"Science," as reported by the press worldwide, offers many explanations for the rising global spike in sudden deaths—"explanations" fashioned to distract us from what's really causing it
We’ll be sending it down your way in a few months, right about the time that your global freezing makes it’s way up here to us. Funny how that works, right?
I think it varies, sure we did not get as many sunny days down south, on the coast, maybe inland where they cut all the tree's down, but no colder than normal for winter, we have had worse. I remember when it snowed in our town when we would never get snow. That could happen again if they keep playing with the weather patterns with the geo engineering cloud seeding as they see fit. Flooding in places where it is normal safe. I worry about the next lot of fires they start in the coming summer.
Darn. I missed that one. I find it interesting that we've reached a point where we have now realized that perhaps one of the best ways to counter these forms of stupidity is by way of humour. They certainly don't understand rational argument.
Shoveling snow caused a stroke in my brother. Luckily he survived and ok, but this was years ago. The hitch is that these incidents have always been there, in other words, a stable statistic. It's the increase in them that cannot be caused by such factors.
. . .Unless of course the elderly have taken up a new fad of vigorous snow shoveling heavy snow in very cold temperature--likely caused by a tiktok challenge of some kind.
Yeah. Drinking beer too fast will cause heart attacks and someone wearing shoes on the wrong foot will impact the aortic valve and you know what they say about picking lint out of your bellybutton. Only one person around me has noticed the carnage going on all around us. And that was a year ago. These days just going to bed is dangerous for some. 🤔
It really is, especially heavy wet snow. A neighbor died doing that years ago. I always keep an eye my hubby outside when he’s shoveling. He had a heart attack and stroke in 2003.
That's actually a true one for people over 50. Rule is to not shovel before 9 AM. Something about blood vessel constriction and hormones and biorhythms, but if one is boosted to the skies, it's probably a lot worse.
The Cramer affect (the financial guy on TV who’s a joke because he’s 100% reliably wrong). So yes, load up on the pre and probiotics. And just for good measure do the next thing they will scare us with...making our own bone broth. The horror of it all 🫣 lol
Also, blowing up balloons, deep breathing to relax, walking the dog, watering the lawn, hauling loads of laundry up and down stairs at home. Don't for the love of God do laundry! Or at least not so much.
Natto, which are fermented soybeans, a staple in Macrobiotic diets that result in curing cancer, has been researched as one food or supplement that reduces the damage done by the vaxx spike. And yes, you are thinking clearly. Pickled and fermented foods and beverages do have the biological capacity to reduce and prevent the underlying causes of sudden deaths.
Yes, he and many of us recommend Nattokinase supplementation. However, there are additional compounds in the actual Natto condiment that cannot be replicated in a supplement. It's an acquired taste, but I have seen hundreds of people use Natto in the Macrobiotic diet tlo cure cancer and other degenerative diseases. More people now than ever before in the western hemisphere are including fermented foods and beverages in their daily dietary regimen to promote health and well-being. Kefir, yogurt, kombucha, pickled beets, pickled daikon, pickled carrots, Iinjera, and so much more than just the usual pickled cucumbers.
Such great traditional foods in both cultures! I have made my own kraut once and loved it. I have yet to make kimchi, but I do eat it occasionally. Of all the various ways of preserving food, fermentation is a treasure in Asia.
Natto is an acquired taste and very delicious! I used to buy it from the company, The Bridge, but they no longer make it. I found a couple new places that sell organic natty online and on Amazon, I believe. Glass jars are the best.
Excellent! I hadn't thought about Amazon vendors... It's relatively easy to make at home, just a matter of time. Glass jars are perfect! In my restaurant in 1981, I had customers eat some for their MaacroMeal and then take some home for later.
I was macro for around 15 years, and it healed my chronic asthma and other allergies. I miss the natto sushi rolls that the macro restaurants in Manhattan used to make.
Oh, my goodness! Natto sushi rolls sound amazing! I am putting those on my List of things to make that make you go Yum. I have been considering doing a Substack about foods and beverages that will repair the damage done to people who took the vaxx and to keep people healthier in the course of all the onslaughts to our environmental health. I would include Natto sushi rolls in a heartbeat! Can you describe what other ingredients were in the sushi rolls this Manhattan place made from your memory?
Good for you foods include beets cooked any kind, cherries (tart) fresh, Achar pickling spices (maybe lamb achar curried) prob. not spelled correctly, Indian food yummy, black seeds in it... eat real fats like butter and lards, not seed oils like cottonseed or palm oils. reduce alcohol (my weakness), avocados, citrus, less bread (also a weakness sigh), less starches like pastas. More potatoes without butter, sigh. Carrots and Brussel sprouts. Eggs fresh organic if you can get em. Truly, we eat so poorly. So many of us don't cook or haven't time.
That's a great idea for a Substack! Also for a cookbook. The natto roll was just natto and ume paste wrapped in rice & nori. But customers could choose to add extras fillings to it (veggies or fish). I liked the rolls with only natto. And, of course, a small dish for wasabi and soy sauce. I know that DARK miso, which is aged 3+ years and called Hatcho miso, is powerful for detoxing.
My thoughts exactly.... got to eat more pickled veges. I recently went to a workshop to learn how to do this. Was taught by a Russian woman who shared her 200 year old recipe.
The FLCCC says fermented foods restore the microbiome, so this is a two-in-one little propaganda victory for them. I'd like to restore their microbiomes with prejudice lol
So to prevent myself from “dying suddenly”, I should not eat pickled vegetables or salad, not get a C section, don’t swim, stop cooking, stay away from bullies, no go see Avatar 2, and by all means, not get married! That’s on top of staying out of the heat, not playing soccer, turn off the gas stove, not breathe the air and reverse global boiling! But by all means, be sure to stay up on my boosters, or I might get Covid!!!!
By pickled do they mean pickled with vinegar or do they mean lacto-fermented with salt brine? The article doesn't make that clear which type they're talking about, but it makes a big difference. I can't imagine lacto-fermented vegetables being anything but really good for one's gastrointestinal tract.
yeah, but then you gotta weigh it: natto, wobenzyme and aspirin or do you go use the big harma stuff to combat side effects jabbing? will stick wit Wobenzyme and aspirin for my muscle aches and pains, plus some trace minerals and a bit of melatonin
Obviously you can do what you want - if you're dumb enough to use big harma for anything, that's on you. Muscle aches and pains should be handled naturally. It's not normal to have aches and pains unless there's something wrong. Just throwing gut killing aspirin at it is using the psychology of big harma. You take something deadly that numbs you out so you can ignore the root cause and therefore don't have to do a single thing to take charge of your own health/body.
Aspirin let me see.... is that NOT a derivative of willow bark MS NATUURAL ONLY PANTIES?... Oh I do so think so! Identification of Salicylates in Willow Bark (Salix Cortex) for Targeting Peripheral Inflammation..............so shut yer yap and be LESS VICIOUS darling. You don't win mind and influence people to better health do ya? And SO WHAT if I LIKE TO USE it? People like you are the reason the world is a bitter nasty place.
Lactic-acid fermentation is one of the earliest preservation methods known to man, and it's still the best. Meats and vegetables were preserved by the use of salt, which deters putrification and encourages the growth of lactobacillus, the preserving agent. That's why salt was such a desirable product and it was very expensive. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. 'Sal' is the Latin word for salt, thus contributing the root of the English word 'salary'. Someone who doesn't do their job conscientiously gave rise to the saying, "He's not worth his salt".
Lacto-fermentation actually increases the nutritional value of vegetables, rather than decreasing it by using vinegar or nitrites.
Yes, did you see the piece about health conscious people working out and caring for nutrients in the diet being conspiracy theorists and fascists because they reject being told jabs are good for you, and have their own views on health??
If it's genuinely fermented, the label usually proclaims that fact pretty proudly.
Regardless of whether or not it's been genuinely fermented or not, if the product in question has been heat-canned (meaning it's shelf stable for a long time without refrigeration), any beneficial microorganisms are dead. Naturally fermented foods in the supermarket ought to be stored in the refrigerated section to keep them from over-fermenting, and will have a pretty short "best by" date on them. These hints aren't 100%, but they'll help.
I have limited experience making naturally fermented food, since I mostly just make sauerkraut. It's salt, or sometimes a salt brine, that is added to the vegetables - at least that's the way proper sauerkraut is made.
Vinegar pickles, which are very tasty, usually (but not always) involve some amount of sugar, especially if you plan to heat can them. The sugar is one of the things that helps preserve them. You can find tons and tons of recipes for vinegar pickles online or in the Ball Blue Book, kind of a canner's bible, if you want to try making them yourself.
Actually, I ferment kimchi and sauerkraut at room temperature for a week or two, then refrigerate after that. It takes a lot of refrigerator space, we had to buy another fridge! But if it's winter, you can put it outside.
I'm going to do something really extreme and have pickled beets for dinner tonight. I know I'm old (64) and shouldn't take such crazy chances but you only live once. Wish me luck.
Amazing what BS the press is putting out -- everywhere. I keep wondering just how many people buy all of this. I spoke to our local County supervisor recently (a Democrat) who said she did not like RFK Jr. because he was a "conspiracy theorist." These people seem to be in charge just about everywhere.
You mean by hook, by crook, and by bribery and malfeasance... that's what you REALLY mean. Oh dearie me, that's ...gasp... revolutionary thought crime speech! Off to jail with YOU Missy. The misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation teams will have to purge your thought and speech! An possibly eliminate you.
You have got to be effing kidding me—their shameless gaslighting knows no bounds.
Not only are pickled vegetables NOT causing cancer, but they are just about the healthiest thing you can eat. In her deservedly #1-bestselling book “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause,” Izabella Wentz says that if she had to pick one intervention out of *all* the recommendations she makes, it would be eating fermented vegetables.
They are vital to restoring and maintaining our microbiome and gut health. Considering that our gut is up to 80% of our immune system, this latest propaganda trick seems like it is serving double duty as deflecting intention from the actual cause of cancer while making people afraid to consume something that helps them live longer, healthier lives.
It is actually a myth that fermented foods do anything for your health. Better to eat all freshly picked from your garden. Check out what Anthony Williams the medical medium says about it.
If ONLY we could figure this out!? If ONLY some "expert" could tell us the answer. So far all I've got is that I'm going to stop all of the following actives: no climbing, no roller coasters, no homework, no watching Avatar2, no riding a bus, no playing badminton, no hanging out with priests, run from bullies, no grieving, no working on hot days, no playing soccer, no cleaning (YES!), no operating a crane, no cooking, no pickles, no salad, no fitness tests, and no swimming! Whew.
Great compilation! Shows just how much utter bullshit is being shoved on us in trying to explain away the growing numbers of deaths in young and old alike.
My wife had kidney cancer 10 years ago, and was left with a single kidney, functioning at 25% of normal (GFR 31). No MD had any suggestions for hope to improve, or said things like: Don't worry, I've seen people live for 30 years with labs like that. Or worse: expect to loose 5% of your function each year!
Eventually an ND gave a ten point guidance, which included fermented sauerkraut "best is homemade" she said. 10 years later her GFR is 61.
Pickled foods are dead, doused with vinegar. Fermented foods are alive, improve gut health, and there was a great study back in 2020 correlating consumption of fermented foods with covid: lower incidence, imagine! https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.06.20147025v1
Making homemade is so good, use fresh herbs, etc. Sandor Katz has a great book, The Art Of Fermentation, also Wild Fermentation. Check it out from your library or buy. It's gold.
What are these news people going to do when the same number of victims die from heart attacks/fibrillation in the winter? Jackets too warm?
Ahhh well, it’s now called climate change, so when the seasons change, viola, so does the narrative. Perfect and perpetual 🙄
Wow, you’re way behind, we’re on to the next big thing, “global boiling”. Stay tuned for “global freezing” coming soon!
Hopefully they happen at the same time so I can poach my eggs in the ocean and store my meat on land.
Omg I so don’t wanna Like that comment but... 😆
LOL! Best laugh I had all day!
We’ll be sending it down your way in a few months, right about the time that your global freezing makes it’s way up here to us. Funny how that works, right?
I think it varies, sure we did not get as many sunny days down south, on the coast, maybe inland where they cut all the tree's down, but no colder than normal for winter, we have had worse. I remember when it snowed in our town when we would never get snow. That could happen again if they keep playing with the weather patterns with the geo engineering cloud seeding as they see fit. Flooding in places where it is normal safe. I worry about the next lot of fires they start in the coming summer.
shoveling snow is bad for your heart ... already used last year.
Darn. I missed that one. I find it interesting that we've reached a point where we have now realized that perhaps one of the best ways to counter these forms of stupidity is by way of humour. They certainly don't understand rational argument.
Shoveling wet heavy snow can initiate heart attacks. Lost a neighbor while doing that years ago. I don’t let my hubby (77) shovel wet deep snow now.
Shoveling snow caused a stroke in my brother. Luckily he survived and ok, but this was years ago. The hitch is that these incidents have always been there, in other words, a stable statistic. It's the increase in them that cannot be caused by such factors.
. . .Unless of course the elderly have taken up a new fad of vigorous snow shoveling heavy snow in very cold temperature--likely caused by a tiktok challenge of some kind.
Yeah. Drinking beer too fast will cause heart attacks and someone wearing shoes on the wrong foot will impact the aortic valve and you know what they say about picking lint out of your bellybutton. Only one person around me has noticed the carnage going on all around us. And that was a year ago. These days just going to bed is dangerous for some. 🤔
There’s nothing they hate more than being laughed at and being made fun of, so…..meme on!
So true, laughing and having fun, comedy? No! Went down the Toilet with the politically correct BS. I really miss the good ole day's.
James McCann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G4VJrCpyb8
Safest alternative to shoveling snow is to wait until it thaws.
and stop breathing fresh air ... to address that other huge threat
It really is, especially heavy wet snow. A neighbor died doing that years ago. I always keep an eye my hubby outside when he’s shoveling. He had a heart attack and stroke in 2003.
They'll blame the cold.
I wish I was being flippant.
Sounds good to me.
Heating on too high, you need to sit in the cold will be the answer
"Shoveling snow causes heart attacks."
That's actually a true one for people over 50. Rule is to not shovel before 9 AM. Something about blood vessel constriction and hormones and biorhythms, but if one is boosted to the skies, it's probably a lot worse.
Only if you are unfit and have possibly health issues. Most people know when to rest and heed the warning of their bodies.
This headline makes me think pickled vegetables likely prevent sudden deaths.
The Cramer affect (the financial guy on TV who’s a joke because he’s 100% reliably wrong). So yes, load up on the pre and probiotics. And just for good measure do the next thing they will scare us with...making our own bone broth. The horror of it all 🫣 lol
Haven’t you heard, it causes sudden death!
breathing fresh air ... another major cause
Dang it, I forgot that one! Of course, they add a new reason every two minutes so I can’t expect to keep up!
Also, blowing up balloons, deep breathing to relax, walking the dog, watering the lawn, hauling loads of laundry up and down stairs at home. Don't for the love of God do laundry! Or at least not so much.
…and the list goes on and on!
Have they come up with fiber causes sudden death, yet?
The food nazis will be forbidding the mixing of parritch & yogurt next.
Natto, which are fermented soybeans, a staple in Macrobiotic diets that result in curing cancer, has been researched as one food or supplement that reduces the damage done by the vaxx spike. And yes, you are thinking clearly. Pickled and fermented foods and beverages do have the biological capacity to reduce and prevent the underlying causes of sudden deaths.
This is why Dr. Peter McCullough recommends everyone should be taking Nattokinase, as most don’t eat fermented anything!
Yes, he and many of us recommend Nattokinase supplementation. However, there are additional compounds in the actual Natto condiment that cannot be replicated in a supplement. It's an acquired taste, but I have seen hundreds of people use Natto in the Macrobiotic diet tlo cure cancer and other degenerative diseases. More people now than ever before in the western hemisphere are including fermented foods and beverages in their daily dietary regimen to promote health and well-being. Kefir, yogurt, kombucha, pickled beets, pickled daikon, pickled carrots, Iinjera, and so much more than just the usual pickled cucumbers.
Every day 👍🏻.
Kimchi and sauerkraut are supposed to be really good for people.
Such great traditional foods in both cultures! I have made my own kraut once and loved it. I have yet to make kimchi, but I do eat it occasionally. Of all the various ways of preserving food, fermentation is a treasure in Asia.
I make my own kimchi and I still haven't died suddenly so I guess it is working.
Years ago when I had IBS it made it worse. Gave up all fermented foods and got better.
Natto is an acquired taste and very delicious! I used to buy it from the company, The Bridge, but they no longer make it. I found a couple new places that sell organic natty online and on Amazon, I believe. Glass jars are the best.
Excellent! I hadn't thought about Amazon vendors... It's relatively easy to make at home, just a matter of time. Glass jars are perfect! In my restaurant in 1981, I had customers eat some for their MaacroMeal and then take some home for later.
I was macro for around 15 years, and it healed my chronic asthma and other allergies. I miss the natto sushi rolls that the macro restaurants in Manhattan used to make.
Oh, my goodness! Natto sushi rolls sound amazing! I am putting those on my List of things to make that make you go Yum. I have been considering doing a Substack about foods and beverages that will repair the damage done to people who took the vaxx and to keep people healthier in the course of all the onslaughts to our environmental health. I would include Natto sushi rolls in a heartbeat! Can you describe what other ingredients were in the sushi rolls this Manhattan place made from your memory?
Good for you foods include beets cooked any kind, cherries (tart) fresh, Achar pickling spices (maybe lamb achar curried) prob. not spelled correctly, Indian food yummy, black seeds in it... eat real fats like butter and lards, not seed oils like cottonseed or palm oils. reduce alcohol (my weakness), avocados, citrus, less bread (also a weakness sigh), less starches like pastas. More potatoes without butter, sigh. Carrots and Brussel sprouts. Eggs fresh organic if you can get em. Truly, we eat so poorly. So many of us don't cook or haven't time.
That's a great idea for a Substack! Also for a cookbook. The natto roll was just natto and ume paste wrapped in rice & nori. But customers could choose to add extras fillings to it (veggies or fish). I liked the rolls with only natto. And, of course, a small dish for wasabi and soy sauce. I know that DARK miso, which is aged 3+ years and called Hatcho miso, is powerful for detoxing.
Don’t forget kombucha and kvass 💯
I think ivermectin is the result of fermentation?
Miso seems much harder to find these days
My thoughts exactly.... got to eat more pickled veges. I recently went to a workshop to learn how to do this. Was taught by a Russian woman who shared her 200 year old recipe.
The FLCCC says fermented foods restore the microbiome, so this is a two-in-one little propaganda victory for them. I'd like to restore their microbiomes with prejudice lol
Can restore easier with fresh foods, especially fruit and veg with a lot raw greens.
That’s why I eat them - regularly.
Gonna have to double that now
So to prevent myself from “dying suddenly”, I should not eat pickled vegetables or salad, not get a C section, don’t swim, stop cooking, stay away from bullies, no go see Avatar 2, and by all means, not get married! That’s on top of staying out of the heat, not playing soccer, turn off the gas stove, not breathe the air and reverse global boiling! But by all means, be sure to stay up on my boosters, or I might get Covid!!!!
By pickled do they mean pickled with vinegar or do they mean lacto-fermented with salt brine? The article doesn't make that clear which type they're talking about, but it makes a big difference. I can't imagine lacto-fermented vegetables being anything but really good for one's gastrointestinal tract.
That's how you know it's just propaganda.
Yes it’s interesting they don’t want you to eat what is healthy for you- so let’s scare them with a lying headline!
Same thing with aspirin. Many take a baby aspirin daily but the MSM is now saying that's a bad thing. Probably because it thins the blood.
All pharma products are just poison. You can't apply 1 rule to ALL things. No one should be taking aspirin daily as it wrecks the gut.
yeah, but then you gotta weigh it: natto, wobenzyme and aspirin or do you go use the big harma stuff to combat side effects jabbing? will stick wit Wobenzyme and aspirin for my muscle aches and pains, plus some trace minerals and a bit of melatonin
Obviously you can do what you want - if you're dumb enough to use big harma for anything, that's on you. Muscle aches and pains should be handled naturally. It's not normal to have aches and pains unless there's something wrong. Just throwing gut killing aspirin at it is using the psychology of big harma. You take something deadly that numbs you out so you can ignore the root cause and therefore don't have to do a single thing to take charge of your own health/body.
Aspirin let me see.... is that NOT a derivative of willow bark MS NATUURAL ONLY PANTIES?... Oh I do so think so! Identification of Salicylates in Willow Bark (Salix Cortex) for Targeting Peripheral Inflammation..............so shut yer yap and be LESS VICIOUS darling. You don't win mind and influence people to better health do ya? And SO WHAT if I LIKE TO USE it? People like you are the reason the world is a bitter nasty place.
Lactic-acid fermentation is one of the earliest preservation methods known to man, and it's still the best. Meats and vegetables were preserved by the use of salt, which deters putrification and encourages the growth of lactobacillus, the preserving agent. That's why salt was such a desirable product and it was very expensive. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. 'Sal' is the Latin word for salt, thus contributing the root of the English word 'salary'. Someone who doesn't do their job conscientiously gave rise to the saying, "He's not worth his salt".
Lacto-fermentation actually increases the nutritional value of vegetables, rather than decreasing it by using vinegar or nitrites.
And it's very easy and satisfying to do at home.
It is only good and good for you. That article is only a propgaganda piece designed to make people 'nervous' about holistic health and organic eating.
Yes, did you see the piece about health conscious people working out and caring for nutrients in the diet being conspiracy theorists and fascists because they reject being told jabs are good for you, and have their own views on health??
Absolutely!! And this isn’t the only article I’ve seen others to where they’re pooh-poohing anything that’s healthy!
But it serves to reinforce to people who see through the lies that they’re actually on the right path so keep on keepin’ on.
Exactly! Picked foods often contain the carcinogen Yellow#5. That could be the culprit.
Yes exactly. I can't tolerate much vinegar but naturally fermented I like very much.
How can you tell the difference when you buy them?
If it's genuinely fermented, the label usually proclaims that fact pretty proudly.
Regardless of whether or not it's been genuinely fermented or not, if the product in question has been heat-canned (meaning it's shelf stable for a long time without refrigeration), any beneficial microorganisms are dead. Naturally fermented foods in the supermarket ought to be stored in the refrigerated section to keep them from over-fermenting, and will have a pretty short "best by" date on them. These hints aren't 100%, but they'll help.
So then, pickles with salt and sugar are okay (fridge) while vinegar pickles not so good?
I have limited experience making naturally fermented food, since I mostly just make sauerkraut. It's salt, or sometimes a salt brine, that is added to the vegetables - at least that's the way proper sauerkraut is made.
Vinegar pickles, which are very tasty, usually (but not always) involve some amount of sugar, especially if you plan to heat can them. The sugar is one of the things that helps preserve them. You can find tons and tons of recipes for vinegar pickles online or in the Ball Blue Book, kind of a canner's bible, if you want to try making them yourself.
Lactofermented vegetables have to be refrigerated or they will explode. Pickles sold in glass jars are in vinegar, basically, or some kind of brine.
Yes, while lacrofermented vegetables can be stored at room temperature, they should be refrigerated before opening.
The first jar of homemade kraut I made ended up down my shirt, in my eyes and hair and on the ceiling.
Actually, I ferment kimchi and sauerkraut at room temperature for a week or two, then refrigerate after that. It takes a lot of refrigerator space, we had to buy another fridge! But if it's winter, you can put it outside.
Not true.
On the label it will say whether there is vinegar or not.
I'm going to do something really extreme and have pickled beets for dinner tonight. I know I'm old (64) and shouldn't take such crazy chances but you only live once. Wish me luck.
The bs will continue until MSM is taken out.
Yeah, don't pickle your own food. That's bad! Eat bugs and get shots.
People have been doing such for centuries. So, of course, it’s all catching up with us only right now.
And Damar and Jamie are fine...
People have been eating bread for centuries, but now it is bad for you...you know...the whole gluten intolerance scam....
No heavy cream or raw milk allowed either. Only savages eat natural food.
Milk is a fairly new introduction ... Take a wild guys why it became so popular.
Amazing what BS the press is putting out -- everywhere. I keep wondering just how many people buy all of this. I spoke to our local County supervisor recently (a Democrat) who said she did not like RFK Jr. because he was a "conspiracy theorist." These people seem to be in charge just about everywhere.
You mean by hook, by crook, and by bribery and malfeasance... that's what you REALLY mean. Oh dearie me, that's ...gasp... revolutionary thought crime speech! Off to jail with YOU Missy. The misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation teams will have to purge your thought and speech! An possibly eliminate you.
Cancer being caused by " a diet rich in red meat " Hmm I'm guessing this has to do with trying to push us eating the bugs & lab grown slop
Cancer is dirty blood, mainly caused by toxins, chemicals are everywhere.
You have got to be effing kidding me—their shameless gaslighting knows no bounds.
Not only are pickled vegetables NOT causing cancer, but they are just about the healthiest thing you can eat. In her deservedly #1-bestselling book “Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause,” Izabella Wentz says that if she had to pick one intervention out of *all* the recommendations she makes, it would be eating fermented vegetables.
They are vital to restoring and maintaining our microbiome and gut health. Considering that our gut is up to 80% of our immune system, this latest propaganda trick seems like it is serving double duty as deflecting intention from the actual cause of cancer while making people afraid to consume something that helps them live longer, healthier lives.
It is actually a myth that fermented foods do anything for your health. Better to eat all freshly picked from your garden. Check out what Anthony Williams the medical medium says about it.
If ONLY we could figure this out!? If ONLY some "expert" could tell us the answer. So far all I've got is that I'm going to stop all of the following actives: no climbing, no roller coasters, no homework, no watching Avatar2, no riding a bus, no playing badminton, no hanging out with priests, run from bullies, no grieving, no working on hot days, no playing soccer, no cleaning (YES!), no operating a crane, no cooking, no pickles, no salad, no fitness tests, and no swimming! Whew.
You forgot to mention that peanut butter and jam sandwiches causes strokes.😁
Freaking ridiculous.. what the world has come to be. Paid 'studies' to show anything else, but the real cause of issues. God damn..
Great compilation! Shows just how much utter bullshit is being shoved on us in trying to explain away the growing numbers of deaths in young and old alike.
My wife had kidney cancer 10 years ago, and was left with a single kidney, functioning at 25% of normal (GFR 31). No MD had any suggestions for hope to improve, or said things like: Don't worry, I've seen people live for 30 years with labs like that. Or worse: expect to loose 5% of your function each year!
Eventually an ND gave a ten point guidance, which included fermented sauerkraut "best is homemade" she said. 10 years later her GFR is 61.
Pickled foods are dead, doused with vinegar. Fermented foods are alive, improve gut health, and there was a great study back in 2020 correlating consumption of fermented foods with covid: lower incidence, imagine! https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.06.20147025v1
Making homemade is so good, use fresh herbs, etc. Sandor Katz has a great book, The Art Of Fermentation, also Wild Fermentation. Check it out from your library or buy. It's gold.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers—but also got jabbed and now has cancer