"Our free press" and the Democratic Party are just one big, lethal mass of PROPAGANDA BOTS
Those blatant quislings now comprise a clear and present danger to the rest of us
“Journalists” ALL reading the exact same hateful script, defining anyone who disagrees as an “extremist”:
“Democrats” ALL pushing still MORE “vaccination,” notwithstanding its unprecedented, ever-rising toll:

Why are they doing this?

Viva Frei @thevivafrei
With “liberals” like these, who needs Nazis?
the Nazi Party was a socialist regime with a fascist backbone, exactly like the modern Dem party. The Nazis exercised eminent domain on all private property, conscripting anything they wanted, offered “free education and healthcare,” forced education in Nazi and slanted German ideology. The only thing missing are the uniforms, though they do have pant suits...
I truly believe that if the MSM had been impartial and honest the Covid Plandemic would have failed spectacularly.