A Cancer vaccine, thats what we need. lol : )

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Gates holds the mRNA cancer vaccine patents. Follow the money.

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One of these days we need to start being honest and personalizing this, just as we would for any other person on the street: 'Gates, the man who killed our neighbor Jill and gave her son a stroke' and 'Fauci, the man who murdered the doctor I worked with' ...

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That’s pretty much what gay men in Greenwhich Village did to Fauci in 1988.


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I have been wondering about that, or is the viruganda too thick?

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Patient data needed to prove cancer vx safe and effective.

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Next up...a vaccine for car accidents. It will make billion$

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LOL that is a really good one !

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Preemptive - "Pity that 20-year-old student is dead, but it could have been so much worse... he could have had a car accident"...

Vaccines do belong in the realm of primary prevention

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yep. Jab everyone with it and then within a few months everyone develops cancer ! Moderna quality !

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A mRNA "vaccine."

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The research that created the shots they're forcing everyone to get largely started out looking for either a cancer vaccine or an HIV vaccine.

That may explain why some of the motifs in the Spike zoom in on cancer cells.

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the thing is, Moderna got financed by the government and never produced a useful med. So now all of a sudden, they develop 3 ! We already know how good the covid jab is. I wonder how many people will trust them with the others, except of course for the needle lovers. I rather go to a medicine man (a real one) or better even, a chinese medicine practicioner.

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Yeah … about that …

Lavishly funded Moderna hits safety problems in bold bid to revolutionize medicine


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Ooh, a secret?

2017, from the article above: Mod. leader Bancel's "focused on four vaccines that the company is moving through the first phase of clinical trials: two target strains of influenza, a third is for Zika virus, and the fourth remains a secret. Bancel clicked through graphs of data from animal studies before hurrying on to tout Moderna’s balance sheet and discuss the company’s cancer vaccines, slated for clinical testing later this year."

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Exactly! I wonder how many people catch that when they read it? The whole thing is one giant red flag tho, honestly.

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That fourth secret one, must have been the covid jabs, from which they developed the sickness first ! Aren't they just now out with that so - called cancer vaccine? Aimee hit the nail - a red flag all over. This company is heavily sponsored by the likes of Fauxi but never made anything. Just ate the money. A whitewash operation of sorts

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How can it make sense - a cancer *vaccine*.

What, inject a little cancer to stop a big cancer.

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It was never a ‘vaccine’

They used that word to sell it to billions of people

It’s gene editing


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Very broad category*vaccine*.

Open for more commercialisation: oven cleaning vaccine.

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i recently read that Moderna is working on a mRNA shot that will allegedly repair the heart that is destroyed by the vax. But I believe it needs to be injected into the heart directly.

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That's as lovely an idea as Pfizer developing an alopecia drug while sponsoring the Oscars with Jada's alopecia stunt

amidst autoimmune vaccine-induced alopecia

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Ooooo! That sounds safe!

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Right, are they not killing off people fast enough!!??

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I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

Never in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve maimed and killed. Read and learn:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889

We’ve know for well over 120 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

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as a child in the 60s in Europe we got 2 vaccinations, both before remembering age. We had one booster I think in first grade, drops on a sugar cube, but never injections. When I came to the States I got 7 at once, and my first application refused, the year after that another 4. And that will be the last onces I had. If I had known beforehand I might not have come LOL

But love....

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Agree 100%.

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uh-oh from Moderna ! First they cause the cancer then they come up with a vaccine ? I just read they also come up with a heart illness vaccine ? Anyone trust these poison mixers ?

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And STILL people are unwilling t connect the dots. One of the most dismaying aspects of this debacle has been the inability and unwillingness of people to see and understand what has been done to them.

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and when you try to tell people, human nature kicks in. the awful reality of confronting the reality of genocide is hard. we need to be gracious and wise in how we tell others. the very act of telling the truth is dangerous because some will react by denial and some will react by striking back.

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Frankly, and regrettably, we will be better off if we don't say anything to people we hold dear, and whom we know are unwilling to listen. Why take the chance? If they are ever going to learn the truth, let them learn it from personal experience of from someone else.

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Joe, but if no one says anything, they win. Indeed, its not easy to speak out...usually a great personal price to pay. The Israelite biblical prophets had the same issues and sometimes paid a great price for standing in the truth. Its not easy.

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It's a mix for me. I agree that we need to speak the truth in the public forums as much and as often as we can, and hope the message is resonating. I will draw the line with family and friends, those I want to continue a relationship with, and, if I know they have drunk the kool-aid, will keep my lips sealed (unless they ask, which never happens). If I didn't value those relationships (and there aren't very many, thankfully), I will not deliberately put them at risk. As far as winning is concerned, I am continuing to scan the news, hoping to see the tide is turning. Clearly the truth is getting out to some, and some are learning the ugly truth, but the current continues to flow in "their" direction, as far as I can see. Let's hope that changes.

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NHL is a serious condition but commonly has a relatively promising outlook. The overall 5-year survival rate for people with NHL in the United States is 73%.

Corey Phelen was dx’d and dead within 6 months.

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These cancers are more severe and serious in the vexed.


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A 20 year old dies from non Hodgkin lymphoma?! My 75 yr old husband has had that for over 10 years and the odds of that young a person getting it and dying are very unusual. It’s highly treatable and, for many, a chronic not deadly, condition. Very sad- I’m assuming it’s the jab!

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Worst of all modeRNA wants to give you a hacksxxxine for the cancer you got from taking their goddammm clot shot

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The sooner people learn we have a SICKcare system instead of a healthcare system. The better off people will be.

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Take "care" out of that and you got it

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Moderna and Merck? So the guys behind the poisonous MRNA shot and the other guys behind the poisonous Gardasil shot, sounds like a great team for our health.

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Wake up call means something quite different to me.

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Good to see Ethical Skeptic's work getting a lot more attention. I remember seeing those tweets on the CDC manipulating the cancer and covid data and thinking how it's like screaming into the void.

It would be interesting if we could ever get a FOIA request to see how many people within the CDC talk about Ethical Skeptic and brainstorm strategies to "fix" the problems he keeps calling out.

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It's a revolving door for big pharma - create the diseases so they can make more money "treating" them. Yeah, a "vaccine" for cancer. Disgusting and abhorrent.

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Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane - possibly most famous for playing Hagrid in Harry Potter - has died. No mention yet of the cause. Whilst trying to find out more I noted this curious comment at the top of his Wikipedia page:

"This article is currently being heavily edited because its subject has recently died. Knowledge about the circumstances of the death and surrounding events may change rapidly as more facts emerge. Initial reports of the subject's death may be unreliable, thus the most recent updates to the article may not reflect all information currently circulating. Please feel free to discuss changes on the talk page and, also, to improve the article itself. Note, however, that updates to details within the article which are unaccompanied by valid and reliable references will be removed."

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Bummer. I liked him and the projects he got involved with.

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My God. I follow a lot of media because I have to because of my job, but I seldom see the stories Mark finds.

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Thanks, Mark.

If anyone is interested, this is an excellent Spanish film (with English narrative) - The Big Reset - which covers everything to do with the plandemic, the media, the reset/4IR etc. There's a lot in the later section about observed nanotech in the vials and its purpose, with a session deep in the French countryside where they were able to identify MAC codes (can't remember what that stands for) - 86% of the injected emitting a bluetooth signal, all to do with tracking and whatnot (and maybe worse).

Two hours 16 mins - well worth watching.


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My perfectly healthy 26-year-old nephew, resident of my hometown and now hellhole, New York City, just completed his fourth round of treatment for his "rare -- very rare" form of lymphoma that appeared out of "nowhere" earlier this year. I know he's been injected with the "M" junk -- and no one in his family will tell me if he got "boosted" -- but I do know he's out on disability until he gets through this. And then what??

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