the Nazi Party was a socialist regime with a fascist backbone, exactly like the modern Dem party. The Nazis exercised eminent domain on all private property, conscripting anything they wanted, offered “free education and healthcare,” forced education in Nazi and slanted German ideology. The only thing missing are the uniforms, though they do have pant suits...

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I truly believe that if the MSM had been impartial and honest the Covid Plandemic would have failed spectacularly.

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Trusted News Initiative, Huh?

Covid taught us something priceless


Mar 3

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.

The current event described as a pandemic has snapped us to hard attention. Did we need that snap to remove ourselves from the stupor of subservience. Have we finally escaped Gilligan's Island.

Should we be thankful. Yes.

I see it differently now, I see news anchors as news actors portraying the script. Each one designed and hand picked by focus group? This one appeals to that demographic. This one to another. Now deliver those lines, we all depend on you. Practise/deliver practise/deliver deliver your lines hit your mark sell it, sell it, sell it. Segue now, new anchour, female face female voice, moves a little differently, tremendous facial expression, really good eye contact, new demographic, same message. sell it, sell it, sell it.

I am awake now. I admit I always wondered but I was so darn comfortable.

I am awake now.

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.


Who knew/When did they know/Who suppressed it


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The TV went out with the garbage right after Obama came into office. Haven't seen a television screen since. Blessed relief.

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Establishment Republicans aren’t any better.

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When was the last time ANY of the two parties did ANYTHING for their electorate? ANY election promises kept?

The fake two-party system is good for dividing Americans, while none of them profit anything from their selections.

Politics in the US provides a side show in order to tie up people's attention, while the country is going down the drain.

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The so-called liberals in the Democratic Party are going to take down their party and the Left in general. If we have fair elections, I think that Biden may be the last Democratic President. The D party had a good run of it, they have been around longer that the R party. When this all shakes out -- may take years -- those who supported vaccinations will be considered as criminals.

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Recalling that Phil Ochs saw it all nearly half a century ago but he was WAY ahead of his time (we know)...


from "Love Me, I’m a Liberal"


I vote for the Democratic party

They want the U.N. to be strong

I attend all the Pete Seeger concerts

He sure gets me singing those songs

And I'll send all the money you ask for

But don't ask me to come on along

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal


Sure, once I was young and impulsive

I wore every conceivable pin

Even went to socialist meetings

Learned all the old union hymns

Ah, but I've grown older and wiser

And that's why I'm turning you in

So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal


Fully unaffiliated Daisy is no longer a "liberal"

Ochs death, of course, was also suspect (sigh)

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Thanking the vax while announcing covid infection is the clown world pledge of allegiance.

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US politics is a travesty. Elected officials devoting time to the question if only women can get pregnant, while unanimously (with a single exception) voting to send $40 billion to one of the most corrupt regimes in the world.

Somehow, it feels like they are taunting the people by indicating that Americans don't matter in order to deprive them of their self-esteem, which makes them easier to manipulate.

After putting up with all the nonsense, many people tend to feel ashamed enough to stop thinking, which prevents them from making any more independent decisions.

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So I keep trying to figure out why everyone thinks the republicans are so great. Things seemed pretty rotten to me when Bush (actually Cheney) was president after that stolen election then 9-11 happened, we waged a war against Iraq even though weapons of mass destruction was a total lie and there was a housing crisis and a massive recession. I guess none of that was terrible because only the democrats are the bad guys.

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Wow- just wow.

Eye opening .

Time to throw away our TVs and phones… and enjoy the peace and quiet.

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Not for one nanosecond do I believe that any of these people "coming out" took the jab or tested positive. This is definitely scripted and a psyop to overcome jab hesitancy. Alfred Bourla and the rest of them testing positive and taking Paxlovid? "Come on man" how stupid do you really think we are?

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The difference between fascism and communism is like the difference between 11:59 and 12:01. Likewise, there's no real difference between Democrats and Republicans- it truly is a UNIPARTY. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Billary, Reagan, Carter, Ford all had the same boss. Nixon worked for the cabal too but he at least tried to push back. The cabal, which owns the Central Banks, the MSM, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood and the rest of the Deep State, runs the show and politicians are just actors and puppets now. Biden is qualified to be president as long as he can still read the teleprompter, which is all that modern presidents really do anymore.

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It is an act of PATRIOTISM to ask questions, to doubt, to dig down.oh, btw, scientists and doctors should do that in their fields.

Especially now. This is a very dark hour. Never have we been in such danger.

Tappert, you filth

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