Just so sad and yet here we are with people like this making it so hard to connect the dots because they try to hide was has happened! I feel very hopeless at this point when a parent would rather pretend it was normal when they must must must know this is so wrong and a 32 year old does NOT die of natural causes. God please help him to be truthful with himself and help him try to save others instead of covering over his mistake of not being able to see the truth😢 as a parent I would never let this go! I would search for the answer til the day I die!

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Problem is he'll have to live with himself until the end knowing something is gnawing at his soul. Er, if Frum has one.

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He has a soul, alright - otherwise it couldn't bother him; animals have no grief or sorrow as humans do. It is sad - for both he and his wife; this will eat at them till their dying day - which may also come sooner than it should have based on their vaxx history.

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Feb 26
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He was willing to deny other humans medical treatment....

Best thing for them.

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No kidding...the Remdesivir and the vent would have killed us.

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So true. The best treatment for any severe respiratory infection has always been steroids, antibiotics and repurposed drugs but during covid you could only get this by staying away from the hospital.

The sinister thing was the denial of STANDARD early treatments by most physicians and healthcare facilities.

With the above interventions I recovered nicely at home and avoided the false hope of a "safe and effective" mRNA transfection ( which I might add does absolutely ZILCH for a mucosal infection.)

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Del Bigmouth once made a very good point that those parents who do come forward saying a vaccine hurt their kid must be believed as they have broken through strong denial by exhaustively searching for any other possible reason for the harm in a panic to avoid facing that they themselves drove their family to the vaccine clinic, and did not remove their rose-tinted spectacles before signing the consent form!

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"100% safe and effective." "Adverse events are 1 in a million and are things like headaches or mild fever for a couple of days at worst". etc., etc... 🙄💩

Over the decades, we ALL bought into the propaganda, SuperbuggG. I suspect it's only now, some of us are coming to appreciate the total scam that's been fobbed off on us for over a century. At this point (I'm now 64) I'll never take a prescription drug of any kind, ever again; nor will I ever darken a doctor's doors ever again if I can by any means avoid it.

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We should appreciate the Great Awakening.

Covid, we couldn't do it without ye.

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Totally hear you.

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Sorry to post again... but 2 mins.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqhwXfn2IU

Been in the O&G industry 35 years or so and you have NO IDEA where they shove petroleum refined products... from pharmaceuticals, to FOOD, make up, to bath and shower stuff, to the obvious PLASTIC ANYTHING ELSE ... everything literally... look around your house now and 99% of everything you see will have some oil content (Petroleum refined)....

This was on google, so treble the list = https://www.ranken-energy.com/index.php/products-made-from-petroleum/

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I’m not good at math so can someone add up the numbers for a 1 in a million rare events when 8 billion people have been jabbed? I would think it’s still a very high one.

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"1 in a million" is traditional Big Pharma propaganda, and were it the truth, why have they had total indemnity for their vaccine products worldwide since 1984? 🤔💩

The actual injury rates are more like 1 in 64 and include such piquant delights as blindness, deafness, paralysis -- sometimes total -- really bizarre autoimmune disorders and more than occasionally, "Death." The injury from the Covid Lethal Injections have been reportedly documented as something like 1 in 800 but given other stuff I've been reading online I suspect they're much, much higher.

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Okay can you or someone do the math for this number? That would scramble my brain if I tried.

Numbers, statistics and poems are really uncomfortable for me after a head injury.

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Honestly Sam? Under the circumstances it's anyone's guess what the outcome of this is going to be and trying to quantify it with statistics is a fool's endeavour. According to Br. Alexis Bugnolo, Luc Montagnier, PhD said everyone with even one injection will be dead in 2 years. I've been unable to verify the comment, Bugnolo said it June/July 2021 and -- it's not been borne out, has it?

💣 "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

💣 "We are at the Great Separation" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/2Udu97lMClL4/

💣 Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton BC has to my recollection also guestimated death from right-sided heart failure within 2 years -- from the first injection. He wrote a letter to Chief Provincial Health Officer "Butcher Bonnie" Henry; I attach a link to same: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/doctors-speak/open-letter-to-dr-bonnie-henry-from-bc-physician-re-moderna-vaccine-reactions/. The result of his meeting I've gathered was to be told in no uncertain terms to shut up, his hospital privileges revoked and his salary cut in half.

💣 Delores Cahill, PhD, formerly of Trinity College in Dublin Ireland has said 3 - 5 years. https://www.bitchute.com/video/zLxImW0KDorQ/

💣 Judi Mikovitts has some very interesting things to say in the "Plandemic" trilogy by Mikki Willis; here's the first one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zLxImW0KDorQ/

💣 If you want to do more research via Substack take a look at people like Steve Kirsh (https://kirschsubstack.com/), oncologist Dr. William Makis (https://makismd.substack.com/), Jeff Childers (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/), Byram Bridle Ph.D. (https://substack.com/@viralimmunologist), "Lioness of Judah" https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/ or "Vigilant Fox" (https://vigilantfox.substack.com/)

💣 Other places I go to are Mike Adams' posts on Brighteon (https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport), Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog https://usawatchdog.com/ or occasionally Seth Holehouse of "Man In America" (https://maninamerica.com/videos/)

Like I said: Don't worry too much about numbers. What you have to get a grip on is that humanity has been betrayed by our leaders in government, by Big Pharma and by our medical doctors, that anything they say is not to be trusted: They've done nothing but lie to us since the start of the Fraudemic. You might want to study Dr. Joseph Mercola's substack for prophylactic modalities as the spike proteins spread thoughout the population. (https://takecontrol.substack.com/)

Hope all that helps.

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Something more for you:

"Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Reveals the Comprehensive List of "Vaccine" Injury Mechanisms" ofhttps://www.brighteon.com/9dae524c-1fb5-4396-9580-3f2bd5135ac6

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Why do you denigrate Del Bigtree? Ya, he seems a little full of himself but he’s done and is doing far more to bring, not just awareness to this damning issue, but actually taking huge measures to correct it through his ICAN organization’s lawsuits.

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Bigtree is a fraud, albeit a popular one. I formerly had respect for Sophia Smallstorm but she has chosen to more or less gush over him. RFK JUNIOR is a fraud AND a Zionist. A gatekeeper is a gatekeeper, whether in the form of the grand high exalted gatekeeper N. Chomsky (Drone Onky) or the more recent incarnations.

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I credit Del Bigtree’s long running Highwire show with saving me from falling for any of this plandemic. What exactly about him is a fraud? And please give specific examples or STFU.

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I've watched the Highwire for years now. What's fraudulent about it and him? And you're doing what?

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Del is not a fraud. His documentaries have saved lives.

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I have neither the time nor the energy to unravel this logic.

I meanwhile have saved countless lives by applying the brake while driving.

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Clearly you have not seen his work and are simply a troll.

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Thought so, Jerry. Sorry for your loss…

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I can respect BIGTREE RFK etc for laying it on the line to get the word out. The only one I would say is definitely a fraud so far, that fits your definition is ROBERT MALONE. He fits the bill pretending to be on our side after instigating the whole mRNA DNA lethality to the C19 jabs. Please use your vitriol on hollow people such as him before accusing the genuine ones who are trying to open the eyes of the world! Think about how you can bring light to the world instead of tearing down good people who have actually saved lives by their words and actions!!!

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Yes, some poisons are good for you.

Some of us avoid poisons as a matter of course. And some of use don't need the gatekeeper-cognoscenti class to so sprinkle half baked reason down on us from on high. Blank the lot of them.

And a shill is a shill even if he is for some reason highly regarded.

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At least Dell uses his real name. Given his work in this context, you could do him the respect of using it as well.

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What consent form? Was there a consent form? I don't know anyone who signed a consent form before getting the jab. Maybe parents had to sign one for their minor children.

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My adult kids chose to get the shot. I saw the consent form my son signed. It did not state on it any known side effects. It just simply had you sign that you were aware it’s new and could have possible unknown side effects basically. Signing off on an experimental vaccine.

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This whole Vaxx thing was an 'idiot test' and many failed and are still failing. Is there going to be a Great Awakening, with rage and fury ? Not sure. From the beginning, I asked, 'If you're vaccinated, how can unvaccinated people get you sick, if the vaxx actually works ?' People simply could not think clearly, and they still can't. Wow... and the deeply flawed Hospital Care protocols are the main causes of death. When Remdesivir was first used for ebola, it was determined that it was killing people, so it was withdrawn from use. So how the Hell did it became part of the officially sanctioned Covid 19 treatment ????

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Have you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" yet? My brother Paul died in 1996 at the age of 43, blind, emaciated, and scarcely able to move. We were told it was "AIDS". It wasn't. It was AZT, a conconction so toxic the original researchers abandoned their patent application and tossed their research material in the wastepaper basket. But Tony Fraudci made a tidy fortune from AZT thanks to his creation and promotion of the AIDS Scamdemic, of which the Covid Scamdemic is merely an instant replay.

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I’m so sorry to hear this. But one has to wonder, with all of the harm and evil that Anthony Fauci has caused over the decades, how is this man still living? How is he still breathing oxygen? I’m just curious as to why someone has not literally beaten the shit out of this piece of crap excuse for human.

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The Devil looks after his own. Consider Lenin.. between seizing power and Satan coming for him 6 years later he was responsible for the murders of something like 10 million people and Russian industrial output had declined 95%. Or How about Morris Fishbein, 2nd President of the AMA? From Wade Frazier's "The Medical Racket" (https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm):

"Consider Morris Fishbein. Here is a theory that few are willing to ponder, because few will admit that anybody could be so diabolical, especially somebody who runs the medical establishment. ... Here is an unpleasant thought to consider: Fishbein was actively promoting the single greatest cause of cancer while simultaneously wiping out the cancer cures that worked, cures that were harmless, and Fishbein knew 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 what he was doing. His cigarette promotion was creating a market (patients) for a racket where the cash registers rang resoundingly, and anything that could cheaply cure the disease was ruthlessly wiped out.

I have never seen anybody make that argument for Fishbein before. If we accept that some people are actively committed to evil, and it probably has to be admitted if one believes in free will, then this argument about Fishbein is not easily dismissed. Maybe he was merely greedy and blind, with low intelligence. Although Fishbein has been compared to Hitler a number of times, I will be gentler and call him the Al Capone of modern medicine, whose racketeering efforts greatly contributed, wittingly or unwittingly, to the suffering and deaths of many millions of people around the world in the 20th century. He gets my vote for medical gangster of the 20th century. However, in significant ways, the medical racket is worse today than it was in Fishbein's time."

Tony Fauci is probably the greatest serial killer of all time and he will die peacefully in his sleep of old age untroubled by the faintest whipser of conscience. Hopefully there's a Big Surprise waiting for him on The Other Side... 😈

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Feb 26
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Yes, he was a useful tool for those above him.

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the days when the horrificly corrupt concept of 'asymptomatic carrier' appeared and everybody started to shun everyone else. absolutely devastating.

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November 14, 2021 I was obliged to walk away from my job rather than take The Lethal Injection.. July 14, 2022 I got it back again admittedly but my experience of humanity since March 2020 has marked me. I live like a hermit and try to avoid social contact.

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Me too

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understandably so. I think it's a very brave stand, Capt.!

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Capt. Roy, my brother fell to the same fate. Our losses continue.

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Deeply sorry. AZT induced symptoms and suffering in so, so many loved ones. Such tremendous suffering in the 80's and 90's. Much love to you.

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My brother Gary died in 1991 at 26 because of Anthony Fauci's AZT.

I read The Real Anthony Fauci and also Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovitz about little Rat Anthony's first PLANDEMIC of "aids".

I didn't know what was going on then since we were told Gary is starting a new treat which was AZT we know now.

He was OK before and died pretty quickly after along with his partner.

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Most didn't know what was going on, and wanted to have faith that these 'wonder drugs' were going to save our loved ones. We didn't know (until we did) that we were watching our beloveds die as a result of these drugs, not in spite of them.

My heart goes out to you and your family. I'm glad you know now, and have an understanding of what took place then - and is taking place now. It doesn't bring our friends and family back ... it doesn't change the absence of their presence here.

But it does mean that 'they' will not be able to get away with this nonsense forever. The end of their reign is inevitable.

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I couldn’t even finish the book. I cried reading it! I really don’t understand anyone who put him up on a pedestal. I went to a friends party that summer of 2020 and my friend was wearing a Fauci sweatshirt like he was so e God. Threw up in my mouth. Was so angry. Why don’t people just do some extra research and reading. How lazy for people to just watch the MSM news and never read anything from outside sources!

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So sorry Capt. Roy. I wish you much Peace & Love...

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Thank you. My family's all gone now, I'm the last one. Mom and Dad of old age obviously, but my older sister of cancer brought on from alcoholism, my twin sister of cancer brought on -- I now have no doubt whatsoever of this -- brought on from childhood vaccinations.

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Sad new Cat. But tag... you're it ! Make it good life as a tribute to your family. Stay Safe... Be well...

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Feb 26
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Thanks for sharing your story. 80's and 90's in the gay community can be viewed through two distinct lenses ... those who were swayed (understandably) by propaganda, and the 'fringe' who could think critically and endure the fallout.

Even in the 80's, most in the gay community were so gripped with fear and self-loathing regarding so-called 'AIDS' that they cleaved tightly to conventional medicine and elevated Fauci to sainthood.

The small subset of gay activitists who had the presence of mind, curiosity, and the courage to recognize and step outside the propaganda stream were (as today) shunned and worse.

Such a painful era in my own life and the lives of those I loved dearly.

As soon as Fauci became the face of corona-nonsense, I (and so many others) knew this was just a second act of the same shitshow.

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And to think Elton John and his AIDS Foundation push this ClotShot non-stop! He’s close with the “Royal” Family and obviously quite useful to their anti-human agenda.

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Sir Elton Hercules John is not illustrated in Bob Moran's charming illustration linked below... But he should be: He's right down there with Jimmy Saville.


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I’ve heard some very disturbing things about him that make me suspect you’re right.

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Somehow, despite what happened to Paul, I never heard Fauci's name until the Scamdemic got underway in earnest...

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Nevermind, sorry ... I see now you are referring to your brother, Cap'n Roy. Yes, the decline of all body systems caused by AZT is hard to imagine unless you've lived it or been at the side of those who ingested it. I'm sorry Paul suffered, and that you and your family and others who love him suffered as well.

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I don't recall the specific date that Fauci's character came onstage for the corona stage production, but it was fairly early on in 2020. And I'm glad he appeared early on, as it clarified everything in one fell swoop.

Fauci's a small but skillful and soulless puppet in a much larger production.

He has caused countless deaths and tremendous suffering, to be sure. But to perceive Fauci as one of those truly in control would be giving him far too much credit.

He's a bootlicker.

He's a puppet who thrives on attention and following orders carefully and precisely (likely without remorse, as it seems clear he sold any soul he had long, long ago).

Fauci will fall by his own sword, ultimately. Meanwhile he must endure his own company every day and every night, while he awaits it.

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Evidently it's a good thing for him he has no conscience.

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I knew about Fauci from Larry Kramer a NYC activist, but I didn’t learn about how poisonous AZT is until the Rona scam started.

My brother too died a horrible death from "AIDS." BUT now I know that it was the drug. I worked with a doctor that created a treatment for CMV retinitis, but even he didn’t stop to think it was the drug.

I had a hard time reading Kennedy’s book when he wrote about this. Where do we put our anger? His death devastated me only to have the wounds opened again.

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Paul? Not sure to whom you're referring ... I might have missed something.

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Sorry. My brother. I'll make a correction.

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Feb 26
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What a tremendous loss for you and your family, K.E.

In retrospect, the folks I knew who were questioning the propaganda and doing their own research in the 80's and 90's had (at least) a couple of things in common: (1) an ability to tolerate being shunned and shamed and presumed insane; (2) a devotion to finding the truth, no matter the cost; (3) a wish that revealing the truth will diminish suffering.

They were somehow able to handle becoming utterly persona non grata by their friends, lovers, community, sometimes even family in their dedication to following their inner guidance and the (true) science.

Not sure that was about youth, as I saw many young folks who were ardently supporting whatever Fauci and Gallo and pharma and the medical industrial complex handed them.

I think it's something about how some folks are wired.

I saw through it but spoke out only briefly. I shared my interest and excitement in the work of Peter Duesberg and other researchers whose questions and considerations about HTLV / HIV theory, I questioned AZT and other approaches to the 'epidemic' that were decidedly not in lockstep with convention - and then experienced the vigorous and aggressive backlash. I caved in and shut the phuck up.

And I learned the very high cost of self-censorship ... the toll it takes on body, heart, mind, and spirit.

This time around, I'm not shutting up.

I'm glad you're not, either ... and everyone else who's reading this, as well.

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Feb 27
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The cheap and safe medicine you're talking about that they could have used back then is called Bactrim. Just like they did with Ivermectin now, Bactrim was swept under the rug. The only thing they kept pushing was AZT and we all know the results. I honestly don't understand how the gay community took the vax bait hook, line and sinker. We lost a lot of people unnecessarily back then and we're losing plenty of people unnecessarily now. I don't know who said it, but I once read this quote: "history doesn't repeat itself - it echoes" - the only problem is that nobody seems to hear it.

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Richie - you ask:

“…how the Hell did it (Remdesivir) became part of the officially sanctioned Covid 19 treatment ????”

I think it was because of that very powerful American ‘health’ bureaucrat who boldly proclaimed on TV - “I am The Science” !

In response to which, thousands of highly-paid ‘scientists’, medical practitioners, and officials in the American & other Western ‘health’ bureaucracies chose to say nothing!

This whole disaster has unmasked the moral and ethical collapse of the modern medical profession - with the exception of those few brave souls who spoke up almost from the beginning - and suffered greatly as a consequence.

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" the moral and ethical collapse of the modern medical profession"? 😳🕳

That collapse happened over a century ago, when the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate coopted Orthodox Medicine back in 1910 with their "Flexner Report" advising among other things the abandoment of nutritional instruction in medical school, the use of herbal preparations and supplements together with midwifery in favour of toxic petrochemical-based drugs and gynecology... You can read about it here:

"The Medical Racket" - https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

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But we needed better brain washing in 1947.

It was 20 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.


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Sgt. Pepper's was released in 1969. I remember listening to my now departed older sister's album when I was 8, and being blown away by it... 🤔


Oh, and find a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of North American Education"... His discussion of the decline in literacy courtesy government-funded "compulsory education" (again, courtesy of gangsters like the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate) is nothing short of damn-all pant-shitting terrifying...😱 🕳

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I know Gatto, read his Underground history, unimpeachable.

Did Doctoral Work on Literacy Studies.

Carnegie was threatened by teenage entrepreneurs. Created mandatory schooling.

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Oh, the new Paxlovid tv commercial says it all. They are beginning to run for shadows; they know we know and it makes them very uncomfortable. It is because of people just like the ones here who have had enough and wish to do something….anything to right this wrong. This atrocity is no different than the any other human endurance issue that these (subs) have attempted to snuff out. This should be considered a multigenerational wrongful death situation. We hate this because we are on the front lines; we are the first to this fight! We are no different than that one soldier at the beginning of the American revolution. He stood up and looked over the sand dune and glimpsed a view he couldn’t have ever expected. A thousand ships harbored and troops in red/white/black readying to disembark and come collecting. It was at that moment that he must have realized that he was the first; a shot had not been fired. Along with that, it must have come over him that he wasn’t going home…..ever! Now, he could have turned tail and quietly retraced his steps back to the safety of this new land he found himself in, but he did not. He raised is long rifle, steadied his aim and squeezed off the first shot of our independence. I guess, in reality, this is just a continuation of that fateful day when these intruders were sent packing back to whence they came. Multigenerational to say the least. One realized, it makes it extremely difficult for most to carry on because they know that there is a distinct possibility that they will not see the end of this. We are just pieces on a board, in a game that has been playing out for centuries. That does not mean that each and every patriot does not possess value; we are invaluable to say the least. The days of soccer games, graduations, birthdays, etc. are about over. They wanted a new day and I believe that new day it is upon us! Rock on!

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Paxlovid is a combination of two drugs...one of them has a FDA black box warning on it.

No one will tell you this.

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Thanks for this comment.

How do you find this info on Paxlovid? My 90 year-old mother was recently on it for the second time - don't get me started - and each time she has had horrible cognitive issues to the point that she's shouting at people and having delusions. I can't find information about this and would love to find out more. Plenty of reasons not to take it in the package insert already, but this is very interesting.

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Dr. Jane Ruby sounded the warning on Paxlovid.

Here is what I was able to find out. Paxlovid is a combination of nirmatrelvir with ritonavir.

Ritonavir has a FDA black box warning on it...here is the link. It can cause liver problems and was used in the past for treating HIV.

All 46 pages in a pdf format.


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...and the punchline: Approved by the FDA.

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Thank you so much! This is hugely helpful. Dr. Jane Ruby often seems to provide information that others do not. I had not seen this.

Now the challenge is with my siblings...

Thanks again - all the best!

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Amazing how the medical community portrayed Paxlovid as some golden elixir.

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One of the adverse events for ritonavir (NORVIR) is neurological disturbances.

"The most frequently reported adverse drug reactions among patients receiving

NORVIR alone or in combination with other antiretroviral drugs were

gastrointestinal (including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (upper

and lower), neurological disturbances (including paresthesia and oral

paresthesia), rash, and fatigue/asthenia ."

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Here is a link to the warning by Dr. Jane Ruby.


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Ditch the Paxlovid and have her go on an Ivermectin protocol. No side effects and it works. Don't be scared by the 'misinformation' put forth by Big Pharma & the FDA & CDC. Their disparagement of Ivermectin is criminal. Check the < https://flccc.net > for Ivermectin protocols. And 2ndsmartestguy substack for cheap Ivermectin. I had 'Delta' and Ivermectin saved my Life. Good Luck !

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And it doesn't work. Works at first then return episodes occur. Dumb. No real need for it. Ivermectin protocols are best.

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Yes, thank you. I have been following the FLCCC since its inception. I had my mother on ivermectin but my siblings read the NYT and Guardian, panicked, vetoed it, put it in the trash and got mum the Pfizer. 3 doses. Downhill after that, from living alone to nursing home where she's had "COVID" and Paxlovid twice. This information will be invaluable!

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Good Luck to you and your Mum Quinn.

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Thank you so much for this, Kathleen.

I just sent an email with this link to a number of people, so we can all be aware that Paxlovid contains Ritonavir / Norvir ... and we can share the information with others.

Given that so many Americans are consumers of prescription drugs - particularly adults and the elderly, but a growing number of adolescents are also now taking pharmaceuticals daily - and how many people are now being prescribed Paxlovid, it is of obvious importance for everyone to know that one of the drugs in Paxlovid has a Black Box Warning.

Reading the 46-page insert with regards to side effects, I found myself (ruefully) laughing and wondering if Ritonavir is one of the substances they rain down upon us in sky-assaults from chemtrails. I know of so, so many people who've *not* had the jab who are experiencing plenty of those symptoms.

Wild times. Anyway, thank you for posting this information. It's not possible for me to keep up with all the information coming out these days, so it's super helpful that you shared this here.

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You are welcome. I am grateful to Dr. Jane Ruby who alerted me to the danger.

Those 46 pages of harms...were unreal.

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I'll watch the video, so glad you posted it.

I never have gone back to see if I could excavate the insert for AZT.

I watched so many die as a result of ingesting AZT, reading the insert is no doubt redundant.

They will fall by their own swords.

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So Paxlovid is a combination of 2 drugs...

Why would the medical ghouls use a HIV drug (ritonavir) to treat covid?

Could it be because the covid bioweapon, and the covid shot bioweapon, has HIV in it?https://clinicalinfo.hiv.gov/en/drugs/ritonavir/patient

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"If you're vaccinated, how can unvaccinated people get you sick..." The "scientists" did what they always do when the logic fails. They change the story. So their story is that by you getting jabbed, you are part of the "herd" that is now creating a protection to those few who for some reason can't be jabbed. Like a protective cloak over the herd; even the few unvaxxed. That became the buzz phrase: "you're doing it for grandma or your neighbor." Implying that you're a selfish prick if you don't do it for your poor neighbor. Remember we're all in this together. Ha ha..yeah sure we are.

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Yep. My own daughter told me I was selfish for not getting the vax. The Covid scam nearly destroyed our relationship as she was in healthcare and completely brainwashed. She still is to a degree but I do think she stopped with the boosters. I hope. She probably till does the stupid flu vax. Oh how I hate hate hate vaccines now that I know.

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Biggest scam in human history. Never did any good for anyone ever. Just sickness and injury. You do not impart health by injecting poison.See Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries.

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"My covid would have been a lot worse if I hadn't taken the jab" was the buzz I hated the most, and people actually said it to me.

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Yeah man... a lot of serious propaganda-mind control was used to influence people. The scary part now... is that I believe that it was a 'test-run' for something worse. 'They' are analyzing the data... and prepping for the next move. Stay smart-stay safe...

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Fauci made it part of the protocol.

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Because it’s Fauci 💰baby and Fauci said so....

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Thank you. FAILING COMMEN SENS they were and unfortunatly still are.

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Just another astonishing day in vaccine hell. A hell we never leave.

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To everything there is a season.

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Frum was a covid freak, shilling for the vaccine and speaking as if skeptics of any kind were less than human. This is his come to jesus moment but I suspect he is so far gone he will simply carry on blindly into the night where he has been for quite a long time now. It would be glorious if he proved me wrong.

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David is Jewish.. liklihood of his coming to Jesus I'd hazard is pretty remote...

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People need to answer for demonizing those who did not choose to be injected. Horrifying what went on.WTF is wrong with people~ the fear made them all turn on the other. That is the scary part, not some non existant germ.

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What the hell is a sudden "natural" cause of death for young people? Congenital issues aren't sudden. Like bear attacks? Lightning strike?

I asked Google AI, and I *guarantee* this was not an answer it would have provided prior to 2020:

"Natural causes of death include:

Infections, such as COVID, pneumonia, influenza, HIV/AIDS, or diarrheal disease

Heart disease, such as stroke or heart attack


Sudden organ failure

Death while giving birth"

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Effing AI. May it die …of natural or unnatural causes.

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The vaccine is the main cause of natural causes!

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Which brings "natural causes" on a par with coincidences.

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That’s fucked up

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It would be horrible to suddenly die of diarrhea!

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It may have been referring to diverticulitis, which can kill a person via sepsis.

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Denial is "wonderful" apparently.

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Denial is the worst drug of all. It is addicting.

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I would NEVER NOT WANT TO KNOW why my child died… no matter what age. NO MATTER THE REASON .

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My carpenter friend, age 42, just died of turbo renal cancer. The woman who recommended him to us told me over a year ago that in 2021, she had DEMANDED he be “vaccinated.” She said and I quote, “I told him, if you wanna work for us again, you MUST got the vaccine and I just knew he wasn’t going to, so I drove him to the vaccine clinic myself, marched him right up there and he got the first two, and then the booster later in the fall.” The other day, after he’d died after just 9 months from diagnosis, she says to me, “You know, I always believed it is a PERSONAL CHOICE to get vaccinated; I’d never force someone to do it if they did not want to.” I was stunned. We were on the phone. I was completely silent. She really believes this now, that this is the way it went. It did not go that way and instead, went horribly wrong due to her bossy, ugly, demand that this young man get those jabs. I can barely speak to her now. I feel frozen. In mourning. He was a good soul.

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I had a buddy tell me three years ago that his doctor told him to get jabbed. He told me (smugly) he was up-to-date with his jabs.

Fast forward three years. Same buddy called and the subject turned to jabs. Said he would NEVER submit to having these garbage jabs injected into his body!

I was dumbfounded. He's jabbed alright! The Covid era produced liars...

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He fully knows what's coming and thinks he can avoid it by stepping into an alternate reality. Not a lot else he can do at this point.

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I know plenty of those. Hell of a way to live

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GREAT LINE: "He fully knows what's coming and thinks he can avoid it by stepping into an alternate reality."

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It's nuts, the River in Egypt stuff.

Also, I knew people who lied then, said they were jabbed when they weren't, and I do not doubt that a lot of people lie now, saying they didn't take the jabs when in fact they did. So it goes among the humans on planet earth. As for me, I consider the question, "have you been vaccinated?" beyond-the-pale rude. Usually, depending on the context, I simply answer, "I don't ask that question." But, hey, that's me. I'm for medical privacy, that was my stance from Day One.

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I have had three friends say they really didn't want to get the jab, but pressure from their job, and the other two was in solidarity w/their spouses who would also lose their jobs if they didn't get it. I don't know I could stay in a marriage if my spouse couldn't respect my wishes of no I don't want to get the jab. They all have children, both parents get sick, who cares for the kids? Yet another study that should be done.

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We aren't particularly close. He clearly "forgot" our conversation from three years ago when he gleefully told me he was jabbed.

It was enough to just observe... Another chapter in Clown World.

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Maybe he was lying three years ago, perhaps thinking that "the cool kids" were getting jabbed. One can hope . . .

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A lot of people I know are in this boat. They pushed and they pushed and they pushed. They did a lot of volunteering at jab clinics, they even drove their own reluctant relatives to the jab clinics. Now, in 2024 and onwards, a few might recognize the horrific thing that they did, and forgive themselves, and find some spiritual healing. A lot probably won't. Watch out, that's all I can say.

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plausable deniability. it's an ugly way of not willing to take responsibility. however, 'God sees everything' (Proverbs 15:3-4)

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Mel, this is a perfect depiction of MANY people I've encountered. Thank you. I keep telling myself that the greatest accomplishment of our day is to NOT go insane; given the lies, the propaganda, the being shunned for telling the truth... the greatest accomplishment-- to retain one's sanity.

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Please don’t speak to - once you have told her why you are can’t bear the sight of her anymore. What an awful bitc#h she must be. People like her - moronic Karens, there are very many of them - make my blood boil

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May he forgive her and rest in peace. She now has to live with the same karma David Frum has gotten.

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This makes me want to throw up 🤮. I believe it’s the only way she can live with herself.

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I think you’re right, Leslie. It makes me sick too. And sad for my poor friend Al. He did not deserve this, as all people who were forced do not deserve this awful outcome.

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I sure wish you would call her on her bs. Before she dies and you lose the chance!

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Frum wrote speeches for Dubya, but he is now a complete tool of the Democrats. He has been for years.

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Frum is in no way considered a "rightest" in ANY conservative circles I travel in. He is truly his mother's (a hardcore Leftist) son. Yeah, he pretended to have seen the light and worked a few Bush GOP Establishment type gigs, but couldn't maintain the facade and long ago reverted to his mommy's weltanschaung. He's a Useful Idiot of the Left who used his platform to promote the jabs. Feh. . . . I grieve for those he influenced to take the jabs. But his lack of integrity will never allow him to acknowledge & express regret for his own responsibility in the catastrophe he likely inflicted on his own daughter and who knows how many others.

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Nice name! Maybe we’re related 😄

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He has always been a tool of the establishment, regardless of party.

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Dubya the war criminal.

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Such a tragedy

And the other tragedy we are seeing is that quite a few who adamantly promoted this awful Covid deathvaxxx are now either dead suddenly or have a loved one now gone. None of this natural & my 💔 grieves for all. None of this needed to happen unless…there is truth to some of those eugenicist conspiracy theories 😰

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Well who'd a thunk it?

It would appear that the unspeakably odious propagandist David Frum, infamous for coining the phrase "axis of evil" — in service of facilitating the murder of up to a million Iraqis — might well, wittingly or not, have coined another such phrase, to provide cover for the unfolding murder of untold millions: "Suddenly of natural causes".

Perhaps the committee, having overlooked him since 2002, can finally make amends and award him the IgNobel prize for literature he so richly deserves.

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I don’t think those on here expressing sympathy for him know about his complicity in war crimes. That he promoted hatred against the unvaxed was perfectly consistent with the evil he embodies.

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You got that right — "perfectly consistent"!

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If no actual cause Is given, or other explanation of the death, then you have to assume it's jab related. Especially in this case. Karma is a bitch; it's a shame that anyone should die so young, but her father was probably responsible for many, many people being jabbed and left potentially damaged for the rest of their lives.

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Responsible for many deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan too

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“Karma is a Bitch”

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The only payback I want to see is for those who pushed the jabs, either knowing how dangerous they are or not, paying for all of the people they were either directly or indirectly responsible for poisoning. For those who did it knowingly, throw them into the deepest, nastiest hole possible and make their remaining time on Earth pure Hell. For those who did it unknowingly, if they don't sincerely repent confiscate all their worldly goods and brand them in some fashion so that everyone can see what they are, and shun them. This simply cannot ever be allowed to happen again, and showing mercy to those responsible is disrespecting all those who were injured or died (and who will possibly still suffer injury or death) due to their actions. This is admittedly harsh, but this is the greatest mass murder in history and needs to be treated as such.

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Since these jabs all came with a sheet of paper that said "Intentionally blank" then those that administered those jabs could not possibly have obtained informed consent and therefore every single one of them is guilty under the Nuremberg protocols that are enshrined into law in every single western nation. Every single doctor or nurse that administered these poisons must be arrested and put away for a very very very long time.

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Nuremberg wasn't effective, if it was they would have not done the vaxx. They simply don't give a fuck, they do not fear us, and that is a very big problem especially when one side essentially believes in obeying laws and the other doesn't.

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I have a pharmacist family member who was instructed by his corporate higher ups to give the shots or else. He knew the inserts were blank. Yet people lined up to get jabbed. He never encouraged or advised people to take the shots, figuring it was their own choice and personal responsibility. To this day he does not push vaccines of any kind despite the corporate higher ups downgrading him for "not giving enough" of them.

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He can change jobs….

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caught between a rock and a hard place then....

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But admit, the government did a great job scaring the people into the jabs.

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Most effective psychological operations ever.

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They are continuing to do so. Especially with those on Medicare. The messaging is non-stop. And the CDC continues to push, even including the jabs for infants and children 6 months and older.

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Good for you. I hope that stupid pharmacist is so stricken by she can’t sleep at night. Same goes for anyone who administered the death jabs - especially those who jabbed children.

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That deep nasty hole is where David Frum now is residing.

Let’s see what his columns in the future will look like ….

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What David Frum should do is admit he was wrong, and that the vaxx is extremely dangerous and worse than ineffective, making recipients _more_ likely to get sick than those who have not taken it.

Can he do the right thing? I know it would be painful, but nonetheless he should do it to save others from taking that deadly poison.

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I would guess Frum prefers to live with his head in the sand, especially since he likely got the jabs too.

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Nope...he will likely do the opposite which is why we are in an intractable, untenable position between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

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"and never the twain shall meet" (unless people start thinking rationally again).

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They can't start thinking rationally again because they will not be able to admit to themselves what they did to themselves and their kids potentially. That's why I'm saying the problem is probably intractable they can't do it

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the original phrase (Kipling) was expressed in the context of 19th century Empire-building and colonialism - another one of those realities we're still working hard at doing away with (decolonisation).

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Maybe there is some way though. We need someone who is really good at psychology to figure out how.

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Imagine how horrible his wife who seems to just go along with her hubby must feel now. SHE could speak out about the poison shot that killed her daughter

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She could redeem herself by speaking up.

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Read about a Doctor Boz who pushed and pushed. Now she is finally understanding. After entire family including children vaxed. How many will she affect with her 180.

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How many people were injured or killed because they listened to her?

That 180 isn't going to save her.

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Kathleen--Yes, the people who took her 'advice'. No real research by her. Unbelievable--Inexcusable.--Clear info has been there since beginning" Mikovitz, Tenpenny, Merrit, Ryan., Kory, and many others. I never heard of her before Jeff Childers posted. I began her video, but not wasting time. No turning back, yet hopeful he 'confession' will stop those stupidly still lined up. Which continues to astound me. A Nation of Sheep. Sometimes when I read comments to articles I am in fear due to of the number of morons we live with.

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The "forcing function" should have been the tip-off to some people who were undecided.

When has America, and the world, instituted such draconian terms on citizens?

No jab = no job, no travel, no medical care, no school.

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Some of our Medical Freedom docs actually took the jab, and have publicly spoken about it, then went on to discourage others as well as prove what a sham it all has been.

What will she do? Keep making her YT videos about Keto that make her a ton of money?

Keep on talking about something more pleasant?

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I totally agree. My comment below my original comment--how many deaths will she be responsible for. One good thing with her 'confession'...I understand she has many readers so at least may stop a few who are still lining up. Hope there

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My spouse has followed Dr. Boz for a long time (he is a keto diet fan). I stopped paying attention to her when she practically cheerled the mRNA poison shots. Can you provide me with a link to her backtracking on the Covid shots? I would like to share this with my spouse (we are both unjabbed). Added note in edit: I did find her recent one about the biggest crime in the history of medicine where she admits her mistake.

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If that link does not work, use a search engine to find Boz Biggest Crime in History

She repented live on Tuesday and YouTube domonetized that video within hours.

Aussie17 wrote about it in her Substack today and I recommended an appropriate punishment for the sincerely repentant Doctor Boz in a response to a comment from Poor Peasant. She is horrified after reading McCullough’s latest article about what she had done to her children and to a lesser extent her clients and friends by blindly recommending the gene therapy products without doing any meaningful research when she was warned.

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She didn't look too horrified to me if we are speaking of the same video.

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ACroneInTheWoods, good point. Horrified may not be the correct word to describe her delivery. But she did look like she was having a difficult time finding the right words to use. Could be because of ScrewTube censorship, her employer (if she has one), or her guilt.

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I don't know her, never have heard of her so I don't have anything to note or compare other than the one video. Maybe a few tears would have been helpful? I don't know what to expect from any of them, except to scream from the roof tops, and she didn't do any screaming.

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Thank you Bill for your post. I will share the link with my spouse.

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Sorry, have not followed her. Only learned of her on Coffee Covid by Jeff Childers. But look below, Bill has posted info.

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I never heard of her but listened to the awakening video a few days ago because it showed up on my You Tube feed. I find it uncanny that there are still people like her out there, but it was revealing and helpful for the cause of truth. It was a peer reviewed study that did it for her. Of course, You Tube demonetized her.

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She is horrible to watch. My second attempt today. There is no way I could watch her regularly, but that is just me, clearly she has an audience that likes her.

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She is a rather ditzy type broad is my first impression. What is sad to me so many people follow people like her. She doesn't seem to heart broken, nor do I see her truly Standing Tall and telling people to not take anymore. When someone close to her dies, will she get that she murdered them?

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Rose--another question however, how many deaths will she be responsible for..

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Rose, I stand with Reiner, she promoted the Covid jabs heavily in one video (along with all other vaccines). That was the day I stopped watching any of her YouTube videos. If I can find it I will post the link. I did find this one where she expresses regret for pushing it (37 minute mark or so)


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We have to stop being nice...

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Well Ron Johnson is having another hearing soon so I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of this. Oh wait it's for Canadians...in our Congress...huh??

Frum is a RINO at best too...

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Sadly learning the truth on RJ. Maybe the whole lot of them.

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And even with that (RINO) you are being too kind.

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Lots of establishment types in that family for several generations.

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Fat lotta good it's doing them now.

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You mean jews. It's okay to say it.

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There are way too many stupid Jews in this country. I can say that, I am one of the not stupid ones.

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Also, way too many stupid Catholics (esp. the Pope), Muslims, Hindus ....

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perhaps in more places than just 'this country'...?

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Does it matter their religion? So many atheists, Catholics, Protestants, etc have gotten these shots.

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freemasons and zionists didn't get any.

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Maybe that's a feature and NOT a bug...

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vaxx-whacked!!! 💣

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Frum has no integrity. Because that is what is required to admit the all-too-obvious truth.

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Don’t think he ever admitted the truth about Iraq either.

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Natural causes or … fentanyl.. seems like lots of young people are dying from it . Fentanyl became the rage everywhere about three years ago .. hmmmm

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The British Columbia government, that is still pushing the death vaxx, recently made fentanyl easily available to all, including to children. It is part of the mass genocide program of deadly vaccines, and MAiD, medical assistance in dying.

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And we who’re proLife have been laughed at for years when we tried to warn the world where the slippery slope was heading.

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And I can't get a prescription pain medicine for a legitimate issue. Crazy.

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i think i can explain why the cartels are lacing anything and everything with fentanyl..

they put it in the meth because they have absolutely no idea how to create a product anywhere near as potent as the bikers and asians who controlled the market prior to them taking it over, and adding fentanyl to it guarantees people who would normally just be part time users or weekend warriors become hopelessly addicted junkies that now need to spend money every day to keep from getting sick..

i suspect thats why they put it in the coke and the weed as well...

people dont need coke and weed every day, but if you can manage to get them hooked on fentanyl, your profits will increase exponentially.

i never would have believed they were adding it to weed, but my girlfriend needed urine that didnt have any opiates in it for her po so she got some from a girl who only smokes pot and it still came back dirty for fentanyl..

after that it all made sense.

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Nothing surprises me anymore . I’ve thought for awhile now that it conveniently showed up right about the time the you know what we’re rolling out .

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@rose: easiest to come by perhaps. it has flooded the market (in the US partly thanks to brandon's open borders).

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