Very sad, too many paying a “Turbo (cancer) Tax”.

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Cancer, and also the possibly of just not walking up, aka suddenly (*but peacefully) dying at home. 😢

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Cancer, cancer and more cancer. This report is amazingly sad. How many people that are not “famous” are suffering from similar cancers? When, Lord, will justice be served upon the murderers responsible. Thankfully more information is coming out, but how many more fear based vaccines are heading our way. Thanks again MCM.

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'When, Lord, will justice be served upon the murderers responsible.'

Perhaps...just perhaps if and when sinful God-less mankind has a conversion and repents of their depravity.

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Bingo. This is chastistement. Probably part of 3rd Secret of Fatima, never revealed..

Btw, agents of chastistement will be getting theirs. For damn freaken sure.

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"Btw, agents of chastisement will be getting theirs. For damn freaken sure."

Won't come soon enough.

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Fatima who.. sorry she ain't got no secrets.. wish y would speak bout Jesus instead of Mary n now this other chick n her fairy tale secrets🤌

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I'm sure Holy Trinity are not smiling at your words. Holy Trinity loves Blessed Virgin Mary more than all creation combined.

One main message of Fatima (which I'm sure you remain ignorant of) I'd that God wanted devotion to Mary increase .

The failure of Catholics to respond is why we are in this mess.

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Catholics rarely if ever refer to themselves as "Christians", but as "Catholics". There is a reason for this. There is only one way to the Father, and that's through His Son Jesus. Christ is the only mediator between sinful man and God: not catholic priests, Mary, nor Fatima. The virgin Mary is called 'blessed'. Scripture says so. And indeed she is, for the Lord chose her to carry Jesus in her womb. But she was born a sinner, like the rest of us, and needed a savior like us all.

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I will tell you how bad it is. I spend parts of Christmas in tyler, Austin.

We have no Catholic Church to go to mass. I will pray Rosary, read pre Vatican II Missal and watch a mass (not in union with apostate Rome).

We're in great apostasy.

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Finally Fatima was apparition. World wide attn from non Catholics also.. 3rd Secret was supposed to be released 1960. But Freemasons gained control of Vatican. Never released.

Fatima is 3rd highest female in Islam. Me, other Catholics view as implicit promise of Virgin Mary She will convert Muslims.

She already promised Russia. And Jews will convert when Great apostasy is over. (Probably when we get a pope. )

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She needed a savior. But Jesus saved Her Before She sinned.

Jesus can choose who He wants to help him... He needs non one. But holy parents, pastors, angels on and on.... If He chose to use them, are we to say, But just You Jesus.

Mary is mediator btwn us and Jesus.

Jesus, btwn us and God the Father.

On naming. All Catholics are Christians. All Christians are Catholics.

And right now 200k Christians, Catholics on face of earth.

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Thank you, John 👍💖🌺

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Yw Anja!

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That depends on if you believe in a Soul or Spirit which goes somewhere else after you die, be that a good place or a bad place and for eternity, depending on how you lived your life in this world, which could be a classroom to learn skills and things you take with you, after you die, leaving all material things behind you, of course.

Those behind our deliberate extermination will be going to the bad place and for eternity, which is a lot longer than life on this planet has been.

Don't know if you read my post some months ago about the boy who could remember his last life as a snake. He bit a man on his shoulder and the man killed him (the snake) and he was reborn as this boy. Researchers found the man the snake had bitten, who confirmed that a snake had bitten him on his shoulder and he killed the snake - but the man did not know the boy and had no contact with him - which suggests that what you come back as, might not be your choice, if in fact you do.

I don't pretend to understand these things, but about 14 years ago, I had an aura photo taken of me and mine was 80% Gold and 20% Purple, which the guy who took my photo said meant that I was a higher being - and i have been working at getting my aura up to 100% Gold before I die, in the hope I don't ever, have to come back here again, after I die, assuming that, if Souls and Spirits exist in that other parallel universe, I don't want to come back again?

My take on these synthetic mRNA vaccines is that after 6 hours they change your natural DNA to a synthetic one, by some degree and you probably no longer have an aura consistent with those of an Earth species animal, so if, after death, we are categorized by our bodies aura and if vaccinated, yours does not register as being from planet Earth, then it will go to an alien place, which probably explains the reported fear on the faces of those who died seconds later, who had been vaccinated - but wherever your spirit goes, you won't be alone, take comfort that there will be billions of like Spirits to your own there and arriving constantly from this world to your new one and whatever that entails for the future for you?

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One thing that will raise your vibration is to go vegan. There is nothing more evil than having 70 billion land animals and trillions of sea lives go through the pain and torture they are put through for "food" that we don't need to eat. What these animals go through, we would never do this to our do our dogs and cats. It's by dark design that slaughterhouses and Big Ag were created and every time you ingest and animal product right into your gut that energy of violence done to them goes right into your aura. You can start here: www.vegankit.com

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I think you’re onto something here. How I wish I never have to come back to this evil prison planet again. I keep

Working on myself every day. And I’m praying 🙏 for all of humanity. This is a horrific and severe test of our souls. It’s probably too late now for most people but please don’t take the jab. It is the mark of the beast. These people are broadcasting MAC addresses. Even from the grave.

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I believe you get a choice to come back or not and re-incarnate as something. Those who do choose to come back, do. But they are not allowed to remember the past life, so as not to interfere with the current life. I think it likely unfinished business with other souls brings people back. Myself, I will be choosing not to come back but to move on to the next stage of evolution/life.

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Yes. I have had enough of this evil place. I truly believe I only came here to try to help people. But most don’t want help. They want the evil. It’s all theirs. I tried my best.

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That is why we were ALL sent upon this earth. It is free will choice that has led those evil people to choose the path they are on. Your 'best' to which you refer is ALL that is required of you or anyone. We cannot save the world. All that we can do is the 'planting of seeds' and letting someone bigger than ourselves (Yes, I am a Christian and that is a crime in today's world) nurture the our efforts. Trust me, if you have done that you will be rewarded, Lucy.

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" It’s probably too late now for most people but please don’t take the jab. It is the mark of the beast."

Dear Lucy, I'm not certain if it is, just yet, or if that will rear it's ugly head when they attempt to roll out digital currency/ID and vaccine passport. It is at that time they will have to take my life the old fashioned way as I'm not about to assist them in their Satanic agenda. Saddest thing is that we would have hoped this would not have happened in the supposed 'land of the free and home of the brave".

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I agree with you. I will not participate in this evil agenda in any way. I assume those of us who refuse will be executed. That is much better than living in this evil prison.

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God bless you, Lucy. There (as difficult to believe as it is) are things worse than death.

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Ma'am. Just for my own understanding are you an adherent of reincarnation? I, for myself am not (and that is by NO means an attack on those who elect to adhere to that belief) and would have no desire to return to this earthly realm. I am in the category of the beginning of your post; t hat of going to a place based upon how one lives their life; be it reward or punishment.

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A Slovenian nurse just disclosed that there were three different contents of the C19 vaccine given out. All of the batches were delineated with numbers to indicate the different batches. One was saline and was taken by officials and those in the know. The third contained the substances known to speed up the development of cancers in addition to other lethal materials also contained in the other batch that exacerbated C19 symptoms. This genocide is intentional. Now, our most accomplished athletes are paying a price greater than the cost of continuing admission to the academic institutions and sports they love with mandates.

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I always felt like John Metchie, Bama receiver who was drafted by Houston Texans ahead of a leukemia diagnosis was likely another vax injured athlete.

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It wouldn't surprise me to discover that's true. Compromised immune system function is in one of the Pfizer patents and when you see the blood of the vaxxed under the Dark Field microscope, the white blood cells are severely impacted and diminished in great numbers, while the red blood cells exhibit rouleaux as they die from the exposure to the GO and the spike.

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Yes and all those coaches tried to force the vax on their players. Lane Kiffin of Ole Miss bragged he had 100% ‘compliance.’ Nick Saban whined that one player wasn’t ‘in compliance’ and was jeopardizing the team. That kid later transferred.

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It would not surprise me in the slightest.

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Do you have a link to this?

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My feeling is strictly belief given what we know about cancer coming out of nowhere post vax and Nick Saban’s desire to vax his team.

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Ronnie Hillman passed away yesterday. Rest In Peace

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I presume he was vaxxed and that the vaccines triggered the appearance of the kidney cancer. At his young age ( 31 years), as top athlete with access to top medical check-ups, all the health supplements, etc. it is sad he came down with cancer and it was a vicious cancer....it killed him within months.

Dr Ryan Cole, Pathologist with 26 years in pathology and having seen tissue samples from over 600,000 patients, says he is seeing many cancers appearing very fast and also being fatal.

It is best to avoid all boosters if one is vaxxed, to avoid all vaccines (even those for travelling i.e. Yellow Fever, Malaria, Typhoid, etc.). I will sacrifice the travel. I want the best protection for myself...i.e. my natural immune system.

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These stories are all so sad, So many young athletes dying, this nightmare has to stop. They were all jabbed , I wonder if some could use Chelation to cleanse the heavy metals and spike out of their bodies. I will be praying for them while my heart breaks.

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How do we get this information about EDTA and others protocols to athletes and others in time?

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The issue is - they think the injections are safe so they will not acknowledge that they need any detoxing at all!!

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Eventually, they, too, will figure this out as many other people like us have. We will wake up the masses with sincere and authentic communication.

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I wish I knew, maybe spreading the word everywhere it might reach the right people. It breaks my heart knowing perfectly healthy people are dying.

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Nobody wants it

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Some don't believe they would benefit, while others are already using this successfully. Some, perhaps many, will die not knowing, while other will live to tell their stories.

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I've heard, but cannot confirm, that ivermectin might be able to do that. I hope so.

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At least partially as long as it is taken with sufficient quantities of bio-available zinc. The Ivermectin opens the cell wall and then the zinc enters to denature the spike and other pathogens. Also effective for the parasitic element... But more than Ivermectin alone is needed to expel the other materials inserted in the vaxx. Many doctors are using Ivermectin and zinc as part of a very sophisticated treatment protocol and prophylactic approach.

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By denying there is any problem, our governments continue sentencing people to death, as there is no awareness of or push to discover treatments for the C-vax injuries or to employ treatments that have already been deemed effective.

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When people start to realize in greater numbers than at present that the government might just be lying to them and is not their friend then they might start to wake up.

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True. These solutions will not come from government. They are coming from sturdy and battle worn healthcare professionals and holistic researchers who will continue to do whatever is necessary to accomplish this monumental task.

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So Be That!

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I’m sick with Covid now and taking ivermectin, zinc, Quercetin etc (flccc protocol). Confused about zinc. I’m taking 30 mg of raw zinc (by vitamin code) m. What’s bioavailable zinc?

I’m unjabbed and this is my first illness in 3 years.

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How do you know it's COVID and not the symptoms of the vaxx laden with the toxins from the 26 types of venom (king cobra, snail, and starfish) that Ardis found?

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I’m not jabbed. Are you joking about the venom?

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And...the GO as well as the venom components transfer to unvaxxed individuals through shedding which then begins to affect the blood within an hour of exposure (close proximity to the vaxxed). Some refer to this as asymptomatic, but the human body is, in fact, responding to the mRNA spike with the venom. I do hope you pursue learning more about this from Dr. Bryan Ardis from Canada; he's done an exemplary job of researching this. The weird thing is that there is further evidence that the vaxxed have begun to develop features resembling venom ducts in their bodies. I think that Dr. Ruby has reported those findings from the gene-editing aspect of this process.

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No, I am not joking. Dr. Ardis talks about discovering the links to the inclusion of these venoms which exhibit the identical symptoms of COVID. And the bio-available zinc in the form of liquid ionic zinc possesses the greatest potential to come into direct contact with any pathogen, instead of relying upon the digestive system to distribute other forms of oral zinc to the tissues, blood, and lymph that are affected.

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If you are still reading these comments, let me know. Only then will I share two protocols for the unvaxxed experiencing symptoms to use to alter that trajectory.

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Thanks. Good to know.

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I thought about that too....could Chelation help?

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Dr. Ana uses EDTA chelation therapy successfully in her clinic here. So...yes, it looks promising.

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Vialli was 'vaccinated' according to this video with screenshots from his instagram (I don't use Instagram so I can't check).


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So many innocent people hurt because they trusted those who were supposed to be looking out for them.

That's the saddest tragedy as well as the lowest betrayal.

The latter sickens me as much as the former breaks my heart.

I don't know why I take it so personally. It just FEELS personal.

I FEEL like all these people were friends and family, even though I never met them, didn't know them.

My old man, a WWII vet, told me that there's only one thing you can do for fallen comrades: avenge them.

I guess my old man knew a thing or two after all.

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That was disingenuous of Ohio State! No FDA-approved "vaccine" against COVID-19 is available.

My brother, who works for fully-"vaxxed" (O)Micron, Inc., got a PhD from Ohio State. Let them enjoy their sludge shots!

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It is disgraceful for a college to mandate a shot that does not stop transmission or infection.

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Even if it did stop transmission and infection, it shouldn't be mandated.

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Agreed, nevertheless there isn’t even an argument when the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. In fact, a Pfizer exec just appeared before the EU and admitted it was never tested to prevent transmission before the roll out. So all this guilt tripping about being unselfish and protecting everyone else was based on no supporting data.

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I just made a post at another site, pointing out that at least 100,000 more Americans died (allegedly) "from" Covid in 2021 than died in 2020. 75 to 80 percent of deaths were among those 65 and older - the group that quickly got vaccinated (more than 90 percent vaccination rate). The vaccine was at least supposed to be "95 percent effective" at preventing death and severe cases. And almost every old person was vaccinated - and deaths went up 30 percent! From the CDC's own statistics.

And then they have the chutzpah to say that the vaccines "saved" the lives of 3.2 million Americans.

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and also, that info was already out there in an FDA document in Dec 2020, stating " there is no evidence as to whether it will prevent / (affect?) transmission"

Like the fact that on UK govt website it was stated always that there was no info. on whether it was safe in pregnancy.

Yet the media and politicians/ govts continued to push them as safe and effective against transmission AS IF it were true.

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I think the spin on taking the shot during pregnancy was particularly egregious. We as a society used to make every effort to protect pregnant women, now it was like let’s experiment and make a buck. A doctor friend of mine said that in medical school they were basically instructed Keep your hands off pregnant women unless it is an emergency. Not exactly the policy now.

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I have seen pictures and video of babies born with black eyes from mothers who were vaxxed. Generational genetic damages from this experiment...which continues to present more like an assault upon humanity.

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Pfizer is a corporate sponsor of the SEC. That tells us everything we need to know about the colleges and big athletic conferences.

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College age kids are most naive and susceptible to pressure.

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Try telling them that.

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I'm 62, and don't hang with them. But now, you've uttered a naked challenge.

I must find them and do it

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You can hang with them (some of them) at your local Boy's and Girl's Clubs or comparable organizations. But...you will find them more often on TikTok and What's App in addition to other online hang outs. Have a blast...and good luck.

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I'm not gonna hang with them.

I'm going to tell them truth, absorb the hate, point out logic and leave them.

I'm a loner

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I just read that Ronnie Hillman has passed away. 31. One of hundreds of young sporters who lost their lives due to the jab obligation

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I have no problems with sports betting in general, but I do have to wonder now with so many athletes dropping, if people will lose their stomach for betting on athletes who have been compromised by these recent jabs. It seems macabre to me, at this time.

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What - betting on which one dies next and which one doesn't?

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just betting on teams to win, when it is no longer a fair

contest between teams, what with the jabby jab deaths..

How must it feel to be one of these highly injected athletes,

trying to compete? Creepy/sad to me. I guess the players need

to walk away, the betters never will.

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You’re right ... people and markets act in their own interest and, while official sources will keep up with the “safe and effective” blather, individuals will have no choice but to take note and act accordingly. There are many emerging signals like this

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The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all.

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Been following fenben substack for a month or so. Thank god for that information!

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Are parents going to be ready for this heartbreak when it takes their children, and all of their assets to treat, leaving them childless and destitute? Will there be enough generous souls left to help with the crowdfunding requests? Anyone tracking funeral service company stock prices? A high tax indeed for believing the lies.

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I am on an ancient therapy that 99.9% will scoff at, that doctors called nonsense and pseudo-science. However, since starting on it, since weening myself off all supplements including Vit C, multi-vits, sharks cartilage, etc. I have not been sick even with a flu.

I am age 73, have had a stressful career in construction, plenty of overseas travel, etc. I am still active in business and intend to keep going till I am 93.

My therapy is Urine Therapy. Just rub urine on the skin ( fore-arms, legs, body ). Hold just a bit in the mouth. Others swallow large quantities or fast for seeks on urine ...I reserve such practices should I contract cancer or any deadly disease.

However for 25 years, I have not had a fever, headache, pain from diseases. No cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and thousands of any diseases. It works for me and I will stick with UT.

I am unaxxed. My wife and daughter were vaxxed ( Chinese vaccines ). Both have Covid. Wife just have her second Covid (Omicron). I have never had Covid. Not even a flu in 2020, 2021, 2022...and I expect to be fully healthy in 2023.

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Thank you Mark for being a TRUTH Warrior ...

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The greatest crime in world history!

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Unvaxxed 72% more likely to have car accident?

More clown car "science" outed below. Some stories on this from the fake news at https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-unvaccinated-drivers-more-likely-to-be-in-a-serious-car-crash-study/ and https://fortune.com/well/2022/12/13/covid-unvaccinated-greater-risk-car-crash-traffic-accident-new-study-says-canada-government-records-pfizer-moderna/

Or see https://news.yahoo.com/people-skipped-covid-vaccine-higher-183148392.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall , or https://globalnews.ca/news/9345291/covid-vaccine-hesitancy-ontario-crashes/ or https://news.yahoo.com/people-skipped-covid-vaccine-higher-183148392.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall or American Journal of Medicine https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(22)00822-1/fulltext

Has science been that corrupted now with ignorance?

You can see the original contention in American Journal of Science, and The Defender outing the utterly embarrassing “science” here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/unvaccinated-bad-drivers-study/, but long story short (and this is so embarrassingly stupid), on further examination

- Unvaxxinated were more likely to drive; they were more likely to have an accident as they had more road miles. Yes, you are correct: this study was too utterly stupid to factor that in. Vaxxed were less likely to go out, on average, as they were too scared to go out

- During study period, the unvaxxed were not allowed to use public transportation, that they might normally use. Ummmm…. I’m not a PhD in math, but since the unvaxxed were forced to drive, they had more road miles, and thus more accidents.

- Can it get more stupid? Mais oui! The study looked at 6,682 crashes, only ~2,800 or so were unvaccinated people actually… ummmm… .DRIVING. There were just over 2,600 cases included of unvaccinated people who were pedestrians hit by cars but included in the fake numbers. Then this idiot study included just over 1,100 people who were freaking PASSENGERS. They weren’t even driving. How can being unvaccinated and NOT driving cause driving accidents

- They also used the gambit where you were not counted as vaccinated until 14 days after you got the shots (takes 14 days for the antibodies to kick in). Fine. The problem is a LOT of the deaths and injuries are from day 0 onwards, so many of these unvaxxed car accidents were actually the vaxxed, having issues from the shot and causing accidents, being counted as unvaccinated. The data set for the study only lasted one month, so those labelled unvaxxed could have been actually vaxxed for HALF the study.

Dr. John Campbell also exposes the utter idiocy of this here https://youtu.be/YAl7jHHuG9E?t=22 . E.g., Norman Fenton, Ph.D., a professor of risk information management at Queen Mary London University, accused the journal of publishing “a study in stupidity,” Dr. Clair Craig at UK’s Queen’s College, Oxford Univ., called the study “a joke,” (noting you could use the same logic so show unvaccinated, e.g., recycled more, eat more chocolate, give to charity more, or anything you want;

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30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any.

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my granny was a nurse, and her cure for everything was " sniff salt water up your nose!"

I always do now, and gargle. sometimes a drop of diluted iodine.

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To Splat: What is the last thing a bug sees when it goes splat on your car windscreen.

Answer: Its Asshole!!

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AND this: WHO declares war on unvaccinated people, likens them to murderers by calling them “a major killing force globally”

12/22/2022 / By Ethan Huff


The World Health Organization (WHO) published a video to its Twitter page recently that basically calls unvaccinated people murderers.

The clip features the infamous Dr. Peter Hotez declaring that “anti-vaccine activism” is “anti-science aggression.” Hotez also stated that those who refuse covid “vaccines” specifically are almost certain to be “far right” politically.

As cringeworthy as these statements are, Hotez really went off the rails when he categorized the unvaccinated as “a major killing force globally.” What Hotez is saying, in other words, is that living as an unvaccinated person is responsible for the deaths of others, who are mostly vaccinated people.

If vaccines really work as Hotez and others claim they do, then the unvaccinated would be a threat to none other than themselves. The fact that jabbed people are dying when unvaccinated people are not dying just goes to show that the prevailing vaccine dogma is superstitious pseudoscience.

That WHO would endorse this kind of thinking is disturbing but not at all surprising. After all, the United Nations (UN) arm was suspiciously involved with bioweapons research just prior to the unleashing of covid. Was this just a coincidence? Probably not.

Hotez says not getting vaccinated is deadlier than gun violence, terrorism, cyber-attacks, and nuclear proliferation

Keep in mind that it is now widely understood, even by some who took the shots and now regret it, that jab-induced injuries and deaths are both prominent and painfully obvious to anyone with eyes and a working brain.

WHO ignored this in its tone-deaf posting of Hotez’s statements, which represent a slap in the face to every person and family that has faced covid jab-related injuries and deaths.

Hotez and his colleagues refuse to acknowledge that covid injections are deadly. In other words, he refuses to accept the fact that the true major killing force in the world today is these injections.

A recently published Swiss study highlighted some of the science behind this in finding that people who take covid jabs experience elevated troponin levels, this being a clear indication of heart injury.

This would explain why millions of fully jabbed people now have myocarditis or some other heart problem that was not there prior to the launch of Operation Warp Speed in late 2020.

Getting a covid “booster” shot, another group of scientists found, further increases the risk of complications – one of them being the risk of testing “positive” for covid and getting sick.

What is the point of getting shot for covid if the shots themselves cause covid? Hotez and others like him never answer these simple and important questions. They instead malign those who smartly avoid getting shot in defiance of his narrative.

“It’s a killing force,” Hotez openly proclaimed. “Anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyber-attacks.”

You read that right: Hotez actually believes that you leaving your natural immune system alone is a bigger threat to others than shooting them with a gun, terrorizing their families, attacking their computers and phones, and launching a nuclear attack.

Hotez is clearly deranged, which is not surprising to the smart folks here. But remember that there are actually people out there who follow the likes of Hotez and every word that comes out of his mouth because he is a “scientist” with the word “doctor” in front of his name.

“I’m baffled at how people like Hotez can pretend the mRNA vaxxes are beneficial, when the evidence of their poison properties is right in everyone’s face,” wrote one commenter, perplexed that people like Hotez actually exist and open up their mouths without any self-awareness of their blatant foolishness.

Sources for this article include:




Me: That includes most of us who read or post to this substack and others. My free salt water cure does the job 100% and for me and others, over the past 30 years, my way of proving that it works against all viruses and bacterial infections with zero injuries or deaths, which vaccines don’t and never have.

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Moral obligation? THE VACCINATED, WHO ARE SHEDDING, HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO ****STAY HOME**** I created a shot in my basement with a couple friends, with a virus that came from a bat which flew 600 miles and landed in my wonton soup. Hasn't been tested, not FDA approved, but I DEMAND everyone take it to protect me. Yeah, that's exactly what the non-Einstein Branch Covidians are saying That “common good” question to force people to take the shot? David Martin says, working off of the Jacobsen .v Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling in 1905, that for this argument to be valid, it would need to a) ensure that the individual who is vaccinated is rendered immune from the disease in question; and b) that the vaccine inhibits transmission of the disease. This shot does neither, as is well-known by now, and the Oxford Univ. study cited elsewhere, shows that people who got the shot can carry up to 251x the viral load that unvaccinated do. MIT trained Corey Zue mentions that vaccinated people carry equal viral loads PER THIS BMJ ARTICLE https://www.bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n1933 and spread the disease as much, and Dr. Peter McCullough, a medical professional with specialties in internal medicine and cardiology, has also mentioned a study that found “vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.” https://principia-scientific.com/fully-vaxxed-health-workers-have-251-times-viral-load-of-unvaxxed/ A study out of Vietnam, reported in HealthFeedback.org reported the same thing here: https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/study-in-vietnam-showed-that-delta-infection-results-in-a-higher-viral-load-compared-to-earlier-strains-not-that-vaccinated-people-are-more-infectious-than-unvaccinated-people/ . Note that Reuters clarifies the study, saying “viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.” It adds that it found no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels, and viral loads or developing symptoms. At this link, McCullough discusses the fact that the spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few. He also discusses his landmark papers, from August 2020, "Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection" published online in the American Journal of Medicine and a follow-up paper, "Multifaceted Highly Targeted Sequential Multidrug Treatment of Early Ambulatory High-Risk SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19)" published in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine in December 2020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410805/ which became the basis for a home treatment guide. 251 times the viral load that the vaccinated carry? Far cry from the lies of March 2021, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky saying “vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” and in May 2021, Anthony Fauci said that vaccinated people “become a dead end to the virus.” A substack article delves further into how it is the vaccinated who transmit the virus here. Hammond in his article, COVID-19 Vaccinated People Equally Contagious as Unvaccinated Within 10 Weeks noted viral loads of COVID-19 vaccinated people suggest equal contagiousness as the unvaccinated within 10 weeks, while natural immunity endures. From Hammond, citing a fall, 2022 Israeli study: “An Israeli study published in Nature Communications on November 7, 2022, provides yet further evidence of the superiority of natural immunity over the immunity induced by COVID 19 vaccines, indicating that the natural immune are considerably less likely to contribute to the spread of SARS CoV 2 than vaccinated people.”

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I don't find the vaccinated are shedding anything and "we" have Carer's who come to my home, to look after my tenant and those carer's are all vaccinated, they had to be to keep their jobs and we practically rub shoulders with them and they have not shed anything on either of us - opinion says that the vaccinated, if shedding, would be an impossibility, because as soon as the shedding meets the air, it is destroyed and can't infect anyone, as has proved to be the case here, at least.

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The shedding is occurring and there is ample proof of this transmission in the blood and tissue. This is serious and of the utmost importance.

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Much laughter - you don't have to convince me - back in 2020 I was questioning Moderna's deliberately infectious Covd virus which Moderna patented in 2013, along with 4 other Covid patents and presumably Moderna used its Covid virus (made with DARPA assistance, apparently, according to comments scientists made on Facebook or Twitter when they said they had unlocked the keys to making life as well)

This is why: 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any.

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Salt will cleanse the nasal passages, but it is insufficient to address the other substances being injected, transmitted by shedding within proximity to vaxxed people, or in foods and beverages. Refusing vaccines is but one aspect of the bigger picture...and salt alone won't protect you from GO, the quantum dot technology, nor the capacity of the CRISPER mRNA to edit your genome.

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Of course not. My suggestion of shorting your body out with an electric cattle fence, or a 12 volt car engine, touch the spark plug leads with both hands and have someone crank the engine over once, should do the trick and it takes one second to do. There is an element of risk in everything, but hopefully it will kill the nanotechnology installed at the same time as the billions of also 99% Graphene Oxide lipid packages in each synthetic mRNA vaccine shot, which pass through the blood brain barrier into the inner workings of the body in the blood within 8 hours from injection - anything taken by mouth does not get to the other side of the brain blood barrier and is ejected in piss and shit.

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There are better methods that rid the body of the nano-tech without shock and awe. Rather than trying to kill or fry it, eliminating it is the superior course of action. Technologies exist that utilize frequencies to do the work which doesn't depend upon physiological pathways alone when it comes to the brain, blood, and lymph. One minute the AI is there and three minutes later, it is not. It's just gone. It ceases to be. Energetically, it is cancelled out by a sophisticated mechanism of action. Poof, as simple as that!

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Hotez Is part of the pharma mafia… he’s on the payroll …here’s one of his books

Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism

He’s been working at actively discrediting anyone who questions vaccine’s safety for a long time

And here’s his latest book-

Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine Diplomacy in a Time of Anti-science

He’s not done with us… this is his mission.

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He is a major part of the problem that seeks to promote an agenda that is misinformation at it best and nefarious at its worst. One nurse I know bought into the notion that her son's autism could not have resulted from his vaccine schedule of persistent chemical cocktails. She is only now beginning to grasp the depth of this deceit.

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Dr Prasad's take down on this paper was once for the record!

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