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I truly believe that if the MSM had been impartial and honest the Covid Plandemic would have failed spectacularly.

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Which is kind of like saying that this would be a wonderful world if only Satan were a good guy.

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They don't get the big bucks for being honest.

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That's why the first targets of a fascist coup are the media.

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Oddly enough we seem to let them take control of the news outlets over and over again. This isn't the first time.

The real truth, our weakness.

"OUR" defined as those of us that actually live with our hearts and love. Not the driving force of power, ownership, and dominance.

Control the message nothing new, the churches put us into the dark ages by controlling the message.

The monarchy kept us down for centuries by controlling the message (divine right)

The common ground between the two, power and self interest.

We fight back we write constitutions, even the Great Charter was a start, enact laws,

organize legal systems to protect ourselves.

Then we stop watching, cause we relax, we drop the ball. They never relax they never stop they are driven.

They can afford to organize and pay people(politicians) to continually push on the ends of the shepherds staff. Using the heros 'of the day', the media 'of the day,' the goons 'of the day'. Those things "of the day " exist today and they have existed for thousands of years. Its not new.

Now we have installed the new Monarchy. Whom we worship with an equal but different fervour to the old days of divine right. Remember the history of "our" poverty, uneducated, disposable, subservience, class stratification etc.... appear familiar?

Is happening again, but with a few differences.

This time we are organized, we are holding our ground. They moved too early, they should have had a better control of the internet. They/those/them are working hard to remedy that mistake, by the use of faux fact checking, truth is lie, opposing opinion as hate speech, terms like far right,,,,,,,remember when "far left" was the bugbear. new words like extremists, anti, faux, etc....

It would be interesting to listen to a group of school children lets say grade 5-7 (not sure of that age range) what are the words they commonly use today. Are they on guard against the very dangerous faux science of opinion. Have they replaced the derogatory terms of the past with the modern terms of derision. This seasons must have 'extremists ,anti vaxxeerrrr!!! anti anything etc..... fill in the blanks.

Take control of the media take control of the heros rewrite the narrative.

Fact checkers, just a start.


Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.


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Hi Bev: I wish the problem was impartiality

only after you have left office of course, goes without saying

How does a politician/news actor receive a bribe without an exchange of something of immediate value


Mar 6

How do I get politicians/media to lie in the modern world, in front of their own children.

Do I slip a discreet envelope under the table, nope.

Maybe blackmail, nope. I have something better to offer. I will give you enough excuse and plausible deniability, that you can tow the party line, that's all. Of course your multi million dollar mortgage, 400,000 dollars in Land Rovers and kids in private school, works to my advantage. I donтАЩt really need to bribe you.

How do you bribe a politician without a bribe ?

Absolutely no connection should be made between my next words and any concept of corruption and collusion in government or between private/public partnerships either.

ok how is it done:

in the old days you slipped a twenty into your drivers license packet the officer took out your license and the twenty. After waiting an appropriate length of time, he sent you on your way with a stern warning.

That is the old coarse way, the working class way not the new sophisticated method appropriate to the new perfectly coiffed hip mover and shaker politician/news actor, elite class.

the modern way is much better:

Using words that are innocuous and absolutely non specific the politician/bureaucrat may be asked by industry lobbyists possibly pharma/medicine. Possibly at a mixer at the grand ballroom of the Chateau тАжтАжтАжтАж..:

Mr/Ms (non specific) your political experience is priceless to the people of Canada/USA/World. Have you considered the many board positions which would benefit from your unique experience. Consider the great things you could do for humanity, what a guy what a girl !!.

Only after you have fulfilled your political career defending Canada/USA/World. Goes without saying.

of course. If you find attending a board meeting once per year so taxing the speaking circuit is in desperate need of knowledgeable and qualified speakers.

Of course only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.

I believe my company has a position coming open shortly, are you running again?

Only after you have left your political obligations behind of course, goes without saying.

Oh by the way to which ivy league schools are your kids applying.

It may seem I am hinting at something here believe me I am not!

Just trying to save CSIS(?)/RCMP from investigating a non starter issue cause I am not implying anything.

However I did donate to the convoy, so I expect you already have my file on your desk.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.


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Re: the media - see Chomsky, pre 2022.

Inculcation via indoctrination.

The true believers, the willing participants, the acolytes, the sh*t, rises to the top...

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it does rise

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