I don't know what to say at this point. I have had three years of heart ache watching friends and family get these shots. Pain and sadness because they wouldn't listen to my warnings. I've cried, I've been angry, I've lost sleep and friends. My father died (sudden cancer, in three parts of his body, two months after his 3rd shot), brother admitted to hospital with blood clots, step sister with pericarditis.

But now, this week, I've decided that I need to find my joy again. I am an artist and have been so saddened by all of this that my passion was lost, for so long. I'm painting again and taking the advice of my Dad. He said to me a few months before he died, "Darling, you can't take the weight of the world on your shoulders". I am still mind blown at how easilly the masses have been able to ignore or dismiss what is going on. Yet from now, I have decided I will continue to follow along watching this movie, the most enormous thing that will likely happen in our lifetime, but I am detaching from my previous worry for all. I still feel for the innocent kids. But for people like Colbert, I have nothing. For you Mark, and all of the fearless here, I have love and thanks for helping us know that we are not alone in this crazy world xo.

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I think many families are going through this if the whole jab didn't tear the family apart. We're dealing with deaths and cancers in our families. The wife just lost her dad and uncle over the past 3 months. Her mother has clots in her lungs and she now can't remember anyone. My brothers MIL died. My nephew has cancer and so does his wife. All of them jabbed. Everyone in my wife immediate family took it. I think I believe there are only 3 on my side who didn't take it. That's if they're being honest. We completely understand and we're riding the same roller coaster of emotions. You're definitely not alone. Far from it.

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Interesting that you think some took it but may be pretending that they did not.

Is that a thing?

How are the unclotshotted to find partners to have a family if people are lying about this.

Imagine having troubles conceiving, or miscarriages, or babies with weird problems.

And the partner not admitting to being clotshotted.

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Cairn, you make a very good point. The ramifications of taking these shots are immense. Dr. Pierre Kory has written extensively on shedding. One case involved a woman whose husband secretly got the shots. She had to separate from him because he was literally making her sick. She claimed that she can tell if people near her are jabbed because of the effect on her body.

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My brother said he wasn't going to take it but don't have much trust in him. He's lied to many others in the family over the years about other things. It's really difficult to explain him. He's never mentioned the jab again. I know his wife and her mother took it. She's the one who passed away. If he didn't take it, he's not mentioning any ill effects from his wife after she took it.

My mom passed away in August 2021. She wasn't feeling well for a couple of days and went to see the doctor. Apparently, he gave her a couple of medications and sent her home to rest. She didn't wake up the next morning. I know how she felt towards vaccines. She knew they were making her sick and stopped taking them a long time ago. The same thing was happening to me and haven't had one since 1995. I know how these doctors are though. I'm hoping the POS didn't scare her into taking it. I don't know how I could find out plus I didn't know at the time they were paying doctors to push it. I know she had heart issues but blamed her death on covid. I guess I'll never know.

That whole ordeal freaked out my sister and she took it. She also made sure my BIL and nephew took it. They took the 2 doses of Moderna and no boosters. My nephew knows all about the jabs now and he's convinced himself they all got the placebo. None of them have had any issues yet. I know they did put a lot of placebos out there during the first 3 months of the rollout. I remember when all that information came out. However, they took these after that timeframe.

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A lot of people clinging to the placebo idea.

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Apparently if one waits a few years to find a partner, most of the folks will be dead or very sick so it will be obvious.

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So much in courtship is faked.

I guess that dying is for real.

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Deep truth

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He doesn't look too good but is there mention of the shooting of the mother.

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Thanks TimeIsNear. Best wishes to you and your wife. You sure have had a lot to deal with in your family.

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It is definately a relief not knowing we are alone in this since it often feels that way.

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Mark, yes, it is a relief. And it helps for us to remember, that we are many and we are all connected in places like this, which I guess I needed tonight. I truly suspect at this stage, that part of their plan was to drive us a little crazy. To make us feel alone and to doubt oursleves & our choices. But they underestimated the strength & wisdom of so many of us. And they forgot that the internet would be a powerful tool for us at this time!

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Dec 8, 2023
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It would certainly be good if we were all able to connect personally Cat. I've thought about that a couple of times, that it would be great if there were able to be some Substack get togethers . Although, all of us here are everywhere, all over the country and the world. So I guess it comes down to us keeping in touch online and knowing some likeminded people in person, in our communities. I'm in Las Vegas, NV. Where are you?

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zoom calls?

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Hi Dorothy, I'm working today(and tonight) and have to get back to it. Yet will message you about this over the next couple of days.

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I feel you. 🙏🏽 The removal of joy from our lives affected me too.

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I wasn't allowed to write my Mother's obituary as my jabbed to the max siblings, still had the controls. They even said they like my writing, but the relationships are now so far apart. So I decided to take that energy, well as much as I can, to write a movie. I have no idea if it will be a successful endeavor or not. But I am going to try bit by bit. It will be about my parents, touch on heaven, and the joy of Christmas. But most of all the movie involves LAUGHTER. Got to have the laughter in life.

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Thanks S. 2. I'm sorry that this has effected you in the same way. It seems there are just some of us who have realized the enormity of what is going on and it has been hard to switch off from it. I don't know that switching off is possible for people who care. Yet after speaking with a few wise friends I realized that we just need to come to peace with every soul being on their own journey. It is hard to accept that when it comes to the innocent children. But I realized that I had to, for my own sanity. We need to remember what brought us joy before 2020. It's a work in progress, for sure. Best wishes to you xo

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Thank you Danielle. I’ve been incapacitated many times spiritually, creatively, emotionally… I still can’t wrap my mind around what we’ve lost- neither can I understand how so many missed it… so much destruction when all along I thought there was always room for creation. It’s been terrifying on so many levels. The fact people like us knew what was happening and didn’t lose our minds is a testament to our strength. Thank you for your moving words.

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Yeah, it's hard to believe my idiot family could vaccinate their four grandkids, ages 6-11.

When I asked my sister about their friends and classmates, she gleefully replied, "Everybody!"

Lots of societal pressure not to be viewed as 'anti-vax'.

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I share your pain, Danielle. And frustration, and utter disappointment with so much of humanity in general. It is true that we cannot bear the weight of this world on our shoulders. Apart from literally trying to kill us, they clearly mean to crush our spirits. Detaching from worry is easier said than done, but I need to try to do so as well for my own sanity.

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Hi there Jon, thanks for your reply and I 100% agree with you. In what I wrote above, I hope I didn't make it sound like detaching was a walk in the park for me- Far from it! :) I've spent at least the past year working on the detaching approach and I do it for a bit and then the next horrible thing in this whole charade pops up, or, for example, I have tension with my siblings because I would not wear a mask in my father's hospital (which worked out fine because the hospital were not pushing it anyway- just my brainwashed siblings!).....I am sure that the insanity of the past few years has been tiring for all of us here. And what I also suspect is that, most of all, our spirits have been effected by the people closest to us. People we were sure would see what we saw- or at least listen to us, if they could not see it for themselves. Yet a wise friend reminded about us all having our own journey, and that we can't force our wishes for someone else on to them. This is the reminder I give myself most often, while working on the detaching thing. And yes, I do think a part of the plan was to crush the spirits of those of us who resisted. Yet we do need to remember that we are actually the strongest of humanity and the wisest, to see through it all! So we can feel good being in that club Jon! :) Keep going and remember what brought you joy before 2020- and do some of that! xo

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This is like the stages of dying. Denial to acceptance.

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Yes, I would have to agree with you Menlo, 100%. I still bounce back and forth a little, but as with most of us here I suspect, we have to come to terms (and acceptance) with all that has been happening. There is no other way.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts Danielle. Your perspective is really helping me today and i feel encouraged by your decision to find joy again. I have decided to follow your excellent example.

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Hi there Patrick- and thank you for your inspiring words. I realize now, after reading replies to my comment (and many other Substack comments over the months), that the past few years has effected so many of us so deeply- and in such a similar way.

We do owe it to oursleves to remember the things that make us happy and to appreciate the life we have. We can be so grateful that we were somehow blessed with the wisdom to see what was going on, when so many did not. There is something special about that, and, if I think about it, I feel tremendously grateful for being one of the few :). Best wishes to you Patrick xo

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I am not saying you will enjoy reading everything on my SubStack but after reading your comment I believe that you will enjoy reading this. “Bones in the Yard” https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/bones-in-the-yard?r=gjogf&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Thank you Lawrence. I read your post. It is beautiful. I left further comments there.

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Wonderful - I am glad it touched you. Blessings to you and yours.

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My father took his 5th vaccine in the spring, was diagnosed with cancer in April and dead by June. I tried to warn my parents, but my sister is a senior nurse and my parents and 3 siblings, plus all their families 'believe' in vaccine (it IS A cult) and I was the mad anti vaxxer. Fortunately, my wife, 2 children and grandchildren are all jab free and still fit and healthy.

My mother told me she wouldn't take any further jabs, but when I saw her Wednesday, she admitted that she's had another booster and flu jab! I despair.

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Your story is very similar to mine regards our close family; but one day I just realised thet "enough really was enough" however callous that may sound. I had tried my best; I had warned them all, sent them documents, even the Pfizer listings of nearly 1,300 adverse effect and they just mocked and abused me (that does not bother me); but it was when the UK was bringing out it's 4th or 5th booster jab; and both sister and Father said that they could not ait to get it, so they were safe !!>... I could not believe what I was hearing... but I did get a little angry (lots) after my sister also stated that she would get her kids jabbed as well AGAIN.

My point = that day I made my peace with myself and my little cross that hangs in my beer room, in that ... NOT THAT I DO NOT CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM, but it is their life, their choices and their road to lead and I will stay out of it.

I shall try wherever to help people to "awaken" or gain an understanding; but I realise now 3-4 years down the road ... you can not help everyone; even your beloveds; but if you can help just one.. well; good enough for me.

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There is the FREE WILL thing. I guess we can't take away other people's free will if we don't want our free will taken from us either.

My son got the jab. So did his 22 year old girlfriend who said she was healthy after the first jab. "Nothing wrong with me" but now faints every third time or so I see her. Seriously you can be talking to her, and all of a sudden she is gone. Face planted on the table when she isn't in her wheelchair. Once she wakes up my son and her laugh. So funny!!!! It's hilarious that she can't go to school, can't work, can't drive at 22 years of age. Strange how after numerous trips to the hospital the doctors can't figure out what is wrong. I am still shut down by my son when I try to talk to him. Shut down by her too. I always thought this son was bright too.

Trying to accept this was their choice. I did all I could to stop it.

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Yep, sorry about the Son's daughter; but the fainting and collapsing are now common after the jab. Maybe suggest she gets a full blood test to check her hormones ESPECIALLY her cortisol levels... reason I say that mine are all screwed up from cancer treatment and I started to collapse ... although they call it faint mostly. This was due to one side effect / adverse effect called "Addison's disease" which is incredibly rare ... BUT GUESS WHAT ONE OF THE SIDE EFFECTS in the Pfizer papers were - Addison's disease !!; why would they even test for that if it is so rare ?? (plus many other hormone problems).

PS Spoke a a friend of the wife, also mine and she was given all the female HRT and and ... like so many around here ... anyway to cut a long story short, she stated that she would never visit a doctor again nor take any of the drugs ad the side effects were so bad ... go on guess ... yep but she had the jabs and a couple of boosters "to protect her family" !!!....

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I want a beer room

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LOL .... I want a lot of things and in my beer room; they become real (after a few !)

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That's a great perspective Bob. I had to come to the same point with my family. It is their life and chosen path. We tried- and we know that we tried. So we can be at peace with that.

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I told my parents respectively a year ago that many people were dying from the jabs and please don’t get anymore. My mom had a mini stroke after a booster, and she knows a few people that had brain bleeds and her 50 year old dental hygienist died in sleep. Whoever is still pushing this bioweapon poison needs to be imprisoned and or wiped from the earth.

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I'm very sorry for your loss Paul. It seems there are many of us who are the lone 'mad anti vaxxers' in our family. My cousin is an actual doctor (and a great one at that) and she could not even convince her parents and 4 sisters to listen to her warnings! At times I truly do believe that most people were actually hypnotized by the Covid boggie man! As I said to someone else in this thread; we can really be proud of ourselves for being blessed with the wisdom to see through this whole scam.

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Wow, a doctor who wasn't programmed and understood the covid vax dangers - rare, indeed! Meanwhile my family harbors an ER doc who at the very start mouthed the party line: "Nothing could be done for it, stay home until you can't breathe." Still says all early treatments are bunk (ivermectin, etc)....gives the standard remdesiver. He also informed me a couple years ago that he delights putting the unvaxxed on vents since, "our refusal to be vaxxed is contributing to the pandemic." Then there's his son, the contact tracer who kept getting promoted to the delight of my relatives.

Up to this last summer, being unvaxxed, I was forbidden even to sit at a table nearby - too dangerous.

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Hi Moando, what families did, shutting the unvaxxed out of gatherings is heartbreaking. And essentially, we are the ones who have to forgive them, for they know not what they do. As for the docs and nurses who just marched to the narrative, if nothing else, to those of us who are awake, we now have a glaring red flag as to why we should never really trust them again. Sure, we can listen to their input, but we must ultimately do our own research and advocate for and take charge of our own health.

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Revelation 18:23...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.

All nations (peoples)

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I feel for you! Fortunately nobody in our family who took the jab has died. Some family and friends have some new health problems but no one suspects the jab or will at least admit it.

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Something similar happened with my own Mom in December 2021. She's sworn to me that she hasn't gotten anymore. I'm inclined to believe her though.

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How I feel about that Pope and what he did has no words right now.

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If he would have not promoted the vax, I am wondering how many religious exemptions could have gone forward. But his belief it was an act of love to get the shot. Many people may not know the Vatican issued a memorial coin picturing boy getting the shot. Promoting the vaccine has nothing to do with official Catholic teaching. Unfortunately the Vatican has been captured by the WEF etc

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Revelation 13:1-10

Papal Rome

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The old saying, Is The Pope A Catholic, is kind of mute these days as he is definately something else.

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Good line Sean.

BTW: typo - moot.

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The cancer stats must be off the charts. Sudden Stage 4 and rare cancers, are they now commonplace?

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I was looking at the stats from Switzerland. Did you see those?

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Here is an interview with a Canadian Oncologist that is worth watching;


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i stumbled into a comment section somewhere the other day, and a bunch of crazy q heads were trying to get everybody to believe the “whitehats” arrested colbert and hes sitting in gitmo right now, waiting to go in front of a tribunal, after which he will be hanged and a clone will be activated to take his place.

they need to make sure they include that clone part for when colbert is eventually spotted back out in public again and people start calling them out on their false claims..

its really sad how all they have to do is just keep repeatedly telling these people to “keep the faith a little while longer” because “these things take time” and not to worry because “the whitehats have everything under control” — and they STILL keep falling for it, after almost four years, without a single shred of evidence, pinning all their hopes and dreams on some mythical faction of “whitehats” swooping in to save the world..

that nonsense is nothing more than a distraction that is being used to keep otherwise capable and intelligent individuals from ever banding together and actually doing something to take some of this trash out on their own.

its actually rather genius when you think about it.. i just hope they all realize theyve been getting lied to and tricked for the past four years, and now they need to swallow their pride and just admit it so they can get it all out of their systems and actually join the fight for real.

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Derek Hough's (Dancing With the Stars) new bride Hayley Erbert, a fellow dancer, has emergency surgery for a brain bleed. The tragic hits just keep coming. I don't remember when SIDS became a thing. Last 25 years? It became commonplace to fear SIDS. Now I fear people will not remember the time when sudden adult death was unheard of. Brain bleed of a healthy young person? Just another news day.

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Nothing infuriates me more than the "Christian leaders" who promoted all of the official policies under the umbrella of "love your neighbor". Masking, social distancing, locking up in your home, 'vaccines'... No evidence for any of it, just a constant gilt trip from the aristocrat leaders.

OH, and it wasn't just catholics either. The same talk was coming from left-leaning protestants too. (Tim Keller, Duke Kwon, Russell Moore, Andy Stanley, and 1000's of lesser known pastors...)

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Ah…yes… another update on the lives of the rich, vaccinated and dying. It’s safe and effective. Repeat after me: It’s safe and effective.

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"You’ve got this really rare one in a million-type cancer inside your body,”

So rare that everyone seems to be developing a version of it.

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I wonder,in the TV ads to be "Vaccinated", how much Subliminal commands were projected to obey? It was a major Military Grade, Psychological campaign.

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Virology is an alternative religion, and very likely a false one. I did not understand this fully until 2020. Now, I see it clearly.

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I've come to learn virology is just one big highly-paid cult and we aint in it

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Yup, it is fake science. Thanks to covid I got to learn about this cult belief

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I cannot believe the pharmaceutical and “vaccine” advertising on television. It’s completely out of control.

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I watched Home Alone a few hours ago, not that means anything. I haven't seen it in something like 30 years.

I simply do not feel bad about the Pope or Colbert, too many others out there suffering that need my damn. Went to church this evening and more announcements about people dying and losing multiple family and friends w/in short periods of time. People still get stunned hearing the news, but still are not connecting the dots, if they are they sure aren't talking about it.

Someone needs to start a permanent GoFundMe or some other such charity to do continuous non-stop fund raising to help people w/the funerals. Dying is expensive. The Covid Vaxx Death Relief Fund.

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On the death fund: At some point a few months back when I still followed him, Steve Kirsch (billionaire child prodigy inventor of the electronic mouse) was talking @ setting up a CV19 hedge fund for the vax-injured.

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My feeling is: if they're one of the 'chosen'....why would they be getting the death jabs?

Is this some type of pantomime being played out with public figures and celebrities?

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No one is beneath being used and tossed away. I am sure many think they are safe, but little do they know.

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Does look like they've been fooled and their 'rituals' didn't protect them.

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Or their arrogance didn't protect them.

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Glenn Thompson is, most unfortunately, my representative. His district is in Pennsylvania, NOT Georgia, as the headline erroneously states.

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He has a good chance even stage4 gleason score around 12? if it has not metastasised and stays in the box as surgeons say

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He has little chance, given his immune system is likely badly damaged from the jab. Most of these mRNA-induced turbo-cancers appear to lead to death in short order.

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As far as I am concerned Pope Francis is a heretic. Though I hope he survives the illness ,and hope God willing, Pope Francis retracks the dismissal of Bishop Strickland. Years ago I had left Catholicism primarily because of what some priest,s, bishop's and cardinals did to desecrate the true teachings of the Catholic church. As well, the sexual abuse that was hidden from us for soooo long. God has become personal to me , and I will continue to follow him through his son Jesus Christ, and Mother Mary.

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Anyone remember the time when your health problems were something private? Only shared with loved ones and your medical team? I miss those days.

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Are you saying you don't want to tell your health story? I was just on a bus the other day and there was a poster with a picture of an older lady on it saying everyone has a health story. It encouraged everyone to go to a site and tell their health story.

If everyone did this, told their health story on these sites, it will make it so much easier to do the digital healthy ID phone passports and entry into entertainment etc... which of course we all want.

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I'm just tired of hearing all of it. And they're normalizing ill health by advertising it constantly. If ppl are dumb enough to fall for it than that's on them. But sadly we are living in a time when ppl are insanely gullible. They'll be lining up for digital everything!!!! As another reader wrote it's as if they stepped out of line when god was handing out brains 🤣

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Tump “refreshingly blunt and honest”...? Did this politician forget about Operation Warp Speed? Trump’s administration saw the most destructive president of all time for the US economy and life in general. I called Kari Lake Kari Lame and was blocked. All these people are the same. Phonies.

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