Alyssa Farah Griffin absent from "The View" (with "COVID"); Gates of Hell cancels tour (drummer in hospital); Disney performer suffers "medical emergency"; Jackson State player's cardiac arrest; more
Very sad. My brother is double-vaxxed and no problems, my college-aged daughter triple because of college. I wanted to help her request an exemption, but she was afraid it would cause her to lose out of class access. She refused to answer my questions about side effects, but she has looked ok. She is on the spectrum. I work in a hospital and we have been seeing cases like this. Young people with stage 4 cancer and non-stop code stroke in the ER and tele floors. So far my co-workers have only had autoimmune issues and menstrual irregularities after primary series, but I have heard of one husband and one teen who died suddenly on other units.
You read the terrible headline, and think, "This is so sad." Then, you see the picture and see just how young some of these people are, and sadness turns to shock. It's truly inconceivable that such an evil plot could be perpetrated upon humankind. Thank you, Mark, for your tireless efforts in documenting this tragedy.
What is inconceivable is that a large portion of the population has chosen to remain willfully ignorant about what is going on. How many people have to die suddenly before people begin to see?
It is completely nuts how many people I know who are boosted (multiple times), get sick, test positive for Covid and still deny there is something wrong with this picture. Any rational person would surely see that the shots are certainly not helping and in all likelihood are diminishing their immunity. But apparently not.
In my experience it's exactly the same with those who get a "flu" shot every year, and then get the flu. They all say the same thing, "Think of how much worse it would've been if I hadn't gotten the shot!" Same justification for C19 "vaccine." Can't fix stupid. What we must start doing at this point is publicizing the actual CONTROL GROUP. Those with no shots and a healthy lifestyle....all ages! IMO it's the only way to break this insane narrative. Compile the data and then get it out there... maybe billboards, handouts, full page ads in newspapers! Wish I had the money to do this. Time to go on OFFENSE. Defense isn't working.
Yes, there is a test for flu. Nowadays people get screened for flu and covid if they have a flu-like illness or before being transferred to a skilled nursing facility from the hospital. And back when I floated to other floors I was amazed at how many people had the strain of flu they had been vaccinated for. People would make excuses that it was hard to predict the strain. BS, I never saw a vaccinated person inpatient who had a strain not covered by the vaccine they got.
One thing that they and we have in common is that both of us, more or less, experience covid as over. They think the vaccines have done the trick, and we think the vaccines continue to take a toll. You kinda have to research the latter position, which is mostly hidden away in corners most don't tread, so don't expect too many to follow suit.
Ed Dowd released some numbers from his team, excess deaths was at least 300k for 2022.
Absences from work remains elevated, often those that have excess Absences move to disability, disability to death. All are elevated above anything seen in US history.
We have two chronic absentees at our work, every six weeks like clockwork. And I suspect some of the senior staff who can work from home are hiding behind that.
But they're not slacking, they are visibly ill. One of those boss guys has begun to look like he has chronic conjuntivitis. I hate it when he comes in as lately he's ghastly and you don't want to stare.
Concerning guy who was "brain dead" and whose family decided to say goodbye so his organs could save others: this YT video by Dr Paul Byrne, neonatologist, made 5 years ago, explains meaning of brain death, consciousness and perception of pain during organ removal - It's 1h15 long but worth listening to before deciding whether organ donation for you or family member is a good idea. I disposed of my organ donor card after watching.
My input in my small town of 40,000. after an average of 33 died under 70 in Jan and Feb. March totals was 48. Did all die of covid related things, like heart attacks, clots and were all vaxxed? probably not. Were some? probably so. 23 were in their 50's or younger. At least half died at home so died suddenly? What the hello is the problem for not reporting some facts here? 31 were males and 17 were females. Age ranged from 2 months to 69 and the average age was about 50. Of course, this is normal. Only if you believe lies and MSM.
People in my circle in California are slowly waking up but some are so defensive- “the vaccine does not change your DNA”, “there are no excess deaths”, “the vaccine is out of my body by now”, “he has lung cancer in his family”, “my dad also had a heart attack at 52”, etc. etc.
The jabs seem ‘beautifully’ designed to cause random types of illness and death so few will notice.
Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief (impact from someone else's death):
- denial
- anger
- bargaining
- depression
- acceptance
Probably need to give most of our uninformed friends the time/space they need to process what's happening. But also be available to them to help them along.
Check the fast food lanes, the hair and nail salons, The big box Stores, Amazon, The million dollar homes they can't afford. They are so outraged they will continue to keep their head buried in the sand. There is no outrage. Americans are so spoiled rotten they can't fathom anything that might rock their boat. To self centered to understand their boat is sinking, right along with their bank account. The only outrage most will depend on is "where is my government check" to save me? Any questions?
There's another funeral at Wat Muang Mai. Based on the picture it is another young woman. The ages of the ones I've known in the past two weeks were 32, 36 and 39. The ambulance sirens don't stop. What have we done?
It's huge. I have a baseline from 2019-2019 we are close to the main road all hospitals are South of us on the island Phuket Thailand. There were around 1-3 per week before with weekend late night spikes especially in high season of maybe 2-5. In 2020 it was super quiet 1-2 weeks would go by with nothing. Jab rollout and it spiked sometimes 5-7 PER DAY. Here in 2023 it's around that number again! It never stops!
In my city the ambulance company lost its contract because they couldnt keep up. The new company is twice as big and times to scene are still below normal due to super spike.
Im in a Tech corridor and Intel etc were big mandate whores.
Hmmmm....neither. It is a slow march, consistant squeeze with a small release and then a resqueeze, like a boa killing its prey. Look at what they have gotten away with ie TSA at airports etc all because of the gov Psych Ops and terror on their citizens. Somehow these gov agencies need to be done away with and the people get that money back in our pockets.
Next the banking and control attempts ( easy if they control our money in and out of our bank accts ) and continued quality food scarcities. The evils need to be overthrown and put out of their miserable treasonous existence. We need to go on the offensive instead of defensive constantly.
Ridiculous. Who the hell is going to listen to that African guy about anything they do.? Would u listen to him or have your family listen to him about your next car purchase ? They only have power if people give them the power over them. Just like the Bioweapon Injection some Evils and Idiots called a vaccine. It wasn’t one. Don’t give random people or anyone power over you. No one.
"After a training session at a gym on Monday, Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Michael Milmerstadt "developed a severe headache, which was later determined to be a serious brain injury [...]"
Sounds like Donald Parham Jr., the Chargers player whose game-winning touchdown was broken up by his vaccine-induced brain damage that left him in the fencing posture -- with his hands sticking straight out in front of him -- which made it difficult for him to retain the ball.
And the censorship will continue to take priority over the health of each nation...because no one in control ... wants to admit... they got everything badly wrong... the vaccine ... is the common denominator... everyone falling ill has been jabbed...
You are very naive. This was obviously a genocide from the get-go. Hint: real vaccines take years of safety testing before negative effects can be measured carefully. You need a control group to be able to see what is going on so you have data to steer by. Even properly educated CHILDREN know this. Safe “short cuts” are not possible. Perfectly effective remedies, Hydroxychlorequine and Ivermectin were held back from the people by threatening doctors with losing their licenses if they told people about them to CREATE the “EMERGENCY” that paved the way for the “Emergency Use Authorization” that allowed these poisonous injections to be forced on the population
No I have been clued up since this all started after listening to a George Webb article back in 2020…
But here’s the thing… THEY had to remove ivermectin and HCQ because the rules state NO EUA if cheap alternatives work.. THATS why these safe and effective drugs were rubbished… thankyou for labelling people you don’t know anything about.. that’s being NIAVE!
HCQ and ivermectin is a century ago ... we have moved into shedding, SPIKE PROTEIN and so on ... got to thank him instead of getting mad ... here is the latest
Commenting on everybody’s heartfelt thoughts here~~~ so many degrees from fancy and revered halls of learning, and yet so little intellectual curiosity out in real life. ~~~No memory at all of basic biology: the same guy who was created specifically to impregnate a female can somehow also get pregnant? Rotsa ruck. ~~~~Getting a stomach ache myself, thinking how our educational ? system has failed our children, and the pathetic, recent ridiculous responses by candidates in front of our congress members….obviously getting their big checks, but the fan breezes blow right through both ears during their hearings….did I say hearings?! The rest of the world surely saying. Exactly who is left in America?! OMG
I don't even buy that they thought they were doing the right thing. I believe it is a case of they are as complicit as their globalist handlers (Soros, Schwab, Gates, Rockefellers, Rothschild's and the list goes on...)
Amen and amen ~~ So grateful i can rest on that, when thoughts swirl and nothing and nobody makes any sense Sickening …the feisty, independent, free thinking Americans being led by …what? The Gummint, as my friend David calls them, less reverential but satisfying….
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is what bought the fools. And if not in this world, they will pay in the next. pity the fools. And maybe buy them an asbestos suit?
raskin is an insider ... he knows. more lies ... for the stupidos in congress ... some of them (outsiders) did get the jab, despite Congress getting exemptions.
This is a global genocide - wake up everybody - GOD help us to help ourselves for this is Spiritual warfare ...
Started in Genesis and until we accept that we are F.
Amen Susan it's a real fierce spiritual battle
Very sad. My brother is double-vaxxed and no problems, my college-aged daughter triple because of college. I wanted to help her request an exemption, but she was afraid it would cause her to lose out of class access. She refused to answer my questions about side effects, but she has looked ok. She is on the spectrum. I work in a hospital and we have been seeing cases like this. Young people with stage 4 cancer and non-stop code stroke in the ER and tele floors. So far my co-workers have only had autoimmune issues and menstrual irregularities after primary series, but I have heard of one husband and one teen who died suddenly on other units.
What is “non-stop code stroke in the ER and tele-floors”? Sounds horrible?
When a patient is identified as having a stroke, that is what is called so the stroke team can converge quickly to wherever the patient is.
I bet that team is worn out. Never thought about that aspect.
What is a tele-floor?
Telemetry- monitored cardiac activity.
Thanks for a calm, reasonable, non-projected report from the field.
I hope you’re not paying for her to damage herself?
She used her own money that was put in an account by my mother years ago.
You read the terrible headline, and think, "This is so sad." Then, you see the picture and see just how young some of these people are, and sadness turns to shock. It's truly inconceivable that such an evil plot could be perpetrated upon humankind. Thank you, Mark, for your tireless efforts in documenting this tragedy.
What is inconceivable is that a large portion of the population has chosen to remain willfully ignorant about what is going on. How many people have to die suddenly before people begin to see?
It is completely nuts how many people I know who are boosted (multiple times), get sick, test positive for Covid and still deny there is something wrong with this picture. Any rational person would surely see that the shots are certainly not helping and in all likelihood are diminishing their immunity. But apparently not.
In my experience it's exactly the same with those who get a "flu" shot every year, and then get the flu. They all say the same thing, "Think of how much worse it would've been if I hadn't gotten the shot!" Same justification for C19 "vaccine." Can't fix stupid. What we must start doing at this point is publicizing the actual CONTROL GROUP. Those with no shots and a healthy lifestyle....all ages! IMO it's the only way to break this insane narrative. Compile the data and then get it out there... maybe billboards, handouts, full page ads in newspapers! Wish I had the money to do this. Time to go on OFFENSE. Defense isn't working.
Can anyone provide the actual " test", that shows one has " COVID"? And what is " COVID " now in 2023?
Is there a " test", for the "flu"?
Yes, there is a test for flu. Nowadays people get screened for flu and covid if they have a flu-like illness or before being transferred to a skilled nursing facility from the hospital. And back when I floated to other floors I was amazed at how many people had the strain of flu they had been vaccinated for. People would make excuses that it was hard to predict the strain. BS, I never saw a vaccinated person inpatient who had a strain not covered by the vaccine they got.
Is it the PCR test? That is proven useless.
One thing that they and we have in common is that both of us, more or less, experience covid as over. They think the vaccines have done the trick, and we think the vaccines continue to take a toll. You kinda have to research the latter position, which is mostly hidden away in corners most don't tread, so don't expect too many to follow suit.
Ed Dowd released some numbers from his team, excess deaths was at least 300k for 2022.
Absences from work remains elevated, often those that have excess Absences move to disability, disability to death. All are elevated above anything seen in US history.
We are at war folks.
Excess deaths of 25,000 (15% above historical average) in Australia in 2022 - Australian Bureau of Statistics government figures.
(Our population is approximately one tenth of the USA.)
We have two chronic absentees at our work, every six weeks like clockwork. And I suspect some of the senior staff who can work from home are hiding behind that.
Always someone ready to take advantage. We used to laugh and say we wanted kids in daycare, so we could call in too.
But they're not slacking, they are visibly ill. One of those boss guys has begun to look like he has chronic conjuntivitis. I hate it when he comes in as lately he's ghastly and you don't want to stare.
Concerning guy who was "brain dead" and whose family decided to say goodbye so his organs could save others: this YT video by Dr Paul Byrne, neonatologist, made 5 years ago, explains meaning of brain death, consciousness and perception of pain during organ removal - It's 1h15 long but worth listening to before deciding whether organ donation for you or family member is a good idea. I disposed of my organ donor card after watching.
Great link Kerrylyn.
I am reposting it on Stegiel's Substack.
Absolutely heartbreaking
But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. Job 13:4
My input in my small town of 40,000. after an average of 33 died under 70 in Jan and Feb. March totals was 48. Did all die of covid related things, like heart attacks, clots and were all vaxxed? probably not. Were some? probably so. 23 were in their 50's or younger. At least half died at home so died suddenly? What the hello is the problem for not reporting some facts here? 31 were males and 17 were females. Age ranged from 2 months to 69 and the average age was about 50. Of course, this is normal. Only if you believe lies and MSM.
Never ending. Where is the outrage??
Right here, and spreading (a bit too slowly, but spreading nonetheless)
People in my circle in California are slowly waking up but some are so defensive- “the vaccine does not change your DNA”, “there are no excess deaths”, “the vaccine is out of my body by now”, “he has lung cancer in his family”, “my dad also had a heart attack at 52”, etc. etc.
The jabs seem ‘beautifully’ designed to cause random types of illness and death so few will notice.
Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief (impact from someone else's death):
- denial
- anger
- bargaining
- depression
- acceptance
Probably need to give most of our uninformed friends the time/space they need to process what's happening. But also be available to them to help them along.
Or this “most were fake anyway” 🙄 Sad really trying to justify anything but the horrific truth.
Mark, please see my reply comment above concerning data on the Control Group. Perhaps this is something Steve Kirsh would be willing to take on....
Check the fast food lanes, the hair and nail salons, The big box Stores, Amazon, The million dollar homes they can't afford. They are so outraged they will continue to keep their head buried in the sand. There is no outrage. Americans are so spoiled rotten they can't fathom anything that might rock their boat. To self centered to understand their boat is sinking, right along with their bank account. The only outrage most will depend on is "where is my government check" to save me? Any questions?
We who are outraged come to Mark's site. Daily. Sometimes, hourly.
There's another funeral at Wat Muang Mai. Based on the picture it is another young woman. The ages of the ones I've known in the past two weeks were 32, 36 and 39. The ambulance sirens don't stop. What have we done?
The ambulance sirens don’t stop in my town either… big change!
It's huge. I have a baseline from 2019-2019 we are close to the main road all hospitals are South of us on the island Phuket Thailand. There were around 1-3 per week before with weekend late night spikes especially in high season of maybe 2-5. In 2020 it was super quiet 1-2 weeks would go by with nothing. Jab rollout and it spiked sometimes 5-7 PER DAY. Here in 2023 it's around that number again! It never stops!
Grieving losses in Thailand, a special place And for their Princess
In my city the ambulance company lost its contract because they couldnt keep up. The new company is twice as big and times to scene are still below normal due to super spike.
Im in a Tech corridor and Intel etc were big mandate whores.
That is what Genocide sounds like.
I can’t help but wonder where we’ll be in a year… what things will look like. If things are gonna stabilize or accelerate.
Hmmmm....neither. It is a slow march, consistant squeeze with a small release and then a resqueeze, like a boa killing its prey. Look at what they have gotten away with ie TSA at airports etc all because of the gov Psych Ops and terror on their citizens. Somehow these gov agencies need to be done away with and the people get that money back in our pockets.
Next the banking and control attempts ( easy if they control our money in and out of our bank accts ) and continued quality food scarcities. The evils need to be overthrown and put out of their miserable treasonous existence. We need to go on the offensive instead of defensive constantly.
I fear things are going to get much much worse. If the WHO gets omnipotent power over the globe…
Ridiculous. Who the hell is going to listen to that African guy about anything they do.? Would u listen to him or have your family listen to him about your next car purchase ? They only have power if people give them the power over them. Just like the Bioweapon Injection some Evils and Idiots called a vaccine. It wasn’t one. Don’t give random people or anyone power over you. No one.
Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law.
Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
Psalm 119:53,76,105
"After a training session at a gym on Monday, Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Michael Milmerstadt "developed a severe headache, which was later determined to be a serious brain injury [...]"
Sounds like Donald Parham Jr., the Chargers player whose game-winning touchdown was broken up by his vaccine-induced brain damage that left him in the fencing posture -- with his hands sticking straight out in front of him -- which made it difficult for him to retain the ball.
And the censorship will continue to take priority over the health of each nation...because no one in control ... wants to admit... they got everything badly wrong... the vaccine ... is the common denominator... everyone falling ill has been jabbed...
One must remember that they got nothing wrong as this is exactly what they desired. Genocide.
You mean the master puppeteer... most governments believed they were doing the right thing... now it’s an arse covering exercise.
You are very naive. This was obviously a genocide from the get-go. Hint: real vaccines take years of safety testing before negative effects can be measured carefully. You need a control group to be able to see what is going on so you have data to steer by. Even properly educated CHILDREN know this. Safe “short cuts” are not possible. Perfectly effective remedies, Hydroxychlorequine and Ivermectin were held back from the people by threatening doctors with losing their licenses if they told people about them to CREATE the “EMERGENCY” that paved the way for the “Emergency Use Authorization” that allowed these poisonous injections to be forced on the population
never saw a trump video getting the jab ...
No I have been clued up since this all started after listening to a George Webb article back in 2020…
But here’s the thing… THEY had to remove ivermectin and HCQ because the rules state NO EUA if cheap alternatives work.. THATS why these safe and effective drugs were rubbished… thankyou for labelling people you don’t know anything about.. that’s being NIAVE!
HCQ and ivermectin is a century ago ... we have moved into shedding, SPIKE PROTEIN and so on ... got to thank him instead of getting mad ... here is the latest
Commenting on everybody’s heartfelt thoughts here~~~ so many degrees from fancy and revered halls of learning, and yet so little intellectual curiosity out in real life. ~~~No memory at all of basic biology: the same guy who was created specifically to impregnate a female can somehow also get pregnant? Rotsa ruck. ~~~~Getting a stomach ache myself, thinking how our educational ? system has failed our children, and the pathetic, recent ridiculous responses by candidates in front of our congress members….obviously getting their big checks, but the fan breezes blow right through both ears during their hearings….did I say hearings?! The rest of the world surely saying. Exactly who is left in America?! OMG
I don't even buy that they thought they were doing the right thing. I believe it is a case of they are as complicit as their globalist handlers (Soros, Schwab, Gates, Rockefellers, Rothschild's and the list goes on...)
Even if you could prove it.. the damage is done... no one will face the consequences because they control the judiciary too.
They don't control God's will. They just think they do.
Amen and amen ~~ So grateful i can rest on that, when thoughts swirl and nothing and nobody makes any sense Sickening …the feisty, independent, free thinking Americans being led by …what? The Gummint, as my friend David calls them, less reverential but satisfying….
These people do not believe in a GOD but like playing GOD.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is what bought the fools. And if not in this world, they will pay in the next. pity the fools. And maybe buy them an asbestos suit?
Explain why using more than one word... or do you find stringing a full sentence together too challenging?
Dem Representative Dan Kildee has cancer too, so now three D Congressmen have cancer (him,Raskin, and Castro) and 3 had strokes, but who’s counting
At what point to dems wake up.
The dem senate blocked a bill to stop the WHO from taking over our sovereignty!! Wtf is that about?
Andy Biggs of Arizona sponsoring HR 79
And we need a senator sponsor
Good listen
I will look into it. Thank you.
raskin is an insider ... he knows. more lies ... for the stupidos in congress ... some of them (outsiders) did get the jab, despite Congress getting exemptions.
I read that mama June’s kids were not vaxxed. Just fyi. What I read could be wrong, but seems consensus on they didn’t want the shots.
Hard to believe I even typed Mama June like she doesn’t even need a last name:-)
We'll look into it.