The vaccinated face a winter of misery and death.

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I'm not seeing the winter of death in the unvaccinated. They're all fine to me. Anyone else seeing anything with the unvaccinated?

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I had a blister on my Toe - skipped the toe blister jab this year

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I do hope you went to see a White Coat Murderer? He could prescribe some medication to make you worse and kill you in a few years.

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That's highlarious

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It does seem like they have a jab for everthing now. Good thing you skipped it. I've been skipping all of them since 1995.

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Since Jan 2020, all I've had is a runny nose. Never been healthier! I don't take experimental drugs (or gene transfections for that matter). Period.

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No genetic modification for you? You need to get with the program.

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We passed becasue the upgrade or boosters seem to be permately crashing the system.

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i caught something last year when the omicron variant was doing the rounds. first time i'd been ill in years. it was very strange...started off feeling zonked, then migranes and nausea set in...started feeling better after about 3 days but immediately came down with a bad dose of laryngitis...after about another 3 days, that improved but then suddenly my sense of taste and smell went...that freaked me out and i was worried about it, but it slowly started coming back after about a week...took a few weeks to come back fully...so yeah i believe what i had was definitely man made as never had such a string of different symptoms in my life before..however the good news is that i haven't even had a sniffle since, so whatever it was has primed my immune system to be top notch since then

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You just describe the symptoms for everyone in my immediate family back in September 2021. None of us had laryngitis though and 3 of us were running low grade fevers. The wife was back to work in 10 days but still wasn't herself for another 5 days. The children recovered in about 15 days. And then there I was going into the 4th week barely getting by. I couldn't shake it until I nebulized food grade hydrogen peroxide. That knocked it out in about 2 days. The loss of taste and smell persisted for about 2 to 3 months. There was nothing normal about covid whatever it was. We've been back to normal since it ended. Only 2 of us have had a small cold that lasted 2 or 3 days. Our immune systems seem much stronger now.

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Keep a stash of hydroxychloroquine and start it whenever you get a cold or flu.

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CocaCola has never tasted the same to me.

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Well I had a cold. Not cancer or blood clots or myocarditis. Just a cold used lots of Kleenex. But I haven’t been quackzinated though

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I had a cold that lasted about 2 to 3 days. No big deal but I bet I would have tested positive for covid if I went in. They probably would have forced Remdesivir in me while shoving a tube down my throat. I'll pass. I would have to absolutely know that I'm dying before I go now and even then, I may not go. I still think my odds are better at home.

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No one I know who did not partake regrets their decision.

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Nope! Nothing! ...OTOH on all of Vancouver Island I'm aware of 6 other people who had the brains not to... 🙄

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Don't be too smug. The spike proteins are spreading uncontrollably to The Purebloods; as a weird example our former landlady (3 injections) had to have her cat put down due to inoperable blood clots.

The Lethal Injections could well be an extinction level event for humanity.

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How do you know she didn't have her cat also vaccinated 3 times?

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I will be smug to my grave, knowing I wasn't one of the idiots.

They can all smug themselves.

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Oh, I agree with you!.. I also did not.. given the tactics the bastards were resorting to gain compliance? -- job dismissal, denial of unemployment benefits, denial of health care, denial of service in businesses, social exclusion -- anyone with a brain should have known there was something very very wrong...

Instead the morons complied..😳

Trouble is, we're likely fucked because of their stupidity... 🤔

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And you are right about those nasty shedders. They tell you for two years you can't visit because you're unclean. Now for some reason it's OK to visit. So, we hug our past tormentors and they infect us.

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"No chance, English bed-wetting types!"

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Hard to know the extent of the damage just yet, but I have little doubt the damage was designed to spread.

The big question is, how would the "designers" protect themselves from the damage?

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Fuckers likely have access to things we know nothing about... or perhaps they're just stupid and didn't think about it...

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Your comment came to my email Inbox written as "Fulkerson likely have access...", haha. It's darkly funny, when curse words are so distressing to the faint-hearted that they have to be autocorrected, while the globalist march toward exterminating the majority of the human race is moving forward... Priorities!

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That was my phone's damned autocorrect. In the immortal words of Douglas Adams: "Share, and enjoy".🙄

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Well, your phone's autocorrect is pretty amusing. With its permission (and in honor of Douglas Adams), I may use "the Fulkersons" at opportune times (like in a church or a nunnery or in the presence of small children). 😜

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and now we have the fear-mongering ramping up with this "white lung syndrome"


how soon till parents are told their kids need more mRNA shots to protect against this scary new illness?

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Yes, it already appears that SOME people have learned NOTHING during the period since 2020. I am despondent that humanity has come to this nadir in thinking skills.

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A slight correction if I may. it appears MANY, not SOME, have learned NOTHING.

Depressing as hell.

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Probably another vaccine injury that will not be seen in the unvaccinated.

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I'm just slayed by this.... this may indicate that the die-off will reach exponential proportions. Thank you for this info.

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I think we might see event ads shortly for 'Santa & Shotz'.

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What's really frightening are the number of morons willing to do it!

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Shannon says, "the vaccines work" oh they work alright, thats why your cancer has spread to your bones.

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I think they make cancer patients die a lot sooner. So they do work. Still thinking of the beautiful soprano who died last month at 25. Patricia... such an angelic voice.

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Well, at least we don't need Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), the vaxxes do that just fine.

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See the latest notes from Dr. Makis. Websites abroad are supplying fake articles to generate falsified obituaries. « No cause of death noted » is now « motor vehicle collision. »

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Has anyone noticed, vehicle accidents are increasing? And the Covid "Vaxxed" seem to be on edge? Personally changes,easily angered,flying into rages over minor things?

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There is no about either one. The uptick in fatal car accidents (AND single-plane crashes) has been reported in the corporate media (though, of course, without any mention of the "vaccines" as a cause); and if you want evidence of the ongoing, and ever-worsening, plague of insane rages, whether on or off the road, just do a search on "altercations." (I've posted two compilations of such madness here.)

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I've been saying this for a while now and I'll say it again. These jabs are messing with or changing the brain. One of my favorite SIL has gone bat shit crazy and it's getting worse. The other one is headed in the same direction. They took the special sauce. We're not close anymore with either of them. They have become so awful; my wife will not even talk to them now. She said they're dead to me. It's a good thing they live far from us.

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Pls continue to pray for them, don't abandon them please.

Unfortunately, you and I know so much to know they are sick and desperately need our love, help and compassion.

I don't know you but i'll say a prayer for both SIL tonight AEST.

God bless.

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We haven't abandoned them. We just can't be around them and my wife can't even talk or text them without them going off. Sometimes one has to walk away to maintain their own mental health. They both treated us very badly in front of many people at my FIL funeral a couple of months ago. We weren't the only ones since they went off on my BIL's wife. She just told them I'm not doing this now and walked away. They made a scene at their own dad's funeral. A week before we left for the funeral, one of them told my wife they were atheist. That really floored us. One of them called their own son a traitor and told him he was being removed from the will. He doesn't know why but he even had to walk away. He's my favorite nephew who's a combat veteran who was medically discharged from the military for a brain injury and having PTSD. We get along well because we both have served in war and we're both messed up. I really do believe these jabs are affecting people brains though. We do pray for them. They are our family, but something has gone wrong. We have no idea what's going on. Thank you!

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I understand...

since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And, unless those days were shortened, Matt 24: 19-30

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Same with my mother. She called me 3 times in a half hour period. Then preceded to yell at me. She said' I told you I can't talk because I'm busy'! Then hung up all 3 times. Next day called to say she was sorry and thought she was dreaming. It happens alot.

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That sounds like memory issues. This is happening to my MIL. She has gone downhill rapidly after taking the jab. She has clots in her lungs now. Then she started forgetting things and it quickly got worse. Now she can't even remember any of her 5 children. We just find it draining and difficult to deal with especially with everything else going on in the world.

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Same here. Or her grandkids!!

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My Grandson 23, just went into a rage, told me off for everything that makes his life suck, while texting. 1st time that's happened. He's vaxxed. It'll be a cold day in hell when I ask him how he's doing just to keep in touch. Maddness.

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My ex is the same way. The last time I saw him in person I didn't even recognize him. He was just plain awful, mean, really mean, almost non-human. I had stopped by just to keep in touch (I only see him maybe once a year). I vow never to stop by again. He's quadrupled, maybe up to 8 bioweapon-shotted. I still pray for him to see the light but he has chosen to be lost to humanity.

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And also the sad background music…that no improvement or education in consideration of what’s ahead will taint their interactions, as they don’t wish to think about the guilt So maddening

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I'm even more cautious on the road and keep reminding my family to keep their eyes open. You never know when the next vaxxident will happen. Thankfully, we live out in the sticks away from the cities. I know many out here didn't take it.

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Yes and they are called ‘Vaxxidents’!

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as vehicle accidents increase, though I still have a perfect driving record, my insurance has shot up massively in a short period of time. What has changed?

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What has changed is inflation will permanently move higher as the US dollar is being printed into oblivion. Car repair costs are up 23% a year now, partially driven by the artificially created parts shortages.

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One thing I've learned from all the deaths and ailments documented here by MCM is how many actors, musicians, athletes, celebrities and media personalities I've never heard of before.

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Sometimes I look them up and listen to their music or see their art, etc.

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And we (unvaccinated) are forced to watch this death cult shit show play episode after episode of dying and death with NO mention of what we know was is the cause. Soon there will be no one left to report on who is dying and dead. They will all be dead. And death cult shit show will finally be over.

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Helluva a lot of “Coinciditis”

Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolism, Blood Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack, Cancer, Guillain-Barre and Sudden Death that coincidentally only affects the vaccinated.

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I just read here that the French Europarlemantarian who tried to get the conversations on the cellphones of vonderleyen and bourla in the open, died suddenly age 70. I posted it.

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RIP Michèle Rivasi. She started her career in 1986, after Sarkozy declared that the radiations from Tchernobyl stopped at the border (insanity already worked on some of the population back then !!!); she started an anti nuclear organization (Crii-Rad). Was on the Pfizer contract with the EU right from the start. She will be missed.

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maybe just maybe the uninformed or willfully blind can read the new Zealand data. Shows that the shot is a bio weapon and it is all about death. go to steve kirch substack or info wars for a good interview we have a loaded smoking gun now and the victim

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Marveling at the redundancy. Coincidences piling up like cord wood. We're fine. Everything’s fine.

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To a person; Each believed the Govt. BS of " Safe & Effective"? The Cancer Doctors, (Oncologists), are fighting Cancers as if "Turbocharged", a sad " Winter of Death" for the Covid " Vaxxed"...

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It's hard to press the "Like" button on these reports. I know it means we like the work you're doing with all the documentation, but it's just such devastatingly awful news.

Thank you for keeping the light shining on ugly truth, Mark.

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Creating Family estrangement, volatile, hair triggered displays, of the effects of getting the Covid Vax.

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I'm seeing a trend here. Someone I know personally died yesterday morning of a sudden heart attack. Obviously this is not unheard of, but if there is a trend within the general population towards a significant increase in heart attacks, circulatory issues, and cancers above historical norms that begs the question "What changed?" At that point there are two fundamental groups to study and they are the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Obviously you can divide further from there based on other circumstances, but that would be the first decision gate. It would be interesting to see what the numbers of the unvaccinated group would be for circulatory issues and cancers compared to pre-2021 norms.

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I suspect the Covid " Vaxxed",are taking more risks, road rages easily ignited, what was once careful drivers, are exhibiting hair trigger tempers....

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