Just finished an old book from Dr. Mendelssohn, a medical heretic, who already warned people years ago they had to learn NOT to depend on doctors, and learn how to take care of themselves instead. Stop that yearly check-up where the doc will always find something, and send you home with loads of pills.

He also pleads for natural childbirth, breastfeeding, and away with pediatricians (he was one). He did not live to see the jabs. I think he would be totally appalled and standing on the barricades with us.

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Pro-vaccine, creator, Scott Adams states the unvaccinated have won the day. What a sad perspective. This is not a WIN for anyone.

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I am pretty sure he made that back in 2022.

It was impossible for him to admit someone could make the correct choice from a purely rational perspective in early 2021. Bret Weinstein addressed his points and proved him wrong.

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Thank you for your reply. I’m not familiar with Bret but will be soon.

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The murder tally intensifies with time. This is so hard to watch, and there's little solace in the idea that at least some of these dead nurses would have liked to force shoot us Refuseniks with the bioweapon shots or put us in a camp because they were taught that a virus which was transmittable could harm others. How they ever got all the pregnant women to take the poison shots is beyond me; we all knew for decades that you NEVER give a pregnant woman a "vaccine" shot of any kind. Fauci and Birx and Biden and Gates and Pfizer and Moderna (the DOD) and google and the whole medical murder complex, CDC and FDA all share blame. God help the dead and their survivors, and my God have mercy on their souls, and on ours, those of us who saw this whole murder wave coming and were virtually powerless to stop it. Now we need to prosecute the murderers, but there are so many of them, where do we start?.

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We started by reporting it, since no one else is.

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When you're washing a car, you always start at the top and work down.

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If you read any of the old anthropology literature, studies of tribes never mentioned these types of infant deaths. Infants might be stillborn, or born sickly, or born normal and develop some illness and then die. However, healthy infants did not suddenly die.

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How many people are connecting the dots........or is it too painful?

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In these mandated professions the money might be pretty good but unfortunately a large number ( statistically ) of these workers get injured or worse by having had to comply with getting a defective product injected into them. Can’t enjoy the money and prestige if you’re injured and miserable or 6 feet under.

The babies I can’t understand. Effectively at no risk from covid, and so not going to have a benefit from the jab ( not that there is any potential benefit ), and yet their parents allowed their babies to get injected. Tragic.

I walk into Stop and Shop Supermarket today and I hear on the PA system, that they’re offering the jabs again!

The jabs don’t work. Get ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Don’t play around with this!

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