the Nazi Party was a socialist regime with a fascist backbone, exactly like the modern Dem party. The Nazis exercised eminent domain on all private property, conscripting anything they wanted, offered “free education and healthcare,” forced education in Nazi and slanted German ideology. The only thing missing are the uniforms, though they do have pant suits...
On the Morning Joe he told everyone if they believed anything from Trump, they were the idiots. The same Morning Joe, that repeated every lie about Russiagate. He then accused Trump supporters of being in a cult.
Sure do wish we’d get a massive shortage of Botox so I could watch his face melt in real time.
the very fact of saying democrats this and that is all you need to know.
if this covid experience proved anything it proved that both "parties" takes their orders from same source and are there to give you the impression that you have a choice ... you dont ...
Yeah, join us Jared. We search for facts on the ground, we look at the detail, and we want you and all other Americans of good will to have meaningful freedom to build prosperity for our loved ones and community. Engage.
Ironically, the German Nazionalsocialist Party was probably the last party in history that kept at least one election promise that was good for the people: after getting rid of the central bankers in 1933, the German economy flourished in three years and citizens enjoyed never-before-experienced living standards. It was a populist party with corporate links. There is literally nothing it did that the US government has not done, but that's a different topic. In a way, all governments are tyrannical, because their power is based on force.
The good question is, where did the money come from in Germany at the time:
Oddly enough we seem to let them take control of the news outlets over and over again. This isn't the first time.
The real truth, our weakness.
"OUR" defined as those of us that actually live with our hearts and love. Not the driving force of power, ownership, and dominance.
Control the message nothing new, the churches put us into the dark ages by controlling the message.
The monarchy kept us down for centuries by controlling the message (divine right)
The common ground between the two, power and self interest.
We fight back we write constitutions, even the Great Charter was a start, enact laws,
organize legal systems to protect ourselves.
Then we stop watching, cause we relax, we drop the ball. They never relax they never stop they are driven.
They can afford to organize and pay people(politicians) to continually push on the ends of the shepherds staff. Using the heros 'of the day', the media 'of the day,' the goons 'of the day'. Those things "of the day " exist today and they have existed for thousands of years. Its not new.
Now we have installed the new Monarchy. Whom we worship with an equal but different fervour to the old days of divine right. Remember the history of "our" poverty, uneducated, disposable, subservience, class stratification etc.... appear familiar?
Is happening again, but with a few differences.
This time we are organized, we are holding our ground. They moved too early, they should have had a better control of the internet. They/those/them are working hard to remedy that mistake, by the use of faux fact checking, truth is lie, opposing opinion as hate speech, terms like far right,,,,,,,remember when "far left" was the bugbear. new words like extremists, anti, faux, etc....
It would be interesting to listen to a group of school children lets say grade 5-7 (not sure of that age range) what are the words they commonly use today. Are they on guard against the very dangerous faux science of opinion. Have they replaced the derogatory terms of the past with the modern terms of derision. This seasons must have 'extremists ,anti vaxxeerrrr!!! anti anything etc..... fill in the blanks.
Take control of the media take control of the heros rewrite the narrative.
only after you have left office of course, goes without saying
How does a politician/news actor receive a bribe without an exchange of something of immediate value
Mar 6
How do I get politicians/media to lie in the modern world, in front of their own children.
Do I slip a discreet envelope under the table, nope.
Maybe blackmail, nope. I have something better to offer. I will give you enough excuse and plausible deniability, that you can tow the party line, that's all. Of course your multi million dollar mortgage, 400,000 dollars in Land Rovers and kids in private school, works to my advantage. I don’t really need to bribe you.
How do you bribe a politician without a bribe ?
Absolutely no connection should be made between my next words and any concept of corruption and collusion in government or between private/public partnerships either.
ok how is it done:
in the old days you slipped a twenty into your drivers license packet the officer took out your license and the twenty. After waiting an appropriate length of time, he sent you on your way with a stern warning.
That is the old coarse way, the working class way not the new sophisticated method appropriate to the new perfectly coiffed hip mover and shaker politician/news actor, elite class.
the modern way is much better:
Using words that are innocuous and absolutely non specific the politician/bureaucrat may be asked by industry lobbyists possibly pharma/medicine. Possibly at a mixer at the grand ballroom of the Chateau …………..:
Mr/Ms (non specific) your political experience is priceless to the people of Canada/USA/World. Have you considered the many board positions which would benefit from your unique experience. Consider the great things you could do for humanity, what a guy what a girl !!.
Only after you have fulfilled your political career defending Canada/USA/World. Goes without saying.
of course. If you find attending a board meeting once per year so taxing the speaking circuit is in desperate need of knowledgeable and qualified speakers.
Of course only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.
I believe my company has a position coming open shortly, are you running again?
Only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.
Oh by the way to which ivy league schools are your kids applying.
It may seem I am hinting at something here believe me I am not!
Just trying to save CSIS(?)/RCMP from investigating a non starter issue cause I am not implying anything.
However I did donate to the convoy, so I expect you already have my file on your desk.
IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.
We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.
The current event described as a pandemic has snapped us to hard attention. Did we need that snap to remove ourselves from the stupor of subservience. Have we finally escaped Gilligan's Island.
Should we be thankful. Yes.
I see it differently now, I see news anchors as news actors portraying the script. Each one designed and hand picked by focus group? This one appeals to that demographic. This one to another. Now deliver those lines, we all depend on you. Practise/deliver practise/deliver deliver your lines hit your mark sell it, sell it, sell it. Segue now, new anchour, female face female voice, moves a little differently, tremendous facial expression, really good eye contact, new demographic, same message. sell it, sell it, sell it.
I am awake now. I admit I always wondered but I was so darn comfortable.
I am awake now.
We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.
Jackie; you are right he did! lets not forget, 15,000 lives lost a day so they could drive the numbers(pressure cooker us) then profit from an ineffective therapeutic.
I say therapeutic cause it is not a vaccine I am sure of that. Not sure it was a therapeutic, they say it lessens the effect of the disease but then again the disease is very mild for the vast majority. Asprin works for headache on most people,,, maybe its just Asprin
So now what, Some governments are paying out claims for Vaccine injury already. That's tax dollars which we gave to pharma to purchase the drug which we paid to develop. Now the Government gives us back our tax dollars to repay the claim. Pharma keeps the profit. Does this seem a little off the beam.
Really? He's injecting millions? How many did Pol Pot personally kill? Or Barack "hopey changey" Obama? Or Mao? Or the Bushes? Or Clinton? Or Roosevelt? Or Churchill? Or Stalin?
I believe we are winning even though there are times it seems we are not. We are together, we are informed, we are motivated. We will be better and stronger when the truth is fully revealed, this will be a world changing movement.
isn't it great that we the informed welcome other opinions. Even though they try to separate us so as to keep us off balance and alone it dosen't seem to be working. maybe they should be taken lessons form us that believe in freedom for all
so who is this New world order and this deep state ...
klaus swab (who does not even speak good english)? donal trump and his advisors? soros and his crew? all of the above?? or some stupid bureacrat at some agency who got quadrupled vaxxed and is on paxlovid for as long as he last .... hopefully that is ...
I think its all of the above. New World Order, are the powerful, both money and political supported by the bureaucracy.
Something I like to keep in mind is as follows. Power derived form money is only strength as long as money is power.
Our power, takes its strength from love(for everyone, even if we don't agree), fairness(take some,leave some), protection(stand beside those that are in need), nurturing(care for all), motherhood(the driving force) That is the power of the soul and that is us.
Someone did a FOIA request for Fauci's NIAID to provide all their discussions related to IVM. The person received 160 pages that were all entirely redacted. These institutions are beyond parody. Science!
The so-called liberals in the Democratic Party are going to take down their party and the Left in general. If we have fair elections, I think that Biden may be the last Democratic President. The D party had a good run of it, they have been around longer that the R party. When this all shakes out -- may take years -- those who supported vaccinations will be considered as criminals.
They're already considered as criminals by the readers of this blog, but how are people who willingly took the jab, and went along with what the rulers demanded, to suddenly discover that they were wrong? That's a big ask.
US politics is a travesty. Elected officials devoting time to the question if only women can get pregnant, while unanimously (with a single exception) voting to send $40 billion to one of the most corrupt regimes in the world.
Somehow, it feels like they are taunting the people by indicating that Americans don't matter in order to deprive them of their self-esteem, which makes them easier to manipulate.
After putting up with all the nonsense, many people tend to feel ashamed enough to stop thinking, which prevents them from making any more independent decisions.
So I keep trying to figure out why everyone thinks the republicans are so great. Things seemed pretty rotten to me when Bush (actually Cheney) was president after that stolen election then 9-11 happened, we waged a war against Iraq even though weapons of mass destruction was a total lie and there was a housing crisis and a massive recession. I guess none of that was terrible because only the democrats are the bad guys.
As the author of three books on Bush/Cheney (one on their theft of the 2004 election), I would suggest you ask yourself how many leading Democrats demanded an investigation of that stolen race, or opposed the "war on terror," or resisted the invasion of Iraq (as Paul Wellstone did, R.I.P.).
And now those Democrats LOVE Bush, and LOVE the Cheneys, and REVERE the memory of Bush the Elder, AND of John McCain. Your beloved Democrats have given all those psychopaths a pass because they are, or were, not Trump.
They are not my “beloved Democrats” because of what the left has been doing since this plandemic started but, at the same time, I don’t trust the right or Trump. How can I trust the guy who’s been pushing the vaccines while he was president and continues pushing them to this day? Probably most of our political leaders on both sides of the aisle are scamming all of us to keep us divided and prevent people from waking up to what’s really going on. The only politician I will ever support is one who stands up to this tyranny and fights for our freedom.
Not for one nanosecond do I believe that any of these people "coming out" took the jab or tested positive. This is definitely scripted and a psyop to overcome jab hesitancy. Alfred Bourla and the rest of them testing positive and taking Paxlovid? "Come on man" how stupid do you really think we are?
The difference between fascism and communism is like the difference between 11:59 and 12:01. Likewise, there's no real difference between Democrats and Republicans- it truly is a UNIPARTY. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Billary, Reagan, Carter, Ford all had the same boss. Nixon worked for the cabal too but he at least tried to push back. The cabal, which owns the Central Banks, the MSM, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood and the rest of the Deep State, runs the show and politicians are just actors and puppets now. Biden is qualified to be president as long as he can still read the teleprompter, which is all that modern presidents really do anymore.
Tappert and his attacks on anyone who questioned election results as in American was end of tv news for me. I already knew they were bought, but this was the end.
Some could be tried for treason... Journalists were supposed to be a check on government, not a tool to suppress us.
CNN Lemon, he might be hung twice... Nuremberg speech.."Don't take vaccine, don't get to eat... Have job.m.etc
the Nazi Party was a socialist regime with a fascist backbone, exactly like the modern Dem party. The Nazis exercised eminent domain on all private property, conscripting anything they wanted, offered “free education and healthcare,” forced education in Nazi and slanted German ideology. The only thing missing are the uniforms, though they do have pant suits...
I'll add: supported right here in American by a majority of those 35-40 and under.
Only the ones who don't look at anything other than CNN, NBC or abc. Astounding their idiocy.
Bone crushing idiocy. They very well may pay with their lives
On the Morning Joe he told everyone if they believed anything from Trump, they were the idiots. The same Morning Joe, that repeated every lie about Russiagate. He then accused Trump supporters of being in a cult.
Sure do wish we’d get a massive shortage of Botox so I could watch his face melt in real time.
Well Joe has a dead prostitute problem, and Mika's father was handpicked by David Rockefeller to head the Trilateral Commission, so....
CNN ratings very low.
I accidentally see them all when I'm out and about... Painful to see lies, propoganda, treason... And even worse... That some believe this shit.
Yes - they bought into the fear propaganda and won't change because - well, then they'd be wrong. Some people simply can't be wrong.
21 upvotes for this extremist hogwash. And it's so divisive to say that here. I hope you get off on it.
Nah. just regulah americans standing around the grill with a beer. We did notice that you did not dispute anything that was reported.
If you believe that characterization to be extremist, you haven't been paying attention.
the very fact of saying democrats this and that is all you need to know.
if this covid experience proved anything it proved that both "parties" takes their orders from same source and are there to give you the impression that you have a choice ... you dont ...
Jerald, please be more specific. You've given the general term.... Noe let's get into details
That would be him getting into the weeds. One might have to explain their hatred of Trump and 75million Americans.
Jerard, you ain't gonna answer?
Yeah, join us Jared. We search for facts on the ground, we look at the detail, and we want you and all other Americans of good will to have meaningful freedom to build prosperity for our loved ones and community. Engage.
Ironically, the German Nazionalsocialist Party was probably the last party in history that kept at least one election promise that was good for the people: after getting rid of the central bankers in 1933, the German economy flourished in three years and citizens enjoyed never-before-experienced living standards. It was a populist party with corporate links. There is literally nothing it did that the US government has not done, but that's a different topic. In a way, all governments are tyrannical, because their power is based on force.
The good question is, where did the money come from in Germany at the time:
And where is the money from for being wasted by politicians today in the US?
all of what you say is true. Bormann and Schadt knew how to generate economic growth. Rip the parasites off the back of the economy and away it goes.
I truly believe that if the MSM had been impartial and honest the Covid Plandemic would have failed spectacularly.
Which is kind of like saying that this would be a wonderful world if only Satan were a good guy.
They don't get the big bucks for being honest.
That's why the first targets of a fascist coup are the media.
Oddly enough we seem to let them take control of the news outlets over and over again. This isn't the first time.
The real truth, our weakness.
"OUR" defined as those of us that actually live with our hearts and love. Not the driving force of power, ownership, and dominance.
Control the message nothing new, the churches put us into the dark ages by controlling the message.
The monarchy kept us down for centuries by controlling the message (divine right)
The common ground between the two, power and self interest.
We fight back we write constitutions, even the Great Charter was a start, enact laws,
organize legal systems to protect ourselves.
Then we stop watching, cause we relax, we drop the ball. They never relax they never stop they are driven.
They can afford to organize and pay people(politicians) to continually push on the ends of the shepherds staff. Using the heros 'of the day', the media 'of the day,' the goons 'of the day'. Those things "of the day " exist today and they have existed for thousands of years. Its not new.
Now we have installed the new Monarchy. Whom we worship with an equal but different fervour to the old days of divine right. Remember the history of "our" poverty, uneducated, disposable, subservience, class stratification etc.... appear familiar?
Is happening again, but with a few differences.
This time we are organized, we are holding our ground. They moved too early, they should have had a better control of the internet. They/those/them are working hard to remedy that mistake, by the use of faux fact checking, truth is lie, opposing opinion as hate speech, terms like far right,,,,,,,remember when "far left" was the bugbear. new words like extremists, anti, faux, etc....
It would be interesting to listen to a group of school children lets say grade 5-7 (not sure of that age range) what are the words they commonly use today. Are they on guard against the very dangerous faux science of opinion. Have they replaced the derogatory terms of the past with the modern terms of derision. This seasons must have 'extremists ,anti vaxxeerrrr!!! anti anything etc..... fill in the blanks.
Take control of the media take control of the heros rewrite the narrative.
Fact checkers, just a start.
Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Hi Bev: I wish the problem was impartiality
only after you have left office of course, goes without saying
How does a politician/news actor receive a bribe without an exchange of something of immediate value
Mar 6
How do I get politicians/media to lie in the modern world, in front of their own children.
Do I slip a discreet envelope under the table, nope.
Maybe blackmail, nope. I have something better to offer. I will give you enough excuse and plausible deniability, that you can tow the party line, that's all. Of course your multi million dollar mortgage, 400,000 dollars in Land Rovers and kids in private school, works to my advantage. I don’t really need to bribe you.
How do you bribe a politician without a bribe ?
Absolutely no connection should be made between my next words and any concept of corruption and collusion in government or between private/public partnerships either.
ok how is it done:
in the old days you slipped a twenty into your drivers license packet the officer took out your license and the twenty. After waiting an appropriate length of time, he sent you on your way with a stern warning.
That is the old coarse way, the working class way not the new sophisticated method appropriate to the new perfectly coiffed hip mover and shaker politician/news actor, elite class.
the modern way is much better:
Using words that are innocuous and absolutely non specific the politician/bureaucrat may be asked by industry lobbyists possibly pharma/medicine. Possibly at a mixer at the grand ballroom of the Chateau …………..:
Mr/Ms (non specific) your political experience is priceless to the people of Canada/USA/World. Have you considered the many board positions which would benefit from your unique experience. Consider the great things you could do for humanity, what a guy what a girl !!.
Only after you have fulfilled your political career defending Canada/USA/World. Goes without saying.
of course. If you find attending a board meeting once per year so taxing the speaking circuit is in desperate need of knowledgeable and qualified speakers.
Of course only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.
I believe my company has a position coming open shortly, are you running again?
Only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.
Oh by the way to which ivy league schools are your kids applying.
It may seem I am hinting at something here believe me I am not!
Just trying to save CSIS(?)/RCMP from investigating a non starter issue cause I am not implying anything.
However I did donate to the convoy, so I expect you already have my file on your desk.
IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.
Re: the media - see Chomsky, pre 2022.
Inculcation via indoctrination.
The true believers, the willing participants, the acolytes, the sh*t, rises to the top...
it does rise
Trusted News Initiative, Huh?
Covid taught us something priceless
Mar 3
We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.
The current event described as a pandemic has snapped us to hard attention. Did we need that snap to remove ourselves from the stupor of subservience. Have we finally escaped Gilligan's Island.
Should we be thankful. Yes.
I see it differently now, I see news anchors as news actors portraying the script. Each one designed and hand picked by focus group? This one appeals to that demographic. This one to another. Now deliver those lines, we all depend on you. Practise/deliver practise/deliver deliver your lines hit your mark sell it, sell it, sell it. Segue now, new anchour, female face female voice, moves a little differently, tremendous facial expression, really good eye contact, new demographic, same message. sell it, sell it, sell it.
I am awake now. I admit I always wondered but I was so darn comfortable.
I am awake now.
We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.
Who knew/When did they know/Who suppressed it
Fauci knew.
Fauci banned all therapuetics.
Jackie; you are right he did! lets not forget, 15,000 lives lost a day so they could drive the numbers(pressure cooker us) then profit from an ineffective therapeutic.
I say therapeutic cause it is not a vaccine I am sure of that. Not sure it was a therapeutic, they say it lessens the effect of the disease but then again the disease is very mild for the vast majority. Asprin works for headache on most people,,, maybe its just Asprin
So now what, Some governments are paying out claims for Vaccine injury already. That's tax dollars which we gave to pharma to purchase the drug which we paid to develop. Now the Government gives us back our tax dollars to repay the claim. Pharma keeps the profit. Does this seem a little off the beam.
It is a gene serum being marketed to the public as a "vaccine".
The definition of the word "vaccine" was purposefully changed so that they could usd it.
So not a "vaccine" but a gene serum that Fauci knew had killed all of the cats, ferrets and mice in previous tests.
There's your crime right there.
That's before you add the deadly Fauci hospital protocols and the fraudulent reporting of "cases" and "covid" deaths.
Fauch will go down as one of the greatest serial kllrs in history.
Really? He's injecting millions? How many did Pol Pot personally kill? Or Barack "hopey changey" Obama? Or Mao? Or the Bushes? Or Clinton? Or Roosevelt? Or Churchill? Or Stalin?
Yes, and let's not forget got approval based on fraudulent data, something which should be pulled immediately!!
well said, lets keep spreading the word.
Besides the deaths... The noose tightened on USA... last barrier for New World Order, hell on earth.
I want to die defending America
I believe we are winning even though there are times it seems we are not. We are together, we are informed, we are motivated. We will be better and stronger when the truth is fully revealed, this will be a world changing movement.
Take Heart
Shawn, God loves last minute endings.
To me this is clearly heaven and hell.... Not a doubt...
Strength and honor
has been gone longtime ago ...
We are quite different, you and I, but I would die for America too;
and the right for us to be the big dysfunctional family that has lasted nearly 250 years. Cheers from across the foxhole!
Hi Baker
isn't it great that we the informed welcome other opinions. Even though they try to separate us so as to keep us off balance and alone it dosen't seem to be working. maybe they should be taken lessons form us that believe in freedom for all
I'm run of mill guy... Here's me as a child with my dog...
Avg little kid
sure were a hairy kid John, bet your mother loved ya anyway
so who is this New world order and this deep state ...
klaus swab (who does not even speak good english)? donal trump and his advisors? soros and his crew? all of the above?? or some stupid bureacrat at some agency who got quadrupled vaxxed and is on paxlovid for as long as he last .... hopefully that is ...
They don't put out org chart...
WEF, UN, CFR, globalist in general, WEF alumni, WHO, gates, Rockefellerps, Rothschildsgood start if a criminal/ military intelligence ops were planned
I think its all of the above. New World Order, are the powerful, both money and political supported by the bureaucracy.
Something I like to keep in mind is as follows. Power derived form money is only strength as long as money is power.
Our power, takes its strength from love(for everyone, even if we don't agree), fairness(take some,leave some), protection(stand beside those that are in need), nurturing(care for all), motherhood(the driving force) That is the power of the soul and that is us.
Power from control and money is only destructive.
Someone did a FOIA request for Fauci's NIAID to provide all their discussions related to IVM. The person received 160 pages that were all entirely redacted. These institutions are beyond parody. Science!
Damn, Shawn... Great writing
Hi John thank you very much
They work against what? Colds? Seasonal allergies? Mass hysteria?
All the above?
The TV went out with the garbage right after Obama came into office. Haven't seen a television screen since. Blessed relief.
Obama actually legalised propaganda.
All pre planned IMO.
Establishment Republicans aren’t any better.
Well, obviously not; although, overall, they don't seem to be as keen on "vaccination" as the Democrats.
Just a few mavericks such as Rand Paul and Ron Johnson are challenging the official Narrative from Fauci and his minions at the CDC and NIH.
Not so "obviously not" judging from the wave of popular right-wing comments up above in the high vote district.
When was the last time ANY of the two parties did ANYTHING for their electorate? ANY election promises kept?
The fake two-party system is good for dividing Americans, while none of them profit anything from their selections.
Politics in the US provides a side show in order to tie up people's attention, while the country is going down the drain.
The so-called liberals in the Democratic Party are going to take down their party and the Left in general. If we have fair elections, I think that Biden may be the last Democratic President. The D party had a good run of it, they have been around longer that the R party. When this all shakes out -- may take years -- those who supported vaccinations will be considered as criminals.
They're already considered as criminals by the readers of this blog, but how are people who willingly took the jab, and went along with what the rulers demanded, to suddenly discover that they were wrong? That's a big ask.
Recalling that Phil Ochs saw it all nearly half a century ago but he was WAY ahead of his time (we know)...
from "Love Me, I’m a Liberal"
I vote for the Democratic party
They want the U.N. to be strong
I attend all the Pete Seeger concerts
He sure gets me singing those songs
And I'll send all the money you ask for
But don't ask me to come on along
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
Sure, once I was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to socialist meetings
Learned all the old union hymns
Ah, but I've grown older and wiser
And that's why I'm turning you in
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
Fully unaffiliated Daisy is no longer a "liberal"
Ochs death, of course, was also suspect (sigh)
And Republican Dwight Eisenhower knew it even further back, as did Democrat
Thanking the vax while announcing covid infection is the clown world pledge of allegiance.
US politics is a travesty. Elected officials devoting time to the question if only women can get pregnant, while unanimously (with a single exception) voting to send $40 billion to one of the most corrupt regimes in the world.
Somehow, it feels like they are taunting the people by indicating that Americans don't matter in order to deprive them of their self-esteem, which makes them easier to manipulate.
After putting up with all the nonsense, many people tend to feel ashamed enough to stop thinking, which prevents them from making any more independent decisions.
They are. The worst part is that they are even make the taxpayer pay for the mass killings.
So I keep trying to figure out why everyone thinks the republicans are so great. Things seemed pretty rotten to me when Bush (actually Cheney) was president after that stolen election then 9-11 happened, we waged a war against Iraq even though weapons of mass destruction was a total lie and there was a housing crisis and a massive recession. I guess none of that was terrible because only the democrats are the bad guys.
As the author of three books on Bush/Cheney (one on their theft of the 2004 election), I would suggest you ask yourself how many leading Democrats demanded an investigation of that stolen race, or opposed the "war on terror," or resisted the invasion of Iraq (as Paul Wellstone did, R.I.P.).
And now those Democrats LOVE Bush, and LOVE the Cheneys, and REVERE the memory of Bush the Elder, AND of John McCain. Your beloved Democrats have given all those psychopaths a pass because they are, or were, not Trump.
They are not my “beloved Democrats” because of what the left has been doing since this plandemic started but, at the same time, I don’t trust the right or Trump. How can I trust the guy who’s been pushing the vaccines while he was president and continues pushing them to this day? Probably most of our political leaders on both sides of the aisle are scamming all of us to keep us divided and prevent people from waking up to what’s really going on. The only politician I will ever support is one who stands up to this tyranny and fights for our freedom.
Further proof that ultimately they're all playing for the same team.
The bar has gotten so incredibly low that any politicians not trying to force the clotshot onto us appear like lifesavers.
"The Laser Pointer is undefeated thus far in America."
Brilliant. As you imply, Americans are conveniently distracted by chasing the pointer around the room.
Gives us good exercise and they give us good treats afterwards
I think you are spot on.
Wow- just wow.
Eye opening .
Time to throw away our TVs and phones… and enjoy the peace and quiet. is a long but very good read from the Brownstone Institute:
Not for one nanosecond do I believe that any of these people "coming out" took the jab or tested positive. This is definitely scripted and a psyop to overcome jab hesitancy. Alfred Bourla and the rest of them testing positive and taking Paxlovid? "Come on man" how stupid do you really think we are?
The difference between fascism and communism is like the difference between 11:59 and 12:01. Likewise, there's no real difference between Democrats and Republicans- it truly is a UNIPARTY. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Billary, Reagan, Carter, Ford all had the same boss. Nixon worked for the cabal too but he at least tried to push back. The cabal, which owns the Central Banks, the MSM, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood and the rest of the Deep State, runs the show and politicians are just actors and puppets now. Biden is qualified to be president as long as he can still read the teleprompter, which is all that modern presidents really do anymore.
It is an act of PATRIOTISM to ask questions, to doubt, to dig down.oh, btw, scientists and doctors should do that in their fields.
Especially now. This is a very dark hour. Never have we been in such danger.
Tappert, you filth
Tappert and his attacks on anyone who questioned election results as in American was end of tv news for me. I already knew they were bought, but this was the end.
Some could be tried for treason... Journalists were supposed to be a check on government, not a tool to suppress us.
CNN Lemon, he might be hung twice... Nuremberg speech.."Don't take vaccine, don't get to eat... Have job.m.etc