Just read a great quote at "The Burning Platform." The illnesses these people are experiencing are depressing enough, but the issue augments with the heavy blindness many people deliberately assume. "There are people with masters degrees that fell for this pandemic charade. And there are high school dropouts that can see through all the deception of the media. That’s why being smart isn’t measured solely on being educated by colleges. There are a lot of educated fools. True intelligence is about being conscious of the world around you. And knowing how to navigate within it."

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‘The truth cannot be told, it has to be realized.’ ~Ralph Smart

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'There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.'

- Leonardo da Vinci

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And those who only have seen when shown, after that being shown, may begin to see on their own.

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Mar 6, 2024
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Or humility.

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I think Mr. Smart would be Ralphing...

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Sometimes obtaining degrees is seeking acknowledgement not necessarily knowledge.

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Came up with this analogy before ... may have been on here; so apologies if repeating myself.

It is much more than denial or blindness; even though you are correct in what you state for many.


Imagine you and your wife, husband, partner, whatever has been married for 50 years... and you thought and think - happily married (in general).

Then one day he, she, it ... stated sorry Honeybee, I have been in an affair for 30 years if I cannot carry on having sex and clandestine meetings with this person... what would you do ?

YOUR WHOLE LIFE has been proved a lie in that one minute...yes of course, some will chop them up, some will kick them out... BUT THE VAST MAJORITY will just let it go. It is sort of denial, but it is bigger than that... HOW DO PEOPLE ADMIT THAT THEIR LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE ?.

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I work in an electronic engineering team, they are all jabbed but-for me. I thought we were critical thinkers about our devices and code, I'd still say we are. It did not bleed over into this. They thought I was crazy and a misinformation super spreader. No one will talk about it. It's crazy and interesting at the same time.

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Husband has a fiber optic R+D company. He's the only unvaxxed one. Partner and employees--all vaxxed, vaxxed, vaxxed.

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You really just can't tell can you? The owner of the company, SUPER bright, can do instant complex math in his head, JABBED, probably over and over. The math for me was, 4 months on a product that normally takes 5-12 years? That's pretty easy and had/has me in a you-first stance. AND the fact that you can't un-ring that bell.

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ALSO...Moderna, a company that have NEVER released a product, EVER?

Hard no.

Never accept drugs from a convicted felon with legal indemnity.

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The highly educated tend to let their brains overrule their “gut instincts.” Bad move. If your guts giving you a warning, act on that warning. Don’t allow yourself to think yourself out of what your guts telling you.

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You don't even need 'gut instinct', rather a couple of functioning brain cells. It should be obvious, even to a moron, that injecting 40/12 (Mod/Pf) trillion (10^12) LNP-wrapped genetic molecules into bodies which only contain 4 (four) trillion nucleated cells, will kill and maim in more ways than there are stars in the sky.


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Do you think most people even thought about the vial’s contents?

I suspect they simply held an image of a syringe in their mind’s eye the way an overboard cruise ship passenger seeks something to grab ahold of and nothing more.

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You act skeptical...


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I think it's more due to their indoctrination with the professional/formal structure. Professionals know what they're talking about so don't buck the system...or waste time looking. It could also be laziness, because you outsource your thinking to someone else.

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I think perhaps you intend 'indoctrinated' by colleges--speaking as one of those M.A. holders who did not succumb to the hoax--but then my M.A. was earned 50 years ago. So there's that.

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I’m a college graduate as well. I was always willing to get into friendly debates with my professors because that’s my nature.

Some of us temperamentally are more likely to question things than others regardless of our formal education history.

I’m curious about all the educators who did or didn’t take the jab. You’d think there’d be a lot of abstainers in that group but I guess there wasn’t.

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I ran away (officially, I retired), Jan '21. But when telling my two closest Latin-teacher colleagues that I was going to be leaving, I learned that they (perhaps 35 and 42) had already taken the jab. Already.

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Good thing you were able to retire.

And live.

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Getting a degree just means you are more apt to follow a prescribe plan, designed by others, to reach a certain goal. Nothing wrong with that really but it may lead to putting your faith in others or systems that are not worthy of following. A healthy skepticism is an important quality to have in this world.

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To be educated is to accept the en masse madness of this or any other moment of history and seek a comfortable and profitable position in the madness. Many or most intelligent entities seek that and attain it. Some intelligent entities take a pass. I am one of them who wishes he had joined the parade or charade or what ever it is.

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Mar 6, 2024
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You and the Davos gang have that in common.

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Boy, the hospitals sure are rakin' it in.

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The jabs are the gift that keeps giving to the Medical Industrial Complex

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I cannot imagine seeking care from the very fiends that did this.

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A small local paper shows THREE people in obituary column of only seven who said they died suddenly and unexpectedly. The normalisation of people just disappearing and don't ask too many questions out of respect to the families.

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A 59 year old man at my church was out to dinner with his wife a few weeks ago. Good thing because he suddenly went into a seizure and stopped breathing. He also suffered a stroke. The city’s Fire Chief just happened to be dining there and started CPR.

Ted’s in excellent shape and told me just last Sunday prior to this he was on no drugs but only vitamins. Turns out he discovered the hard way he has Factor 8, a clotting disorder, and a tiny hole in his heart. Now he’s on blood thinners for life and can’t drive for six months. Of course, I had to ask him if he was jabbed. I assumed not recalling his heated reaction to the mask issue back in 2020.

I was wrong. He took the first one. I warned they’re putting the mRNA potion in all vaccines now and to avoid taking more. I guess while he was in ICU they talked him into a Flu shot because in sales you can’t skip the low hanging fruit, especially when it’s literally laying down.

Like Alec Baldwin’s character said in Glengary Glen Ross, “Always be closing.”

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I looked at my local obituaries yesterday and there were lots of young people who died from cancer. I counted 10 and that was in the last few days. Deaths are coming 3 years or more from when people got jabbed so they don’t realize why they suddenly got it. One day the truth will come out and there will be lots of angry people. Especially when they learn that big pharma is untouchable.

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Ghoul that I have become, I have been cutting out and saving the obits from small-town newspaper. This week included a 22 year old, diagnosed Feb. 2023 with 'a rare pediatric bone cancer'. Died Feb. 19, two weeks ago.

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You’re not a ghoul but a historian. What are the professional historians doing these days, I wonder?

They’re in a pickle!

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Last July, that paper had an obit for a young fellow (wasn't saving the section yet so it became fireplace tinder), maybe 19, who died 'after a 9 day battle with cancer'. Talk about turbo!

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It would be pretty easy t do a "study" of the number of performers collapsing on stage or on camera, pre the injection campaign and post the clot-shot campaign. It's so startling, yet MCM is the only person I know of covering this ground.

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Thanks for the notice.

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Damn the F’in paywall on that post!

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It is a way for him to support himself and his family, and he/his family is being heavily targeted and paying a very high price for his all to rare integrity and bravery. He has now also started unraveling pedophilia within the Canadian 'health services'. He needs all the support and exposure he can get. For only 5$ a month (6,50$ from March 15) you get at least two posts/articles daily.

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Yeah it does seem like a lot of sudden deaths on stage.

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I’m calling it the Dick Shawn exit. Kinda like an Irish Goodbye but more dramatic.

“Witnesses said Shawn, 57, was left lying on the stage for nearly five minutes before the audience realized it was not part of his act, and an ambulance was called.”


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I guess it happens sometimes, but it seems to happen way more often now. Comedian Bob Einstein’s father died of a heart attack, at the age of 54, just after a performance in 1958 at a roast for Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.

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They’re easy targets and highly visible.

The video lives on long after the life is over.

TPTB are using these as a terror campaign.

In the stages environments where they are collapsing, they have the electronics to trigger these folk.

If THEY didn’t want people to see this, they wouldn’t be producing their live-on-air killings.

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Pope Francis is not the pope, hes a demon who's trying to destroy the Catholic Church.

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Yeah, and who comes after him?

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If we can fix this mess in the church hopefully the next Pope will be conservative who reveres God.

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I fear that the problems plaguing all of Western nations -- corruption, greed, downright evil -- are also plaguing the Vatican. The Pope will have to be voted on by the Cardinals. The Cardinals also are corrupt, and they will vote for another corrupt Pope. It's circular. Kind of like trying to get Congress to vote on term limits, or trying to get the CIA or FBI to reform itself. I strongly suspect another much-needed schism within the Church, and I think the Americans will go their own way and maybe bring in Archbishop Vigano to be the new American "Pope."

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Revelation 13:2....and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority

(the papacy)

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Mar 6, 2024
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I agree. It all seems rather hopeless, as if things will have to collapse before they totally rebuild. And this rebuilding will not be in our lifetimes. The rebuilders will have to start from scratch.

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So it’s one, two, three what are they dying for?

Don’t ask because you are not supposed to give a damn.

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Joe the fish?

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Country Joe and the Fish

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Yup.... Country Joe and the Fish

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(Oh, great, now I can’t get that dang song out of my head! Just came back on to say thanks for that!🤪)

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My pleasure... It's been awhile since I heard that song... don't ask me why it popped into my mind and seemed appropriate here. I write poetry so I love to play with words.

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Remember all those people collapsing on live tv when we were kids? Yeah, me neither. Now it’s every other day.

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Good one….so frustrating

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Soon to be EVERY day...

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I am confident everyone in the medical profession is completely baffled by all of this. It wouldn't surprise me if they start blaming the victims for not keeping up with the injection regime. "You have to stay up to date for full effectiveness!"

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They're not stupid. What they're setting up is the narrative that anyone who dies suddenly, comes down with myocarditis, blood clots, etc, simply did not stay up to date with their injections. This will drive the normies back into their fold and the injections will from that point continue. MSM will go along and spread the story that everyone you see dying suddenly was an avoidable death if they had simply kept up to date with their boosters.

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Not "Safe" But "Effective ".

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I just read a study on how effective the latest jabs are and anyone who reads it will then go get their 9th jab.

There’s a doctor on daily kos telling people how good the jabs are and when to get their next one. People in the comments thanked him and said they will get the spring jab soon.

Also read that a woman got the Rona, hospitalized and was given remdisiver and anticlonal antibodies and warned her readers that Rona is still very dangerous and must be taken seriously. She’s had 5 jabs, but she doesn’t question why she just got sick…again. If anyone is interested it’s on naked capitalism in the link comments.

The truth about the jabs is not getting out to too many. Some yes, but not the ones who need to hear it.

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I don't want to see "sudden" unless it precedes awakening. These people have to know by now its the damn shots

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Nope. My sister's new boyfriend just told her his brother died last year, and when she asked if it was from the vaccine, he looked puzzled and said, "No, it wasn't that-he just died in his sleep. We don't know why." Duh.

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The boyfriend’s blood-barrier sounds a bit leaky.

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I worry for your sis, (same with my fam and young niece)... they're everywhere in the relationships of our young/ rellies, these jabs. I daren't even ask who's taken them beyond immediate fam.

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Indian doc: "At 44 you are one of the fittest persons."

A fit person generally knows how much to hydrate and how much to exercise and what is too much or too little of both things. Also, being fit and exercising regularly increases blood flow to the brain. Unless of course there is poisonous spike protein garbage in the blood causing clots! ABV.

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Rev 1 ... Forgot to mention; party for the horrible death of Pope Francis at my house.

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Culling, the Human Race, " Sheep", believing the "Safe & Effective" BS shortened life spans Cancers, as if Turbo Charged, Strokes, Heart attacks, Fertility problems, still births, and miscarriages increasing....

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Here at my folks in Italy and my dad watches five 'telegiornali' a day between RAI and MEDIASET channels (largest mass TV media) plus gets the paper daily and I asked him and my mom if they heard about Fiorello's episode live on air or of any of the ones listed here and didn't see or hear anything. Admittedly dad is one of those who's cognition deteriorated very noticeably last few years as he's getting on with age .. of course it could be, most probably is related to his four shots.. their circle of friends shrunk quite a bit and they, my folks, did come to seem to be entertaining the thoughts of that for them and until then unthinkable realization, which it appears they are not happy discussing, understandably so.. I have to learn from psychopaths how to compartmentalize my thinking to fend off the rage inside

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people forget...

it's called "died suddenly" not "died immediately"...

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They certainly do

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Tiffany Dover led the pack with 'died immediately'.

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The “Gene Jab” Inconvenient Facts from Dr. Robert Malone, M.D.:

1. The modified mRNA (Pfizer & Moderna) and the adenoviral vectored products (J&J & AstraZeneca) are not "traditional" vaccines. They employ cutting edge gene delivery or gene therapy technologies, and should be regulated as gene therapy products.

2. These "leaky" products did not prevent infection, replication, and spread of SARS-CoV-2, and indiscriminate mass administration of these products contributed to evolution of more antibody-resistant viral strains.

3. In contrast to official HHS communications, these products distribute throughout the body after injection, and are not localized to injection site and associated lymph nodes. This wide distribution
contributes to product toxicity and risk, as the body responds to both the genetic delivery particles themselves as well as the encoded proteins which these products cause the body to mount inflammatory responses to the cells and tissues which receive these products. 

4. The viral "spike" protein which these products cause patients' bodies to manufacture is a genetically engineered toxin.

5. The lipid nanoparticle formulation used to deliver the modified mRNA has
intrinsic toxicity in humans.

6. These products do not deliver natural messenger RNA, but rather a synthetic chemically modified form with extended stability which cause the body to produce "frameshifted" unnatural, unintended proteins.

7. These products are contaminated with previously undisclosed short DNA fragments which are co-delivered into tissues and cells of patients (together with the modified m-RNA), and which at an unknown and uncharacterized frequency damage patients' genomes. 

8. Analysis of public databases clearly demonstrate a causal relationship between administration the these products and a variety of toxicities including cardiac damages, central and peripheral nervous system damages, damage associated with abnormal blood clotting, and death.

9. Public health data from a wide variety of western government sources demonstrate that the repeated administration of these modified mRNA products are associated with "negative efficacy" (increased risk of COVID disease) beginning between one and three months after administration. 

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Or says that he did. And that he 'nearly died' from jab #2. But who's to know?

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Let it ALL hang out, I say.

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