Canadians don't seem to be getting the message as apparently they are still getting boosted to an extreme degree (compared to the USA). Is it because Canadians are particularly susceptible to propaganda or is it because our governments are on the sharp point of the spear in that regard?

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Good question.

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Canadians have way too much faith in government. On a subconscious level, they believe that government will keep them safe. Terribly naive. My husband is Canadian and I could not talk him out of getting booster # 4. I tried very hard. Moreover he indicated that the vax place was doing a very brisk business when he went.

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Canadian media are the worst. Anyone following them who has not discovered alternatives is still bamboozled by the 100% media lies they are force-fed daily. See: https://twitter.com/1979HAB/status/1614725578296557568?s=20

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I take your Canadian media and raise with the UK's amazing belief in the BBC and Daily Mail.

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Possibly the strategy of leaving rotten bait for the unsuspecting is failing. The "Gotcha" can't keep up with the speed of breaking bad news. A slow pitch of disinfo over the plate may get a solid hit, but by the time the ball is returned to home plate, attention has moved on.

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There are pockets of woke stupid here in chinada mainly in urban concrete-laden places. I couldnt stand Wokeville(oakville) just w of toronto. Lib voters most. Sad. Boobville too... moved out. Returned from Ottawa last feb to see the newly painted rainbow sidewalks. Enough!

Our jan uptake data parallels the wise reduction in the USA. Half or more of us get the fact something isn’t right, and polls show that Pollievre would win with a mainly real conservative platform if voting wax today. Trudeau and the fake, virtue-signalling illegal occupiers of all but 1 province will meet their end by political suicide. Then the wokeass MDs who failed us all will find their offices empty. Like many, I would rather die than take advice from a modern doc.

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Depends where. I'll bet Albertans have half the uptake as they do in Quebec or the Maritimes....

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Can't speak for all of the Maritimes, but no one is taking the booster where I am.

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I read a report about the Canadians (Australians and Irish to be included as well), not so much believing in the propaganda per se, but having a more trusting, open, honest and believing belief in their governments; almost subserviently... sorry but I cannot remember the specifics, but something like that ...of course that was all manipulated and propaganda used there as well.

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My Canadian experience...for myself a hard pass based simply on the correlated censorship and tyranny....but allowed my family to get it rather than not be able to continue with the joys of life...thinking that it couldn’t be that bad...most of my friends got it only to travel and go to restaurants. Now in hindsight I would never allow this shite near my family...just hoping they got degraded shots since no reaction other than a sore arm...what can you do? I’m with Yeadon now, it seems next to impossible for this many ‘errors’ and ‘missteps’ to have occurred, it can only be intentional. 😡😡

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FLCCC and others have some protocols for if you took the shot, as does Dr. Paul Marik and others. I have a list of links to doctors and PhDs who have suggestions, if you took it. You can email me at jvanne@comcast.net, and I'll send you what I have if that might help....

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I am a dual citizen, lived in Vancouver, Vancouver Island, Edmonton, Alberta, Ottawa, and on the Quebec side of the river. My wife is all Toronto. We owned property for a long time in Nova Scotia. I have driven ALLLLLLL the way across the country, coast to coast, more than once.

Fact is, there are 4 sections to the country, the west, the Toronto area, Quebec and the Maritimes. They are all VERY different. Alberta and Saskatchewan may well be the shining light in the gaslighting from the vax gestapo

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I’m a dual U.S./CA citizen too, my family is all Canadian I live in Texas. 100% of my Canadian relatives all over the country are jabbed. I think I’ll never set foot in Canada again

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My wife's cousin was Trudeau's nanny. I can't tell you now despicable he is.

Looks like Smith is a ray of bright light in one of my old home provinces of AB.

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I read Premier Danielle Smith has already reneged on her promises

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Can you tell me more? At one point she very aggressively said those who disagreed with the vax needed an apology, and was also pushing the Alberta Sovereignty Act.

Would love to know more, if you have it. Unfortunately, hearsay is only valid for CNN....

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Maybe it’s because they don’t have a constitution that protects their rights - and do their jobs are still depending on it. They are also a more compliant bunch.

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Canada does have a charter of rights and freedoms and the PM even admitted they were defying it when they announced mandates. There were court challenges but the judges pretty much all rolled over and basically said to hell with the constitution. I would never have guess how compliant everyone is though. Once the mandates were removed and employers were no longer pressuring people, there is no longer an excuse for continued boosting.

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I think you will find that most of Canada is actually owned by the CROWN.

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Jan 17, 2023
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yes, it does. Quebec is the worst.

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Jan 16, 2023
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Less so all the time!

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Great wrapup. Just a comment, from one who was a teen in college during Vietnam: those weekly Life magazine photographs of all who had died that week really did it, I think. Imagine how the mandates would end if some MSM published those who died suddenly each week with their photographs in the same way, stating what killed them. I used to be proud of being a journalist. We would have been fired if we had printed a corporate press release as news reporting. Now I hang my head in shame.

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Imagine being a doctor 😕

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A year ago my doctor and I were talking about how lucky I was to be healthy. When I said, It's because I haven't taken the shots- she just nodded. Pure 1984. Unfortunately, she hasn't gotten up any more courage since then...

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More and more are waking up. In 2021 and early 2022 you could make doctors red with rage with a negative comment about covid shots. A negative comment now will more likely be met with silence or a disappointed nod with those same doctors.

The tide has turned and is gaining momentum.

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If they would only SPEAK UP!!!!

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Yes, well now my doctor is witholding my THYROID medication. I guess she has to ASSERT her supremacy!

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Jan 16, 2023
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There are a few here on SS but yeah. Why not? They have zero to lose. MD’s are having their licenses revoked but WTF cares if they’re continuously murdering ppl?

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I have a doc that mentioned being a whistleblower to me last year prior to surgery, but he listed all the reasons not to be immediately afterwards. I truly didn’t know how to respond. Another close to retirement that will probably never say a peep. These are vascular surgeons mind you.

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Many have. Myself included. I came out of retirement to treat Covid. Others have as well. George Fareed is a shining example.

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Excellent Tom!!!!

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Another big factor in ending the Vietnam War was that the returning vets, in larger and larger numbers, joined the anti-war protesters. They made it harder for the police and their enlisted thugs to attack and arrest demonstrators. When they did arrest the vets, you can be sure that they had to call in lots of backup cops to subdue them. Finally, a few cops themselves began attending anti-war rallies.

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FYI, in The Netherlands, marching against the mandates of the jabs.. the vets joined in and surrounded the march; not one bad copper dared to hit us that day.

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Unreal to me being a 70’s baby… I had no idea.

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My photographs of the VVAW and their writings and documentation are here: (LInk to be provided if you send me your email.)

I just got a request for them so I had the page open! You can see they were marching with guns raised, on Boston Common...to your point!

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Have you watched American Horror Story? Recent episodes were on HIV. Sadly government funded too. I can’t believe I’ve been so naive

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Profound!!! I have no words. Thank you for sharing Diana

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Thank you, Kat, for your appreciation. You know what I fear...how many of them are now wanting to enforce the shots, and how many may be dead from them. (I know one of those pictured was a rabid pro-vaxxer, who would not see me if I didn't comply, and now in hospital with a "rare infection...." )

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Imagine if the evening news was showing one off counters like they did with other things. Every night a running total of unexplained deaths!

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The “Today” show also had a body count segment at least once a week, if not every day. The numbers were bogus though, as they were using DoD numbers.

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Thanks for the insight! And good to know.But I didn't watch TV at the time....

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Jan 16, 2023
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They had “peace” talks in Paris forever, with Henry Kissinger leading the way. Nixon wanted “peace with honor” and they finally came to an agreement and the American troops were withdrawn. The North Vietnamese didn’t keep their end of the bargain for very long obviously.

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You will know them by their fruits. If many of the people being accused of being controlled opposition genuinely were, they're doing a lousy job of it. Dr. McCullough, for instance, has redpilled more people I know than anyone else. He'd be a failure if he were CO. Same for many others who have credentials, are educated, speak calmly and rationally, back up what they say, and never demean or mock anyone.

Of the people achieving mixed or poor results, some of them may indeed be CO....and some of them are just arrogant, careless, egotistical shock jocks, who are essentially loose cannons. It doesn't take too much to figure out who is who.

Look carefully at some of the people coming off as controversial and read carefully their responses to comments. You'll soon see those who are easily offended, who name call and insult people. They all slip when speaking off the cuff and you'll get a very good idea of who they truly are. They make everyone look bad. Even if some of their information is correct, and regardless of their motivations, I'd never use them as source and would never send anything to anyone to read that came from one of them.

And these days, any time I hear someone calling someone else controlled opposition, I'm more likely to look closely at the accuser than the accused. What better way to divide people than to take the most effective and respected members of the moment and cast doubt on them? Maybe the real controlled opposition are the people accusing others of it.

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There are no longer tight-knit, highly committed political groups, and now a million internet echo chambers that are maximally intolerant... division is everywhere. So, it's almost impossible to put your trust in anyone. Maybe authors who have proven their case and inspired your trust over the years... maybe those who address a wide spectrum of issues from a politics similar to one’s own, rather than the single issue loud mouths, can earn trust. Anyhow whenever I hear some one use the word Truth too frequently I figure they are either novices or suspects.

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MCM, you were among the first - if not THE first - call a spade a spade. There is so much trust that flows from that.

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Haven't heard that phrase in years but fits perfectly here.

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Not for nothing but why is our side held to such high standards? The NY Times, CNN, WaPo etc have millions of dollars and huge staffs to be able to really check their info.... I think it’s ok to sometimes be duped but the most important thing is that you acknowledge it and correct the info. Thank you.

Btw MCM, are you researching the vaccines required for racehorses? I work in the industry and can help. There are new HISA regulations where the horses must get boosters every 120 days. I see this more to condition the humans into thinking that works.

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Can you email me?

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Jenanneke at yahoo dot com

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Yes but I do not know where to find your email address. I am jenanneke at yahoo dot com

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Bees, now horses? Where is PETA? I jest.

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Jeez, to the boosters! I love horses and used to follow racing. It's a dirty sport just like all of them. The Colosseum / distraction. Good luck breaking the story. Many people will react more to animal abuse ( jabs in this case ) than humans being affected by the the jab so maybe this will make a difference.

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True. Fauci torturing beagles tipped some over.

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What performs much better on drugs? Musicians and race horses.

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It's better to maintain high standards and fight on the side of truth. Using that as our guide is how we get ourselves out of this mess.

Being reckless with the truth like corporate media is like the saying don't wrestle with a pig in the mud. You get dirty, and besides, the pig enjoys it.

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Today being a national holiday in the US in honor of Martin Luther King, I have been giving this some thought.

Part of what Rev. King did where very specific to US laws, history, and culture. But ultimately, he had to lead his congregation in a quest: to take what was rightfully theirs (equal treatment under the law) from people who had it and would not relinquish it willingly.

King surveyed the battle field and saw that the only way to claim what they wanted was by taking the high road: to love, to forgive, to never let go of human worth; and to rely on human dignity. He knew the cost would be high. He knew that it may not work; but he trusted in a just and loving God that would make it work.

And so: where are the pastors leading this fight? Because ultimately, it is "not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

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Where are the Pastors? A good number of them fell for the Con themselves. Unfortunately some bright enough who didn’t still refused to condemn the ClotShot out of fear of causing division.

As if that’s something always to be avoided?

Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Matthew 10:34

“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

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The point about "Covid" being an operation launched by China, or the CCP or the commies etc. needs to be tackled head on. There is a significant section of the "Covid" dissident movement who keep regurgitating these "yellow peril" tropes from yesteryear. Among them are Michael Senger, Justin Hart, Steve Bannon and assorted libertarians.

The use of this "CCP" trope is an easy out and is simply a false construct that appeals to "Americanism"- unfortunately it also sets the stage for war mongering against China.

The assertion that the CCP is responsible for the colossal crimes that are the Covid Operation is complete rubbish.

None of the perps are communists, Marxists, socialists, populists, anarchists or any such thing. They are all ardent capitalists operating within the logic of capitalism and have been doing so for decades. Anyone who thinks George Gao, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Mario Draghi, Bloomberg, Macron, etc. are communists needs to rethink that position.

The individuals who keep pimping this "CCP" nonsense refuse to examine the historical trajectory of how we got here. The nascent bio-security state started as far back as the mythical AIDS crisis of the 1990's and has developed into what we see today. The many steps along the way included most of the same institutions (and individuals) that are involved in the Covid scam and none of these are CCP/communist/socialist etc. in their origins.

Were those who orchestrated the AIDS scam affiliated with the CCP? Were those responsible for the Avian Flu hoax CCP? Were those who orchestrated the Swine Flu hoax CCP?


Another aspect that gets ignored with the "blaming" of "CCP/communists" is that the perps who are responsible for these crimes are let off the hook when blame gets assigned to China e.g..

The powers moving the world towards totalitarianism lie in international institutions, supranational organizations that are decidedly controlled by Western actors. "Covid19", the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives.

The plan is for a new phase of global capitalism- enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI)- with no clear lines between state and non-state actors. As an aside none of the actors involved are communists.

"Covid" is the cover story utilized to conceal the reality of how economies in the West are being crashed and who is doing it.

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China and the globalists are thick as thieves. That's the ideal society as far as the latter are concerned. There's been no warmongering against China for a good long time. Compare the anti-Russia drive against ANYTHING re: China.

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China is not the enemy. "We have met the enemy and he is us." Walt Kelly, 1970

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I would amend your opening sentence to "a certain subset of the Chinese political apparatus and business class is thick as thieves with the globalists" or something akin to that.

My point is that they are not the primary movers driving it, they are not the ones who have developed the biosecurity apparatus through various supranational entities and the "CCP" are absolutely not the entities who launched the Covid Operation.

Yes the anti-Russia "drive" certainly is another universe of propaganda.

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The Journal of the American Heart Association Research, in Occurrence and Features of Childhood Myocarditis: A Nationwide Study in Finland published in 2017, here, https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.116.005306 stated the background rate of myocarditis in youth, was four cases per million per year. Assuming 60 million American children, the background rate for myocarditis would be 240 cases a year.

So how many cases of myocarditis have been reported to VAERS following COVID injection so far? 16,918 as of December 3, 2021. https://openvaers.com/covid-data And of course, it’s increasing several hundred to a couple of thousand every week. “Doctors have never seen so many cases of myocarditis," Peter McCullough says. "It is frequent, and it is severe. My fear is, some of these kids who develop myocarditis will be in the 13% category where they have progressive left ventricle dysfunction and heart failure.” According to McCullough, 86% of youth who develop myocarditis in response to the jab are sick enough to require hospitalization.

In fact, per Defender, here https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/deaths-vaers-covid-shots-vaccination/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=05cdb832-6ac0-4222-a830-9d80794471ca 21% of deaths reported to VAERS after Covid shots occurred within 48 hours of getting shot. For further reading, here’s where McCullough discusses an “astronomical” rise in myocarditis from the shot – here looking at a national study in Finland, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Sitting next to him is the UK’s top doctor, Aseem Malhotra, who supported the shot… until he looked at the data.

The background deaths per million is 4 before Covid; then it went to 62 cases per million, then a UC Davis study showed 250 cases per million…. Then a Kaiser Permannte study showed 527 cases per million… and as of early Jan. 2023, the Mansanguan et al study, along with one other study found 2,500 cases per million. ************That’s a 62,400% increase. ****************

Don't believe me. Here's the Mansanguan, et al study, Cardiovascular manifestation of the BTN16b2 mRNA Covid Vaccine in Adolescents https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/

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The truth is, as Chris Martenson reports here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSx5OC0zj-E 40 some odd minutes, “myocarditis means you have white blood cells in your heart, attacking it and making it die, a little piece at a time.” Per Martenson, the black dots he shows in patient hearts in the vid are actually white blood cells responding to a perceived threat; patients in the video never had Covid, but did have the shot. See Martenson at 33 min mark for explanation of the key slide.

Key point is that, per the journal Circulation, there is circulating spike protein in post-shot myocarditis cases, and those black dots represent white blood cells that are not supposed to be there in the heart. The study is at the link noted in the slide at NEJM (start at 35 min mark). The problem is where there is spike protein created by the shot, but no antibodies attached to it in many cases. If the spike protein is bound by antibodies, people are ok. BUT if you have free, circulating spike protein with no antibody attached, it is toxic, and hurts the endothelial cells, the white blood cells, the heart muscle cells. Why wasn’t this tested? Go ask Pfizer.

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Jan 16, 2023
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No worries, I fully expect for this to happen once in a while. Meanwhile the tipping point inevitably approaches. I feel like we're one or two more athlete collapses away, or perhaps about 6 more celebrity deaths. (The former have more power because people actually watch when it happens).

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BTW, January, 2023, Japan began an official investigation into excess mRNA vaccine deaths. Here are two professors speaking out (one, from, fittingly Hiroshima University, home of that other mass death event) on Twitter https://twitter.com/i/status/1607008929430769665 abd Prof. Shigetsoshi Sano from Kochi Univ. https://twitter.com/i/status/1607008954844078080 Says the article, “Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated. “The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye. Spike proteins are locally suppressing the immune system,” Sano told reporters. “As a result, the spike proteins facilitate in reactivation of the herpesvirus.” The process of the spike proteins degrading in the immune system prompts inflammation throughout the body that also leads to blood clots, Sano concluded. “The function of the spike proteins to produce adverse reactions is formation of blood clots,” Sano explained. “And even worse, spike proteins can also locally induce inflammation.” Agreeing that a suppressed immune system makes someone more vulnerable to infection, Sano went on to say, “I don’t know if I should say this, but it has been found that vaccinated people are more likely to get coronavirus than unvaccinated people.” “Sometimes, things that are not good are introduced into the human body. Vaccination may cause our overall immune system to fail to fight against such bad things,” he warned. The doctors’ investigations come as Kyoto University Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima slammed Japan’s Ministry of Health for refusing to halt its Covid vaccination program, citing data showing a number of adverse reactions and deaths stemming from the jab.”

Is this suspicion of the vax “conspiracy theory” among 120 million Japanese too? And speaking of conspiracy theory, maybe people just don’t want to be lab rats in the government’s secret experiments, which as John Whitehead wrote, “which include MKULTRA and the U.S. military’s secret race-based testing of mustard gas on more than 60,000 enlisted men (even the idiot NPR gets it https://www.npr.org/2015/06/22/415194765/u-s-troops-tested-by-race-in-secret-world-war-ii-chemical-experiments ). Indeed, you don’t have to dig very deep or go very back in the nation’s history to uncover numerous cases in which the government deliberately conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins. Unfortunately, the public has become so easily distracted by the political spectacle out of Washington, DC, that they are altogether oblivious to the grisly experiments, barbaric behavior and inhumane conditions that have become synonymous with the U.S. government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike. See lawyer John Rutherford article here https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/from_mind_control_to_viruses_how_the_government_keeps_experimenting_on_its_citizens

And why might people be suspicious? How about this, as just one snip from the first week or two of Jan. 2023: Young CTV News reporter Jessica Robb starts slurring her words, appears to go into medical #distress, and looks like she’s about to #collapse live on air during the 6pm show tonight. https://twitter.com/i/status/1612290120799129602

Or Imo Essian at a NCAA basketball came: Essien fell and could not get back up before trainers rushed to his aid on-court, story here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/college-basketball/article-11616643/Old-Dominion-basketball-player-collapses-court-NCAA-basketball-game-vs-Georgia-Southern.html

Or this 16-Year-Old Basketball Player Suffers Stroke While in School https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/16-year-old-basketball-player-suffers-stroke-school/

Or Cadet Hunter Brown at U.S. Air Force Academy, who early January, 2023 died while on his way to class. https://gazette.com/military/air-force-academy-cadet-football-player-collapses-dies-on-way-to-class/article_deb0d2e8-9139-11ed-88a4-833985d0730c.html Brown was a reserve offensive lineman for the Falcons' football team. He died almost the same time the NFL’s Damar Hamlin collapsed, and the same time that WCCO – CBS in Minnesota announced that sudden cardiac arrest is leading cause of death in young athletes. But pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, as the Wizard told Dorothy. But you might want to pay attention to Dr. Peter McCullough discussing this issue, here https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/nfl-star-drops-suddenly-with-peter-mccullough-md-mph/, or Dr. Chris Martenson - PhD in pathology, Duke Univ., with a report soon after the event here, where he adds that science ‘has to consider everything.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSx5OC0zj-E

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Here's a better way of "not getting fooled" at all.

A) Study the history of the medical establishment beginning in the late 1800's to date and examine how it developed into the cartel it is today. Everything going on today has a historical consistency;

B) Study the history of these fraudulent pandemics- start with AIDS/HIV in the 1980's;

C) Look at the financial and media arrangements and how they have been consolidated in the past twenty years;

D) Examine the bio-security apparatus- US military/BARDA/DARPA etc and how it has developed in the last twenty years;

E) Examine how the various supranational organizations have evolved over the past 70 years;

F) Examine geopolitical patterns over the past 70 years;

G) Read and listen to first and foremost the people who have been doing this research for a few decades. and have a proven track record of being correct in their analysis.

Not saying these should be the only ones to learn from just the primary ones. These are the people who understand the history, understand the context, recognize the patterns and understand the totality of what is happening today.

If you can only do a few of those things choose B and G.

Not impugning anyone's motives but the likes of Malone, Peters, Kirsch, McCullough, Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, Rose, Kheriaty, Cole, Kory, Bigtree and many more at the "forefront" of the "Covid dissident" movement have illustrated over these past three years that they know very little about these larger issues or are unwilling to speak to them.

People will never understand what the hell is happening if all they do is look at the issues around "vaccines" (though very important) and accept the "pandemic" narrative even as they disagree with "how it was managed."

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Read Ivan Illich' Limits to medicine. First published in 1976.

A very revealing book, just a random quote: "Medical care, industrial safety, health education and psychic reconditioning are all different names for the human engineering needed to fit populations into engineering systems"

In the book he also goes back to the history of healthcare and shows the reader were we have gone astray and how we have come to live in a medical tyranny (1976!)

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Chomsky quoted him in this essay and he still fell for this nonsense:


It is unbelievable.

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Thank you very much!

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Great. Now I have to read something. Damn it

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Excellent list. I'd complement it with

H) Examine the history of virus isolation, pay particular attention to the methods used.

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This x 100!

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Yes, do all of those things you mentioned. You can also take the shortcut and assume that whatever your TV is commanding you to believe is literally 100% the opposite of reality. Do that and you're Guaranteed to be corrected over 90% of the time. Your track record will be far better than anyone in the corporate media

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I like that approach...hell if I care anymore if they are real or fake...the entire fact that they appear for furious debunking means at the heart of them they are true.

Way to go Professor. Makes sense to me.

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What is a thrombectomy? A thrombectomy is an innovative surgical procedure used to remove blood clots from arteries and veins. Blood clots can disrupt the normal flow of blood to a part of the body, causing life-threatening conditions such as pulmonary embolism or an acute stroke.

the video might predate the covid-19 vaccine, and i admire the admission of error (accountability!) but if i was a betting woman i would be willing to bet good money that hospitals are performing a statistically significant increase of thrombectomies since the covid-19 vaccine rolled out in the population...

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No doubt.

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unless those clots are happening faster than the speed of science and hospitals are seeing increased numbers of acute strokes and pulmonary embolisms.

increases in all 3 are probably likely.

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You are correct! If I were you I’d look into Inari medical thrombectomy removal… not sure investing is smart with our market.

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You are a godsend with your doggedness, Mark. I hope that you will continue with this run down until the bitter end. Dane Wiggington makes a pretty good case that the bitter end is close. The great thing about our human giants is that they stare into the maw of the devil without quailing or retreating. Thank the Lord that humankind produces a few brave souls to put the lie to the cowering multitude!

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I knew about Sagat, but the 3 of them dying so close to one another...wow.

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Add the women's movement to the list. By the early 1970s, women's causes were front and center. I always thought Gloria Steinem was picked to be at the helm because she could softly re-direct it away from its original premise. And she did! Moving away from in your face opposition to a new name (hate it) and magazine. By 2010, Ms Magazine was cover storying and applauding the (ironically named) Affordable Care Act as a win for women. Wasn't she a former employee of the See-Ay-A?

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Yes, she was.

I still wish I could un-see the image of her wearing a big grin and t-shirt that said "I had an abortion." As a firm believer in a woman's right to choose, I found it grotesque.

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Always preferred Bella Abzug and Robin Morgan as far as feminists went.

Remember the Mad Magazine take on 'My Fair Lady" that had Steinem as Prof Henry Higgins (and Burt Reynolds as Eliza, LOL)?

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