Yet I read today that 22% of American adults are current with their boosters. You can't fix stupid.

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Nope. But you can keep injecting it.

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The cure for stupidity.. is to keep taking a jab that will eventually stop you thinking all together.

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Apr 3
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But will mRNA survive digestion intact?

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Well, perhaps we have fixed 78% of the stupids.

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I see two demographic groups still masking. Here locally and everywhere I've visited on the east coast it's younger women and older women, with some older men. These are probably also the ones continuing to get the brewsters.

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Actually they might come out with an injectable for stupid?

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*shrug* Cyanide?

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I don't think so. Uptake on the penultimate one was in the single digits so that can't be correct

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I don't know. I just remember reading it somewhere. I had thought that number was lower as well. I also recall reading a 6%, and a 16%. Your mileage may vary.

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That's a reverse of the Pareto

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But who issued the figures? In the UK MSM were telling everyone only 5M not jabbed. When the actual figures were (quietly) released, the truth was quite different.


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My cousin went into severe dementia after the vaccines, She was lost hundreds of miles from home, then at 4:00 in the morning went into the oncoming lane and was killed. So did she go to sleep or medical emergency? It's so bizarre. Just found out today.

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So sorry, these horrible stories are every where now.

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So sorry for your loss...

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Sorry! Things are going to get worse. All these jabbed repeatedly will fill hospitals with covid! Look up Dr. Gertie Vanden Boche(sp.).

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Veterinarian Dr. Gertie Vanden Boche(sp.) is funded by the WHO and Bill Gates has never worked on a 'pandemic' in his life. Yet he knows everything there is to know about this pre-planned one which is definitely not fake unlike the fake one in 2009.

There are so many clues. Just scratch a little deeper and you'll plainly see what's really going on underneath.

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Funded by WHO and Bill Gates, and yet continues to condemn the Covid vaccines? I think not

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Apr 3
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I read his entire book. I don't remember that he was in favor of the vaccines. But I don't believe he's "funded by WHO and GAtes" That's ridiculous.

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So very sorry, Duane.

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So very sorry for your loss...

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since the quackzine rollout, the accidents in the Napa Valley and Bayarea have exploded. One day driving from Tiburon to Middletown , roughly a 1:45 to 2 hour trip, I encountered 3 mayor accidents involving multiple vehicles each.

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Yes, multivehicle accidents with injuries are now commonplace and tie up traffic for hours in the SF bay area. The EV vehicles can easily be hacked leading to accellerator issues (think tesla), medical emergencies happening frequently, some drivers speed and lane change unsafely causing other cars to swerve and crash, plus obstacles like shopping carts suddenly show up out of nowhere in the slow lane near shopping centers and don't forget drivers are constantly checking their cellphones unsafely.

Don't rule out police chasing theives and then the theives go wrong way on a W580 approaching the sf bay Bridge at 4:30am in the morning causing fatal injury to 57 year old market trader on his way to work in San Francisco. He never saw death coming head on.

Driving on freeways is a nightmare anywhere now.

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Commuting through SF daily I see many strange & stupid driving decisions: going too slow suddenly for no reason, too fast suddenly for no reason, suddenly just driving through a red light instead of waiting for it to turn green, driving on the wrong side of the street, turning suddenly from the center lane, etc... I've driven these streets for over 40years and never seen this much bad driving.

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It's also called Distracted Driving

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I see so many driving erratically and when I glance they're on the phones.

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It's like operation chaos is at work. The right to travel and our right to drive is under attack. Seeing all the automated self driving cars in SF which are being designed to replace human taxi drivers is also creepy.

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Those Waymo cars are a nightmare! How does anyone think these driverless cars are a good idea??!

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It seems like they are planning on automating driving and thus all travel can be easily controlled forever. Only the wealthy will be able to travel. This applies to the airlines as well. Automation equals control.

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Me too but on the opposite coast.

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A lot of this is down to driving while using tiktok

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I am really glad I left the Bay Area for a much quieter area out of California.

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A longtime favorite here in the Bay Area is to cut across two lanes at the last second to take an exit.

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Actually, that seems to be a universal occurrence.

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And speeding drivers use the slow lane to jump in and out of lanes to get to their destination 2 minutes earlier

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Bob Plager, famous NHL hockey player crashed his SUV and died in St Louis, MO at age 78 on March 24,2021. Coroner said death caused by cardiac arrhythmia (reported in June 2021). Sounds like a vaxxident to me. 🥲 Our city mourned his passing with absolutely no mention that he was vaccinated.

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I moved recently from a highly vaxxed normie area to a redstate. Big differences are lack of horns honking in traffic and lack of sirens, especially medic/ambulance. I was hearing 2 to 5 sirens a day at my old home. Now I heard my 1st siren 2 weeks after moving here. And people are so much nicer. An overtone of anger and hate was prevalent amongst the heavily vaxxed normies at my old home.

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Romans 1:21

Highly vaxxed normie areas

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yes, I also noticed an increase in ambulances, multiple times every day, in our small town and people have been more aggressive.

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I live in the Napa Valley. Hwy 29 is dangerous and crowded. So is 12. About a month ago my brother got purposefully hit on 80 in Oakland by a young man driving a stolen car that was already smashed up. So this kid stole a car and was playing crash up derby on the interstate. My bro is OK. Got a new car.

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indeed, Hwy 29 and 12 is crowded and dangerous. but the Silverado Trail has become dangerous as well. There have been numerous deadly accidents since the quackzine rollout.

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Anyone else noticed ?.. nearly every crash report are only one vehicle… what ever happened to those usual accidents involving two or more.. are they social distancing?

Delayed outcomes of an earlier decision to stay safe and effectively juiced.

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Heads in the sand; nothing to see here. Amazing.

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So many terms just don't cover it do they.

The people in the apartment are "currently displaced".

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Like those coming over our borders to the south--also currently displaced

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They’re calling homeless “unhoused” now. 🤪

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MCM, it definitely appears to be a trend...

Parrish [FL] man dies after medical episode causes crash in parking lot


April 1, 2024

A 65-year-old Parrish man died Monday after his sedan went out of control during a medical episode in the Publix at Lakewood Ranch Gateway parking lot just off the corner of Lakewood Ranch Boulevard and State Road 64.

The incident happened just before 1 p.m. The vehicle was traveling west within the parking lot when the driver experienced the medical episode, traveled toward the Wells Fargo Bank, went out of control over a raised sidewalk, and collided with a tree and shrubs.

The driver was transported to an area hospital, where he died.

The Florida Highway patrol didn't reveal the man's identity and had no other information.

The crash remains under investigation.

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There is nothing “in the air”

Boys and Girls.

If they could pull it off,

The people of Russia

Would have already been wiped out.

- Gain Of Function is still a failure.


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While people such as me can attribute this list of crashes, accidents, illnesses and other such troubles to a focused gathering of such information by "outpost" observers and gatherers, the truth is emerging to anyone who is honest with self that humanity has changed, and critical thinking is not easily found among people that formerly were considered intelligent and logical. Many people can no longer form reasonable sentences in speech; rather they communicate in bursts of one liners, clichés and current buzzwords, which convey noise but not much sense. Just notice many of the comments that are posted on different sites. Dr. Michael Nehls seems correct in suggesting that the world is developing galloping Alzheimer's. That seems to be one of the "sustainable" consequences of government propaganda and our willing acceptance of it.

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And most people are ingesting highly processed non-foods that are loaded with all kinds of sugars and other garbage. Dr. Perlman and others have shown a link between high sugar content and not only the obesity epidemic, but Alzheimer's.

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Weird. I don’t think there is either a rest area or train tracks close to the I-15 in Kaysville, Utah. On either side there are local roads with lots of businesses. I wonder where the accident actually happened?

But that is my biggest fear when traveling 2 lane roads towing my trailer. Some person will nod off or have a medical emergency and there’s no way I can avoid them. It’s becoming an obsession…maybe I should quit reading about these vax-idents.

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Put some money away. Auto insurance is going up now, soon to get very high!

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Mine has already increased by almost $400/year... No tickets, no accidents, same cars, not many miles driven, since I try not to go any further than necessary, due to the crazy drivers... They blamed the increase on inflation! (And they also said I could get one more discount by adding a life insurance policy - haha - no thanks!)

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you are paying for Them......like us all

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If they increase it like that with no tickets or accidents, can you imagine what it would be like for someone who did? Yikes!

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They need to get use to walk or bike

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Once the country is wrecked, government will come to the rescue. People will clamor for a solution. The strategy devised by Cloward & Piven is alive and well, and the food pyramid is still upside down. mRNA is here to stay. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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No, it is not. Too much evidence. No one will take them.

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I wish that were true, unfortunately all injectables are now changing to mRNA. They're doubling down, if they couldn't get you with the covid jab they'll get you with something else.

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I doubt they can keep this going for much longer. If they do try widespread mRNAs in other injections, the recipients will be harmed in much they same way the covid-19 injections are harming the injectees.

Every week, new research, or a new group of scientists/doctors/etc., highlight ever more dangers found with the mRNA abominations.

It cannot go on.

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The 'beast" will come to the rescue. The healed Roman beast

Revelation 14:6-12

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More accurately, the Roman "(first) dragon beast," that comes out of the "sea" (populated area) will have the "second beast" the one with "lamb-like characteristics" (usa) but speaketh like a dragon, (like Satan) do her bidding. USA will lead out in the world toward a "church-state" relationship which will inevitably end in tyranny and terrible destruction. The Vatican does not have much in the way of military might. USA leads the world in that area.

This goal of the "mother church" is upon us with its trajectory in plain sight. What is NOT so readily observed, is her plan to delude the masses by claiming the Pagan Sun day has been heavenly ordained; changed from the original creation Sabbath Day since the world began. Billions will fall for the supreme deception which will be aided by current events and spurious accusations. Not from ME, far from that! But the prophet has relayed the warning from on High for our admonition.

Sleep well,


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That Jacksonville crash was in Illinois, not Florida.

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Very good point, actually.

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CDC Admits Red States Got “Rapid Kill” COVID Vaccine Batches


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More evidence that Mistakes Were Not Made.

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Indeed, that is another problem that we face. Instead of educating and warning the public about destructive food, the Government, high tech and Big Pharma are causing increasing illness so that they can then sell us the "remedies" which cause more illness, necessitating more remedies. But as long as zombies want to buy Bill Gates' artificial meat and Tyson Food's insect garbage, they deserve the consequences. Too bad the rest of us are forced to participate.

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