 1000 years. Scary, huh.
Revelations has been running for a few years now, the two candlesticks, the two witnesses that stand before the god of earth (mammon, Wall Street) .......... What Judy Wood found out about 911 in her great book "Where Did the Towers Go" was revelatory though she didn't see the inevitable religious context of what she was reporting of fire coming from their "mouths", didn't the holes look like mouths, to destroy those who had attacked them, big oil in the form of cars and buses powered by oil, or in the dust rising forever as she showed it did for years after. Not a single one of the seven WTC prefixed buildings were left standing that day, the seven candlesticks of Revelations? For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I don't see it happening unless millions take to the streets. Far too many stupid people to do that. I think even the ones who regret taking the shot don't want to come out and say out loud they regret it.
You forgot all the influencers - the celebrities, the politicians, the guilt tripping people you know in your family and community who called people horrible names and made accusations of immorality and so forth. They should all be named...on electronic fucking billboards.
I bet at least half or more know. Doctors were not allowed to prescribe an anti-biotic when the patient had a bacterial infection. They were not allowed to do breathing treatments. What they had prescribed in the past to patients now would be used against them and their licenses would be revoked. There is no way they don't know. They keep silent to not make any waves, to keep practicing.
Yeah, that is a bit much, but I do believe her excuses for not speaking about the cancer, and find them very interesting.
Talking about a bit much, just scanning a few lines on the vet Wheel of Fortune host, I broke into laughter--ah finally one of these puppet heads has shown his real human-ness, after all.
The medical establishment is never going to admit that the shot is causing all these problems.
Someone close to me has been suffering for the past year. After falling through the cracks of world class medical institutions here, she finally met a Doctor who is compassionate and reassuring. Although I feel she is in very good hands and that she will receive the best care possible, the reason given for her issues has sounds like this "mold" thing.
“...as a clinician that once cancer sometimes gets into your lymph nodes, that's kind of the highway to the rest of your body” ... kimmi Scott thinks she knows this basic information because she was a nurse 😂 ... is our society is so ignorant to the simplest operations of the human body? Anyway, I’m glad she noticed the lumps and pursued treatment, I wish her full recovery.
So these are just the people famous enough to make the news… what about all the regular people??!?
Yesterday, 35 year old male… transported by ambulance to a regional hospital with severe chest pain… vaccinated with j and j vaccine two years ago… myocarditis and pericarditis following a viral trigger. D-dimer normal but troponin sky high.
35 year old healthy men are not supposed to have near fatal heart attacks!
A 40 year old male, vaccinated, had a viral trigger and then died of a blood clot /aneurysm in the brain
Again- the TRIGGER was a viral infection.
In both cases- the vaccine was two years prior.
I’m wondering if this is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) caused by the vaccines… which Judy Mikovits warned could happen.
“ADE changes the innate immune response in cells and inhibits the antiviral response in cells, thus enhancing the virus infection.”
Yes, someone close to me has been suffering from an autoimmune situation, being attributed to something other than the shot of course. UGH.
It seems to me that anything lying dormant in ones body, an allergy for instance, that might never rear its head, gets triggered by the shot and the immune system goes into overdrive.
And attacks the body anywhere/everywhere.
The very frightening thing, to me, other than these health issues, is the continuing cover up. They (Doc's) will never admit it is injection injury. It is already being attributed to "Long Covid" - which many of the injured never tested positive for - or just plain autoimmunity.
So now we can blame our faulty immune systems, not the faulty injections.
The vaccines have always been the perfect cover for injuring people- creating lifelong users of the healthcare system… difficult to prove as causal
Cleaner, cheaper and more profitable than the gas chambers- is a a quote I read- that’s stuck with me.
But what I see now
Is ‘a viral trigger’ is causing death and severe illness in people close to me … 2 years after the vaccine rollout
Which implies something terrible has happened to young people’s immune systems
It could also be the genetically tinkered with covid virus that is causing ADE also- because I do know someone else who was unvaccinated who caught covid once, was fine, then caught covid again, and had a massive heart attack…
So I’m wondering if in some people multiple covid infections can cause ADE too
And the vaccine is doing the same…
Would be great if someone would do a legitimate study on this… but unlikely… so we’re all left to theorize
I gave mine up circa 1989. I once had a friend congratulate me saying, "You are theonly person I know with a "Kill Your Television" bumpersticker that actually doesn't have one.
Yes, appendicitis was one of the early symptom that spiked in VAERS. A friend had a burst appendix right after her jabs, had surgery and the infection lasted forever.
Hi Pat, I’d like to answer the puzzle “VACCIN INJUR D”.
Beat me to it!!
It helps to be having a pint on the patio of the pub.
Is it just me or does anyone else like Pat more after reading this? He’s making Wheel of Fortune fun!
It sounds like comedy gold. I've never watched it.
It’s amazing to watch all of these folks who have EVERYTHING going them suddenly being brought down by the same thing that helped them become suck-cessful; which is their unique abilities to conform, and kiss the right asses. It’s not working out so well for them now, I guess? Now they are spinning the wheel of health misfortune which only contains things like ass, breast and ball turbo cancer. Yup - they have all goose stepped their way into a fancy box with a lid.
Has to hurt when the "elite" realize they aren't elite at all. Just common worthless eaters like the rest of us minions. Has to hurt also to accept they were lied to and didn't do the research. Just followed like good little sheep.
I'm loving that particular aspect of all of this. These people happily allowed themselves to be used to mislead so many people into getting the jabs.
All they had to say was no. I think only one British TV presenter said publicly on air she was refusing to take the jab Anna Akua and she only "got away with it" i.e. she was only free to make a medical decision about her own body without any professional repurcussions because she has black privilege though she would probably deny it. No one dared to call her stupid and irresponsible as they were calling members of the public who said as she did shove your poison where the sun don't shine.
Well said and damed accurate.
From Toronto Ontario CHINADA.
Home of the HOBBITS wearing triple face diapers.
I guess that is the irony of it all. But do any of them see that?
Some do I think? They tip toe past the graveyard everyday trying to not glance over at the headstones because they are deathly afraid that they might see their own name etched into one of them. But I would say that most of them are clueless to the time bombs within them. And the "vaccine" apparently is designed in such a way that many "illness symptoms" are repressed. Essentially "they don't know they are sick" until something gets bad and they seek medical attention.... And to their surprise they get some life ending diagnosis like stage 4 ass cancer. Or as Dr. Hodkinson once said: "The lucky ones will die right away".
Easier to just say it's a coincidence and has nothing to do with that bio weapon. After all, they have pharma, MSM and our government backing up that claim. They rest of the thinkers are just spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. You know those conspiracy theories that come true in 6 weeks or less? If on;y one thing i am thankful for in my life, it's the ability to not be brain washed and hypnotized.
What's more incredible to watch is how these people are now acting as the 'proof' you need one of their other mRNA vaccines. The script writers of this circus really thought of everything when it comes to pushing for more vaccine sales down the road.
Yup… it could have been much worse if I didn’t have the life saving “vaccine”. These folks have been brainwashed by the mass psychosis machine and are motivated by the fear that has been stamped into their brains. As I have said many times before: Cult of Covid members will thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. There is nothing we do to help them. They will boost themselves into a box with a lid and be happy about it.
I think it was Billy Carson who said that they developed a vaccine that caused a worship gene - which is causing people to be so loyal. I like to joke that I must have protested against that vaccine in a different lifetime too. Lol
For sure… that really works here I think…creating visual imagery with words is something I like to do. It’s a powerful way way to communicate. Yes - I guess my cartoon watching has paid me benefits? Yup - visual imaginary and gallows humor. What a great combination!
LOL! So what do your supposed they get as an answer when asking "What's Up Doc?"
Survey Says!!! :
Your time on earth!
Love it!!
LOL What's up Doc?
Your time on earth.
Toxi and Tag, well coined.
I imagine the Tazmania Devil spinning and spinning and Bugs Bunny standing by a tree calmly eating a carrot. Once Taz stopped spinning he is all dizzy and Bugs says, what's up doc and Taz drops over to the ground. We got to be Bugs. Let others spin and spin and act crazy. Let them take their shots and more shots. We can't stop them. They like poison. But we stay calm and keep going on with our own lives.
A raging pandemic of Coincidence 🦧🙈🙉🙊👩⚕️👨⚕️🤷
Isn't there a vax for that??? Probably will get to it when the finish up the vax for loss of common sense.
Well it obviously didn't work or there would be more smart people in the world.
every day, they become a larger percentage of who's left. Wonder what the elites have planned when the refuseniks are all that's left?
If you know how to get in contact with Theo Burrell tell her to go to the website mycancerstory.rocks and study the blog and the videos of the information they have. There has been good success with treatment for glioblastoma in particular with fenbendazole. I think most of those were before people's immune systems have been damaged by Covid injections so don't know if there would still be good success but would be worth a try. There is no downside.
I had ovarian cancer last August. It was removed, but I bought some fenbendazole a few months ago. Just to have on hand!
go ahead and treat yourself now, then top up the supply
And I don’t do vaccinations or flu shots!
Absolutely not - found out that there are more than 10 strains at any one time and they only guess and pick out two at the most. I took one of the two that I've had in my entire life - first time, had flu a few months later; second time, I miscarried a twin with our son. NEVER AGAIN.
I am truly sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, people will have to learn THROUGH the lies that the people have perpetrated. It is truly evil.
It IS evil. Funny thing is that I dreamed our son when I was pregnant - never two. I guess God prepared me early. All of this that's happening has prepared me for everything else. We are about to, I'm afraid, take a bigger ride than we've been on with the current bioweapon.
Nothing God does is by accident! Often times, we don’t see it until much, much later in life. I often look back and say to myself, “Oh…I get it now my Father! If that didn’t happen, this wouldn’t have happened.”
I totally agree... nothing by accident. God only - and the free will that He has granted us.
Tried to pass this information on to a person who developed cancer - they are "sticking to radiation and chemo right now." Crazy, but definitely their choice.
You tried, that’s all you can do.
Yes. Sigh.
Is fenbendazole not a chemical? If it is, it's chemo, no?
No, not a chemo. Actually it is for parasites. They don't call it a "chemo" drug, just a medication.
Oh, ever interesting - there are so many anti-parasitics that work wonders! I wonder if classic "chemo" is just industrial strength "medication" - I consider anything from big pharma chemo because it's always shooting a fly with a shotgun approach. There are gentler, more natural ways to handle parasites but I get that people want something expensive and from a doctor.
Seems to be an awful lot of glioblastoma since the rollout of the bio weapon!
My brother-in-law passed of it in June, 2021, 4 months after his 2nd Pfizer. Sad, especially because he actually listened to me and knew things weren't right w/the narrative.
That is so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss. And for him.
He was one of the few of my wife's siblings who listened to me from the very beginning. I was red-pilled about pandemics a long time ago during the Duesberg HIV/AIDS period, and knew the whole COVID narrative was B.S. from the beginning. I sent him articles & studies and he read them, asked questions, pushed back a little but seemingly understood what was going on. He was the 1st wrestling tournament organizer to re-start his program in the country, and called us the day it was approved, and thanked us for helping him w/that bravery. We weren't even sure he had even taken the jab until after the funera (he was an NPR addict, after all)l, and didn't immediately think the cancer was associated, but Ryan Cole at al opened our eyes to the possibility. My wife also checked w/How Bad Is My Batch, & his 2nd Pfizer was one of the worse. His job didn't even require it. Tragic.
Terrible. I had never heard of glioblastoma before reading all the reports of turbocancer. Thanks as always MCM for these reports. We also get to shine light on the similar issues that the “little people” have in the comments.
Kind of falls into that saying "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" At least you tried. i did too and failed also.
Same here - I keep waiting on my bf to announce someone in her family has cancer any day. Her mom in a nursing home went from being a bit batty to absolutely apes*** batty. I figure that was associated. Also, my bf still tells people "she's fully vaccinated" when she wants to take off her mask at work (hospital in AL). No way she'll ever believe anything differently. I just shake my head and look at her like she's an alien when she says these things.
Im sorry for your loss. You tried.
The NPR comment infuriates me. They were so bad about pushing the shots.
I remember checking in with NPR mid 2021 (July-ish) and seeing a story about some gay parties/festivals on the East Coast. The article was celebrating vaccinated people and shaming others, as usual. NPR was “laying it on thick” of how if you just got the shot, see how much fun you could have, and get back to life.
They literally had mis-quoted information regarding C-19 /vax (that it was approved) only to corrected later. I’m not sure how many people catch corrections on articles. I was reading the article past the original posting date scanning for MSM C19 narratives.
It is a manipulative way operating to push false narratives. Put the wrong information out there. Many will read it once and that mistake will become that person’s fact. They may never catch the corrected version.
Like they did with getting approval of the Pfizer "vaccinations." Changed the number of deaths from the jabbed group from 14 to 21 AFTER getting approval (when the placebo was 15). MEDIA has still not told the population.
My friend's husband was diagnosed with glioblastoma last January (2022). He is nearing the end of life, maybe a couple months. He went through quite a bit of treatment, including some experimental drugs. Nothing slowed it down. And it's so sad, because he is (was) brilliant - ironically his first symptoms were aphasia. Now he speaks word salad.
Sorry. Another horrible waste of a life.
Maybe it’s not too late https://fenbendazole.substack.com
Friend's husband has merkel cell carcinoma. I've sent her the link, but not sure what the prognosis is.
Yep. I have a friend diagnosed last fall. All treatments failed. Now going into hospice. :(
It certainly seems more common. Having lost my mother to it more than 20 years ago, I have since then attuned to anyone with the diagnosis. My subjective impression is that prevalence has markedly increased.
My young neighbor died of glioblastoma a few years back. I’ve always wondered if it’s tied to cell phone radiation. Maybe the jabs have increased the susceptibility to cell phone radiation.
Famously, Johnnie Cochran (OJ Simpson's lawyer) died of glioblastoma and he said it was from using his cellphone, it was even on the side of his head where he held his phone. Rectal cancers are up from people carrying their phone in their back pockets.
RFK Jr. raised the link when he appeared on Joe Rogan. As for my mother, who knows? Yet, she was an early user of the Motorola StarTAC flip phone. It was released in Jan 1996. Her diagnosis was in November 1997. And it was on the side of her head to which she placed the phone to her ear. Those phones ostensibly produced higher radiation than later models. All speculation of course.
or both
Up until now I knew one guy who had it. He was fortunate and was 'cured'. I'll say this about him, having been reprieved, he wrung every bit of joy out of life he could. I hope he is still here and well. But my friendship with him was 30 years ago and since, I've not encountered that cancer again until now. It seems to just pop up any more. Scary AF.
When do the arrests commence?
Not gonna happen.
I know. It's atrocious, it's appalling, it's grotesque.
I really would like to think it would happen...but we are battling some evil forces in the world right now.
Funny, but I knew evil existed in the world. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Pol Pot.
It never occurred to me that we would have to live through it again on such a worldwide scale.
You missed out Churchill, Roosevelt, Bush, Blair, Brown, Straw, Mountbatten etc etc etc. Evil is on both "sides".
Evil started with the Garden of Eden and won't end until Revelations is fulfilled. Unfortunately, as close as that seems, we don't know the day or time. Could be tomorrow or could be a 1000 years. Scary, huh.
Revelations has been running for a few years now, the two candlesticks, the two witnesses that stand before the god of earth (mammon, Wall Street) .......... What Judy Wood found out about 911 in her great book "Where Did the Towers Go" was revelatory though she didn't see the inevitable religious context of what she was reporting of fire coming from their "mouths", didn't the holes look like mouths, to destroy those who had attacked them, big oil in the form of cars and buses powered by oil, or in the dust rising forever as she showed it did for years after. Not a single one of the seven WTC prefixed buildings were left standing that day, the seven candlesticks of Revelations? For those that have eyes to see and ears to hear.
the evil never sleeps; always new generations of ears to whisper into....
inhibits them from speaking out against the evil
I don't see it happening unless millions take to the streets. Far too many stupid people to do that. I think even the ones who regret taking the shot don't want to come out and say out loud they regret it.
Our judicial and politicians are bought out.
You seem to see it the way I see it...🤔
You forgot all the influencers - the celebrities, the politicians, the guilt tripping people you know in your family and community who called people horrible names and made accusations of immorality and so forth. They should all be named...on electronic fucking billboards.
Who will do the calling out then?
Are doctors STILL baffled?
A baffle is (also) part of a muffler, to decrease the noise, make it silent.
No idea what it could be but at the same time 100% certain about what it's not.
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
They are scratching their heads.
I bet at least half or more know. Doctors were not allowed to prescribe an anti-biotic when the patient had a bacterial infection. They were not allowed to do breathing treatments. What they had prescribed in the past to patients now would be used against them and their licenses would be revoked. There is no way they don't know. They keep silent to not make any waves, to keep practicing.
Here's a health challenge for you; Inject poison, see what happens.
And eat it, drink it and breathe it!
Great comment. Everyone knew it was experimental.
TV journalist has a "passion for storytelling".
Truth begone.
Yeah, that is a bit much, but I do believe her excuses for not speaking about the cancer, and find them very interesting.
Talking about a bit much, just scanning a few lines on the vet Wheel of Fortune host, I broke into laughter--ah finally one of these puppet heads has shown his real human-ness, after all.
Here's Tori Spelling blaming mold for her family's spiral of sickness.
The medical establishment is never going to admit that the shot is causing all these problems.
Someone close to me has been suffering for the past year. After falling through the cracks of world class medical institutions here, she finally met a Doctor who is compassionate and reassuring. Although I feel she is in very good hands and that she will receive the best care possible, the reason given for her issues has sounds like this "mold" thing.
Plausible deniability.
It’s almost at the point that there is something in those jabs that causes the level headed to become illogical (zombie like).
Yes, a number of doctors (here is Dr Maholtra) believe psychosis is a side effect of this shot:https://twitter.com/BrowseMode/status/1655860057257435139
Baffled - we are all just baffled.
“...as a clinician that once cancer sometimes gets into your lymph nodes, that's kind of the highway to the rest of your body” ... kimmi Scott thinks she knows this basic information because she was a nurse 😂 ... is our society is so ignorant to the simplest operations of the human body? Anyway, I’m glad she noticed the lumps and pursued treatment, I wish her full recovery.
So these are just the people famous enough to make the news… what about all the regular people??!?
Yesterday, 35 year old male… transported by ambulance to a regional hospital with severe chest pain… vaccinated with j and j vaccine two years ago… myocarditis and pericarditis following a viral trigger. D-dimer normal but troponin sky high.
35 year old healthy men are not supposed to have near fatal heart attacks!
A 40 year old male, vaccinated, had a viral trigger and then died of a blood clot /aneurysm in the brain
Again- the TRIGGER was a viral infection.
In both cases- the vaccine was two years prior.
I’m wondering if this is antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) caused by the vaccines… which Judy Mikovits warned could happen.
“ADE changes the innate immune response in cells and inhibits the antiviral response in cells, thus enhancing the virus infection.”
Yes, someone close to me has been suffering from an autoimmune situation, being attributed to something other than the shot of course. UGH.
It seems to me that anything lying dormant in ones body, an allergy for instance, that might never rear its head, gets triggered by the shot and the immune system goes into overdrive.
And attacks the body anywhere/everywhere.
The very frightening thing, to me, other than these health issues, is the continuing cover up. They (Doc's) will never admit it is injection injury. It is already being attributed to "Long Covid" - which many of the injured never tested positive for - or just plain autoimmunity.
So now we can blame our faulty immune systems, not the faulty injections.
The vaccines have always been the perfect cover for injuring people- creating lifelong users of the healthcare system… difficult to prove as causal
Cleaner, cheaper and more profitable than the gas chambers- is a a quote I read- that’s stuck with me.
But what I see now
Is ‘a viral trigger’ is causing death and severe illness in people close to me … 2 years after the vaccine rollout
Which implies something terrible has happened to young people’s immune systems
It could also be the genetically tinkered with covid virus that is causing ADE also- because I do know someone else who was unvaccinated who caught covid once, was fine, then caught covid again, and had a massive heart attack…
So I’m wondering if in some people multiple covid infections can cause ADE too
And the vaccine is doing the same…
Would be great if someone would do a legitimate study on this… but unlikely… so we’re all left to theorize
Viruses can cause ADE. I have a vague recollection that Robert Malone and Richard Fleming both discussed this very early in the shot discussions.
I must be even older than I realize. Pat Sajak is the only name I recognize.
Same. Might have to do with having lost all interest in celebrities, except for articles like this one.
I gave mine up circa 1989. I once had a friend congratulate me saying, "You are theonly person I know with a "Kill Your Television" bumpersticker that actually doesn't have one.
Appendicitis is one I’m noticing more and more lately.
Yes, appendicitis was one of the early symptom that spiked in VAERS. A friend had a burst appendix right after her jabs, had surgery and the infection lasted forever.
Someone in the news was recently diagnosed with cancer of the appendix. I don’t think I had even heard of that before.
Two people in my circle.
Good God, I am aghast every time I read these things.