The greatest threat to National Security are Governments; Government Of the people, For the people and By the people are few and far between in this age;
Complacency and Blind Compliance has allowed Governments to become GovCo's all over this earth and then to take CONTROL OVER every aspect of the lives of we the common people;
The greatest threat to National Security are Governments; Government Of the people, For the people and By the people are few and far between in this age;
Complacency and Blind Compliance has allowed Governments to become GovCo's all over this earth and then to take CONTROL OVER every aspect of the lives of we the common people;
what these men demonstrated as they outed the agents of deceit for who they truly are is what EVERY-SINGLE-MAN needs to be doing;
Your life, the life of your wife, your children and any future children of their children depend on you making this earth a better place than what these nefarious, parasitic arseholes have in store for us in the not-too-distant-future;
No man has right to rule OVER another;
Stand up and be counted or submit yourself and your children to a "life" on bent knees.
The greatest threat to National Security are Governments; Government Of the people, For the people and By the people are few and far between in this age;
Complacency and Blind Compliance has allowed Governments to become GovCo's all over this earth and then to take CONTROL OVER every aspect of the lives of we the common people;
what these men demonstrated as they outed the agents of deceit for who they truly are is what EVERY-SINGLE-MAN needs to be doing;
Your life, the life of your wife, your children and any future children of their children depend on you making this earth a better place than what these nefarious, parasitic arseholes have in store for us in the not-too-distant-future;
No man has right to rule OVER another;
Stand up and be counted or submit yourself and your children to a "life" on bent knees.