Hope those 30 pieces of silver these asshats took to push the Genocide jab was worth it. Like they say you reap what you sow.

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You may recall what happened with Judas and his 30 pieces of silver?

Actually neither end was pretty... 🤔

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“There Must Be 50 Ways To Loose Your Hearing”

‘Better Make A New Plan Stan.

‘No Need To Be Coy Roy.


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Well, that would be "50 Ways To Lose Your Hearing”, but ok.

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Although ...

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“Just get yourself free!”

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The Vaccinated Now Have To Do

Without A Lot Of Their Cells.

So In An Attempt Not To Discriminate

I’ve Decided To Type This

W tho t Som Of Th Let ers.

And For Those That Might Find My Efforts To Be Cultural Appropriation

I WWilll Allssoo Tyyyyypppe Witth Mooorrre Leetterrs.

And If You Are Vaccinated - And CAN Read ...

What Are You Doing Fucking Around Here?

Free Time Is For People Who Aren’t About To Die.

Go Get The12 Page Printout Listing The 1440 Side Effects.

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It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.

It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of

A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper

Challenge With Robert Malone

To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.


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I thought there were only 1439 side effects?! I’ve been LIED to!

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The death vax sure is taking allot of singers out, I'm 71 and look 50 plus I feel great. I guess being a pureblood helps.

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CHEERS Hannah! I’m 59 and act 14🤣! I’m old enough to know better, but still to young to care!

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When I think about it you're right. Paul Simon, is now the mirror image of the "Well Preserved Ice Man Found by Explorers." Lemme see now; that guy was dug out of a Norwegian peat bog back in '74, so I imagine he would look about like Paul Simon does now. Maybe he 'looks great', but were he a food item, he would not be even remotely edible.

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Obviously, I don’t know any of these people personally, and maybe I’m just being naive, but Enrique Iglesias always seemed like a semi-normal guy to me (Cocky? Yes. But, an adrenochrome-drinking, pedophile Satanist? I doubt it. Who knows, though?).

Anyway, he shares 3 adorable little kids with Anna Kournikova and I hope and pray for their sake, that he makes a full recovery. 🙏🏻

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To get into that rarefied position you either make a pact with The Satanic Global Elite, or a pact is foisted on you, by The Satanic Global Elite. Get a copy of Feargus O'Connor Greenwood's "180 Degrees: Unlearn the Lies... " 🤔

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Thanks! I’ll have to check that out!

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I hope and pray that Anna Kornikova is fine just cuz OhMyGod !!!!

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Same! They seem to live a pretty private life and aren’t in the public eye much, so I’m hoping they didn’t get the jab. Although, someone had mentioned in the comments previously on another one of MCM’s articles, that if musicians wanted to be able to perform live and tour, then they were required to get vaccinated. Is that true? If he got the jab, then she probably did too, along with their kids. 😞

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Anna Kournikova went to that tennis academy in Florida where all the kids are molested and groomed, they turned her into the flavour of the week for a while, she played ok but not that great, but good enough to get all the endorsement $$$ fashion mags etc. Did the same with the Canadian tennis played Bouchard she can't play for sh*t now.

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May 28, 2023
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Now that's just slut shaming. I bet those Russian hockey players "got around" too. Hockey players IMO and experience are entitled boys embroiled in rape culture. In my teenage days ,They called girls pucks.

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50 ways to destroy your immune system with the COVID jab.

Sing it Paul

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Just roll up your sleeve Jeeve

Take in the spike Mike

Hope you wrote up a will Bill

Gonna need it right quick

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Do as we say Jay

Put on the mask Cass

Take the jab Bab

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I love your work, Mr. Crispin Miller!

And this is what I have to say today (and thank you for setting up a venue where people can talk with one another!)

We who tried saving the lives of the “poison death shot” lovers by begging them not to take the first shot, then not the second, then PLEASE PLEASE don’t take the booster;

We who were thrown out of every family event, called crazy, gossiped about, demonized by our friends and thrown out by our families;

We who tried saving, again and again, the clot-shot embracers while they wanted us dead…

We’ve all thought: I want to TAKE revenge!

Well, as we’re watching the dying and the maimed— celebrities, politicians, our friends, our family— as we’re watching them disintegrate before our eyes…

We’re learning we DON'T gotta TAKE nothin’.

Just gotta step outta the way while these vaxx'd-up-suckers-who-wouldn't-listen are TAKING revenge against themselves...

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I’m married to someone who still thinks I’m crazy and there haven’t been any excess deaths because he did a deep Google search. Wtf? It’s hard to fill a cup that’s already full.

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No Nukes !

Ironic Isn’t It ?

That The No Nukes Rockers


A Chernobyl Level Event

Within Their Own Bodies

- Without A Peep Of Protest.


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May 27, 2023
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So Fight To Save Someone Else.

You’ll Find You Get What You Need.


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Saying it again, however crazy it may sound. Whilst many of us know, they are attacking our social circle, family... coming after our children and pets, or foodstuff, history, culture and everything that makes us both individualists and nationalistic... they need to get rid of our individual identity as well.. which means books, music, sport - ANYTHING WE LOVE BUT MAKES US INDIVIDUAL (lot more than that, but you get the gist I hope). LOOK WHO IS DYING IN DROVES... athletes, musicians... and of course pilots, military personnel etc... but that is a different part of the agenda... still the same etc.

They have told us for YEARS...

There can be only one (Love and follow the globalist parasites) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqcLjcSloXs

But you were warned - See the word "Commonwealth"... well... told you so !.

The zombies ARE YOU, if you do not wake up... https://screenrant.com/walking-dead-season-11-ending-series-finale-explained/


Sorry to sound patronising and rude...but people need to wake up and WAKE UP NOW.

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Christine Massey's work in which no one was able to provide proof of an isolated SARS-Cov 2 sample should be a clue that the whole virus theory is a fraud.

But let's play by THEIR rules. Let's assume Covid IS real. By their own rules there was no "pandemic." That is because the PCR test does not measure their definition of infection (which is viral load).

All they have are "cases" based on computer simulations over 99% of which are either asymptomatic or minor cases of flu. But they still say the elderly for example are vulnerable. Even though Pfauci himself said asymptomatic people do not spread disease. And of course there's the fact of pre-existing conditions and environmental toxicity which is constantly minimized. This is the game they play. They want us to overlook these facts. It's called "gaslighting."

DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight

A song about the fraud of Virology. Listen to THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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May 27, 2023
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I lost my job of 23 years because I refused to take a PCR test. Can you believe this crap? It’s pure insanity.

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When one looks at all the "suicided", "cancered", "heart attacked", "assassinated" truth tellers over the last couple of decades, it's a shocking number - it's not just American truth tellers, it's African, European..... I mean, even if we just start with Lee Harvey Oswald in 63 - they add up in these last 60 years.

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And what happened to Dr Rashid Buttar?

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How are the 'couch potatoes 🥔 ' doing? The Netflix zombies, 24/7,

the McDonald's addicts? The opioid people? Anyone know THEIR

death rate, their disabled rate?

I seem to notice ACHIEVERS being hit.

Is that true?

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Operation MKNAOMI?

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I am not aware of all the covert operations - I just keep on reading and learning as I go along. But, I don't believe that ANY of the covert ops are dead, always just being reinvented and renamed. What's shocking (although I guess we should not be surprised) is the huge number of people willing to participate in these ops and who are willing to go to their graves without revealing anything. Of course, that gets to my point of anyone who IS or WAS willing to spill the beans, was conveniently disposed of. And let me add this: prior to c-19, I was fairly skeptical of government, philosophically tended toward libertarianism. The very first day I saw Trump trot out Fauci, I turned into the person I am today - I don't believe ANYTHING the government tells me, I don't believe ANYTHING any medical care provider tells me, I don't even believe my GD dog's veterinarian since my dog just got Lyme disease and she was VACCINATED against Lyme disease (don't ask, let's just say vets are very similar to pediatricians when it comes to vaccines), I don't believe any news articles. I only believe the few people I trust who write on substack and the readers who comment.

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I'm not an expert on CIA ops, I just ran across a comment about MKNAOMI. Apparently it "was" a program in which they studied ways to assassinate people through natural means such as cancer and heart attack. At this point it seems more likely than not.

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And rabies vaccines are REQUIRED in Massachusetts if you want to board your dog somewhere. But I would bet my house that if a family dog got bit by a rabid animal, and you brought the dog to the vet, even if vaccinated, they would put the dog down, because they would not take a chance. So, rabies vaccines serve no purpose at all, if you ask me. And honestly, do they even work?????? Never mind the dangers of them. God, it's sickening.

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“Sam Smith apologized to their fans...” 🤦‍♀️ OMG, I cannot deal with using this “their” stuff. I know you were just quoting the published article. It sounds ridiculous!! Don’t cancel me, but geez, hijacking grammar to appease a population that denies reality is just insane. #StopTheMadness

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May 28, 2023Edited
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Yes! I noticed that too. 🤦‍♀️😂 It’s so unnatural. No one should comply with that nonsense.

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Don Mclean thought plane crashes were bad.

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Sam Smith is a demon.

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Sadly it looks like he has turned into one, look at what he (they) wear now. Joined the devil worshippers group.

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He’s a dead man walking

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Like Paul Simon, I too went deaf overnight, but I am an anti-vaxxer and did not take the Covid vax.. On Feb 7, 2023, much to my surprise, I woke up with no hearing at all in one ear! Since then, I have been rapidly losing hearing in the other ear too. I am awaiting further tests (which could take a while since I am Canadian). I have been opposed to vaccines since my daughter was injured by a vaccine in 1985. Apparently, "spontaneous deafness" is actually a thing. I had never heard of it in my 63 years, but now I am suffering from it. The point is that Paul Simon's sudden onset deafness may (or may not be) related to the Covid vaccine. I love this newsletter and I do realize that the author is not claiming that any death or injury was a result of a vaccine adverse event, only that there have been a hell of a lot of injuries and deaths that nobody seems interested in looking into lately.

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Celine Dion needs to come clean about her vax injury. It begins to look like she was bought off.

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Van the Man held the line. Proud of him for that and his song No More Lockdowns. He got castigated by the Northern Ireland health minister and now look at the number of young soccer players there who are “dying suddenly “.

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I feel bad for Paul Simon. He certainly ranks as on of my favorite singer songwriters - When I was in high school S&G were part of the sound track of the time and Paul's songs were both beautiful and meaningful. And his solo career has been nothing short of brilliant.

We can't say for sure that it was the jab that caused his hearing loss (or even whether he took it) but it's definitely a possibility. I really do hope that Paul doesn't just accept the the medical ignoramuses forever in denial and seeks out someone who understands what the cause might be and offer him some kind of therapy. Who knows. But a call from Eric Clapton might be appropriate.

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I a;so grew up with S and G. But honestly is his problems more important than say...Maddie DeGary? Normal people, not in the lime light are getting life long disabilities and dying everyday. These people never got a chance to be "celebrities" I keep track everyday of the under 70 people that die in my town They aren't famous or known for anything miraculous but they are people that never deserved dying over a so called virus and and a bio weapon jab. ALL LIVES MATTER! Even the ones most never hear about.

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Nobody's problem is more - or even AS - important than Maddie deGaray's. She volunteered for the trials, was lied to about her condition, had her condition misreported in the trial results, and has had her life and her families' lives ruined. Maddie's case is truly a tragedy. Her mother Stephanie has tried valiantly to bring it to the public's attention only to have the medical/pharma/govt complex come down on her like a ton of bricks.

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